
Redbean’s Art of Management

Many are familiar with such concepts like Murphy’s Law, Peter’s Principles, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. I have just had an enlightened and would like to share with everyone about a new management doctrine or principle while I proudly claimed and called Redbean’s Art of Management.

The basis of this management doctrine is derived from age old practices, culling from the great religions, the essence of their teachings and why they are so popular with the people. It is all about the promise that everything would be alright in the future. You see, all great religions promise a great future, a glorious future waiting for the believers if they believe. Great religions don’t want to talk about the trouble and pain the believers are suffering in the present. Some even claimed that the pain today is good and part of the process to reap the rewards in the future. Suffer now, never mind, the future is good, must be good, very good.

In a way the religions are deceiving the people into forgetting their present sufferings and pains and hope, and hope that the promised future is really good. In the long run, everything is good, or the prophets of good future would be dead anyway. No wonder Mao Zedong called religion the opiate of the people.

Putting this great stuff from the religions into management principles is akin to applying Sun Tzu’s Art of War to management. Redbean’s Art of Management is about talking about how good the future is, or promising the future and not talking about the present. 

In short, Talk about the future and Sell hope!

There are many advantages to this Art of Management. Yes, when you promise the future, you would not be around to answer if it fails. You also can buy time to sort out the problem or pretend to be sorting out the problem. And the people would forget about the present problem when no one is talking about it and would forget to complain about it. The best part is that the current problem is gone, not solved, but shelved. The people are in a way expected to accept the plight of the present.

The assumption of this Art of Management is that the people are daft and you can pull wool over their eyes. The daft would not question when you talk about the future, how good is the future. They would just believe and stop thinking about the problems right in front of them. They would not know that their attention has been directed away from the present to the future. Some call this kicking the can further down the road, procrastinating, or passing the buck to the future, buy as much time as you can. Some may call this bluffing, a deception. Anyway, it is a good management tactic for the inept when they could not solve the problem at hand. Why not, can continue to keep the job and pretend to be working very hard and all will be fine in the future when one is no longer around, but the problem still around.

Think can write a book about this, Redbean’s Art of Management…for the daft.

PS. I will be away for a week. Will try to post whenever I can find the time.


Anonymous said...

[Redbean’s Art of Management]

Please continue to write this book for the sake of us Dafts Sinkies..we r begging u for it. This book of RB will be like the Little Red Dot's Bible.. Hopefully it will also land on the laps of Ah Long & his hencemen as everyday chicken soup of the soul..plse don't charge thus book too pricely as some of Sinkies r unemployed or underemployed...akan datang Uncle RB new book..

Anonymous said...

Rb //Anyway, it is a good management tactic for the inept when they could not solve the problem at hand.//

With the latest macro policies in the US, many currencies are gg to "suffer"?

The first casulties may be in Latin America?

Companies and individuals wise, those highly leveraged especially with maturing bonds and properties mortgage above their necks could be first in line?

Ableone said...

I will write a book titled, "THE ART OF HOW TO CON DAFT SINKIES".
Surely got a lot of resources and references and short medium and long stories to tell.
This book, I can write in series - Book 1, Book 2, Book 3 and so on....
It will be of limited copies and will be sold to politicians or would-be politicians of Sinkieland only.
I know like that I won't make much money. But then I can become the Father of Con-fusing People.
Perhaps, I should extend to all politicians in the world so that I can made a little bit of money for my efforts.
What do you think? Good idea?

Anonymous said...

Not because I want to pour cold cold water!

No point no point! Singapore is like that!

Last GE was 70% OK-Ed PAP. May be 80% at next GE!

This is Singapore. People will kpkb kpkb and kbkp kbkp,,,,,but come to voting, PAP!

This is our national hobby....kpkb and kbkp! You don't know meh?

Don't waste time....just 3Ms!

What can you do now? Tell me now! You tell me lah!


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Ableone, welcome to the blog.
There are many uniquely Singapore books to write on. Yours would be hot seller.


Ableone said...

[[ "Not because I want to pour cold cold water!

No point no point! Singapore is like that!

Last GE was 70% OK-Ed PAP. May be 80% at next GE!

This is Singapore. People will kpkb kpkb and kbkp kbkp,,,,,but come to voting, PAP!

This is our national hobby....kpkb and kbkp! You don't know meh?

Don't waste time....just 3Ms!

What can you do now? Tell me now! You tell me lah!

Hahaha,,,,,,,,,,,, "

September 22, 2017 9:10 am ]]]

I will write my Book Number 1 based on the above. Very good idea. Thank you. Since you are Anonymous, I won't be accused of copy-right infringement.

Anonymous said...


