The obsessive attention on the politicians and their political pay package has distracted the people from the vital role the civil service plays in the running of the country. The politicians come and go, by choice or by being ousted by the people when they are no longer trusted. The civil servants are career employees who will be there to serve whichever govt that comes to power. They will only have to leave with the politicians should they be compromised or be beholden to the incumbent political leadership and leaving is the only option when the benefactors depart.
The core of talents of the govt is in the civil servants. They are really the talented ones, the scholars. They will do a very good job under good and dedicated leaders. They will only go astray under misguided leadership or compromised to work for politicians instead of the people.
A politician is a politician. The honourable and selfless ones will devote their energy and effort to serve the people. The less honourable ones will be less for the people and more for self. They will keep telling you how much sacrifice they have to take to serve the people, loss of privacy, loss of income, lower quality of life etc etc. It is always about themselves and their own interests. There are plenty of examples in history of good and bad political leaders.
What in my view are good political leadership? A sense of commitment to serve country and people. For these, you don’t need rocket scientists or top surgeons or top lawyers or top money earners. What is needed are people with a heart in the right place and good or above average intelligence to know what is good for country and people. Too clever people with the heart in the wrong place, in their pockets, are unsuitable for political leadership. There must be honour and moral righteousness in people assuming political leadership. Nothing less.
A good political leadership can always count on the pool of top talents in the Civil Service to do the meticulous work of running the country. And they are there to set the right direction for the people and country, not for themselves. They are there also as the guiding light, to lead by examples, to control the civil servants to do the right things. They can only do that when they are upright and honourable, and above money and rewards.
Yes it is about leadership, lead by examples. The idea of paying leaders to motivate them is rubbish, ludicrous. Leaders don’t need to be motivated by monetary rewards or any rewards. They lead the way, they show the way. It is ridiculous for leaders to ask for rewards to do better. Unbelieveable! They can even be paid lesser than the civil servants who are professionals in their work who are there as career employees, not someone parachuted from somewhere, without a clue about govt or the technical abilities of specialised ministries and starts to act and behave like experts.
Political leaders are decision makers, acting on the advice and recommendations of the professionals, the civil servants. Their main concerns are nation and people’s interests, the good of the people and country. They are the checks and balance on the civil servants. The civil servant may be ruthlessly efficient in their jobs, cold and calculative, living by every rule in the book. It is the politician that is there to make them more compassionate and people centric. The decision making process is important and the self serving may argue that this is more valuable, money wise, than just getting the work done. Agree. But such thought already disqualify a political leader from leading as the thought is self serving, greed.
It will be good for political leaders to be as technically competent as the civil servants, but not a pre requisite. In reality it is not always possible. But a good mind and a good heart will lead to good decisions. A misplaced heart will never lead to good decisions, but self serving decisions.
The civil servants and the politicians have different roles, complimentary and also in contrary to each other. They support and assist each other as well as checking on each other. When the interest of the two merges, for the good of people and country, things will be well. When their interests merge for their own good, then there will be chaos and the interests of people and nation compromised.
It is vital to preserve and maintain the integrity and independence of the Civil Service from politicians and vice versa. When the two are in cahoot, the people and nation will fall victims to their self serving schemes and policies.
Singapore is a big city indeed
It takes about 13 hours to be in London, or if one drives, about 5 hours to be in KL. This woman and her two teenage daughters took more than a day to walk from Yishun to Tampines. They took a break in Chai Chee at night, sleeping in the void deck, and prepared to walk another 6km to Tampines.
She had recently gone through a divorce and has no place to stay. They were walking to seek help from a relative living in Tampines. And with all their personal belongings they dragged themselves, on foot to Tampines.
They could not even afford the really affordable public transport that Singaporeans are all shouting cheap, cheap, cheap. Or they were trying to save every dollar, perhaps for their meals. Or did they have their meals at all?
In super rich city state of Singapore, there will be those not too clever and maybe like some said, irresponsible and messed up their own lives for not knowing how to take advantage of the pro business culture and system, to grow rich. Some of these successful jokers think that everyone is born the same, with the same opportunities, with parents that are rich and influential, or with a good brain, to earn millions and drive around in Ferraris.
