
Covid19 originated from Fort Detrick - An investigative report on the glaring truth. A must watch.


While Trump and his evil conspirators are blaming China daily as the source of Covid19, demanding an investigation and the truth, with lackey Australia parroting for an investigation on the outbreak in Wuhan, many independent American and western investigators have been quietly doing their job to discover and unveil the truth behind this pandemic. And all evidence points to one source, American bioweapon lab in Fort Detrick. The attempt by Trump and his wicked men to throw out a red herring, that Covid19 came from China or at least it started there, calling it the China Virus in every opportunity, has failed miserably, fall flat on his face. 

First, no one in his right mind would believe in a congenital liar and conman with no principles and no morals like Donald Trump or lol aka Pompeo. Two, everyone knows that the Americans have been conducting biological warfare for decades everywhere, in China, in Vietnam, in Korea, in the Middle East, in Eastern Europe, in Africa and in Latin America. And believe it, the Americans also conducted tests of such bioweapons in American soil on American people. And thirdly, everyone who wants to know the truth would demand for hard evidence, not rhetoric or slanders or lies. And there are many evidences that Covid19 cases already hit the US and many countries before Dec 2019, as earlier as mid 2019.

The above 25 minute video is one such evidence supported by hard facts as to where the Covid19 originated, and also exposed the evilness of the Anglo Saxon breed to want to terminate the Chinese race dating as far back as 1910. Anyone wanting a serious documentary on the origins of the Covid19 must view this video clip. There is no more need to conduct a farcical investigation in Wuhan and go round in a wild goose chase led by the evil and guilty Americans.

The truth is here! The truth has been confirmed and exposed!


ABC said...

The evil USA Empire has created the virus Covid-19, and keep calling it China Virus and accusing China as the one that spreads the disease.

This tactic of reverse engineering attacks (the criminal accusing other people of the crime that he himself has already committed) by the guilty party against someone else is to deflect any blame unto himself. It has been used again and again by the evil USA Empire since its formation more than 200 years ago.

Dotard Trump's suddenly got infected and in just five days got himself immuned by the military doctor named Dr Sean Conjob is a clear indication that the US military already has the antidote to the Covid-19 disease but keep secretly quiet about it, until Dotard Trump let the cat out of the bag.

All other countries must sue the evil US Empire.

Anonymous said...


Did US President Donald Trump and his Wife get infected by COVID-19?
was just a charade by him and his team of Fellow Conspirators. Anyway,
it is his ploy for the lmpending Election, which he shall win by hook or by crock.
Despite poll showing that D Tramp is trailing Biden by double digits, Trump shall at least occupies the White House for another term and maybe even longer. Lets see.
the Blacks in the US are now quiet about the Shooting and Killing of their Fellow Africans, likely due to compensation and fear of further suppression and oppression. Not supprising that the Blacks are easily placated, as they started off as captured slaves.
now claims that he is immuned from C19,
which he and his Wife did not suffer from in the First Place.
Question now is;
is D Trump and his Wife immune from aging and dying???

Like and wish D Trump lives forever, so that he can make the Americunts great so long as he stays as the President of the USA.

Hail D Trump the Great.

Anonymous said...

Breaking BBC News:

Covid-19 Coronavirus Remains Infectious For 28 Days:

The virus responsible for Covid-19 can remain infectious on surfaces such as banknotes, phone screens and stainless steel for 28 days, researchers say.

The findings from Australia's national science agency suggest SARS-Cov-2 can survive for far longer than thought.

However, the experiment was conducted in the dark. UV light has already been shown to kill the virus.
Some experts have also thrown doubt on the actual threat posed by surface transmission in real life.
The coronavirus is mostly transmitted when people cough, sneeze or talk.

But there is also evidence that it can also be spread by particles hanging in the air.

It is also possible someone could get Covid-19 by touching infected persons or surfaces such as metal or plastic, according to the US Centers for Disease Control.

James Bond said...


@ October 12, 2020 10:09 am

This guy sounds like the 'porlanpah' CIA Agent Matilah, the motherfxxker, in disguise speaking.

Check his IP Address.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I think he is just being sarcastic.