The above mentioned book can't be published bcos it's belong to Long San of the little red dot..only Ah Long is the author cum editor of this book. NoboLee will write this book or he be brought to Long limkopi or kena shoot left right centre until pant drop..don't Play play..

Ableone said...


1. No point, no point.
2. Sinkies are like that.
3. Sure can get 70 to 80 percent votes.
4. Sinkies national hobby is kpkb.
5. Sinkies' psyche is to vote for getting screwed.
6. Sinkies love getting screwed in the back - very siok one.
7. Sinkies don't waste time, just make more money.
8. What else can Sinkies do?
9. You tell me lah - meaning what others' say.
10. Laugh out loudly for whole world to know.
11. Politicians' sure success without trying.
12. Constitutional Changes like change underwear.
13. Parliament is just a playground for Jokers.
14. Any Tom Dick and Hairy Pussy can be President.
15. The politics of walkovers.
16.Conclusion - win, win, win.

Anonymous said...

Rb, I think the same has been practised by Doctors. Doctors are in the art of selling hope. Even when the patients died, the family still need to pay. In other profession, at least if the promises are not delivered u can refuse to pay or pay with large discount

Ableone said...


Thank you Sir, for welcoming me.
Your blog is very interesting. I like it very much.
I only found out last week from my class-mate.
I shall visit often to read your articles and contribute my ideas and views.
Thank you again, Sir!

Anonymous said...

@anon 9.31am

Faster get ur book copyrighted or patented. If not, Long san will claimed u have copied his one. It happen to one doc last time when a MinDeaf stolen the 'mobile-ambulance' designed by the doc, but lost the case in court ...don't end up like the doc Warning to any Dafts Writers or Buziness Owners or Artists or Watever innovations u have the garmen will claimed its their ..just like the Gold medal that the Fly boy claim KFC said is his highlights...walaeh..

b said...

The best business in this world is selling hope - religion leaders, charities, political cartels, pharma cartels, defense cartels etc are all in this industry. People must learn to be sceptical in everything under this industry.

Anonymous said...

b 232pm is 1oo% correct about selling hope

just like our toto, 4d, bigsweep, football, online betting, etc etc

also our 2 casinos

all are selling hope

these businesses do especially well during recessions

selling hope

life is all about hope! isn't?

b said...

stupid/vicious people get the stupid/vicious politicians they deserved. if germans are smart/ nice, they will not get hitler. its same everywhere.

b said...

compare to many others, pm lee is not so stupid or vicious. there are many far worse than him.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Chua
"Redbean’s Art of Management"

You are a bit late.
Many books have already been written on such a subject.
By a prolific Singaporean author nicknamed Old Fart or Old Fuck.

Anonymous said...

Several ways for S’pore to work with Beijing on One Belt, One Road


So what?
Do you think Singaporeans will benefit?
If yes, tell me how?

Heaven Has No Eyes Nor Heart said...

The fact is not how many ways Singapore can work with Beijing. The reality is in the hearts and minds of the Singapore political leaders - whether they have the political will to work in harmony with China's political leaders. The RBI project is a massive project that has never been done by any other countries before. It must not fail. It has to be undertaken by courageous leaders who are willing to put their hearts and minds totally in full coperation and harmony like members of an Harmonic Orchestra. It has no room for traitors, would-be betrayals, cowards, half-hearted souls and worst of all a tiny fart who thinks that he has to show his chameleon colours to the whole world that owes him a living.

Anonymous said...

OMG..there goes our CeePeeFxxx monies when Ah Long gonna put our reserves monies into the China OBOR project, probably Sinkies monies will be gone & never get back Liao...faster ..can Ah Mau or Ah Giow or KFC ( omg he left..but now got the erected Mahlay president)..can she help or she diam diam take salary ? WA Lau eh...

Anonymous said...

/// I am worried that he may be pressured to make big dollar investments in questionable OBOR projects. ///
- Tan Kin Lian


Anonymous said...

Higher rail reliability target for 2020 set, as improvements seen: Khaw Boon Wan


Is this a proposed chapter in "Redbean’s Art of Management" ??

Anonymous said...

/// I am worried that he may be pressured to make big dollar investments in questionable OBOR projects. ///
- Tan Kin Lian

Don't worry. China will not be giving any OBOR projects to Ah Long. Because China already knew Ah Long flipping prata style & miaw style when he brought with him an Indian FM & a Malay MP . China leader not going OPPA GANGNAM style with Ah Long, these OBOR r serious important critical projects of China how wud they let Ah Long mess with its project...no way right?

Anonymous said...

