
A reminder of the Evil Ones and their evil works

The above is a short clip of the legacy of the Americans in Vietnam. More than 40 years after they were driven out of Vietnam, their evil deeds continue to plague the Vietnamese, to destroy the lives of many innocents. 
The same story went to North Korea that the Americans and the West like to gloat about, famine and poverty 5 or 6 decades after the Korean War. They would not tell you that the famine and poverty were the result of their evil deeds by destroying all the infrastructure for economic activities, the water and irrigation system and the land. They even boasted about nothing that was humanly made was left standing after their carpet bombing in that country.

The Vietnamese could suffer a worst fate than the Koreans if they did not chase them out in 1975. The Americans were conducting carpet bombing in a scale many times more than in North Korea and with napalm and chemical agents, the most famous of all, Agent Orange and Purple Rain. Many parts of Vietnam are still contaminated by these chemicals and leftover unexploded bombs.

Take a good view of the video and ask yourself, are the Americans the angels that they made the world to believe in and that you choose to continue to believe in their lies. 

Today they are bent on starting another war in Korea just because the North Koreans are developing weapons to protect themselves from an attack by the Americans. The Americans are lying to the world that the North Koreans are a threat to the Americans. How could that be? How can boy scouts be a threat to the American mafia? 

The Americans are in possession of the world's largest nuclear arsenal and chemical weapons, all weapons of mass destruction, WMD.  Their war expenditure is more than a trillion US dollars a year. And in every war that is happening today, the Americans are involved and had a hand in starting the war. They are now pushing the North Koreans to another war and dragging the world into it, particularly their stupid and very eager allies.

Stop the Americans from starting more wars and conducting more wars.

Watch the picture in this link and ask yourself, are the North Koreans a poor people, suffering from famine and stricken poverty as the west would want you to believe? The picture is produced by AFP/STR, western media, and a recent one, a few days old, reposted in Channel News Asia.


Virgo49 said...

They accused Asaad of using Sarin chemicals on the Syrians.

They just want an excuse to annihilate the Syrians.

Agent Orange, worst than the Sarin. So many innocents suffering.

Now their Good Lord is getting angry with their Sins.

Hurricanes after hurricanes.

Karma haunting them. Destroyed other lands and lives.

Now they paying their lives and disasters of their own homeland.

Kept them busy to rebuild their counties and not have any more patriotic nonsense of killing others and stirring Shits.

Anonymous said...

US has no interest to lower the tensions on the Korean Peninsula so they can justify keeping their strategic war assets near China's borders; and to sell arms to the South Koreans, just as Trump sold hundreds of billions dollars of arms to the Saudis when he visited the Middle East not too long ago.

Anonymous said...

US endeavors for an oil embargo on North Korea won't work as the North Koreans if need can turn their vast reserves of coal into oil using the Fischer–Tropsch process ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fischer-Tropsch_process ) and plants they had build ( http://www.38north.org/2014/04/jbermudez041014/#_ftn3 ).

Anonymous said...

How could a bankrupt country continue to keep their strategic war assets all over the world is something I could never understand.

Great Britain did the same thing, controlling more than half the world during their peak, but in the end had to let go of most of the commonwealth countries when they could no longer afford it.

At least the British did not destroy much of other countries and also had a hand in eventually ruling those countries they took over.

The US is only interested in war, destruction, selling weapons, setting up military bases on the pretext of maintaining order, and seizing assets, particularly oilfields.

Anonymous said...

Its a value judgement. See what argument one wants. If UN 5 p members all has WMD, Israel, Paki, India, also openly having WMD, why DPRK is not allowed?
China Russia voted along with US based on US s wishes to sanction DPRK. Its like a game. Niki Haley a Punjabi descendant, raise the hands, the rest follow including China and Russia.

This round on Monday, Niki tabled one to embargo oil to DPRK. Putin rejected Moon s personal request to support this bill. So likely one of the 5p will reject the original bill at UN.

DPRK warned UN, it is watching every move US does against its interest. DPRK wants to fight back. From this development, it is clear that DPRK will lean towards Russia as ally to counter US and possibly all other 5p less Russia against its interest. There is far less China can influence DPRK. Trump exaggerated the influence in order to push China against DPRK and it worked. Now China is monitored by Thaad: which auto sharing military info with SK and Japan.

Russia is reported to be the top supplier on oil. China might agree to reduce supply on oil under UN pressure.