ABC said...

Hot Gossips In Town : The Unnecessary Legal Battle Of L vs L

It is ethically, morally and commonsensically wrong for anyone, especially those with authority and power, to punish the messenger who brings him the news (irrespective of whether good or bad news).

It is cowardly and unreasonable for anyone with authority and power to punish a whistle-blower, who alerts him of something that he should take note of, instead of punishing the real culprit.

It is disgusting and disingenuous for anyone to sue only one person, when more than a thousand people have also re-posted or shared the same article or linked to the same original website of the article.

Our fellow countryman Sze Hian was merely trying to alert the Powerful Man to the existence of an article about him. There was no malice intended.

Yet, Sze Hian's act has been taken so badly. Instead of thanking Sze Hian for posting that article to alert him and his government, the Powerful Man took it that Sze Hian was trying to defame him. This is indeed a matter of over-sensitiveness about reputation, name, status, position, power and fame (the mundane abstracts in this life usually pursued by those without the cultivation of wisdom) that the matter had been interpreted in a bad light about the message and the messenger.

I think the Powerful Man owes Sze Hian a sincere apology, instead of the other way round.

Sometimes, a person with too much power can blindly and inadvertently allow himself become a destructive force unto himself. Many emperors in the past had committed the same mistake. History is full of this kind of power-obsessed people who finally caused their own downfall.

Anything done to the extreme can never have a positive result. Same as the use of one's power. The power itself will explode at any moment when the breaking-point is reached. There is a limit to the possession and use of one's power. There is no such thing as unfettered power.

Even our life-span has a certain limit. Death is the natural equaliser. No man nor woman can live forever. So, think of DEATH everyday and you shall be humbled and be sensible and kind to your fellow kampong men, women and children.

That is how I have perceived, analysed and concluded about this unnecessary legal battle, that has become the main gossips of the town in the last few days.

Anonymous said...

A non guilty person needs not to prove innocence or guilt/sin-free.
it is just not reasonable to target a reposter and not going after the Originator.
应该对准苗头, 而

UG said...

Never target originator and target reposter? Hi. Da Jia Hao. I am sinkie. I am daft. Got ppl say my pm is pinkie the clown. Got ppl say sinkie is daft. I am so happy. So happy. Clap clap clap. KAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA. And we serve army or police. And little india riot hide. Indeed we need to close down ntu and nus and send our kids overseas to study. No study one riot we also lose. And we need import talent for study one also. No study one lose, study one we also lose. KAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA.

UG said...

And the ang moh ownself check ang moh for covid-19? No wonder li hai ppl study at ang moh place lah. Oxford? Cambridge? Stanford? Ang Moh train Ah Tiong hoot Jit Pun? KAKAKAKAKAKAKA. Need to close down ntu or nus a not?

UG said...

And the ang moh ownself check ang moh for covid-19? No wonder li hai ppl study at ang moh place lah. Oxford? Cambridge? Stanford? Ang Moh train Ah Tiong pilot hoot Jit Pun? KAKAKAKAKAKAKA. Need to close down ntu or nus a not?

Anonymous said...

Chinese professor dies after US police search his home

The Beijing Language and Culture University is urging police in the US to disclose more details about the death of a Confucius Institute representative who died after police searched his home in Webster Groves Missouri, according to media reports and a statement released by the Beijing school on Sunday.

The Beijing university is sending a special work team to the US to investigate.

Shocked and saddened by the sudden death of Professor Liu Qiang in the US, the university has set up a special work team and send condolences to Liu's family members, the university statement said.

The university is working closely with the Chinese Consulate General in Chicago to further the investigation, while urging the US authorities to release results of Liu's death as soon as possible.

Liu, who worked in the Webster University since January 2019 as a representative of the Confucius Institute under the Beijing Language and Culture University, was reported to have died after police searched his home on Tuesday local time, the St. Louis Post Dispatch reported on Friday.

The sudden death of Liu has triggered backlashes on China's social media platforms. With only vague information released by police about the case, the Chinese public is demanding to know the cause of Liu's death.

