
Silver lining for Singapore Stock Exchange

The light of the dying stock market is getting dimmer as days go by with better quality stocks finding it meaningless to remain in the exchange and getting themselves delisted. On the other hand, good companies/stocks would find listing in other stock markets more effective to serve their needs. The SGX is now one of the smaller exchanges in Asia, even smaller than neighbouring exchanges of Asean countries.
Broking houses are finding it hard to hold on to their remisiers and remisiers are leaving the industry almost daily. The strength of remisiers is almost half of what it used to be during its heyday. And there is no light at the end of the dark tunnel. There is pessimism and resignation in the air.

But all is not lost. In moments of despair a silver lining has appeared that may give some hope to those still clinging to a dying industry. The SGX is trying its best to revive the market with all kinds of things, looking clueless as to the real causes of its impending demise. The latest is to link up with other exchanges where the better companies chose to list to share a bit of their good fortune. However, this effort is not looking too promising as good exchanges would not want to waste time tying up with unpromising exchanges. Anyway, if good exchanges are not willing to tie up, any exchange will do as long as they are called stock exchange. Never mind the quality and substance as long as there is some form resembling a stock exchange.

The best hope to get more listings in the SGX lies in the super SMEs, like super penny stocks. This comes in the form of hawker stalls, foodcourts and restaurants where there is now a new buzz with the stalls gaining better image and business from Michelin. Many stalls and restaurants are now awarded the world famous Michelin star or stars as recognition of the quality of their products. With the Michelin star/stars decorating the stalls and restaurants, they would make good potential candidates for listing in the stock exchange. And with so many of them gaining more stars, maybe the SGX could set up a board, a third mini board, just for hawker stalls and restaurants with Michelin stars. There should be a few hundred such establishments out there eager to be listed in the stock exchange and to go international.

There is a glimmer of hope that the stock exchange would not die so fast with this new blood of Michelin stars. Say a big thank you to Michelin stars and hawker stalls. The future of the stock exchange can shining like the Michelin stars.

Outram Park Char Kway Teow can start the ball rolling. IPO managers, quick, hunt them down.


Anonymous said...

With a garment that stifle creativity, out of the box thinking, want only yes-men in realities, attaining the most expensive city title for 5 yrs in a row, and most fundamentally leading by example to all citizens by being the most expensive politicians n least productive for a small city, n buy high sell low Jinx kaki fund managers, ....RB sorry, 6 stars hawkers are not going to change this entrenched trend. Just enjoy your $4 chaw kuay teow n sip your kopi siew tai. Good day!

Anonymous said...

The system turns genius to yes-men.

Anonymous said...

Every incentive is to make a scholar n army officer a yes-man. No hope lah.

Anonymous said...

Own brother & sister already made the incisive judgment on Looooong n HoJinx. So accurate right? Even the best guy appointed also cannot turn SGX around. Its was for fake red chips n fake ahneh chips soon.

Virgo49 said...

We have a 4G Stylistics or Scholastic or Elastic Generation of DUD Leaders and Ministers who are bringing Singapore from the 2000s back to the 50s and 60s.

Other sleepy states in Matland and even in the Rest of Asia are transforming from mainly Hawkers Kias to wearing office apparels and ties whilst we encouraged our young to go back to singlets and slippers back to our Fore fathers hawkers and rickshaws days when these are the available options.

And the Young are easily conned by them. Only those countries with large POP and unable to have economically available jobs for their people took to hawking just to eke out a living.
Of all names They named them as Tyres.

They are following the Tawainese or many Malayan States sleepy towns and ghettos by calling them the Spirit of their Countries in promoting what's their Best Hawkers food and jobs.

Of all the tie ups, Die,oops tie with The Ah Neh who are notorious for their Keiling Nah Siow or Indian Mathematics.

Their method of calculations, I owe you one and you owe me ten.

Think our Looney Looong graduated from there as a Franchise Uni in the U Ass A.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Actually, cheap casn be very good news. The SGX CAPE is down, PE getting more favourable to value hunters", and the ETF of the SGX is around $3.20 +/-

No bourse "owes a living" to remisers and other waste-of-resources human beings---making it a hassle to trade, which also gobbles up capital by expensive fees. They are now replaced by machines and software' and people can trade (and lose money) easily with low commissions directly from their phones, while sitting on the toilet, bus or in a lecture listening to a boring tenured "educated fool" aka a "professor".

