
Divide and rule is the AngloSaxon's modus operandi

 Divide and rule had been the Anglo-Saxon modus operandi for centuries. The Whites have done that in Africa, Middle East, South America, Eastern Europe, South Asia and now targeting South-East Asia.

Dividing China and India is therefore no exception. If China and India were to settle their differences, this is bad for the USA and the West. Therefore, any deal, like the border issue, now de-escalated by China and India themselves will not be taken lightly by the USA and the West. I am certain that the truce will be shattered sooner or later by maybe a false flag.

China and India getting their acts together is too much of a geopolitical issue for the USA to swallow. Moreover, the USA already invested and sacrificed much in trying to drag India into its influence, even having to allow India to keep buying cheap Russian energy and weapons, while demonizing China for doing likewise. Moreover, Modi, another USA puppet snuggling up the Anglo-Saxon White clique is already losing support. 



Anonymous said...

The Chines have a nickname for Modi. They called him 'Laosian' or old bullshitter.

Anonymous said...

Another joke: When cow dung is declared as part of India's GDP calculation, that is plain 'bullshit'.

Virgo49 said...

Australian man arrested after setting fire to curtain blinds in Changi Airport holding room www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/australian-man-arrested-after-setting-curtain-blinds-on-fire-in-changi-airport-holding-room

All these White Barbarians caused destructions every where they goes

Anonymous said...

Scums from Australia

Scum 1 Dec 8 - A 36-year-old Australian man who allegedly told a cabin crew member, while boarding a flight at Changi Airport in November, that he intended to crash the plane is set to be charged on Dec 9.

He was immediately removed from the flight and taken to a holding room, where he reportedly repeated the threat, the police said. Details about the flight and destination in the incident, which took place on Nov 23, were not disclosed.

Scum 2 Dec 13 - A 33-year-old Australian man was arrested after setting fire to curtain blinds in Changi Airport holding room.

The man was reportedly agitated and verbally abusive towards auxiliary police officers after being denied a cigarette.