It is only natural that someone who keep punching above his weight will one day be punched by a heavy weight;

It is only natural that a Dishourable Son must not be trusted by his own siblings and others the world over;

It is only natural that a leader who short-changed his own citizens of their right to vote, through legal loop-holes and manipulations of the Sacrad Sacrosanct Constitution of the Country, will not be trusted by the world at large;

It is only natural that a cuntry that erects a shameful cunt to the highest office will end up like a smelly cunt;

It is only natural that a people led by someone who keeps screwing his fellow countrymen and other countries will end up getting screwed one day;

Unless there are no Natural Laws and Natural Justice.

Anonymous said...


“We work on the basis that the world will progress, countries will prosper and our role will have to change. As they grow more prosperous, capable, and open to the world, what we used to do and what they used to find us useful for will change. Yet, Singapore has to maintain a consistent position in its dealings with other countries, including the superpowers like the United States and China. I cannot be on one side speaking in English and on another side speaking in Chinese.” - Lee Hsien Loong on Singapore-China Relationship.

If as a Chinese descendent, he cannot speak in Chinese what is the use for his father to make him to attend full-time at a Chinese School while at the same time also attending an English School, for?

If he can speak Chinese well yet, as a Chinese Singaporean, deliberately refused to speak Chinese, while Australian Prime Minister can made efforts to speak Chinese when he was meeting the Chinese Leaders.

Anyway, I am a Chinese Singaporean. Most of my friends and colleagues are Chinese Singaporeans. My relations are Chinese Singaporeans and we carry on our daily living and businesses with Chinese Singaporeans most of the time because Singapore is predominantly Chinese (75%). So, words like what Lee Hsien Loong has stressed to the Chinese descendents as a whole not only do not make any sense, but also hurt us deeply in our hearts, our psyche, our conscience, our belief, our tradition, our culture and most importantly our ancestors, our roots!

Anonymous said...

4.52 am u must be really hurt to make a post that early at 4.52 am but unfortunately he does not cre how u have been hurt lar so don't waste your time to kpkb.

Anonymous said...

2.47 am, I think you should prepare yourself that someone will kick open your door and ask u to lim kopi

Anonymous said...

" I cannot be on one side speaking in English and on another side speaking in Chinese.” - Lee Hsien Loong.

He cannot one side speak English and on the other side speak Chinese? Then what language did he speak to both sides? Malay? Tamil?

Based on his logic, he cannot on one side allow the US Military to make use of Changi Naval Base and Paya Lebar Airport without also allow China's Military to make use of them, right or wrong?

Anonymous said...


He also cannot tell China to follow international laws without telling the US to follow international laws.

The US seems to be prepared to invade Venezuela because Venezuela has discarded the US Dollar and switched to Chinese Yuan. He must tell the US to follow international laws and respect the sovereignty of a small nation. Otherwise, one day the US can also suka suka invade Singapore.

Anonymous said...

5:55 am
4.52 am u must be really hurt to make a post that early at 4.52 am but unfortunately he does not cre how u have been hurt lar so don't waste your time to kpkb.


You must be really Kay Poh to wake up at 5.55 am to kpkb at other people.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:58 am
"2.47 am, I think you should prepare yourself that someone will kick open your door and ask u to lim kopi"


You must be even more Kay Poh to wake up at 5.58 am to come here to frighten people.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha ,,,,,,,

Tortoise don't laugh at turtle lah.

All of you that come here are sama sama!

All are kay-poh and kpkb kbkp types!

Very important is that you are happy visiting here!

Anyway, be very very happy and worry less!


Anonymous said...

@anon 4.52am

Please don't misunderstand Long Gor words. What PeeAm is trying to say is tat he is trying his best to balance the two Superpowers ( UaS & Chinna ). He showed consistency since Old Fart times ad he brought along an Indian minister & a Malay MP to be seen as multicultural/multiracial cuntry & do not ( or will not) be seen as a Chinese Chinna Vessal State...Sinkieland is a sovereign state & not a mini cuntry of Chinna..

Anonymous said...

/// Anonymous @ September 23, 2017 7:55 am said:.

"Hahaha ,,,,,,,

Tortoise don't laugh at turtle lah.

All of you that come here are sama sama!

All are kay-poh and kpkb kbkp types!

Very important is that you are happy visiting here!

Anyway, be very very happy and worry less! "

KNN, You motherfucker, you are turtle or tortoise?

Anonymous said...

hi anonymous 827am good morning sir

don't be so rough leh

come here partially to have fun

don't be too serious, bad for health

love yourself, be kind to others

have a blessed day,,,,,,,,cheers!

Virgo49 said...

China does not put pressure on Sinkieland to be a vassal state of them.

But Sinkieland banana himself crawled to them like a vassal state to USA.

He, a peesai who thinks that the country had arrived wants to teach others how to rule.

