
USA preempting India from becoming another China

 It is very real that the USA is orchestrating a regime change in India. The USA is not waiting for India to rise like China and is nipping India's ambition in the bud.

China had never announced openly that it was seeking superpower domination, a narrative that the USA itself expounded unilaterally and provocatively. India on the other hand is shouting from the rooftop like a superpower, already touting its intention to be one, when it is still far away from the finishing line. That probably rattles the neo-Cons in the USA establishment.

But it certainly gives the USA advanced warning of what is to come from India. and the USA is not just standing idly by watching India's performance. The USA is undoubtedly alarmed under the surface, although putting on a calm demeanor outwardly all along, until now.

India needs to look closely at where its interest lie, and what should its best interest be aligned and with who. 


PS. With one China it is enough to put the US dominance in tatters. If India were to rise and become another China, the US hegemony and dominance would just fade away. The combination of the two would completely cancel out the USA. So they must stop India now before it is too late.


Anonymous said...

China is exceedingly slow in taking back South Tibet from the thieving Indians . .

Anonymous said...

That is why the USA has to keep hyping up the India/China border dispute, the same modus operandi it is unsing in the South China Sea islands and Taiwan Straits disputes. And the USA is careful not to be directly involved in any demonisation of India, instead using its proxies to do its dirty work. If India cannot see the motive of the USA, that is a sad thing. Should China and India managed to settle their differences, the consequences for the USA will be catastrophic. Therefore keeping India down before India rises is their main agenda going forward.

It has been touted that whoever controls Central Asia controls the world. There are still so much essential natural resources that have hardly been fully developed and realised, just like in Africa. Unlike Africa which had already been exploited for centuries by the Whites, Central Asia is still largely an unexploited region. The same goes for Mongolia, being eyed by the USA for its rare earth reserves, and trying very hard to push Mongolia to get China to help. It will be an exercise in futility.

China is synergising development strategies with five large Central Asian states. The China plus5 plan comprising Kazakhstan, Krgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan is a grand infrastructure development plan for Central Asia. Significantly, it is not an alliance touted to counter or contain any country, unlike some alliances whose only first motive and narrative is to contain China or its projects.

China's strategise its moves over the long term with planning catering to its long term investment needs. China is not interested in short term gains devoid of long term planning, which some countries are only interested in.

Anonymous said...

When the Brits stole the Chinese land, China was very weak, but still would not surrender the stolen lands to the Brits. The haughty and thinking too highly of themselves think they are more powerful than their colonial masters and wanted to keep the land the Brits stole as theirs.

Fat hope. China is now strong enough to take back every inch of the lands they lost to foreign invaders. India still drinking too much toddy and cannot think straight. Stolen properties must be returned to their rightful owners, especially when the rightful owner is strong enough to claim back what rightfully belonged to them.

India may want to claim what the Brits stole from them, but too weak to do so. Unless Sunak and Modi work out something behind the backs of the daft Brits.

Anonymous said...

Putin already told the Brits it can make Little Britain disappear from the face of the earth. Little Britain ought to be more concern with Russia, rather than trying to scare China by sailing its obsolete bathtub towards the East.

Virgo49 said...

Hi, anyone watching the Final Match for Gold Men's Badminton between China and India?

That Indian Boaster Cock actsy actsy.

Came out with a Snarl and How Lian.

Kena Trashed final match terok terok.

All quiet and glam.

Virgo49 said...


See this video by Emil Cosman.

Russia warned the Brits and Nazis.

We could annihilate you with ease.