
War has begun - Not Trump or Pompeo's war

God grimace in pain seeing evil men like Pompeo and his fellow evil gangsters going all out to spread hate, tell lies and fake news to justify a war against China and Chinese and to round up equal minded evil people in this wicked scheme. These warmongers are accusing China of aggression when they are the ones that are planning to start this war. They have gone around the world to find more evil men and women to join them. They think that their evil intent would go unnoticed and silly people would believe that they are the good guys. They may be able to con and lie to the unthinking and evil men, but they could not lie to the ONE up there. HE is watching their every move. The accomplices of these evil men will suffer equally in the hands of God.

While these evil men are scheming for a war, they could not see that war has started.  The ONE has started his war against the evil white men to exterminate them for the good of human kind. He has sent his messenger on the Pale Horse to do the destruction he has planned for them. The Pale Horse rider has arrived and sitting in the White House and busily doing HIS work to spread the plague on the white people. 

Not only the USA is being hit, the whites in Europe are not spared. This pandemic will destroy all the evil white men and other evil men that chose to go along with the evil white men. And the best thing about this scheme of God is that they did not know that HE has started his war of extermination of the white men. And the evil white men are going around merrily as if this is nothing, another common flu, to be ignored, nothing serious. Nothing will happen to them!

This state of delusion is best seen in what Pompeo, Trump, Esper etc are doing, thinking that there is nothing wrong with this plague and still have the luxury of wanting to start a war with China, to conduct more wicked deeds, to kill more people. They did not have a clue that DEATH has arrived in his Pale Horse and living among them. And God said, 'This is good.' Let them continue in their evil ways without knowing that the virus are devouring them.

HIS mysterious way has spared the innocents, especially China, by allowing the villains to plant the virus first in China and helping China to rid itself from this disease. HE has seen how the whites bullied, smeared, oppressed, cheated, looted, plundered and killed the Chinese over 200 years. This must come to an end. HIS fury was set on fire with the plague spreading across the earth like wild fires and hitting America and Europe without them having an inkling of what hit them. And this plague is going out of control, except in China. HE has spared China, after seeing how the Chinese lived through two centuries of injustice, oppression and poverty under the white men, and with evil white men continuing to wrong China and gathering evil men to attack China and wanting to kill more Chinese people.

HE would not allow the evil white men to commit more mischiefs and more murders of the innocents. God's war to terminate the evil white men has started and will not stop until all the evil white men are thrown into the sea of fire. And while HE is getting his work done, the evil white men are still clueless, and still intend to do more evil, thinking they are still in control of the destiny of other people, to be manipulated, condemned and destroyed by them.

The real threat to world peace and human civilisation is the evil American Empire. HE will destroy this evil Empire before it destroys the world.

When the work of God is done, there would not be any evil white men left on mother earth. HE shalt have no mercy on the wicked white men and their evil accomplices. What man proposed, God shalt dispose. Amen.


SSO said...

The Evil Hegemonic Demonic Empire of USA must be destroyed for the good of peace-loving people.

The Evil European Whites that started the aggressions and invasions and atrocities together with the slimy Japanese against China and the Chinese people must pay back in blood and in deaths for what they have inflicted in blood and in deaths upon the innocent and helpless Chinese people.

Anonymous said...

Why do you think USA and India were the world's highest in Covid19 infection? 16m cases among the two!

God's punishment. 'Go away you evil doers.'

Anonymous said...

One unscrupulous association made use of the popular writters and speakers' names to advertise, attract and solicit for attendance and registrants, then at the last minute (3 days before the event) announced that the speakers at the event have changed to unknown and unheard of names. This kind of unprincipled unethical and unscrupulous organizations must be exposed and the public be made aware.

Anonymous said...

From The Independence.sg:

Singapore — Confusion ensued online when the National University of Singapore (NUS) suddenly and without explanation announced another line-up of speakers for a webinar on Sunday night (Nov 1) instead of Cherian George and Donald Low, two academics based in Hong Kong.

Professors George and Low published a book last week entitled “PAP vs PAP: The Party’s struggle to adapt to a changing Singapore.”

