
The logic of might is right

I feel very sad that I have to make this post to explain the logic of might is right. Anyone who lived long enough, eaten enough salt, would understand this statement without even the need for a tertiary education. I have made many statements, comments, assertions, allegations, etc etc and I do not see the need to defend them or to prove that they are right or wrong. I leave it to the readers to make their own conclusion or judgement of what I have said. It is pointless, futile, to want to explain that what is said is right or wrong. You do not waste your time trying to prove you are right to the one that holds the might. These few days I have read so many news about people trying to prove to the mighty that the mighty is not right and think they could win the argument. When the mighty said black is white, black is white. Period.

Please do not question the Americans or the British or the French that they were wrong and you have the facts and evidence to prove that you are right. Your right is wrong. Their wrong is right. They do not need any affirmation. They knew they are wrong but right. They said so.

The only time you can tell them they are wrong is when you carry a bigger stick than them and you can whack the daylight out of them. Remember the kangaroo court decision on the South China Sea island claimed by the Philippines? The kangaroo court is right. The American and all their cronies said so. You not happy, so what?

I could give you more examples on the logic of might is right. It is everywhere when power is on the side of the gangsters. For goodness sake, save your breath  and don't try to talk to the gangsters to want to prove that you are right and they are wrong. The gangsters are never wrong, only you are wrong. They knew they were wrong but they just insist that they were right. And you cannot do anything about it.

This is one reason why I often did not bother to reply or explain my position. What is right or wrong is not right or wrong. If you are the law, you are always right even when you are wrong. I could go on, but if one still cannot get this into his head, nothing will help him.

Stupidity has no cure. I feel very sorry for those that are right but are wronged because might is right. This is a historical hard truth that exists since the day of Adam and Eve. The earlier one understands this truth, the earlier one accepts this reality, the less angry and frustrated one will be. Life will be nicer, and one does not need to go around asking stupid question and get frustrated, and feel wronged.


Titiana Ann Xavier said...

Nobody understands this logic better than the PAP government. The ordinary man in the street knows it as abuse of power. Uncle Sam has been flexing its muscles since the day it nuked Nippon in WW2. China under the weak Qing government was a victim of Western powers and Nipponese might. "Do as I say and not as I do" is one perverse way to show that Might Is Right.

Say a blessing to those who wronged you. said...

Uncle RB: //Life will be nicer, and one does not need to go around asking stupid question and get frustrated, and feel wronged.//

This mindset and hardtruth can be applied under many scenarios.

As mentioned in a post comment 2 days ago, was at this galbramen specialist clinic for an appt at early 9am+. By the time turn came, it was past 12pm. In between, so many other patients who came after at 10am to 11am+ went ahead in the queue. Sought clarification at counter what is happening but in a very measured and polite manner. Oh, the counter staff said soon, next one. But the soon was actually another hour+ and finally past 12 noon, the turn came. As Big Bro Loong commented after the massive cyber attack, if SHAMboLEE wanted to "embarass him, they would be disappointed" ... Similarly, there was no anger, no frustration... despite the "unusual" lo(oooooooo)ng wait ...

Uncle RB: //This is one reason why I often did not bother to reply or explain my position. What is right or wrong is not right or wrong. If you are the law, you are always right even when you are wrong. I could go on, but if one still cannot get this into his head, nothing will help him.//

This part is quite simple yet a bit "cheem" ...? Who or what is the law?

Anonymous said...

Now to worry, China is increasing its nuclear arms arsenal to match the US.

Beijing says that just by looking at the US' aggressive attitude in the South China Sea and the Taiwan question, it knows that China's nuclear strength is "far from sufficient." Part of the US' strategic arrogance comes from its absolute nuclear advantage.

Beijing says China will speed up its process of developing strategic nuclear power. Advanced missiles such as the Dongfeng-41 should materialize as soon as possible. Not only will China possess a strong nuclear arsenal, but it will also let the outside world know that China is determined to defend its core national interests with nuclear power.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ all

I don't know what kind of world RB and his clique think they live in, but I think I live in a physical reality. There are "ought to's" and "supposed to's" and a whole lot of wishful thinking by the majority of people living in uncertainty but hoping and praying for certainty; and sometimes having their wishes granted and prayers answered....but mostly NOT. And it is these dashed hopes are a source of great anxiety for the mass of humanity. 🤓

I prefer to deal with the hand of cards fate has dealt me, and to face the often uncomfortable and impossible to analyse properly reality that by pure dumb luck I happen to exist in.

Control. Ah, yes. Having self-awareness deludes us all into the notion that we can control ANYTHING. This idea is especially prevalent in the Ruling Elite class who loath the idea that the "unwashed masses" are none other than a bunch of autonomous individuals just doing what they do, in what looks like chaos---which is the "default" state of nature---where from, amazingly some kind of "spontaneous order" arises.