The finance space is so toxic and dangerous now loaded with derivatives which miscalculate RISK (humans are exceptionally bad at assessing risk, even with mathematical models and algorithms which can and do make financial shennanigans LESS SAFE and more UNPREDICTABLE ).

But, rocking financial sectors are boons to all cuntries---they do spur economic activity which does raise the standard of living and wealth for The Sheeple living in those cuntries. For e.g.: when N Korea introduces financial markets and adds some filthy, sexy CAPITALISM to it's political economy, you will see people there become fucking rich (benefits), along with all the shit we've accepted as part of life: strangling debt, unaffordable housing, huge gap between rich and poor, obesity and heart disease, disobedient children...etc aka unintended consequences.

So a large part of Singapore's alure and mind-boggling success rests on the fact that our mother cuntry has a smoking and active financial sector.

It is unfair to just target the SGX, in which the largest market caps are fucking govt corporations all trying to play "big shot" in the private sector. They deserve to be big short, useless motherfuckers. So fuck the SGX. There are other "games" to play in Unique Singapore, if you want to make money...you can trade any market FOREX, Crypto, metals, commodities...or go to Genting to gamble, or MBS---just pay the govt's "Local Sucker's Tax", and you are free to lose all the money you can't afford.

Ah yes, imagine if the govt allowed people to draw "their money" (NOT!) from CPF...fuck Eldershield, Medisave...just take that fucking money and throw it at the SGX, so that they can make fees and hire more remisers, and keep their jobs SAFE.

Anonymous said...

Rb, u are ver funny but this is not funny matter Lor. I lost tons of money investing in China companies highly recommended by research houses only to find them suspended or dropped from $1 to 1 cent or less. Knn Lor

When Ruthless Scoundrels Rule The Nation said...

If a leader suffers from insecurity and is hampered with the inability in inspiring, identifying, recognizing and employing real talents around him, he can, therefore, only depend upon his own self-centred insecure perception in judging and selecting the typical yes-men to serve his own ego and comfort.

As a result, such a leader usually have his own relatives and close friends riding on his bandwagon, to extract whatever goodies for themelves, while pretending to serve the country and the people. Because deep inside the hearts of these sycophantic minions they know such a leader is bound to fall. And fall very badly.

Signs are everywhere, in each and every aspect of life within amd outside the seemingly prosperous tiny red dot. Many investors are asking, "For how long this euphoria is going to last?"

But business people are opportunists as well. They always make hay while the sun shines, and have a Plan B in place, ever ready to pull out when the going is not right. Some even have a Plan C, just in case Plan B won't work.

What about ordinary people, those living from hand to mouth? Do you have a Plan B? Or Plan C? No? Then you have no choice but to wait for Plan D. D stands for Death!

Hainanese people always say, "Death is certain!"

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

One lesson, if it is so good, the people recommending you would be buying and making themselves rich. Where got time to tell you?

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 10.18

Hokkien said See Neay!! Sure die!!

The Present Crop of leaders are from their silver or golden spoons privelleged own kakis.

All soft boned too fools or tau foo dunces who never know how plain rice and porridge with just sauce tasted like.

How to empathize with the working class??

Thinks only Lim Tean if ever become the PM will dare bring them to justice like the wily Mathatir.

The Rest also Tau Fools.

Whoever said...

Why do people (professionals) recommend YOU (gullibles, greedies, get-rich-quick opportunists, and green-horns) to BUY?

Answer: Because they already bought and they want to SELL. So, they trick many suckers (there are countless suckers out there ready to suck or be sucked everyday) to buy in order to jack up the prices. Once the price reached their target, they unload and make their profits.

Most of these so-called "professionals" are actually con-men, working indirectly behind the scenes, for several companies whose shares are being listed in the Stock Exchange. Some (50%) of these companies are shell-companies owned by Chinese con-men not only from China but all over the US, Canada and EU as well.