The original announcement for the Raffles Hall Alumni Learning webinar reads that its title is “PUBLIC DISCOURSE: Truth & Trust,” asking that in this “Covid-19 world” of fake news and disinformation, “How can public discourse have its full might when technology enables deep fakes, where in the name of national interest and security, information and discourse is constrained or perhaps manipulated?”

The two academics were to answer these questions “at a global label and specifically in the Singapore context” in the light of their recently published book.

However, in the new announcement for the webinar, the lineup of speakers is completely different:

Al Ramirez Dizon, a former journalist with Singapore Press Holdings,

Shobha Avadhani, a lecturer in New Media from NUS, and

Arun Mahizhnan, a special research adviser at the Institute of Policy Studies.

The announcement says

‘NOTE CHANGES,’ calling the new lineup “a panel of distinguished and experienced experts in media and communications” who will “ask the important questions: where and what is the truth in public discourse; and what are the socio-political consequences if truth is compromises or constant and trust is thus eroded.”

Associate Professor at The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Kenneth Paul Tan wrote a Facebook post on Tuesday (Oct 27) expressing confusion over the webinar, saying that he had just gotten a copy of Professors George and Low’s new book and asking why they “seem to have been replaced by other speakers,” in the webinar he had signed up for.

“So who will we be listening to this Sunday evening?” he asked.

Netizen Lim Jialiang wrote a Facebook post, also on Tuesday (Oct 27), saying that he had talked to Prof Low, who told him that he had had no contact from the organizer of the webinar for over a month.

He added, “With the new event details and the completely new panel of speakers, I think it’s safe to surmise that Donald and Cherian, have for all intents and purposes, been uninvited from the talk scheduled for this Sunday.”

Mr Lim asked why this was so, given that their book had enjoyed good sales and was “sure to court a lot of productive discussion and debate.”

He also asked who had made the decision to change the speakers’ lineup and whether or not the new guests knew about the situation.

His final question was this: “Is Raffles Hall Association going to come out and say definitively that they are replacing their panel of original speakers?”

In an update, he added that one of the speakers, ISP’s Mr Arun Mahizhnan, has withdrawn from the webinar.

Professor George himself replied to Mr Arun’s comment on Prof Tan’s post stating he will no longer be speaking at the webinar, saying that he was “sorry” Mr Arun was “dragged into this.”

The Independence;


Anonymous said...

CPIB may want to investigate into the background activities and dealings, if any, of the Red Dot's High Commissioner to India.

Why would a person (whose face looks like a typical CC) suggest to the government to invest in the 3rd most corrupted state of India, Tamil Naidu?

Why would a High Commissioner who is supposed to know very well not only what is on the surface as reported publicly but also what is underneath and behind the scenes of India, the country he has been sent to to study and work FOR SINGAPORE, suddenly be so interested in influencing our own government to invest in a state that other countries and investors have already pulled out because of the rampant and damaging corruption going on in the local government?

This is very abnormal and suspicious. Commonsense tells us that something must be not right. It therefore warrants a thorough investigation by the government, Foreign Ministry or CPIB. Or at least, this HC should be removed from that post and be transferred to a less cosy job back home.

The LOOP must be closed.

0089 said...

Probably counter intelligence unit SID should also investigate this guy.
He could have become a double agent 0088?

Anonymous said...

U have to be careful with "third brother"

Fan of AAB said...

Sultan of Brunei's son, Prince Azim, dies at 38

Prince 'Abdul 'Azim died last Saturday and was laid to rest at the Royal Mausoleum on the same day. He was 38.

Brunei is now in a seven-day mourning period.

Singapore leaders have sent condolences on death of Sultan of Brunei's son, Prince Abdul Azim.

Prince 'Abdul 'Azim was the second-born prince of Brunei's ruler Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah.

He was born in Bandar Seri Begawan on July 29, 1982, and studied at International School Brunei, Singapore's Raffles Institution and Oxford Brookes University.

He also had a London-based production company called Daryl Prince Productions and he had been a Hollywood movie producer.

His credits, under the name Azim Bolkiah, included a 2014 movie "You're Not You" starring Hillary Swank, and 2018's "The Happy Prince" with Rupert Everett and Colin Firth.