The Confucius Institute, established around the world to enhance cultural and person-to-person exchanges between China and other countries and regions, has hit a bumpy road in recent years, with many people saying is the result of by mounting US hostility toward China.

In early September, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that he was hopeful dozens of Confucius Institutes on the US campuses would be shut by the year end, accusing them of being "a propaganda arm of the Chinese Communist Party" on Twitter.

Pompeo has labeled the Confucius Institute as a "foreign mission," a typical move of the Trump administration to ramp up its efforts to accelerate the decoupling from China.

Anonymous said...

Was he killed like George Floyd or shot like the first responder black woman?

This looks like murder by the white American police.

The end is near for the murderers of innocent, the white supremacists.

Anonymous said...

Hi Redbean, here is something worth watching.


Anonymous said...

That fellow cud be suffering from his own kind of a schizo mental disorder that he said he couldn't stand a thorn that pricked him, so to resolve his thorny prick problem he went to consult his lawyer & sue Ah Leong. Alamak think he is Jia Lau Huan Siong or Jia Pa Kar Eng couldn't think lio, he cud have jus wear a guard or something to protect it from prickiny him, woa his skin so thin & no armor proof really sia suay to tis country, like the saying goes a petty man can't make a good leader, his leedershit is for the whole world to see..

Anonymous said...

I am more worried for Singapore and Heng and Chan. If anything premature happened to him, Heng and Chan would be bungled out and buried alive.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Would view it later. Office system blocks youtube.

SSO said...

A person who admits openly in the high court of his own pain in his neck by a single prick is no leader at all.

A real leader can withstand thousands, if not millions of pricking pains in the neck.

A person who cannot withstand a small prick of pain, what will become of him when he faces the severe pains of war - injuries, death and hunger? How can the people trust such a person to lead them in times of war?

How was the rank Brigadier General attained?

Anonymous said...

Mentally deranged already?

Cannot hack the pace of life and the pressure of position?

Could be due to too much stress caused by covid-19 pandemic and loss of too much investment by wifey?

Could be due to bad counsel? A law firm that put up five lawyers for the simple case looks like it is badly in need of money - obviously going in for the kill, for a big chunk of meat.

How much does it cost to hire one lawyer in such a case.

Bayi must be hard-up of money. Brain cannot think as efficiently as before. Grown too old, too fat and too lazy.

Maybe over-confident even? Think sure win one?

Anonymous said...

Trump now claims he is immune to COVID19. Wasn't he tested positive earlier and hospitalised? Hell, this Satanic offspring contradicts himself at every turn.

Maybe many people had been right all along, that he did not have COVID19 at all and that it was all a charade. Otherwise, it could be the medication making him delirious.

Trump could be infecting lots of his supporters through his rallies and this is going to be difficult to comprehend going forward. More will die. Ye, Trump is making 'More American Graves Again'. Since he knows more will die, and he is far behind Biden, he must be thinking why not go the full course by destroying the evil empire and go down with it.

Anonymous said...


Ah Long sue Ah Leong!

Using PAP's favourite nuclear weapon as well.

What are the odds?

Anonymous said...

If Trump is elected for a second term, either the other countries in the world will be in serious troubles or USA will be in serious troubles.

Trump is a very dangerous man. The taste of Power and Might has driven him crazy. He does not know his limits and he does not want to follow any norms or laws in the world of diplomacy and foreign relations. He behaves exactly like the worst dictators the world has ever seen, e.g. Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Idi Amin, Hiroshito, Pol Pot, etc

There will be war, very big war between China and USA if Trump gets his second term.

The rest of the world may gang-up with China to challenge USA.

Anonymous said...

Former Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong’s son, Dr Goh Jin Hian, has bowed out of the board of Swiss-based crypto bank Seba.

Dr Goh is being sued over losses of about US$156.5 million (S$212 million) by the creditors of Inter-Pacific Petroleum (IPP), a now-insolvent marine fuel and cargo firm he used to direct.

Dr Goh was a director of Seba.

Its spokeswoman said that he had resigned last week from the board for personal reasons.

Seba has removed his name from its website although he continues to be featured as a director in the Swiss commercial registry.