They learnt from George Soros' 4-step modus operandi:

1. Sell short to bring down the market;

2. Buy in when market collapse;

3. Jack up the targeted price;

4. Go in for the kill and take profits.

You can do the same?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

Many years ago after I created Matilah Singapura many folks used to fuck me upside down for being a "traitor", "enemy", "unpatriotic" and a whole host of other unflattering epithets---with the sole purpose of "making me feel bad" 🤣🤟

Cut to now, halfway thru 2018 and onto the next GE occurring shortly, and nearly every comment and every post is all about Singapore's impending and eventual MATILAH.

Spectacular! Get ready for national day lah. Fly those flags! Show your love of cuntry! ,😂🤣

I have to play host to around 5 Singaporean friends who will be taking a super long weekend to visit Perth, get drunk and enjoy our "truffle season". Singaporeans are foodies so plans are afoot to ensure their "sacrifice" of national day is going to be worth it. 🤡

Majulah shiok shiok first lah... then Matilah!

Virgo49 said...

Now only Dafts fry the stocks markets.

Sorry, Mr RB if you are still in this industry. Stir dirts into your pass time extras for enjoyments like one Well Fed Dud Minister said the Elders picking cardboards for Xercise.

Gone are the days when we met a Husband and Wife, both remisers paying cash for their Pent-House with Sea and City views all round in Mahkota Nelaka.

Whilst we can only afford just a simple 2 roomed one with either the sea view or cheaper city view.

Many had overnight resigned from their full time jobs to become millionaire remisers

Now, the Market is controlled by Scoundrels with insider trading.

The Policy makers in they themselves held very substantial shares knew that the markets would fall when they announced the curbing of some new policies.

They had made themselves piles throughout their watch

Likewise, the so called other trading bullshits companies where their shares can rise and fall with their manipulations and Errections.

Better punt one on one with the Casinos.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Virgo and all the fans of "evil" theory

>> "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity, but don't rule out malice." "Heinlein's Razor" or Hanlon's Razor---and variations of this aphorism.

In other words, cock-up, stupidity and incompetence are probably the reasons; not "evil".

The problem with trying to be a "cheat" is that people who do it think that they are the only ones in the market (or game) doing it, and therefore have an "edge" over other players, who are assumed to be playing fair. 😂

Casinos for e.g. have "tools" they use to deal with card counters. This ranges from banning said person and warning other casinos, to changing dealers to a "special" dealer who has sleight of hands skills (i.e. crafty "dirty" dealer), to a bunch of other measures.

Experienced people who deal with money know full well that if there's money involved, sooner rather than later people are going to try to "game" the system. 🤑

Another important flaw in humans is the inability to asses probabilities and risks properly, due to cognitive biases, how we use HEURISTICS to make decisions---how are brain-states are "primed" just before we make a decision which we think is of our own "freewill". (Folks, "freewill" (aka contra-causal freewill) doesn't exist. Our brain thinks we have freewill, so we just go along with it. )
Therefore what you read in a person as "evil" is just a phenomenon going on in their brain to make them appear like your favourite villain from your favourite fairy tale.

Losing money is therefore a result of not assessing randomness properly...not assigning the "correct" probabilities to outcomes because we solidly BELIEVE what we believe....and then we're proven WRONG.

People are now trading on their phones. That means the numbers of participants in every market are huge, and the majority are doing what flawed human brains do: the wrong shit. Their emotions cause them to underestimate risk, leading to losses and total wipe-outs of capital.

Another asset class is real estate. Just like the other "intangible" financial assets being traded, people with their flawed heuristic decision making systems make errors---especially when interest rates are low, and the market is "hot". For e.g.: the mother of all housing bubbles is now Australia. When it pops, it will be ugly. People will go from "virtual" wealth, to real poverty.

One interesting observation is the amount of credit (and thus credit bubbling) in restricted lending areas. These are areas where people with the most fucked up credit ratings live, but these are the areas with a shocking amount of "development".

It is not hard to imagine that Australia is poised for a sub-prime crisis as these areas start to default. Someone, please tell John Paulson...he needs to teach these fuckers a lesson. 🤣

So yeah, forget this "evil" stuff. Human beings are more likely to be arrogant, closed-minded and just fucking incompetent.

Arrogance + stupidity = opportunity for profit 😎

Huat ah!

Anonymous said...