Our quirky human species exhibits many facets---many of them in opposition or contradiction to each other or the rest. But by some "magic" the majority of humans in our modern world just get on with their lives, challenges and all, and generally in relative peace. Occasionally, criminal behaviour arises and unlawful violence has to be met with lawful violence...and then it is back to "normality".

𝕸𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖎𝖘 𝕽𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙. Sometimes it most certainly is (e.g. when heavily armed cops kill and arrest violent criminals), and sometimes it is not (e.g.: when heavily armed violent criminals waylay unarmed citizens). So I think we need to re-phrase this to: MIGHT gives you RIGHT or RIGHT REQUIRES MIGHT

"Right" here has a moral context---as in "right and wrong", as well as an existential context as in "the right to something".

𝓜𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 allows the mighty to "invent" 𝓡𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓼 for themselves in order to achieve their objectives. Again, "right" has both a moral and an existential dimension. i.e. they believe what they are doing is RIGHT, and being "mighty"---possessing required the resources, skills and abilities---increases their chances of achieving said objectives.

This is the reality of human existence. Biologically, we are APES. Mammalian primates. All our laws and morals are ultimately a result of our evolved biology. And we have evolved to be individuals, as well as a social species. Oh shit, balls, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, chow cheebye...Therein lies the rub. 🤣😂 (profane Shakespeare 😎)

Being individuals, and having our complex sense of identity, we become the heros in our own narrative.

But..."identity" itself is a complicated and complex...and FLUID idea. How can we have identities and not belong to "something"? So we associate with others in limited "spheres of commonality" (shared values, goals, worldviews etc) and form 𝕋𝕣𝕚𝕓𝕖𝕤.

But...although belonging to a Tribe gives us a sense of belonging and inclusion, it also EXCLUDES those who do not belong to OUR tribe. Those people in OTHER tribes...watch out for them...they are the "evil" ones.

And so in order to keep ourselves relevant and maintain our existence, we have to have POWER to either crush the tribes which (we think) threaten us, or defend ourselves against them. That is the RIGHT thing to do, and our RIGHT as a tribe.

To be successful at this, we must have the required MIGHT.

Ref: 1. Uncivil Agreement
2. Podcast and interview ~80min, 96 MB

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

On paper the Americans have bigger numbers of nuclear weapons, missiles and warheads. In reality the gap could be narrower. Why?

A few days ago, the American tested their 50 year old Minuteman ICBM in the Pacific Ocean. After taking off they lost control and had to destroy it in mid air. This is not the first time this antique was tested and many had the same problem of control and had to be destroyed in flight.

Many of the American ICBMs are really old and despite the updates, many would not work when fired. On paper the upgrades look good but how many would really fly and hit their targets?

The Russians and Chinese are having new batches of ICBMs, new technology and sophistication and precision. It would be a matter of time when the Americans realise that their antiques would not fly or unable to fly pass the defense systems of Russia and China and have to scrap them for good.

Ha Ha Ha said...

//To be successful at this, we must have the required MIGHT.//

What "might" do you have when your QUAH cha png is with held and returned in drips and draps? Is your "reality" the "world in your fantasy"?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


You have no MIGHT. The PAP are the MIGHTIEST of them all. Bow to the altar of their greatness! Then present you anus for them to bestow unto you their "blessings".

No, you won't get your CPF mate. You will get some "pocket money" every month from your "All MIGHTY Holy Father" Accept it and move on lah. 🤪 Or continue in your fantasy world.

I choose reality. This is what it is. This is where its at. Do the calculus, and try to win some. In Singapore, it's easier than most other places to do.

Matilah-抹地啦? said...

//Accept it and move on lah. �� Or continue in your fantasy world.//


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

MilTech is an ongoing race between superpowers. This is what they've always done. Romans vs Greeks. Greeks vs Persians. Axis Powers vs Allies...everyone is trying to come up with tech to try and "better" the other Tribes tech.

Check out what DARPA is doing. And that's only the stuff they tell you. The latest game changer (made public) is in the field of electronics...notably in the area of integrated circuitry or chips.

The latest chip design philosophy includes 3D chip tech with chips that can adapt and learn from data and software. In essence, computers which re-arrange their hardware config to suit...whatever. If successful...well, I can't even imagine what the world will be like then.

Nevermind the Military applications. No doubt China and Russia will either develop their own in the field of electronics (or steal from the Yanks...as hey are want to do---all is fair in love and war)...I'm more interested in what such tech will do in the world of FINANCE.

That kind of computing power in algo trading and architecture of derivatives...to me is FRIGHTENING. If you try to predict..even with your own algo/ A.I. tools... it is going to be increasingly difficult...because their computers can reorganise themselves to be UNPREDICTABLE. But like I said...I have NO IDEA what can happen...even if I did, I'd be UNDER ESTIMATING the impact.

To me one of China's most interesting projects is the bioengineering of 200 point IQ human brains. That, if successful, will really DISRUPT everything.

Titiana Ann Xavier said...