No, in life, not everyone is dealt the same hand of cards. Some may be even have very good DNAs, but the circumstances made it difficult to find a way out of the shit they are in. Some are just too unfortunate to be given a bad hand of DNAs and just simply stand no choice at all. To the uncaring and elitist mindset, these losers have only themselves to blame, for being lazy, stupid and not wanting to work. There are plenty of jobs available.
Life is not always kind to everyone. For those who are better blessed, they can afford to be unkind to those that are not too blessed. It is their good fortune. Enjoy while they can. Spit at the downtrodden, lazy and useless buggers who could not make it, and enjoy that sense of achievements.
I do not know the fate of the mother and daughters. One MP, Tan Chuan Jin, had offered help and was walking with them part of the journey. But the poor too have dignity and pride. They refused all help. It was said that finally they took a ride from a police car.
Life can be tragic and pathetic even in a land of millionaires and roads paved with gold. And to some, their only means of transportation is their pair of legs. This is real! The public transportations may be cheap for the cheapos, but not cheap enough for a few laggards.
She had recently gone through a divorce and has no place to stay. They were walking to seek help from a relative living in Tampines. And with all their personal belongings they dragged themselves, on foot to Tampines.
They could not even afford the really affordable public transport that Singaporeans are all shouting cheap, cheap, cheap. Or they were trying to save every dollar, perhaps for their meals. Or did they have their meals at all?
In super rich city state of Singapore, there will be those not too clever and maybe like some said, irresponsible and messed up their own lives for not knowing how to take advantage of the pro business culture and system, to grow rich. Some of these successful jokers think that everyone is born the same, with the same opportunities, with parents that are rich and influential, or with a good brain, to earn millions and drive around in Ferraris.
No, in life, not everyone is dealt the same hand of cards. Some may be even have very good DNAs, but the circumstances made it difficult to find a way out of the shit they are in. Some are just too unfortunate to be given a bad hand of DNAs and just simply stand no choice at all. To the uncaring and elitist mindset, these losers have only themselves to blame, for being lazy, stupid and not wanting to work. There are plenty of jobs available.
Life is not always kind to everyone. For those who are better blessed, they can afford to be unkind to those that are not too blessed. It is their good fortune. Enjoy while they can. Spit at the downtrodden, lazy and useless buggers who could not make it, and enjoy that sense of achievements.
I do not know the fate of the mother and daughters. One MP, Tan Chuan Jin, had offered help and was walking with them part of the journey. But the poor too have dignity and pride. They refused all help. It was said that finally they took a ride from a police car.
Life can be tragic and pathetic even in a land of millionaires and roads paved with gold. And to some, their only means of transportation is their pair of legs. This is real! The public transportations may be cheap for the cheapos, but not cheap enough for a few laggards.
Rogues in uniform
The ST reported several cases of Singaporeans travelling overseas and were detained for months in foreign jails and treated by criminals. And their crimes were due to some rogues in uniform and their wild imaginations. They arrested them on grounds of suspicions or when they were under some kinds of hallucination that a family could be involved in human trafficking or trying to sell the children they under their care.
Civil Engineer Shirley Too and her husband were arrested in Dubai. They were heading to Rome for the blessing of the baby she was conceiving and ended up in a miscarriage because of the wrongful detention of nine months in Dubai jail, and not allowed to contact the Singapore Embassy staff. Her imagined crime was the four boys, three teenagers and a 12 year old, whom the rogues in uniformed imagined were to be sold by them. A simple inquiry would have resolved such a misunderstanding or false accusation. They were many cases of worst accusations involving drug trafficking when the ulterior motive was bribe money that the rogues demanded for the release.
There must be international laws to punish such rogues if, for any reason, is to protect the innocent from the injustice, cruelty and nightmare that they had to put up with. Children were not spared by such criminals in uniform. Where is the UN when such blatant acts of violating human rights were so prevalent? Could they not do anything?
In the Shirley Too’s case, not only an apology will be adequate. The Dubai govt must be made to pay compensation for the time under wrongful detention and the miscarriage. The release of Shirley Too or other Singaporeans under wrongful detention is not enough or acceptable. The rogues must be punished and their victims compensated. Only then could such incidents be reduced. It is frightening and torturing to be put through such an ordeal for anyone, adult, woman or child.