He is steeping on his own kind to teach others to follow his example or rather his deceased father's wishes to be magnanimous
and sacrifice his own kind and kins and let others to have a go as leaders been a multi racial society.

But does the International Community or the World leads by this example? ?

Every Nation and their own Majority Race is only taking care of their own with the bullying and killings of the Rest.

He wants to teach the Majority to rule the way he rule??

By sacrificing his own kind and shown himself a Great and Managamious Leader to let the Rest even screwed his own.

Even Myanmar,a supposedly Buddhists Majority Country deemed to be Pious and God Fearing marginalised and killed the Rohingyas who are of a different faith.

You CANNOT change Man's set mentality of their evils ways of self interests. But he is willing to toy with this idea and with his dead Father's Unaccomplished Ideals has to sacrifice the unthinking majority Sinkies to be scape goats.

Why most of the Malaysian Chinese had much affection for his LKY? ?

It's because He is trying to tell the Bumis Leaders and Rulers to be fair and magnanimous to their own Chinese populace. Let them have a chance to rule the country if they are able.

Till today, does the Bumis does this? ??

All are set in their self interests. If even So.called God Fearing Men can killed others NOT their kind, you peesai can change the World??

Give up your late Father's Ideal and just follow the Norm.

DONT sacrifice One just for the sake of The Other.

It be more Traitorous to do so.

Anonymous said...

//China does not put pressure on Sinkieland to be a vassal state of them.//

..u r right.. As a big bro nation, China does not put pressure on a PeeSai as they r also multicultural & multiracial with the Hans Chinese as the majority. The problem is in this little red dot with 5 white stars & a crescent, the China Chinese here & their new converts view Peesai as a 'part of China' or even a part of ' Fujian Vessal state ' & even hang their China Chinese Flags outside their residential compound to show their allegiance to China (PRC here heart is always with their home cuntry )..maybe the reason why the China Chinese Leaders asked Long San to visit the Fujian city so that Long San understands these Chinese better ...Seems like Long San can never understand China well which results in many hiccups in Sino- Sinkieland relations..

Anonymous said...

In short, Talk about the future and Sell hope!


But then hor, must also be ABLE TO AFFORD to talk about the future and Sell hope what.

If like Chee Soon Juan every time lose election and even by election, how to be ABLE TO AFFORD to talk about the future and Sell hope?

How to sell when even the daftest of daft Sinkies can see so obviously that there is nothing except hot air below the nose from the seller to sell?

Anonymous said...

But then hor, must also be ABLE TO AFFORD to talk about the future and Sell hope what.
11:04 am


And PAP every time win election and therefore got power and also money lor.

So of course can afford lah.

So when PAP sell anything, including hope, Sinkies, like it or not, are forced to buy lor.

Bo pian mah, tio bo, unless Sinkies can afford and able to emigrate lah.

Anonymous said...

7.40am, I don't think the earlier poster is trying to frighten u lar. He just being nice to caution you.. Cause if y really Kena, besides the air con room, u may Kena sodomised if put together with dangerous inmates. There u talk so tough also no use as the violent guy may just stick his rod into your mouth and covering your mouth with your hands would not help too.😰😰😰

Anonymous said...

//And PAP every time win election and therefore got power and also money lor.

So of course can afford lah.

So when PAP sell anything, including hope, Sinkies, like it or not, are forced to buy lor.

Bo pian mah, tio bo, unless Sinkies can afford and able to emigrate lah.//

..How Long Can PAPies rule?

Asking Sinkies emigrate? Where to? HK? Matland? Indon? OZ ? Kiwi? Yankee? EU? Or u suggest?

U dun need to emigrate..in a not so distance future Sinkieland will be sold to China..cos majority r PRC Chinese living here, can see that in the hdb heartland very common sight now...or even Sinkieland sold to Ah Neh or even Matland/Indoland...

Anonymous said...

[So when PAP sell anything, including hope, Sinkies, like it or not, are forced to buy lor.]

..Not true Leh..at least 30% not agree to dat..the rest r the Dafts Die Hard Sinkies willing be slaughtered by the whites masters...

Anonymous said...

Ex-Sarawak pageant finalist organises and takes part in Singapore orgies, earned over $20k monthly during her prime

Do you think we need more foreign talents like this?
Do you think these talents can secure for us more OBOR project from China?

Do you think the current talents we have are just too physically ugly for the job?

c said...

Sinkieland cannot last long because after LHL, there is not a single politician able to lead the country with full support of the people. In fact, the present 4th generation leeders (not leaders, only good for taking orders from lee) are just followers; sorry to say, none of them can lead. Even opposition lay-ders (not leaders, only good for laying eggs).

