
Irresponsible Japan continues to dump toxic nuclear waste water into the ocean

 Kishida is now cracking his head over the Chinese ban on Japanese seafood. Japan is deep freezing its unsold seafood, but for what purpose, and is it feasible with more being added every day. Just like those contaminated wastewater collected in drums, a time will come when it becomes unfeasible to continue doing it.

Moreover, the second release of the Fukishima contaminated nuclear wastewater is due in early October, and as the seafood catch gets relatively more contaminated, who are they hoping to sell them to? Remember that such release is being calibrated to extend to decades, so the problem is going to get worse and not better in the long run.

As more such wastewater are released, the more dangerous those seafood becomes. Kishida is having a big headache now, so he has no time to do any more barking. He can complain to the WTO, but if Chinese citizens boycott Japanese seafood totally, what is the WTO going to do?

Kishida is in even more deep trouble with the Yen touching the 150 to a US$ threshold. That is a new record on the way. When Japan was the global kingpin exporter in consumer products and an export oriented economy, a low Yen benefits its export oriented manufacturers. Now, it is competing against the South Koreans and Chinese manufacturers, with its vehicle export domination now on the decline. Moreover, in terms of pricing Japan, will never be able to compete successfully. The low Yen therefore brings little benefit to Japan.

While Japanese companies can shift production of their products to cheaper destinations, so can the South Koreans and Chinese. In the end, it is still back to square one for them. 



Anonymous said...

the jap don;t give a shit of what other countries think as long as it americunt master is supporting them. most countries political ruler do not have any backbone or dare to stand up against the americunt. sillypore even wanted a jap to be their 1st lady, so let have fukushima fist party in istana soon...

Anonymous said...

The first thought that came to my mind was the dumping of the Fukishima nuclear contaminated wastewater which was carried out exactly a week after that meeting between Biden, Kishida and Yoon at Camp David. The meeting was held on August 18, the release of the wastewater was done immediately on August 24 upon Kishida's return to Japan. Co-incidental or seeking the Emperor's Edit and getting a yes to do so?

Virgo49 said...


Wow Japan's Kishda Water flooding NYC?


Thought only happened in Matland.

Wow really First World Country?

Anonymous said...

New York City flooding is now being spinned around as the 'new normal'. I think in time to come, living on the streets in tents is going to be the new normal for the USA. So does drug addiction becoming the new normal.

As I said earlier, the debt ceiling is just a show put on by both parties, and is just kicking the ball further down the road. As long as the US$ is not dethroned, this soap opera will continue forever. And the rest of the world will suffer the consequences of the USA exporting its inflation to them.

Right now, all other global currencies are losing value by the day compared to the US$, which is tentamount to the USA exporting its inflation through the devaluation of all currencies compared to the US$. Japan must be the hardest hit of all the developed economies. Japanese wages have stagnated for years and with the decline in value of the Yen vis a vis the US$, citizens in Japan are suffering in silence.