
Vietnamese rare earth tainted with Agent Orange

 I do not honestly think that USA or Western investors will be going into setting up the facilities en masse for the extraction of recycled gallium and germanium from old computers, washing machines, solar panels and smartphones. It is too costly and knowing the end items are competing with China. If they really do that, well it is up to them to throw good money after bad.

The wholes process of even trying to extract those rare earth minerals from the ground is already a huge challenge. What about the setting up of the refining logistics to make those rare earth raw materials into useful metals? The investments to do that are not puny, coupled with the environmental effects it will cause to the country doing that.

The USA is trying to be chummy towards Vietnam to come together to allow them to extract Vietnam's rare earth deposits, ranked second in the world. Who wants to fund the setting up of the facilities to do the job and will they be competitive enough to rival China? Do the Vietnamese trust the USA again, the destructor of their country and killing millions during the Vietnam War?

The USA even tried its luck with Mongolia and found the idea unfeasible, with China disallowing its ports to be used to ship the ores to Japan for refining. There was even talk of lifting the ores by air to Japan, but that was also impossible, having to fly over Russian and Chinese airspace. China and Russia will not allow that to happen. Mongolia had to eat humble pie after that and tried to be chummy to China.

As I said before, time for China to fully weaponize its control of essential raw materials for National Security reasons. National Security reasons is one excuse that is now a very useful invention for mankind, LOL.



Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

The White Barbarains are all in Panic Stations buy won't want to shoe it.

That's why that Dotard Wayang and Drama bluff bluff wanted to invite Xi to his Inauguration or Funeral.

As some Soothsayers predicted it may be his Funeral.

Extract Rare Earth? These are Dirty Filthy and Demanding Jobs that only Asians and the PRCs had all along been doing.

Many in the past had no Real choices been subjected to the White Barbarians Subjugations and poorly electrocuted took these types of activities.

Even now with China's 1.4B still there are those who are willingly to do these type of jobs as all cannot be putting on suits and ties in AirCond Comforts.

Just like Sinkies who just yearned for these.

Then come the Real Expertise of extraction and filtration and manufacture of the separation of the mixed of the minerals.

Took years thru experiences to master this manufacturing of the different products.

The White Barbarians are now mostly BUMs and depended just like Sinkies the outside labours for their dirty work.

You think they could do these manufacturing even they have the commodities?

PRCs are tough Nuts for the sake of their Motherland to do all sorts of hard and laborious and dangerous work.

Even hanging thousands of metres high in the skies for their telecommunications systems.

Pee and ate whilst hanging in the Air.

You think the Americunts and their cronies and lackeys and doggies would do these?

Fat hope not on your life!

Likewise Sinkies who also preferred to be Parcels and Food Delivery Platform Workers rather than dirty their hands with hundreds of times their piecemeal commissions.

So China had pulled the Triumph Card on that Dotard Thumb and have them under their THUMBS.

Donald TRUMP became Dotard TRAMP


Virgo49 said...


This video tells all.

UAss in PANIC!


Anonymous said...

Agent Orange causes birth defects in Vietnamese children from parents exposed to them. This had all along been denied by the USA. It is a war crime, clear and simple. and the USA just got away with the crime against humanity. Vietnam must never forget the atrocities committed by the USA, just like China not forgetting the Nanjing Massacre committed by the barbaric Japanese.

Perhaps Vietnam should let the USA have the contaminated rare earths. That would be sweet Karma.