"Eventually, my brother succumbed to multiple organ failure caused by persistent infections due to the autoimmune disease."

Prince Abdul Mateen, 29, said he shared the details of his brother's death, as that was what the late prince would have wanted.

"He was a big advocate of bringing awareness to different causes," said Prince 'Abdul Mateen.

The post was accompanied by a black and white childhood picture of them having fun.

Paying tribute to his elder brother, Prince 'Abdul Mateen said there was never a dull day when "Abang Azim" was around.

"He loved to always prank us, joke around and never took life too seriously. His laughter was so contagious that regardless of whether the thing was funny or not, everyone would end up laughing too. He definitely lived life to the fullest.

"I spent every day of my childhood with my brother - he taught me so much and made me who I am today and for that I am eternally grateful."

Over the years, he had rubbed shoulders with Joan Collins, Mariah Carey, Elizabeth Hurley and Michael Jackson.

His celebrity friends were quick to pay tribute to him.

Actor Kevin McHale described the Prince as a "true light" on Twitter, saying that he was always generous and welcoming, while on Instagram, veteran English actress Joan Collins uploaded a picture of her at a restaurant with Prince 'Abdul 'Azim and model and actress Jerry Hall.

"Rest In Peace #princeazim - you were a good friend to me and everyone that was lucky to know you. #lifegiver #angel #ripprinceazim," she wrote.

Singer Janet Jackson took to her Instagram story to post: "Azim, I love you too and insyallah (God willing) no more pain. In the name of the most high, the most merciful, He will take care of you now. Ameen."

As much as he was known for his glamourous lifestyle, Prince 'Abdul 'Azim was also known for his support to charitable causes.

The Times newspaper reported he designed unisex weekend bags for the luxury fashion label MCM, the proceeds of which went to the Make-A-Wish Foundation charity in Britain for critically ill children.

In 2011, he lent his support to a charity gala in Brunei to raise awareness of autism.

"I think it is important for me to be here and show my support. I think you have to look after what is at home before you do anything else. You have to do what you can with what you have," he told The Brunei Times in an exclusive interview.

Anonymous said...

"I think you have to look after what is at home before you do anything else. You have to do what you can with what you have," said Prince Abdul Azim Bolkiah.

Can Singapore leaders think like that?

Anonymous said...

Singapore is so rich, a lot of money to spare to look after foreigners.

How about contributing some to Tamil Naidu?

Anonymous said...

CONtribute to Tamil Naidu is okay if money goes to the poor and needy. Howeve, the corruption at high places with cunning politicians in power will divert the money into their own offshore bank accounts is one big problem. Another problem is they also demand an extra 50% more as "administration fees" or "middle-men commissions" over an above the amount donated or "invested".

Furthermore, the one who managed to influence SG Gov to "invest" is likely to be given an undertable "gift" for his "hardworks" indirectly via his wife or children or someone trusted via a Swiss secret bank account or untraceable offshore bank account.

When greed is involved, the brain of a corruptible man works wonders to cover up his unsavoury guilty deeds.

Anonymous said...

Singapore Govt. has been very charitable to foreign countries but extremely stingy to Singaporeans. The main reason for this reluctance to look after the poorest section of Singaporeans has always been not to encourage clutch mentality. Singapore must be seen to be a benevolent country to encourage more FTs to come to the Red Dot to apply for citizenship and thus increase the PAP voter pool.

Anonymous said...

The people who really have a clutch mentality issue are the ones who need to cling to $millions salaries in order to feel dignified and outstanding. Standing out like a sore thumb, in reality.

Anonymous said...

With only 3 more days to go Biden's margin of probability to clinch the US presidency is increasing, while that of the Unscrupulous liar Trump is dwindling fast, despite his lat minute frenetic attempts to scorch the earth.

Anonymous said...

Pompeo was last in Sri Lanka where he told his host China was a predator to their nation. The Sri Lanka was diplomatic to tell him off by stating the country treasure the good relations with all countries.

