
Hilarious taxi woes of a third world country

We are first world, run by the best super talents money can buy. Don’t ever associate this top notch country with the third world. With all the restructuring of taxi fares, controls and regulations, and use of GPS and satellites, our taxi woes must be a thing of the past. What I read in the ST on Saturday morning was quite an eye opener.

Here is a short summary of the points raised and the four causes of taxi woes in our first world country. Plenty of taxis but under utilised because some work on one shift with one operator per taxi. Some earn enough would call it a day. Not all 27,000 taxis will be on the road all the time. So, you know the problems right, what are you going to do about it? Why pay millions to people who tell you the problem and that is the end of the story? What we need is solution.

Unfortunately the solution is the problem itself. Pay higher for bookings. This was a brilliant solution. Now all the enterprising taxi drivers would want to wait for call bookings rather than pick up passengers. And plenty of brilliant suggestions to make this solution turned problem a solution again. Increase the charge for call bookings. I have a betterer idea which I will volunteer later.

A narrow window for shift change over because all the drivers want to participate in driving at peak hours. So the peak hour solution also becomes a problem in its own right. Drivers play hide and seek at non peak hours and not picking passengers just before peak hours come into play.

Call bookings got through but no cabs around. This is expected in such a big city like Singapore where one can drive a sports car into the sea within 10 mins of non stop acceleration. With GPS and satellites and modern communication, cannot find a cab near the caller? How far can a cab be from a caller in this 700 sq km piece of rock? Anyway it is a genuine problem and no one has a solution for it. It is just like that lah, what to do?

There is no solution but problems. Everyone can tell you the problems but not the solutions. The best they could do was to throw in solutions to become problems tomorrow. That I also know. I can offer this kind of solutions for free. But solutions there are plenty from the public. Make calls more expensive. Make flag down charge more expensive. Some even suggested that the caller makes a higher offer if he needs a cab urgently and sure, all the cab drivers will be rushing to his doorstep.

Taxis cost much because the passengers are paying for convenience. Now getting a taxi, paying more, is causing more trouble to the passengers. Waiting for 30 minutes is a norm. Now I must praise Lui Tuck Yew for 3 minutes wait for trains even at peak hours. Why so silly, pay $20 to $50 and wait like crazy on the road side for a taxi that takes 30 minutes to arrive? Taking a train one will be at the destination long before that.

Now my unbeatable solution formulated from all the above suggestions. In the first place people don’t mind paying more for convenience. What is the most efficient system then? Outcry, like in the old stock market. Just shout out the fare, $100 to the airport. The passenger just make a call offering how much he wants to pay for his trip and where he is. That is all he needs to do and let the taxi operators broadcast to the drivers. Not only the taxis will rush to him super fast, there will be more than 10 taxis coming to serve him depending on how high is his offer. Now who can beat this superb solution?

Pay for service and the service will go to the highest bidder. Now a warning, the roads will be turned into a F1 racing track and taxis will be zooming all over the island to make their catch. No more long waiting time. : ) As for the losers who cannot afford to raise the bid, continue queuing at the taxi stands and hope a taxi will turn up. You need to pay for good service!

PS. I think the more meritocratic cab users are already putting this into practice by calling the operator and offering to pay another $50 above the meter fare. Sure he will get his cab ahead of everyone else. Could this be another cause to the problem of difficulties in getting a cab even on call bookings?


Manifesto for a pro Singapore political party

This manifesto is slightly different from the pro Singaporean one. This one is pro Singapore, as long as Singapore is looking good, Singaporean is not really important, or not all Singaporeans are important. One is for people and one is for the concept of state in theory but for a few individuals in reality.

I have listed a few things that would favour a pro Singapore political party, and the people or citizens exist for the country, not the country for the people.

1. Priority housing for those who can afford to pay for it. From the lowest income to the highest income, housing price will be adjusted accordingly to fit their incomes. The more they earn, the more they pay. The lesser they earn the lesser they pay. Very equitable and very fair. But many will just have enough to pay and nothing left for retirement.

2. Tax payers’ money will be used to benefit anyone regardless of nationality as long as he has merit. It would be better if they are talents, from anywhere also can.

3. Licences for small businesses will be given to whoever is allowed to stay and work here. Priorities given to foreigners as they need to feed themselves and to help the citizens, and to provide jobs for the citizens.

4. Hospitals and medical services must be privatized to be efficient and affordable with the help of insurance schemes by paying forward. As not many people really need to pay, the pooling together of their savings will make it easier for those who need to pay for affordable hospital bills.

5. Land is really scarce and landed properties must be sold off to foreigners to maximize profits and returns. The profits can then be used for overseas investments in our sovereign funds or put into our national reserves. The purpose of sovereign funds and national reserves, no one knows, maybe for that rainy day that is supposed to come one day.

6. Political offices, appointments in govt and stats boards must give priority to able citizens and also able foreigners. Nationality is not important, merit is.
7. Citizenship must be given to those who are hungry and willing to migrate here to raise our GDP numbers. They would also help to create a buzz. Not forgetting that they will improve our gene pool. The new bastard generation will be strong and fitter and maybe more talented also.

8. The population of 5m is too little. We need to grow our population to generate growth in our GDP. There shall be no limits to the size of the population as long as it is good for our GDP. We can build modern towers of Babel that will dwarf the old Babel tower.

9. Pledge to implement policies that favour both citizens and non citizens based on merits. There shall be no discrimination against non citizens or PRs.