Once, the Chinese were the mightiest. Then came the Portuguese, the Spanish, the Dutch and the English. Russia, Germany and Nippon also tried to show off their might. Today it is Uncle Sam's turn to strut. Change is the only constant. Impermanence is the immutable nature of all mundane phenomenon. Might gives bragging rights. Such is the vicissitudes of life. When a tiger dies, it leaves its skin behind; when a man dies, he leaves his name behind.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 121

>> 你在说自己ma(tilah吗)? <<

Yes, I am. My fantasy better than yours. OK? Happy now?

Anonymous said...

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️August 04, 2018 1:26 pm
>>>>>>>>@ 121

>> 你在说自己ma(tilah吗)? <<

Yes, I am. My fantasy better than yours. OK? Happy now?<<<<<<<

一只蟑螂被杀虫剂灭薡了对人类而言没有所谓开心不开心的感触, 就像人们大便拉屎, 完事后洗backside或wipe屁股, is there any cause to feel happy or sad? 又不是siaoting东! 正常而言, "没感觉"! 芝麻小事, 有什么好开心不开心的, 对不?

Anonymous said...

Instead of talking so much cock...

Go & make money lah ... lots of $$$$$$$$

Losers only know how to KPKB .... Winners take it & sodomise losers with it.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 149

At Bugis Street got one famous fucked-up looking Buddha statue there---right in the middle of the permanent "pasar malam" street market. Everyday people go there to "pray" (wishful thinking) for what lah...more money, cure for their no-hope-sure-mati cancer, make their dumb kids smarter, or their ugly spouse more attractive ...and other silly "desperado" stuff, because reality is just too much for them to handle. 😂

Maybe you could go there and sit there like the "guru" you pretend to be...to give that Buddha statue some competition?

I'm just saying...community service. 🤡

Anonymous said...

This is not the second world war, when the Americans thought they could stay out of the war until the Japs struck Pearl Harbour.

WW3 would be different. Intercontinental missiles can reach anywhere and with missiles launched from submarines, now where is bomb proof. A direct hit on a few strategic sites and major cities is all that is needed, no need for thousands of nuclear missiles to do the job.

Missile defence systems can take out some ICBMs, but not all incoming ICBMs can be stopped. Theories need to be proven and so far the proof of an effective missile defence system is all based on projections.

Might may be right, but with deterrents in place, it could end in a lose-lose situation. Iran would have been game over without Russian backing. And N Korea would have been history without Russia and China in the way.

Does that not be the reason why the evil empire is bent on destroying China and Russia to clear their way to total dominance?

离题了! 还有谁? 说你啦!!! said...

@ 3.14pm

炮二平五 。。。

Your move ...

Anonymous said...

@ Matilah-抹地啦? August 04, 2018 1:21 pm
+++++++++//Accept it and move on lah. �� Or continue in your fantasy world.//


Google translate:

"Are you talking about yourself ma(tilah?)?"

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous August 04, 2018 1:49 pm
++++++++Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️August 04, 2018 1:26 pm
>>>>>>>>@ 121

>> 你在说自己ma(tilah吗)? <<

Yes, I am. My fantasy better than yours. OK? Happy now?<<<<<<<

一只蟑螂被杀虫剂灭薡了对人类而言没有所谓开心不开心的感触, 就像人们大便拉屎, 完事后洗backside或wipe屁股, is there any cause to feel happy or sad? 又不是siaoting东! 正常而言, "没感觉"! 芝麻小事, 有什么好开心不开心的, 对不?+++++++++++

"⼀只蟑螂被杀⾍剂灭薡了对⼈类⽽⾔没有所谓开⼼不开⼼的感触, 就像⼈们⼤便拉屎, 完事后洗backside或
wipe屁股, is there any cause to feel happy or sad? ⼜不是siaoting东! 正常⽽⾔, "没感觉"! 芝⿇⼩事, 有什么
好开⼼不开⼼的, 对不?"

Google translate:

"A cockroach is riddled with insecticides. There is no such thing as a happy and unhappy feeling for human beings, just like people pooping, washing backside or after doing something.
Wiping ass, is there any cause to feel happy or sad? It is not siaoting east! Normally, "no feeling"! Sesame little things, what?
So happy and unhappy, right?"

Anonymous said...

i belive in destiny.
no use buy 4D

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous @ August 04, 2018 2:58 pm:

"Instead of talking so much cock...

Go & make money lah ... lots of $$$$$$$$

Losers only know how to KPKB .... Winners take it & sodomise losers with it."


Anonymous said...

Hey RB ... Not new lesson lorr ... PAP been teaching sinkies for 60 years liao .... But most sinkies slow learners or just plain dumb ... Need many more years of screwing by PAP .... Hopefully by then still got sinkies left...

Anonymous said...

10.20pm, u are slandering winners sodomized the losers meaning from a legal viewpoint u are walking on dangerous ground as u are accusing those in power. U risk being invited to drink Kopi then put in cell with African Tua Kee as one anon posted then lagi suay really Kena sodomize. Hope u have string asshole😰😰😰😀😀😀