This fatso has been going around smearing China on everything, even religion in Vatican where the Pope denied him an audience knowing the trick he was up to. You don't see the Chinese foreign minister doing the same to the US even though US has a lot more issues like the abysmal handling of the pandemic, the race division, the corrupt politicians etc. Fat Pompeo should spend more time on his own backyard if he intends to run for POTUS 2024, which many think he is with his China bashing tactic to lay the ground.

Anonymous said...

A customer saw a Tefal oven selling at $429 at a FairpriceXtra outlet and, instead of trusting it to be a fair price, decided to compare prices at other retailers. He found exactly the same Tefal oven at Courts selling at $249! A saving of $180! A whooping of 72.3% more profit for UnfairPrice!

Anonymous said...

Anon 5.38 pm

Could bne a misprint, exchanging the positions of the 2 and the 4

Anonymous said...

Singapore's loose mouth irks ASEAN diplomats

A Singaporean former diplomat who sparked a diplomatic storm by suggesting the Association of Southeast Asian Nations expel Cambodia and Laos – following criticisms of their pro-Beijing stances on the South China Sea and Chinese dams on the Mekong – has mocked accusations he is working as an “agent” of a foreign power.

Bilahari Kausikan, a former permanent secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Singapore, caused controversy when he said last week the two Mekong nations were “teetering precariously” towards ceding influence to an outside power aka China.

Hos remarks drew a rebuke on Tuesday from a group of Cambodian current and former diplomats writing on the pro-government website, Fresh News, who blasted Bilahari for “destroying Asean unity and centrality” and questioning whether he was acting as an “agent”.

“What we find repulsive is his arrogant and condescending tone, not just about our country, Cambodia, and Laos, but even towards our current Asean leaders, a behaviour unbecoming of a former diplomat,” they wrote. “He made a barrage of misleading and flawed claims that are intellectually deceitful and normatively detrimental to the region, especially Asean.”

They said Bilahari’s opposition to the two countries went back years, noting that he had expressed a “wish” on Facebook to expel Cambodia as far back as 2016.

They also questioned whether his advocacy for greater engagement in the Mekong to counterbalance China’s influence was an attempt to turn the area into a battleground of great power politics. Cambodia, they said, did not wish to take sides.

They suggested that Bilahari had forgotten the basic principles of Asean, such as non-interference in domestic affairs. “It is dangerous, irresponsible, even suicidal, to throw away those principles for the simple and obvious reason that Asean unity and centrality will be shaken to the core,” the Cambodian diplomats wrote.

(SCMP Oct 29 2020)

1984 George Orwell said...

The tide has turned. Whoever and whichever still carrying the Americans' balls and sucking up to the Americans are bound to find themselves in deep shit, especially those like the Gila Hari who spouts one-sided nonsensical accusations without basis nor proof.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10.45 pm

Does that include Singapore?

Anonymous said...

It is very clear that he is taking instruction from the Americans. No one in his right mind would be doing such nasty acts blindly. And the timing makes it part of the American scheme to smear and attack China, following the tail of the big lump of lard.

Anonymous said...

I give him a miss whenever he opens bis IBM on China. Go listen to Kishore Mabubhani instead and you know why he is so sought after at int'l and online forums while this guy can only impart his "expertise" on the fringes.

Anonymous said...

No serious organisations would want to invite this crackpot to give talks. They know that he is only good in parroting instructions from his masters.

Anonymous said...

America now deploys troops in more than 170 countries; its budget for defence and national security exceeds US$1 trillion; it spends more on defence than the next nine countries combined; it has approximately 800 overseas military bases and installations.

Successive presidents from Harry Truman onwards saw armed dominance as the only way the US could relate to the world, while paying lip service to the rules-based order – and conveniently ignoring it whenever the US deemed it necessary for its interests.

Hence the long list of interventions, wars and covert intercessions in the affairs of other sovereign nations. It started with the brazen interference in the Italian general elections of 1948, which makes anything done by Russia in the 2016 presidential election look half-hearted. The list goes on and includes Iran, Guatemala, Vietnam, Chile and many others, culminating most recently in the military invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

The US is no longer generous and prosperous and has long since ceased to adhere to the rules. Thirty years before the South China Sea arbitration, Washington reacted to an unfavourable decision of the International Court of Justice in favour of Nicaragua by refusing to recognise the judgment and attempting to block its enforcement.

