
Imitation is the greatest flattery ... but not to racists


Photo credit to www.theindependent.sg. Mira looked stunning in this Indian dress and the Indians should be proud of her showing the fineness in this beautiful dress and jewelry. It is great advertisement for Indian dresses and culture. No, objectionable? Just because she is not Indian?

Malaysian actress Mira Filzah accused of appropriating Indian culture

After being accused of appropriating Indian culture in a contact lens photoshoot by a Twitter user, Malaysian actress Mira Filzah has apologised. Mira, 27 uploaded photos of herself on Instagram where she is seen wearing anelaborate and embroidered lehenga (traditional clothing for Indian women) and a nath (nose ring).

The actress also posted a video of herself lip-syncing to the song Maar Dala from the Hindi film Devdas. When the photos circulated on Twitter yesterday, a user known as Eshwarya sarcastically called Mira the ‘culture appropriation queen’ and accused Mira of profiting off Indian culture....

 The actress apologised to Eshwarya on Twitter and explained that the reason why she wanted to dress in traditional Indian clothing for the photo shoot was that she is a die-hard fan of Bollywood industry. Inspired by the striking gaze of actress Aishwarya Rai in the movie Umrao Jaan, Mira wanted to look like the Bollywood star for the photoshoot....

In response, Eshwarya thanked Mira for her sincere apology and she apologised if her earlier tweet caused Mira to be a victim of hate comments. Eshwarya also recommended to the actress to use her platform to highlight models, designers and makeup artists of Indian heritage if Mira was truly passionate about promoting their culture.

Even though things have settled between them, Eshwarya was cyberbullied and was forced to close her Twitter direct messages yesterday after receiving a barrage of hate from strangers. Eshwarya shared screenshots of strangers calling her racial slurs and nicknames including accusing her of trying to cause unrest among Malaysians.

To rectify the situation, she said that she had no issue with people of other races wearing Indian clothing but she was merely against those who utilise Indian culture as a tool for profit.

“It’s only wrong when you use it for profit, or just to hop on a trend. When you genuinely respect it or you want to wear it to a friend’s wedding or a cultural event, that’s perfectly okay,” said Eshwarya.

The above is from theindependent.sg


Why is the dressing up in another ethnic costume objectionable, even for profit, for advertisement etc when it was not done to denigrate, insult or make a mockery of the ethnic costume or race? Is there any law against such dressing? It is regrettable that this Malay actress had been made to feel so guilty as if she had done something wrong and had to apologise for her choice of costume.

There is no need to add further comments or explanation on this and hope that this does not happen in multi racial and multi cultural Singapore. Wearing another race's costume, donning their ethnic apparels, if not done with no bad intention must not be seen as wrong or to some akin to racism, or like in this case, objectionable just because she is an actress and doing it for profit.

To the racists, go fuck off. Many people of different races are happy and adore the costume and national dresses of others and are happy wearing them and should be seen positively rather than negatively. Singaporeans embrace all races and cultures and not only we are encouraged to dress in our own ethnic dresses once a while, we are also encouraged to put on other ethnic dresses for better understanding of each other's culture. In many National Day performances, the participants dressed up in different ethnic dresses to perform. Performing artists also did likewise in their profession and performances. Are these objectionable?

Holy cows. Singapore must be very firm against racists hiding under all kinds of pretensions, pretending to be hurt or sensitive, to attack others as racists when no one has any intention to discredit and or insult their race or culture.

The racists must not be allowed to dictate what is right or what is wrong in such matters. They must not be allowed to write the narrative and attack innocent people freely with impunity. The authority must take them to task to stop the bigots from setting the norms for the general public, from bullying and threatening the public.


Anonymous said...

"The racists must not be allowed to dictate . . .". They are a minority in Malaysia and Singapore. The tail must not be allowed to wag the dog - a small and seemingly unimportant entity seeking to control a much bigger, more important one.

SSO said...

So, I also cannot eat Indian food for profit (eating competition) or sell Indian food for profit?

So, I also cannot show Indian movies in my cinemas for profits?

The list goes on.

Anonymous said...


They come in all shapes and sizes

They may not do what they preach

The ugly may be kind

The pretty may be poisonous

We can be one kind one day

and the other the next

And some of us

can be fooled.”

Guess who wrote the above on Facebook?

Anonymous said...

We also have our very own racist and cultural supremists who call out discrimination when things go their way. Such as in the labour mkt or when public notices and announcemnets do not feature their own language.Remember MRT stations and Changi Airport? Heck, they even once clamoured for traffic signs and direction to have it too. Can you imagine how infeasible it is.

Anonymous said...

Should read "things Don't go their way"

SSO said...

Good News - Parliament Committed To Hold Government Accountable!

For the first time in Singapore's 55 years under PAP reign, the 83 out of 93 PAP-dominated and PAP-controlled Parliament is now openly "comedy-ted", oops I mean "committed" to hold the PAP-dominated and PAP-controlled Government to ransom, oops I mean accountable! This must be most pleasing to the 61% voters' ears!