Matland and Indonland, plus Indiland, are eyeing and waiting for the right moment to take over control. They will start with taking over the control of the air-space; then the sea lanes; then the surrounding islands. They will demand the US forces to leave Sinkieland because they not happy with US in the region acting as big bully.

b said...

Thats why sg must become a state of usa like guam or hawaii asap. Otherwise always bully by top, down, left and right. China is not the same peaceful china as yesteryears. She has now ambition to take over and be the big brother. She does not care if they are chinese or not. Taiwan treatment is obvious. OBOR is the first sign.

Anonymous said...

What taking over sinkieland airspace?
Its sinkieland taking over Riau airspace. Indon airforce needs to inform Changi before it can take off.
This part reflects sinkieland actually needs to cooperate with Riau to seek permission to fly pass. But past colonial powers made it different. In a way, Indon lost the ability and facilities to control its own airtraffic. Jokowi wants it back. Now he put his airforce based at Natuna island and also wants to be at Batam, 20km from sinkieland. The radars will monitor sinkiesland s airforce take off.
If Indon does not allow sinkieland airforce to fly pass Riau, then only one possible route is through South China Sea, where Natuna airbase is monitoring now.
U got the message about what Indon wants to do? No flight can take off if sinkieland ah long men "want to fly pass without Indon permissions".

Anonymous said...

Where do u think Kim JU will explode the Hydrogen bomb on pacific ocean? At the middle of pacific near North pacific ocean half way to Sanfrancisco?
If US shoots it, it will be exploded near Japan.

If Kim chicken out on his own statement, where is he going to explode another H bomb? Or only fire missile to test flight without heads on it? Kim put up his own self statement is first time and called someone "dotard". Solid stuff must back by real action.

What is your guess?

Anonymous said...

After Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's visit to Beijing Tuesday, some media speculated that the 42-year-old tradition of Singapore training its soldiers in Taiwan would come to an end. Though there hasn't been any official announcement, such military exchanges should have been stopped long ago.

The "Starlight program" is an unsolved problem between China and Singapore. In 1975, then Taiwan leader Chiang Ching-kuo and then Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew signed the program. Since then, Singapore has been sending troops almost every year to Taiwan for training, more than 10,000 soldiers in peak years.

When Singapore gained independence, Taiwan provided assistance to establish its military. As a tiny country, Singapore also lacks space for military training. Singapore may also have wanted to play between the Chinese mainland and the island of Taiwan.

Taiwan wanted to use this cooperation with Singapore to prevent the latter from fully supporting the mainland. The US is fond of seeing Singapore and Taiwan maintain this bond, as both of them are its pawns.

The Chinese mainland has tolerated the "Starlight program" for a long time due to historical reasons. The illegitimate nature of this program means it will be increasingly difficult to carry on. At a time when the Tsai Ing-wen administration of Taiwan refused to recognize the 1992 Consensus and Singapore also turned its back on the Chinese mainland, the "Starlight program" became conspicuously peculiar. Last September, when Singapore's armored vehicles were intercepted in Hong Kong on their way back from Taiwan, this program was exposed.

When cross-Straits relations were stable and Sino-Singaporean ties sound, the Chinese mainland tolerated the "Starlight program." However, this program no doubt damages the one-China principle. The Chinese mainland reserves its right to change its approach to it at any time.

Singapore has long sensed the short life of this program, which is why it has leased a large training facility in Australia.

It was the Hong Kong media that first reported the uncertainty of the "Starlight program," which created huge waves in Taiwan.

Not long ago, Taiwan lost "diplomatic relations" with Panama, and it will be a huge blow if it soon loses the "Starlight program." While it cannot be verified whether such reports are true or what's behind them, many Taiwan media attribute it to Tsai's refusal to accept the 1992 Consensus. Such reflections are reasonable, as changes to cross-Straits relations have been caused by the disappearance of a political basis between the mainland and Taiwan.

Anonymous said...

"To say nothing, especially when speaking, is half the art of diplomacy."
- Will Durant

Since all our PAP Ministers returned from China without any OBOR projects;
Do you think China has been very diplomatic?

Anonymous said...

/// Singapore has long sensed the short life of this program, which is why it has leased a large training facility in Australia. ///

Who in Singapore sensed the short life of this program?

Anonymous said...

/// Singapore has long sensed the short life of this program, which is why it has leased a large training facility in Australia. /// @ September 23, 2017 5:59 pm

So why not lease a large training facility in China?
So we have one facility in Taiwan and one facility in China.
Isn't this better diplomacy?

Anonymous said...

/// Singapore has long sensed the short life of this program, which is why it has leased a large training facility in Australia. /// @ September 23, 2017 5:59 pm

Or maybe offer China a training facility in Singapore?
The Americans are already here.
So why not China?

