The Stop At Two population control policy was effective and
needed in the 70s as our economy was underdeveloped and could not provide the
jobs needed with a rapidly growing population. Then the economic boom came but
the Govt fell asleep on this policy and let it dragged on when it should have
been stopped. An expanding economy needs more workers and Stop At Two was
obsolete, with hindsight. But there was no natcon to tell the Govt so. A
loosening of this policy could have revived the slowing birth rate or at least
reignite the sexual urge to reproduce and have more babies.
Rip Van Winkle continued to sleep when he was paid to think,
to plan and to work. Maybe he was happily dreaming about the fortune he had
been paid or enjoying his Karaoke sessions. And the Govt went on a buying
spree, importing millions of foreigners dressed up as foreign talents. And now
the population hits 5.3m and being unprepared for it, the infrastructure is
straining. The most obvious are the public transport system, the hospital beds
and housing.
Rip Van Winkle continued to sleep or high on drugs. The
first neglect was forgetting to turn on the tap for the babies to start
flowing. Now it is compounding the mistake by falling asleep again and wanting
the tap to keep flowing when the bathtub is overflowing. The Govt does not know
that there are now too many people in the island and it is time to turn off the
tap. Instead it wants more, a population of 6.9m!
What is really needed now is to cap the population at 5.5m
or thereabout. Over the last ten years our population growth was way beyond 3%
annually, like on steroid. We have out grown and overshot the replacement
rate. It is time to recalibrate the
population, resize and moderate and adjust the mix between citizens and non
citizens. By adopting a national policy of 5.5m population, the rest of the
Govt policies could then be fine tuned to this new target and status quo.
As the local bred and born citizens start to reproduce, more
and more foreigners can then be allowed to leave. Let the locals replace the
foreigners systematically and not the other way, and all the time keeping in
mind the 5.5m population target. By doing so, there is really a need to
reintroduce the Stop At Two policy again without letting the population size
run away to 6 or 7m. Not only that the influx of foreigners needs to be
stopped, the growth of the local population has also to be managed to keep it
at 5.5m.
Don’t fall asleep and let things run uncontrolled to create
another crisis. The island cannot afford to let the population grow unchecked,
and from the general conversation, the citizens are more comfortable with 5.5m
population. High population is a double edged sword and can cut both ways.
Please, no more sleeping and no more over killed or over blown. It is very difficult to have faith in a govt that did not know when the population is too small or too big.