Read this, written by a patriotic fellow Singaporean:

"Dear Speaker of Parliament,

I chanced upon an article on ST which I rarely read, except for updates to what is occurring around Singapore on the Home Edition and saw what you told the State Media on “Parliament committed to holding government accountable “.

I got a little curious as to how can Parliament hold your party leaders accountable when 83 of 93 seats, including yours are subjected to party whipping while the following list of sticking questions from the previous session of Parliament remain unresolved?

1. Summoning Lee Hsien Yang & Dr Lee Wei Ling to give their side of the story to the 38 Oxley Rd saga.

2. Open a parliamentary enquiry into the appointment of family and friends to key positions such as the AG, DAG & AGO etc.

3. Updating Singaporeans on the outcome of the embarrassing Keppel corruption case & if key stake holders will still be held LIABLE for either the corrupt act itself or “negligence” similar to the AHTC ruling.

4. For your deputy, Charles Chong to be referred to the Committee of Privileges for disciplinary action into the false dissemination of Punggol East Town Council matters.

5. For parliament to convene a constitutional court to look into the systematic discrimination of minorities being unable to assent for Premiership, don hijab as the reserved president has stated her difficulties in concurring with the cabinet to do so.

6. Review of executive actions and controversial bilateral agreements such as the CECA, gerrymandering, population growth and most important of them all, the salary of sovereign wealth fund CEO Mdm Ho Ching.

In view of the above circumstances, is Parliament able to extract answers to these contentious issues?

Additionally, please advise if Parliament is still a forum for the people and of the people for us to submit queries to, in the event our PAP MPs are unwilling to do so?


Dan De Costa"

The above is posted at TRE today. It is of public interests and should be shared widely.

Form your own conclusions about the Parliament Speaker's "committed to hold government accountable" and about the Singapore Parliament's accountability in holding the government accountable in the past 55 years of Singapore's very short independence.

Anonymous said...

The most murderous racists on Earth are the Hitler-like Self-Proclaimed Superior Aryan Race, the White Supremacists! There is no doubt about this fact. They have been killing and murdering other races by the thousands of millions, if not billions, in the past 5,000 years, since the time of recorded history.

Anonymous said...

Julia Jackson, Blake's mother, said her son "has been fighting for his life," but called for unity, saying she was praying for police officers. She also said she was disappointed by the damage to the city, a town of about 100,000 residents about 40 miles south of Milwaukee on Lake Michigan.

"It doesn't reflect my son or my family," she said. "If Jacob knew that was going on as far as that goes, the violence and the destruction, he would be very unpleased."

Stupid black woman. No wonder the whites would happily killed them, because the blacks like this woman would not mind, still very caring for the white policemen. They killed her son and she prayed for them.

Virgo 49 said...

Now Melanie TRUMP the bimbo wife of Dotard speaking from Rose Garden thanking their Gangsters in going round the World and killing innocent beans.

Dotard TRUMP's daughters similar or about her age.

See how chee kos and what's characters these bloody whites had with their decadent lifestyles.

See Chinamen Xi with dignity and dont even committed incests with own daughters.

Marrying women like his daughters.

Children rapists.

Virgo 49 said...

These are the ZOMBIEs who believed in their White God and preached forgiveness.

They deserved to be killed by them.

Anonymous said...

The Chinese Embassy here announced on its website last Friday (Aug 21) that all travellers from Singapore to China will have to take a Covid-19 test within five days before their flight to the country, to ensure they are free of the coronavirus.

Most of Singapore's daily imported Covid-19 cases are from India. Why can't Singapore politicians impose the same rule on jobseekers and their dependants flooding Singapore from India? Why favor India so much?

Anonymous said...

Beholden or being blackmailed by India?
No balls to stop them from coming in to spread the virus.

Anonymous said...

Hi anonymous 1112pm....U really really really don't know meh?


This is Sg! U really really really don't know meh?

Anonymous said...

Remember the two shitty brother and sister, now accusing Dee Kosh for bullying the obnoxious brother.

They attacked the Chinese actor for dressing up in different ethnic dresses and painting his face brown as racist. Everything black or brown is racist.

Can you believe it and the authority allowed these two pieces of shit to continue to terrorise everyone as racist.

Anonymous said...

I believe the Home Affairs Minister must change. Too long on the job become inefficient because complacency sure to set in. Also too powerful as he is having the power of Law Ministry and Home Mama Affairs as well. How can one person earns to millionaires jobs? Must give another papPuppy a chance to become millionaire, right or wrong?

Or make Opposition Leader the Law Minister. This should be the way if really Democracy Parliament.

Anonymous said...

If only you are the PM!

Anonymous said...

Chinese are the superior race. #notRacist

Anonymous said...

In Singapore Indian is the superior race. Why? Because can change to Malay and vice versa. If want to wear tudung, change to Malay Muslim. If want to sit on Game of Throne's Puppet President become Malay.