How many animals are in uniform and given authority to abuse the innocents and could simply get away with their crimes?
Civil Engineer Shirley Too and her husband were arrested in Dubai. They were heading to Rome for the blessing of the baby she was conceiving and ended up in a miscarriage because of the wrongful detention of nine months in Dubai jail, and not allowed to contact the Singapore Embassy staff. Her imagined crime was the four boys, three teenagers and a 12 year old, whom the rogues in uniformed imagined were to be sold by them. A simple inquiry would have resolved such a misunderstanding or false accusation. They were many cases of worst accusations involving drug trafficking when the ulterior motive was bribe money that the rogues demanded for the release.
There must be international laws to punish such rogues if, for any reason, is to protect the innocent from the injustice, cruelty and nightmare that they had to put up with. Children were not spared by such criminals in uniform. Where is the UN when such blatant acts of violating human rights were so prevalent? Could they not do anything?
In the Shirley Too’s case, not only an apology will be adequate. The Dubai govt must be made to pay compensation for the time under wrongful detention and the miscarriage. The release of Shirley Too or other Singaporeans under wrongful detention is not enough or acceptable. The rogues must be punished and their victims compensated. Only then could such incidents be reduced. It is frightening and torturing to be put through such an ordeal for anyone, adult, woman or child.
How many animals are in uniform and given authority to abuse the innocents and could simply get away with their crimes?
Ministerial Salary - Day of reckoning
Monday 16 Jan 2011 could be the most significant day in the history of Singapore politics. It is a day when the grossly overpaid compensation package of the ministers, a world record that belittles all other records in the Guinness Book of Records, will be put under the microscope. It could be expected that every single dollar paid under the system will be questioned. But one thing for sure, the world record will stand at least for another 4 years.
What is important is that the ruling govt will have to defend its position and justifications for the high salary at a time when its credibility is under question. It is also a time when there are more than 2 opposition party MPs sitting on the opposition bench, and with everyone of them equally and professionally qualified, to challenge the crème de la crème of Singapore’s hard nose elite.
The whole bunch of PAP MPs will be closely watched on what they say, what they defend, what they stand for and their value system. This will be a day when the truth of what they represent will be hung up for all the people to see. How real are they will determine their fortune in the next GE if they are still around. Who knows, some may feel so embarrassed and may be pricked by their conscience to want to quit prematurely than to go through it till 2016.
What is of great concern is that the people will also be watching the opposition MPs closely. Will they measure up to the PAP? Are they meticulous and reasonable in their disagreement with the high salary recommendations? Are they good enough to form the base for a bigger opposition in the next GE and even to win the next election? They have a tough job and a heavy responsibility to prove to the electorate that they are worth their trust to represent them and are as good as the ruling party in intellect, and better morally, to be the next govt.
The media, mainly the professional reporters and journalists, have an arduous task of keeping the people informed of every pertinent things said by every MP in Parliament, to provide a clean, objective and unbiased account of the debate in Parliament. They too are being watched.
This is the Battle Royale the people are waiting for, with an equally sensitive and emotionally charged agenda on the table. But the people must accept that the battle is strongly against the opposition MPs in numbers. The only big gun they have is the conscience of PAP MPs and the power of the people who will be gunning for justice and equality and will not be forgiving if the PAP MPs proved to be a disappointment. They will be judged by the people, not by any KPI the PM handed to them at his discretion. It is the people’s KPI, the people’s expectation of what is a good MP and what the people want, not what the PM wants.
This is the real KPI that is under scrutiny, the KPI that counts, would not pay them more bonuses, but the electorate will reward them with another term, or they are fired.
What is important is that the ruling govt will have to defend its position and justifications for the high salary at a time when its credibility is under question. It is also a time when there are more than 2 opposition party MPs sitting on the opposition bench, and with everyone of them equally and professionally qualified, to challenge the crème de la crème of Singapore’s hard nose elite.
The whole bunch of PAP MPs will be closely watched on what they say, what they defend, what they stand for and their value system. This will be a day when the truth of what they represent will be hung up for all the people to see. How real are they will determine their fortune in the next GE if they are still around. Who knows, some may feel so embarrassed and may be pricked by their conscience to want to quit prematurely than to go through it till 2016.
