
American fake democracy but behaving like a dictator to the rest of world

 The treacherous Americans are pushing fake democracy and human rights like they are pushing Christianity. Pretending to be God fearing, to be kind, loving and caring, but the realities speak for themselves. They are mass murderers, the terrorists that  terrorised the whole world, instigating wars, fighting wars under the guise of democracy, human rights and freedom.  They are warmongers but trotting around as peacekeepers. Every corner of the world that are plagued with wars and tensions, the Americans are there and behind them.

The fake democracy the Americans are practising even at home, the fake human rights and the exploitation of blacks and coloured people, racial discrimination, different laws for the whites and the coloured people cannot be lost to the Americans and to the whole world. The Americans never do what they preached at home and abroad. They are vicious and violent savages in suits and ties pretending to be civilised, talking about laws but breaking every law at home and abroad.

Internationally the Americans are running an evil Empire, ruling, controlling and dictating to the world all in the names of democracy and freedom, but at American terms. Rules of law means laws made by the Americans for the rest of the world. The Americans are above the so called rules of law. They would punish any state or international organisation that dared to go against the interest of the Americans. All the international organisations they created are to serve the interest of the Americans. They threatened the ICC for wanting to charge Americans for war crimes. They committed war crimes everywhere, invading countries using lies, committing massacres, looting and stealing resources from invaded countries, violating international laws and human rights, without the ICC or the UN saying anything. And they control these organisations to do their bidding, like an arrest warrant on Putin for fake charges, coercing the WHO to investigate China for Covid when the whole world knows that the Covid virus came from the Americans. And they are planning to release the next virus to create another pandemic. 

The Americans are the dictators to the whole world. They sanctioned, isolated, coerced, threatened every country to serve their interests. They dictate terms to the world, telling the world that they are the dictators that owns the world, poking their fingers in the domestic affairs of every country, demanding that every country must accept their terms and fake democracy as the norm. They can make military alliances, forming military gangs, set up military bases everywhere, but no country is allowed to do the same. They tell the world what to do. They are messing around with everything and every country as the Empire. 

See how they messed up the Middle East for centuries instigating and fanning divisions and wars? The Arab nations were plunged into endless wars and being controlled and intimidated by the American proxy Israel, as the Sheriff of the Middle East. See how they suppressed the Latin American states to prevent them from becoming successful economies. See how they exploited and oppressed the African states to remained poor and as western colonies without realising that they are still colonies of the American Empire? See how they are trying to erect Australia as the Sheriff in SE Asia to rule over the Asean states and the Pacific Islands? See how they are inciting India, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan to create instability and possibly war with China and North Korea?

What democracy, human rights or freedom are the Americans talking about? No country can be better than the Americans, no country can have nuclear weapons except the Americans, no country can trade freely unless approved by the Americans. They would use force to invade countries with impunity. No international organisation dares to go against the Americans, criticises or condemns the vicious and aggressive acts and behaviours of the American gangsters and terrorists.

The world needs to wake up to the American lies, farces and violence, to break free from the control of this evil Empire. How can an Empire be talking about democracy? How can silly leaders believe in the lies of the Americans and willingly do the bidding of this evil American Empire?


Virgo49 said...

Good morning Mr RB and All

Yesterday's late night tune to one of their damn drama of their what's coming hours of acting hypocritical as usual circus of "shut down" castings of votes of their passing their Bill.

Noticed that before each session, some one be appointed to lead their God's Fearing Prayers.With a Prayer.

As usual understand they passed the BS bill.

Quote" Pretending to be God fearing, to be kind,loving and caring"

The Realities Speak for Themselves.

They are the Mass Murderers.

The Terrorists that terrorised the whole world.

As Wars Mongers but trotting as Peace Makers.

Wow too many to describe their Evils.

Just to add one of their damning one.

In their UAss$$ dollars have "In GOD We Trust"

To manipulate the whole Draft Daft World in believing in their no need to work so hard and printing fiat MONIES for their luxurious and decadence lifes.

Anonymous said...

Spot on.
Since the sickest country on earth is in control now, it's tough to confront them militarily. I think the only way is dedollarisation as without money, they will grind to a halt.

Anonymous said...

(Reuters) -- Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare said he skipped a Pacific island leaders summit at the White House this week to avoid a "lecture".

Anonymous said...

Do not preach prosperity when you have homeless people.
Do not preach freedom when you have the most people in prison.
Do not preach how great your country is when you have no free education and medical care.
Democracy on an empty stomach is useless.

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 2.54

All these FAKE DemoCrazies are to entrench and enriched themselves.

Top Elites Cream of the Scoundrols.

Virgo49 said...


Just see and listen to this Half Chinese Mr Fong 8122 had to say about their Demo Crazies.