Anonymous said...

@anon 6.14pm & 6.21pm.

By so doing, u may have antagonized both big bro nations of Cowboys & Chins..

//When Singapore gained independence, Taiwan provided assistance to establish its military. ..// u r sure ROC ever help Sinkieland in establishing its military? ..isn't the Israelis who help Sinkieland build up its military in the 60s?..

Anonymous said...

North Koreans war dance.

North Koreans said Trump's harsh remarks are tantamount to "the most ferocious declaration of war" against their country, and has prompted the entire population to prepare to carry out "the toughest counteraction unprecedented in history."

"As stated by the respected Supreme Leader, our army and people, staking the dignity and honor of Juche Korea, will force the dotard to pay dearly for his reckless remarks and turn out in response to the call of the leader so as to surely and definitely tame the U.S. imperialist empire with fire and win the final victory in the standoff with it," the KCNA quoted one of the unnamed speakers as saying.

In the rally of soldiers organized by the Ministry of People's Armed Forces on the same day, Ri Myong-su, the military's chief of general staff, said in his speech: "The strike of our style that we have prepared for the final battle against the U.S. imperialists for many years will be the most severe and dreadful retaliatory war, and this strike offensive will continue till we wipe them out to the last one... and until we annihilate the U.S. imperialists on this planet forever."

Anonymous said...

" It would be some time before I fully realized that the United States sees little need for diplomacy; power is enough.
Only the weak rely on diplomacy.
This is why the weak are so deeply concerned with the democratic principle of the sovereign equality of states, as a means of providing some small measure of equality for that which is not equal in fact.
Coming from a developing country, I was trained extensively in international law and diplomacy and mistakenly assumed that the great powers, especially the United States, also trained their representatives in diplomacy and accepted the value of it.

But the Roman Empire had no need for diplomacy.
Nor does the United States.
Diplomacy is perceived by an imperial power as a waste of time and prestige and a sign of weakness."

Boutros Boutros-Ghali, as quoted in Unvanquished : A U.S. - U.N. Saga (1999), p. 198.

Goh said...

//Taiwan want to use this cooperation with Singapore to prevent...//
Who you trying to bluff?
Taiwan is giving face to us to allow sinkies to train there because of the good relationship of our past leaders and has nothing to gain.
Be grateful and never suspect others kindnesses.

agongkia said...

Why must SG become a state of usa like Guam or Hawaii?
Who's having ambition?
China is always peaceful and has no intention on others but it's others who try to provoke her.
Only westernized bananas can be easily brainwashed to claim China is a bully.

Snake Catcher said...

Reply to Anon @ September 23, 2017 5:59 pm:

I must correct your fallacies, misconceptions, wrong assumptions, glaring inaccuracies and suspicious "errors" in your long expose.

"After Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's visit to Beijing Tuesday, some media speculated that the 42-year-old tradition of Singapore training its soldiers in Taiwan would come to an end. Though there hasn't been any official announcement, such military exchanges should have been stopped long ago."

Which are the "some media" that speculated? Prove your source please.

What "military exchanges"? There was no military exchanges. It has been one-sided all the way. Only SAF send personnel to Taiwan for training. Taiwan has never sent her military personnel to Singapore for training or for joint exercises.

SAF's training in Taiwan has always been conducted by SAF officers for SAF personnel; never involving any Taiwanese military officers/instructors.

Why should such "military exchanges" be stopped long ago? Was there any problem in the past? None. China did not raise any objections, neither did any other countries in the region.

Irrespective of whether Taiwan and China is one country or two countries, as long as the local authorities (in this case the Taiwanese government) permit Singapore to make use of their land, there is nothing wrong. We pay Taiwan for the use of the land, equipment and certain facilities. We never forcefully took the land and use it. We never violate international laws or Taiwanese laws. We never cause nuisance to other countries.

Being a small island, Singapore has limited land for military training. We approached Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and others, to let us make use of their land for our military training, but all these countries turned us down. So, can they now turn around and tell us that we cannot train in other countries. if these countries allow us to do so?

"The "Starlight program" is an unsolved problem between China and Singapore. In 1975, then Taiwan leader Chiang Ching-kuo and then Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew signed the program. Since then, Singapore has been sending troops almost every year to Taiwan for training, more than 10,000 soldiers in peak years."

The "Starlight Exercise" has never been a problem between China and Singapore. There is no threat to China whether militarily, politically, culturally, historically, diplomatically nor legally. China has never voiced any objection openly until recently, because of some nincompoops trying to punch above their weight. So, where is the "unresolved problem between China and Singapore"? You make it sounds as though it has been festering for a long time.