What is of great concern is that the people will also be watching the opposition MPs closely. Will they measure up to the PAP? Are they meticulous and reasonable in their disagreement with the high salary recommendations? Are they good enough to form the base for a bigger opposition in the next GE and even to win the next election? They have a tough job and a heavy responsibility to prove to the electorate that they are worth their trust to represent them and are as good as the ruling party in intellect, and better morally, to be the next govt.
The media, mainly the professional reporters and journalists, have an arduous task of keeping the people informed of every pertinent things said by every MP in Parliament, to provide a clean, objective and unbiased account of the debate in Parliament. They too are being watched.
This is the Battle Royale the people are waiting for, with an equally sensitive and emotionally charged agenda on the table. But the people must accept that the battle is strongly against the opposition MPs in numbers. The only big gun they have is the conscience of PAP MPs and the power of the people who will be gunning for justice and equality and will not be forgiving if the PAP MPs proved to be a disappointment. They will be judged by the people, not by any KPI the PM handed to them at his discretion. It is the people’s KPI, the people’s expectation of what is a good MP and what the people want, not what the PM wants.
This is the real KPI that is under scrutiny, the KPI that counts, would not pay them more bonuses, but the electorate will reward them with another term, or they are fired.
$125m elevation map
'Elevation map that can help fight flooding may cost up to $125m
Data from such mapping can be used in a computer model to predict floods, experts say
A map that can show the height of land across Singapore and help fight the flooding problem could cost up to $125 million.
Users of the map, accurate to within 10cm, would have a better idea of where rainwater would flow during storms. The data, plus information on land use and rainfall patterns, would be a good fit for a flood-prediction computer model which does not now exist….'
This is the headline and first two paras of a report in the main media. $125m for a map is cheap. I got mine for $2 at the petrol kiosk. At least it is a fraction of what was brooch sometime back that it would cost at least a few billion bucks to have a computerised signalling system for the trains to travel faster and keep the trains apart from 3 sec to 2 sec, safely. I am wondering how many trips will the train company have to run to cover the cost of a few billion bucks and how many years, to break even. Only tin heads can even consider such a proposal as worth mentioning.
But a $125m map is different. It will help the engineers and planners to know where the rain water will flow and can then come up with a precise and effective drainage system to prevent ponding. Funny that until today, with all the flooding, they still did not know where the water will flow and where the floods are. So far all the great recommendations would come to billions of dollars for infrastructure works and a sophisticated monitoring system. Wonder if the damages at Liat Tower cost that much to justify the expenditure of billions of dollars of OPM or even $125m?.
What is good is that many jobs will be created, map making companies will have additional business, and the economy will be given a morphine jab. It is another way of circulating the money and lubricating the economy. Good idea and money worth spending. A few more of such ideas and there will be no fear of the economy slowing down.
Data from such mapping can be used in a computer model to predict floods, experts say
A map that can show the height of land across Singapore and help fight the flooding problem could cost up to $125 million.
Users of the map, accurate to within 10cm, would have a better idea of where rainwater would flow during storms. The data, plus information on land use and rainfall patterns, would be a good fit for a flood-prediction computer model which does not now exist….'
This is the headline and first two paras of a report in the main media. $125m for a map is cheap. I got mine for $2 at the petrol kiosk. At least it is a fraction of what was brooch sometime back that it would cost at least a few billion bucks to have a computerised signalling system for the trains to travel faster and keep the trains apart from 3 sec to 2 sec, safely. I am wondering how many trips will the train company have to run to cover the cost of a few billion bucks and how many years, to break even. Only tin heads can even consider such a proposal as worth mentioning.
But a $125m map is different. It will help the engineers and planners to know where the rain water will flow and can then come up with a precise and effective drainage system to prevent ponding. Funny that until today, with all the flooding, they still did not know where the water will flow and where the floods are. So far all the great recommendations would come to billions of dollars for infrastructure works and a sophisticated monitoring system. Wonder if the damages at Liat Tower cost that much to justify the expenditure of billions of dollars of OPM or even $125m?.
What is good is that many jobs will be created, map making companies will have additional business, and the economy will be given a morphine jab. It is another way of circulating the money and lubricating the economy. Good idea and money worth spending. A few more of such ideas and there will be no fear of the economy slowing down.
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