And when the court ruled in favour of a group of Mexican foreign nationals on death row, it withdrew from the protocol giving the court jurisdiction. A law professor quoted by The New York Times described it as a “sore-loser kind of move. If we can’t win, we’re not going to play”.

Washington reacted in the same way to a recent judgment obtained by Iran. And it has behaved similarly towards other collective organisations of the rules-based order, including the World Trade Organization, which it has sought to undermine by refusing to appoint appellate judges. In the dark words of US economist Jeffrey Sachs, the “United States is completing the move from post-war leader to 21st century rogue state”.

History provides a comparative yardstick. A century ago Great Britain went from being the world’s largest creditor nation at the beginning of World War I to being its largest debtor at the end of that conflict. In 1945, America was the world’s largest creditor nation and is now its largest debtor.

China has become the world’s largest creditor nation – and the only major power that has not gone to war in 40 years. Nor does China support proxy wars. In contrast, the US has been continuously at war in the same period. In the last year of Barack Obama’s presidency alone, the US dropped 26,000 bombs on seven countries.

Anonymous said...

American pirates in the high seas....wait for Iran to do the same to the Americans in the Gulf of Persia.

The United States said Thursday that it had sold Iranian oil seized on its way to Venezuela for more than $40 million.

Washington announced in August that it had confiscated 1.1 million barrels of petroleum from four tankers en route between the two countries, which are both under US sanctions.

"We estimate that in excess of $40 million will be recouped by the United States related to the sale of petroleum from those four vessels," Michael Sherwin, the acting US attorney for the District of Columbia, told reporters by telephone.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Great news! Breaking News!

WASHINGTON: The United States notched a record number of new coronavirus cases on Thursday (Oct 29), topping the grim milestone of more than 90,000 diagnoses in 24 hours, according to a tally from Johns Hopkins University.

The country, which has seen a resurgence of its COVID-19 outbreak since mid-October, saw 91,295 new cases in the 24 hours up to 8.30pm on Thursday, according to a real-time count by the Baltimore-based school.

The US has tallied 8.94 million cases of the novel coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic, the most of any country in the world.

Within the same 24-hour period, 1,021 people died from COVID-19 in the US, bringing the country's total to 228,625 fatalities. It is the highest recorded toll in the world.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

"We are on a very difficult trajectory. We're going in the wrong direction," said Dr Anthony Fauci, a leading task force member and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, said coronavirus cases were on the rise in 47 states, and patients were overwhelming hospitals across the country.

"If things do not change, if they continue on the course we're on, there's gonna be a whole lot of pain in this country with regard to additional cases and hospitalisations, and deaths," Fauci said in a CNBC interview on Wednesday night.

No one can stop God's war of extermination of evil white men. HE sent trump to pave the way for this war. Trump will push away anyone trying to stop this war, including Fauci. HE is unstoppable.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

This is it. No place to run, no place to hide,...from the wrath of God.

"The virus is raging throughout the state, and there is no place to hide," Ohio governor DeWine told a news conference as he urged residents to become more diligent in wearing masks, social distancing and hand-washing.

Health experts believe the virus is surging because of more private social gatherings, colder temperatures driving people indoors, and Americans' letting their guard down due to fatigue with COVID-19 restrictions.

Anonymous said...

And Pompeo and Esper are still going around the world wanting to start a war with China. Before they could start their war, America and Americans would be finished off by God.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

LONDON/BERLIN: Europe began counting the cost of the sweeping restrictions on social life imposed to contain a surge in coronavirus infections while Britain continued to hold out against following Germany and France in ordering a second lockdown.

As the pandemic raced ahead across the continent, Europe has moved back to the centre of the global pandemic, facing the prospect of a prolonged economic slump alongside a public health crisis which has so far seen more than 44 million infections and 1.1 million deaths worldwide.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No forget India - now 8,088,851 COVID-19 cases versus USA's 8,944,934

Tamil Nadu request travel bubble with Singapore - scary !