"When Singapore gained independence, Taiwan provided assistance to establish its military. As a tiny country, Singapore also lacks space for military training. Singapore may also have wanted to play between the Chinese mainland and the island of Taiwan."

Where the hell you got this nonsense that Taiwan provided assistance to establish Singapore's military? Singapore leaders approached many countries to come and help us to start our own Armed Forces so that we could defend ourselves. The only country that answered our call for help was Israel.

In 1965, Taiwan was still economically weak and her military was still engaged in regular cross-border artillery shellings with China. Taiwan could not spare any military nor financial assistance to Singapore at that time.

Snake Catcher said...

Reply to Anon at September 23, 2017 5:59 pm continues:

Reply to Anon at September 23, 2017 5:59 pm continues:

"Taiwan wanted to use this cooperation with Singapore to prevent the latter from fully supporting the mainland. The US is fond of seeing Singapore and Taiwan maintain this bond, as both of them are its pawns."

How did you come to this baseless assumption? The close relationship between Singapore and Taiwan is for mutual benefits, not because Taiwan wanted to prevent this and that. What has the US to do with Singapore's Exercise Starlight in Taiwan?

Singapore is not owned by the US. We are an independent and sovereign state recognised by the United Nations.

Singapore became independent in 1965. In 1968, the British announced withdrawal East of Suez. By Oct 1971, most British troops were withdrawn from Singapore. A small contingent of British, Australian and New Zealand forces stayed on as a token military presence. The last British soldier left Singapore in March 1976.

After the fall of South Vietnam, US troops evacuated back to the US. Singapore was only good for the US as an Rest & Recreation Center for USr troops to recuperate during the Vietnam War. After the Vietnam War, Singapore was of no use to the US military any more. The US had the Clark Air Base and Subic Naval Base in the Philippines until 1991/92.

"The Chinese mainland has tolerated the "Starlight program" for a long time due to historical reasons. The illegitimate nature of this program means it will be increasingly difficult to carry on. At a time when the Tsai Ing-wen administration of Taiwan refused to recognize the 1992 Consensus and Singapore also turned its back on the Chinese mainland, the "Starlight program" became conspicuously peculiar. Last September, when Singapore's armored vehicles were intercepted in Hong Kong on their way back from Taiwan, this program was exposed."

Owing to our limited land area, the SAF has been going to many countries for military training, including Taiwan. China has not openly and officially demonstrated any objection against Singapore's military training anywhere in the world. Singapore's Exercise Starlight is no more a secret for a long time. It has been reported in our local news outlets as well as foreign newspapers. Therefore, to attribute it to Hong Kong's detention of our armoured vehicles that exposed the Exercise Starlight is a twisted and mischievous endeavour.

Whether Taiwan's Tsai Ing Wen's Administration recognize the 1992 Consensus or not, is none of Singapore's business and has got nothing to do with Singapore. Linking this to Exercise Starlight is an absurd excuse for unreasonable political exploitation.

Accusing Singapore of turning her back on China is an outright lie. Singapore has never turned her back on / to China. We have established a long-term cordial and friendly relationship without any hitch in the past. Since 1980, Singapore's then Deputy Prime Minister, Dr Goh Keng Swee, had become advisor to Deng Xiaoping, to assist China in developing Special Economic Zones (Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou, Xiamen, Hainan, Dalian, Qinhuangdao, Tianjin, Yantai, Qingdao, Lianyungang, Nantong, Shanghai, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Zhanjiang and Beihai), which formed the foundation of China's progress and prosperity today.

Snake Catcher said...

Reply to Anon at September 23, 2017 5:59 pm continues:

"When cross-Straits relations were stable and Sino-Singaporean ties sound, the Chinese mainland tolerated the "Starlight program." However, this program no doubt damages the one-China principle. The Chinese mainland reserves its right to change its approach to it at any time.

Isn't it a childish and self-defeating reasoning to assert that when relations were stable, China tolerated Singapore's Exercise Starlight in Taiwan, and therefore never mind whether it damages One-China principle or not. But when relations are rocky, Singapore's Exercise Starlight in Taiwan suddenly becomes damaging to the One-China principle. This is like a spoilt brat child who gives something when friendship is good, but take away when friendship sours. How can such a childish approach be adopted for international relationship as a matter of national policy?

"Singapore has long sensed the short life of this program, which is why it has leased a large training facility in Australia."

On what basis is this assumption made? Who in Singapore has long sensed the short-life of Exercise Starlight? The fact is that Singapore acquired a large piece of land in Australia for our air force and armoured vehicles to train, so that they have sufficiently wide open area to manoeuvre. This has got nothing to do with whether we terminate Exercise Starlight in Taiwan or not.