KNN, Matilah, you talk cock like sing song again. Read a bit here and a bit there, try to teach grand mothers to suck eggs. Talking sbout same old stale theories again.

Matilah really need to be sodomized today!

b said...

SGX is a con exchange to suck people blood. Almost all are junks who will declare rights issue again and again after ipo until share price zero and the management runs away with the money and the public suffers.

b said...

SGX= suck till u gone exchange.

Anonymous said...


Remisiers are like telephone operators --- totally redundant.

Major brokerages are now testing out ZERO commission online trading for stocks & ETFs. Won't be surprised this will be the norm in 10 yrs time.

SGX also becoming redundant.

SGX can die lah, no big deal. People now trading in overseas markets. With online brokerages like IB it's only a flat US$1 per trade.

Anonymous said...

Sinkapore's SGX is very backward, slow and too small for big players. Also, it is over-controlled by the government regulations and dominated by government-linked companies and Temasek Holdings' subsidiary companies.

Therefore, so investors cannot survive for long, and big sincere investors get discouraged. Only the con-job investors are farting around like bees to honey, pretending to be honest-to-goodness "true" investors.

It is time to close down the SGX.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I will just give a few reasons for the existence of remisiers.

1. They provide credits to traders that the company would not do without collaterals. How many traders with only 10k and could trade 100k or more?
2. This in turn create liquidity and volume in an otherwise peesai market, too small to exist. If all the small traders are trading only on what they have in their pockets, the market would be quite like a cemetry.
3. They provide the convenience to the big boys and busy professionals that have no time to want to switch on the computers just to trade.
4. Employees cannot trade openly during office hours in the office, watching their stocks without the bosses yelling at them.
5. On line trading are good for the small traders and those staying at home and have all the time in the world to play with the computers.
6. Remisiers also provide market intelligence and news of what is going on about stocks that you don't get to hear from the media or company reports.
7. There are many online traders that made costly errors by making their own entries for whatever reasons and had to pay for them.

Do not underestimate the roles of a remisier. They create the multiplier effect or else our market will be as big as a peesai. Remove the remisiers and the contra element, the market will go dead. A thriving market needs volumes and speculators. If everyone buy and keep for the long term, the market will go to a standstill.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ "adoring fan" 350

>> Matilah really need to be sodomized today! <<

𝖂𝖔𝖜❢❢ The fan club has arrived! 🤣

Welcome, and thank you for the attention. Try to 𝕖𝕟𝕛𝕠𝕪 yourself won't you? 😉

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

Sure there are benefits. Value is created in the mind of the buyer...the guy who is paying. You might think what you do has value, but if your buyers don't think so, sorry no sale.

Stockmarkets are the last bastion of in the moment, zero-sum game capitalism. So it would be reasonable to suggest that stockmarkets or bourses, trading floors...etc, along with their systems and personnel are subject to capitalist or market choices---based on "value", cost-benefit analysis, profit and loss.

In 2 words:

Schumpeter's Gale

Anonymous said...

Matilar, I agreed with the anon. U need to be sodomized. May be ask your 5 friends to sodomize u then go for good food.😀😀😀😀😀

Anonymous said...


I wonder who is more goondu --- the person with no money & no collateral but want to play stocks like big time trader ... Or the remisier who lends $100k to such a person?

No need computer, smartphone can already.

And no need to keep staring at stock charts. Big money is made in the long trades that can last for months & years ... Not by day trading, scalping, buy sell, buy sell.

Anyway the scalping trades have been taken over by algorithmic HFT. You want to play this game better learn programming, advanced statistics & talk to SGX IT systems dept LOL.

I don't mind retrenching all the remisiers & see whether SGX will grind to a halt. Creative destruction is always needed to improve.

Anyway whether you like or not, remisiers going the way of dodo bird, as new generation of traders & investors become more mature & self-reliant. More n more remisiers dying out naturally, and the few left servicing the few old bird customers who don't know any better.

Simple demand n supply.

Next time with blockchain technology, don't even need stock exchange companies. Stocks around the world will trade similar to forex.

Anonymous said...

The joint statement of President Donald Trump and President Jean-Claude Juncker:

“We met today in Washington, D.C. to launch a new phase in the relationship between the United States and the European Union – a phase of close friendship, of strong trade relations in which both of us will win, of working better together for global security and prosperity, and of fighting jointly against terrorism.