We can also refer to this superiority race as Transformers. Not Galactica Transformers but Sinkies Transformers.

Only uniquely Singapore brand.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:48 pm

IF I am the PM, I will put you up on the pedestal as my rubber-stamping Puppet President.

And I will make all the Opposition MPs as Ministers. And I will pay them the same pay and perks now enjoying by the CEO of Temasek Holes-dings.

And you shall be rewarded doubled what the Opposition Ministers shall get.

How about that? Are you bought?

Anonymous said...

U talk like that u asking to be sodomized meh?

Anonymous said...

Hi RB, I wish you would stop spreading racial hatred. Please try not to stir up racial friction. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Don't play play!

Don't anyhow say say!

Can lim kopi you know!?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Who is spreading racial hatred? Only stupid people allowed the racists to go around attacking innocent people and keep quiet. The racists would be embolden and their victims would become the racists, cowered in fear being attacked and think they are in the wrong.

Did this Malay actress did anything wrong? Do you think the attacker of this Malay actress is angel and doing the right thing?

Anonymous said...

Uncle, this 2:03pm is a typical case of stupidity has no cure, did not know what is right and what is wrong. Perfect example of a Sinkie.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

When innocent people are wronged and no one stands up to defend them, they would think they are wrong.

When racists attacked the innocent and no one stops them, the racists would think they are right and would be emboldened.

The same dilemma happened to the PMETs. Thousands being sacked and lost their jobs but not a whimper. So everyone thinks this is the right thing, the new normal. Singaporeans lost their jobs while foreigners come in and get employed is OK. This I would say is xia suay Singaporeans. Being wronged in your own country and tiam tiam.

No one is going to help you if you choose to be wronged and to lose your jobs.

AA said...

My postings have been deleted again and again?

Anonymous said...

The West initially attacked China for covering up by reporting low death figures when the virus first hit. This accusation has been totally destroyed by Cyrus Janssen in a post on Youtube. Do you wonder why the USA and the Whites never again tried to use this accusation to demonise China, but instead now hammer on the last unproven fact that the US Military Virus came from Wuhan?

Janssen, in his post compared the death rate per million population in the USA and EU countries against China, and other countries surrounding China. What stood out was the intensely high death rate per million among the White countries of a few hundred in each country, as opposed to three to five deaths per million among countries surrounding China and ASEAN.

Using this yardstick the USA and the West cherry picked on this fact and started accusing China of deliberately reporting low death figures to conceal the situation as compared to the West, without taking a look at all the other countries surrounding China. Unsurprisingly, the death rate of China and the countries surrounding China ranged from between less that 1 per million to about 5 per million, and China's death figures of three per million is not at variance and in tandem and is as accurate as Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Thailand -all countries which the West praised for their control of the outbreak. Why the double standard? Why not accused them of hanky panky as well for their low death figures?

From this you can see the evil intent of the West and how vile and vicious they can be in using fake statistics to fool the rest of the world. The same thing is being done in Xinjiang and is slowly being proven untrue and malicious and will be shot down as well.

Anonymous said...

There is more to it about the shooting of Blake in Wisconsin. It is going to cause rioting all over the US now. Trump will send in the Home Guards which will create more unrest now that the BLM is still very fresh on people's mind. Is this a preconceived incident created on purpose? Then what? Then Trump will perhaps capitalise, by postponing November elections if massive rioting starts, declare Martial Law and he is Hitler reborn. Good luck to the USA.

Meanwhile, that witch, Nancy Pelosi will be enjoying the beautiful sight of people rioting from her window. Karma? It does work!

Anonymous said...

Karma is working inside the USA as well. First the virus, then the election.

The USA's interference in elections worldwide is an open secret. Now the same thing of election interference in their own backyard is providing free entertainment to the rest of the world.

The USA has been reduced to a laughing stock, the position of the POTUS is now a joke in the eyes of the world, the agreements made by the POTUS is now fit for picking up dog shit. Trump has really made America Great Again. Untrustworthy, lack of morals, unable to compete fairly and therefore lying and stealing to win.

Anonymous said...

There has been rioting in USA for over 90 days already. BLM has been hijacked by Antifa and terrorists. Demoncrats made their police stand down and allow their cities to burn. They also released the criminals from prison to join in the chaos.

Let the Americans dog eat dog.

Anonymous said...

In Singapore an Indian can become a Malay overnight. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

In Singapore a Singh can become a Chinese too - Phua Chu Kang!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi AA, I thought someone was posting to promote or advertise for Bill and Melinda Gates. That's why I deleted them.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


You deleted without reading the content?

The writer was trying to expose the hanky panky going on behind the scenes carried out by the Gates Foundation to influence mass media to protect its image.

I tot u too is trying to protect the Gates Foundation. That's why you deleted twice AA's postings.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Apologies AA,

It was quite long and I rushed through the articles and it appeared quite flattering to the Gates.

Please put it up again.