"Taiwan wanted to use this cooperation with Singapore to prevent the latter from fully supporting the mainland. The US is fond of seeing Singapore and Taiwan maintain this bond, as both of them are its pawns."

How did you come to this baseless assumption? The close relationship between Singapore and Taiwan is for mutual benefits, not because Taiwan wanted to prevent this and that. What has the US to do with Singapore's Exercise Starlight in Taiwan?

Singapore is not owned by the US. We are an independent and sovereign state recognised by the United Nations.

Singapore became independent in 1965. In 1968, the British announced withdrawal East of Suez. By Oct 1971, most British troops were withdrawn from Singapore. A small contingent of British, Australian and New Zealand forces stayed on as a token military presence. The last British soldier left Singapore in March 1976.

After the fall of South Vietnam, US troops evacuated back to the US. Singapore was only good for the US as an Rest & Recreation Center for US troops to recuperate during the Vietnam War. After the Vietnam War, Singapore was of no use to the US military any more.

Singapore is nobody's pawn. We decide our own foreign policies based upon our own survival as a small state.

Snake Catcher said...

Reply to Anon at September 23, 2017 5:59 pm continues:

"The Chinese mainland has tolerated the "Starlight program" for a long time due to historical reasons. The illegitimate nature of this program means it will be increasingly difficult to carry on. At a time when the Tsai Ing-wen administration of Taiwan refused to recognize the 1992 Consensus and Singapore also turned its back on the Chinese mainland, the "Starlight program" became conspicuously peculiar. Last September, when Singapore's armored vehicles were intercepted in Hong Kong on their way back from Taiwan, this program was exposed."

Singapore has been sending troops to many countries for military training. China has not officially registered any objection. Singapore's Exercise Starlight is not a secret. Therefore, to attribute it to Hong Kong's exposure is a calculated twist.

Whether Taiwan's Tsai Ing Wen's Administration recognize the 1992 Consensus or not, is none of Singapore's business. Linking this to Exercise Starlight is an absurd excuse for political exploitation.

Accusing Singapore of turning her back on China is an outright lie. Singapore has never turned her back on China. We have established a long-term friendly relationship with China without any hitch in the past. Since 1980, Singapore's then DPM, Dr Goh Keng Swee, had become advisor to then President Deng Xiaoping, to assist China in developing Special Economic Zones, such as Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou, Xiamen, Hainan, Dalian, Tianjin, Qingdao, Lianyungang, Nantong, Shanghai, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Zhanjiang and Beihai, which formed the foundation of China's progress and prosperity today.

"When cross-Straits relations were stable and Sino-Singaporean ties sound, the Chinese mainland tolerated the "Starlight program." However, this program no doubt damages the one-China principle. The Chinese mainland reserves its right to change its approach to it at any time."

Isn't it a childish and self-defeating reasoning to assert that when relations were stable, China tolerated Singapore's Exercise Starlight in Taiwan, and therefore never mind whether it damages One-China principle. But when relations are rocky, Singapore's Exercise Starlight in Taiwan damages the One-China principle. So, China can change her approach towards Singapore as she likes? It is like a spoilt brat child who gives something when friendship is good, but take away when friendship sours. How can such a childish approach to international relationship be envisaged?

"Singapore has long sensed the short life of this program, which is why it has leased a large training facility in Australia."

On what basis is this assumption made? Who in Singapore has long sensed the short-life of Exercise Starlight? The fact is that Singapore acquired a large piece of land in Australia for our air force and armoured vehicles to train, so that they have sufficiently wide open area to manoeuvre. This has got nothing to do with whether we terminate Exercise Starlight in Taiwan or not.

"It was the Hong Kong media that first reported the uncertainty of the "Starlight program," which created huge waves in Taiwan."

Why Exercise Starlight created "huge waves" in Taiwan"? Without Exercise Starlight, Taiwan will collapse? This is a mischievous speculation!

"Not long ago, Taiwan lost "diplomatic relations" with Panama, and it will be a huge blow if it soon loses the "Starlight program." While it cannot be verified whether such reports are true or what's behind them, many Taiwan media attribute it to Tsai's refusal to accept the 1992 Consensus. Such reflections are reasonable, as changes to cross-Straits relations have been caused by the disappearance of a political basis between the mainland and Taiwan."

This is shit-stirring.

Anonymous said...

/// The real story, or at least Xi Jinping’s message, was innocuously massaged into Goh Sui Noi’s column at the bottom half of Page 8 in Saturday’s Straits Times:

“However, in a sign that things are not yet all hunky-dory, Xi, at his meeting with Lee, said the two sides needed to build mutual political trust and support each other on issues of core interests and major concerns.” This was not mentioned on Thursday’s Page 1 coverage of the Lee-Xi meeting. ///