The United States and the European Union together count more than 830 million citizens and more than 50 percent of global GDP. If we team up, we can make our planet a better, more secure, and more prosperous place.

Already today, the United States and the European Union have a $1 trillion bilateral trade relationship – the largest economic relationship in the world. We want to further strengthen this trade relationship to the benefit of all American and European citizens.

This is why we agreed today, first of all, to work together toward zero tariffs, zero non-tariff barriers, and zero subsidies on non-auto industrial goods. We will also work to reduce barriers and increase trade in services, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, medical products, as well as soybeans.

This will open markets for farmers and workers, increase investment, and lead to greater prosperity in both the United States and the European Union. It will also make trade fairer and more reciprocal.

Secondly, we agreed today to strengthen our strategic cooperation with respect to energy. The European Union wants to import more liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the United States to diversify its energy supply.

Thirdly, we agreed today to launch a close dialogue on standards in order to ease trade, reduce bureaucratic obstacles, and slash costs.

Fourthly, we agreed today to join forces to protect American and European companies better from unfair global trade practices. We will therefore work closely together with like-minded partners to reform the WTO and to address unfair trading practices, including intellectual property theft, forced technology transfer, industrial subsidies, distortions created by state owned enterprises, and overcapacity.

We decided to set up immediately an Executive Working Group of our closest advisors to carry this joint agenda forward. In addition, it will identify short-term measures to facilitate commercial exchanges and assess existing tariff measures. While we are working on this, we will not go against the spirit of this agreement, unless either party terminates the negotiations.

We also want to resolve the steel and aluminum tariff issues and retaliatory tariffs.”


The Trump-Juncker Agreement is worrying for China. China should have teamed up with the EU against Trump's Trade War. Instead, Trump is one step ahead. Now it looks like a Racist War - the Whites against All Others!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Anon 10:04pm,
The stock market is dying today because of algo and high speed computer trading. These practices are like setting up a few vacuum cleaners in the stock market to suck everyone dry. Big and small traders the same, would not escape these black holes.

Remember the days without algo and computer tradings, the market was thriving and many people made money. The stock market drove the economy especially the property markets and other services. The remisiers that are still alive today have been there for more than 20 years and depending on their big clients. Are they stupid? They take calculated risks by knowing their clients' finances. They need to do their homework, and prepare to take some losses. I am still in the business. Am I stupid? I agree the day is numbered because of algo and high speed trading. Unless they got rid of these, the stock market will surely die with or without the remisiers.

The only stupid people are those that accepted and allowed algos and super computers to trade against the innocent invesgtors without knowing why and how the game is being played and those that think they could beat the super computers by knowing a bit of programming. I was a programmer before.

To put it simply, trading against algo and super computers is like playing the jackpot. It is loaded against you and with no govt regulations to decide how much to pay out. They swallowed everything they could. It is very irresponsible for stock exchanges to allow algo and super computers into the system. It is unfair trading.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The Trump-Juncker Agreement is worrying for China. China should have teamed up with the EU against Trump's Trade War. Instead, Trump is one step ahead. Now it looks like a Racist War - the Whites against All Others!

July 28, 2018 3:26 am

China already teamed up with the EU, Brics and Japan to take on Trump. But whites are whites and would gang up to divide the world to their advantage. That was how they ruled the world for the last few centuries.

Hopefully the coloured would wake up and stand together to take on the whites. Would the honourary white Japanese continue to join the whites to fight against the coloured?

The strong factors favouring the coloured today is that they are awakened the white exploitation and also have the means of production, the raw maaterials and minerals and the biggest market combined to dwarf the 840m white market. The rest of the world should join forces to take on the whites.

It is the whites that needs the cheap workforces of the coloured, the raw materials from the rest of the world and the big market of the rest of the world to survive. On their own they would be dead ducks.

China has been working with the rest of the world through BRI, AIIB, BRICs and the whole of Africa, Middle East, Central Asia, Latin America and the Pacific island states to develop a new world structure to compete against the white colonialists and imperialists. The caveat is that the non whites must want to be independent from the whites but some still prefer to be ruled by the whites.

Anonymous said...

Silver lightning with dark clouds more likely!