10. CPF money must be carefully managed to ensure that all citizens have enough to live forever. The minimum sums must be regularly adjusted to inflation.

The above 10 conditions will ensure that the country Singapore will last forever even if all its citizens become quitters. More and able foreign talents will be eager to come here to replace them.

Majulah Singapura.


Hsien Loong will call a by election in Hougang

That was what he said in Parliament when asked by Christopher de Souza. So, there will be a by election but the timing will have to wait as Hsien Loong said, ‘In deciding on the timing, I will take into account all relevant factors, including the well being of Hougang residents, issues on the national agenda, as well as the international backdrop which affects our prosperity and security.’

A by election is not so simple and it is of utmost importance even if the govt has already be elected. Or maybe not to some as the main purpose of an election is to elect a govt and not an MP to serve the local residents. Everyone claimed to know the law and he is right. Got law like that one meh, everyone is right?

Let’s look at some of these relevant factors as pointed out by Hsien Loong. Firstly, the well being of Hougang residents. Assuming that this is equally important as the election of a govt. If not, then once a govt is elected, no MP never mind. Are the residents best served by an MP or by two non MPs of two opposition camps? At the moment, though there is no MP, there is Desmond Choo of PAP and the whole of the WP helping the Hougang residents. I think this is far better than being served by one MP. On this point, got or no by election, not important. It is better not to have a by election with so many eager beaver trying to help. Call it voluntary self help. No representation in parliament not really important. What more if MPs got more important things to do than attending parliament.

The second point is national agenda. Now what is this national agenda? Could it be the economy, security or what? I am clueless, no idea at all, so cannot make any reasonable statement on this. Could it be the population size not settle yet, the unhappiness over foreign talents, unhappiness over scholarship for foreigners, transportation or cost of living or, really no idea.

The third point is the international backdrop that affects our prosperity and security. Wah lan, everything under the sky can come under these two motherhood terms. So, is there anything affecting our prosperity and security at the moment? The Americans are saying the South China Sea area very dangerous and the housewife in Washington is saying that China does not know how to be a super power. In other words the Americans are telling the Chinese to get lost and they are taking over as the most responsible superpower and knows exactly how a super power should behave, ie, create more tension and start more wars.

On this point alone, the region is getting more unstable and our security will definitely be affected. And the Americans are plotting to have a trade war with China which means our prosperity too may be hit. I think better don’t call for a by election just yet and wait until China and the US agree to sleep together and make love.

Of the three relevant factors, two factors say no to holding a by election. The Hougang residents are better served now without an MP. And our prosperity and security are entering a troublesome phase and need special attention. The by election can wait.

As for the other factor of national agenda, I am not sure what it is but since two out of three factors are not in favour of a by election immediately, it is unlikely for a by election to be called soon even if Hsien Loong wants to call one. This is my assessment of the situation.

Another point is that the missing MP problem is created by the WP. So it is the WP problem and the WP must be solely responsible and be blamed for it. If no by election, cannot blame the ruling govt. Stretching this kind of argument a little, what if an MP is struck by lightning while playing golf, touch wood, it becomes an act of God. So can rightly put the blame on God and no need to call by election also? This kind of thinking and argument very difficult to understand in politics. As they say, there is no right and wrong answer.


GST is fair

I am 85, retired, unemployed, why am I paying GST?
I am 70, retired, unemployed, why am I paying GST?
I am 60, lost my job and unemployed. Why am I paying GST?
I am 10, still in school, why am I paying GST?
I am 3, in nursery, why am I paying GST?
I am 3 months old, in my mother’s womb. Why am I paying GST?

Manifesto for a pro Singaporean political party

Every political party claims to be there to serve the people and the people’s interests when voted to power. How many really live to these ideals when the votes were casted? I have listed a few things that I would like a pro Singaporean political party to stand for and live by it and be deserving of the people’s votes.

1. Priority housing for all Singaporeans. No stupid rules to rule out any Singaporean. This is our country and this is our home and the land belongs to the citizens. Citizens must have the first right of refusal to public housing. If there is enough land to build for foreigners, there is no reason why citizens should be deprived of public housing.

2. Tax payers’ money must be mainly used to benefit Singaporeans and their children. Not to benefit foreigners who have no stakes here. A little charity is acceptable but nothing extravagant.

3. Licence for small business must give priorities to Singaporeans. Some small businesses should be for citizens only. Foreigners are here to work for Singaporeans not to compete with citizens in small businesses. Big businesses are a different proposition.

4. Hospitals and medical services must be nationalized to serve the people, not to profit from the people. There is no amount of value that can be pegged to life and physical well being. It must be the responsibility of the state to provide cost effective medical services.

5. Land is really scarce and landed properties must not be sold off to foreigners freely.

6. Political offices, appointments in govt and stats boards must give priority to citizens especially senior positions. Unless there are specialized skills involved that no Singaporean is available, senior appointments must be given to Singaporeans. New citizens must be qualified by a time criteria. New citizens should not be an escape clause to by pass Singaporeans for top jobs. PRs are not citizens.

7. Citizenship must not be given freely like worthless rubbish.

8. The population of 5m is just about right and should not be allowed to grow rampantly to crazy numbers like 6m or more.

9. Pledge to implement policies that favour citizens and not to disadvantage citizens.

10. CPF money must be returned to the citizens at 60. CPF may offer incentives to attract people to leave their money with the board but must be strictly voluntary.