The Cordlife Group, a leading Singapore cord blood banking services firm, announced on Monday (Oct 5) that Dr Goh had stepped down as its chairman in view of the lawsuit brought upon him by IPP’s judicial managers.

Anonymous said...

I have a different take.

I think all the Indians are ganging up to overthrow him by making him dig his own grave and borrowing other people's knife to do it.

This case really makes him look bad. Actually, he has defamed himself by suing a series of commoners. His father only sued the political opponents but this guy sues commoners. That's a very big difference. And to me that is called bullying.

The fact that he got a resounding 72% votes in last GE in July means his reputation was not affected at all by that article.

Anonymous said...

Mr. BOND, I agreed with you. I think you should sodomize him jialat jialat to teach him a lesson.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Redbean, here is something worth watching.


October 12, 2020 3:02 pm

17 min of hard truth on US bullying and isolating itself as a big bully. This is what Jeffrey Sach, American economist.

SSO said...


A 64-year-old man of Singapore permanent resident status has become the 28th person to die from Covid-19 infections in Singapore.

The Indian national — identified as Case 57,960 — died on Oct 12, only eight days after he was diagnosed with COVID-19 on Oct 4.

MOH has also stated that the Indian national had a history of hypertension. He had been working back in India since December 2019, and arrived in Singapore on 23 Sep. He was placed on stay-home notice when he arrived.

(Questions begging:

1. Why was he not tested immediately on entry?

2. Or at least quarantined at NCID for 14 days?

3. Why up till now still adopt the 'tida-apa' wait and see reactive modus operandi, instead of a proactive pragmatic approach of effectively and efficiently stopping the spread of the disease?).

The last recent Covid-19 death occurred on July 14 — a 62-year-old Singaporean man who died two-and-a-half months after he was diagnosed with the coronavirus on April 30.

On Oct 12 also, Singapore reported four new Covid-19 confirmed infections, out of which two were imported and two locally transmitted.

The two imported cases, probably from India, have been given stay at home notice.

(Knowing that they are already infected cases, yet still place them at home to infect other people at home or in the neighbourhood! Only brilliant book-worm scholar brains can device such a policy!).

The two locally transmitted cases - one is from the community at large and the other is in a dormitory in Singapore.

Note: Coronavirus can last 28 days on glass, currency, phones - latest medical research reported.

The total number of infections in Singapore has risen to 57,880, the highest in Asean and catching up to China's. The effective rate of infection is around 10,000 per million people. This is an extremely high rate, among the top 10 in the world.


If this relaxed wait and see, reactive instead of proactive, attitude and policy continued, even after 9 months of experience from the outbreak of COVID-19 Pandemic, then Singaporeans had better brace themselves for another spike of the infections.

You are in effect eagerly waiting for it to happen, unless someone can kick some ass to drive home some cow-sense into some happy-go-luck, pay-correct, scared of making mistakes, reactive multi-millionaire fat asses, to wake them up now!

Anonymous said...

SINGAPORE: A batch of 233 swab samples for COVID-19 testing was "accidentally discarded" before the samples were tested, in an incident traced to "compliance lapses", a private laboratory said on Monday (Oct 12).

1984 George Orwell said...

According to the latest YouGov poll, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has moved up four spots from last year to become the fourth most admired man in Singapore.

He is the only Singaporean on the list of most admired men, and President Halimah Yacob, who made the list for the first time and is ranked seventh, is the only Singaporean to make the list of most admired women.

The results of the poll, which was published on Sept 25, are from open-ended nominations gathered from January to March 2020 from panellists across 42 countries and territories all over the world.

The panellists had to answer the following question: “Thinking about people alive in the world today, which [man or woman] do you most admire?”

The top 20 men and women who received the most nominations and were nominated in at least four countries were compiled, with 5 to 10 popular local figures added for each country.

And from May to September, YouGov said, fieldwork was conducted to poll the 42 areas to ask “who do you truly admire?”, where respondents could make multiple selections, and “who do you MOST admire?”, where they could only pick one.

This clearly shows that Lee Hsien Loong's reputation has not in any way been affected by Leong Sze Hian's reposting of the article from the State's Times Review. SSo what damages to sue and claim for?