The situation evolves into: those UN allowed to have WMD vs those not allowed by the 5p. DPRK tries hard to own WMD to fight against these 5p-1. In war time, this is the likely scenario. China being the closest to SK and DPRK will be vulnerable to attack at less than 50% chance if its action on oil embargo under UN resolution weaken DPRK stability. Japan SK are the obvious to receipt bombs.
It will be DPRK supported by Russian weapons vs these few countries. Very similar to Syria Assad s position. From objective view, DPRK troops have high fire power and more submarines to fire missiles to these countries, and US fleets than Syria.

This conventional war is getting inevitable. DPRK is ready it seems to settle the score. At least, with US with objective to drive US out of SK. Once done, US will have to shout at Japanese ports across the sea. DPRK if chicken out, it will be never ending threats against its border, massive US SK exercises, plus US tabling sanctions for the 5p to raise their hands will drive DPRK to nut. Cannot carry out business for wanting to protect its own people from harm: this is the real world for N Koreans.

Anonymous said...

Watch the picture in this link and ask yourself, are the North Koreans a poor people, suffering from famine and stricken poverty as the west would want you to believe? ... The picture is produced by AFP/STR, western media, and a recent one, a few days old,

Please lah RB, one scene does not tell the whole picture, just as one swallow does not make a summer. And u think Kim Jong Un will allow the western media to visit and film the bad side of NK?

Just look at Sinkieland, so many cars on the roads, and cars in Sinkieland are the most expensive in the whole world, u know. This is a sign of prosperity, tio bo?

But there there so many retrenched and jobless Sinkie PMETs becoming Uber drivers which u have written so often in your blog!

Now how to reflect that in pictures, u tell me lah?

Anonymous said...

I have a friend who I know is a undischarged bankrupt but lives in a bungalow in district 10 and moves around in a big and branded car. Now u may ask, how is that possible?

My own nephew whom I know is jobless for quite some time but he still owns a car. Now u may ask, how is that possible?

Anonymous said...

So many retrenched and jobless Sinkie PMETs becoming Uber drivers and yet Chee Soon Juan could still lost a by election to a minority PAP candidate in a Chinese majority SMC!

Now u may ask, how is that possible?

Anonymous said...

anonymous 1046am you don't know meh

PAP to many many many is the old trusted brand

the voters not voting the candidates but the brands

many many many voters voted with their eyes closed


Anonymous said...

Our transport minister is paid millions and yet the MRT continues to break down.

In Japan that minister will resign in shame. Here in Sinkieland, he is still sitting at the top, enjoying his millions. Now you may ask, how is that possible?

Virgo49 said...

It's possible in Sinkieland. Cos anyone doing ok will not give a damn to their fellow Sinkies who are not doing ok.

Been ingrained by our Great Leader that no one owes you a living. You for your own survival and laws of Nature, one down the other live.

But for their own kakis and cronies, they took great care of them

Many in the TauFoo Generation can not work but still living a luxuriously life.

Whay? ?? as Why by the Koreans

Because their parents who had benefited greatly by the policies of the Pay And Pay had the means to support them. So no work still can drive car as this is the most symbolic symbol that you had arrived. Their parents harvested their undeserving profits from assets as brought cheap during their hey days and now selling at astronomical prices as inflated by the PAP.

This is a future catastrophe going to explode on.the Tou FU Sinkies which many are not aware of.

That's why Sinkies see see eat 2.50 chai png of one veg and no meat must have a car.Also, oldies still dragged themselves to work at the mercy of young punts and evil employers just to have their set of wheels.

Actually, they are affordable made unaffordable by the PAPies. A fatty boy whose father is a Doctor and Mum is a pharmacist returned from the US and stayed at home for five years after graduation. Just playing Computer Games.

Dad and Mum anger by him brought him to a church friend who runs a shipping company. Told him to give whatsoever duties to their son so as to have him a normal taste of working life.

He later quit and got himself a job that he applied himself and even have a family after that.
So, sometimes not a blessing to be born with a silver spoon in mouth.

Nor able to have normal relations with fellow beings and not street wise as those who are born to fight to survive. Many of them in the Present Generation where their parents are too well off.

Just like Pedigree dog who got lost and easily endangered or killed in the streets.A stray mongrel knows how to take care and even have a family.

Virgo49 said...

Just like the New Generation of Ministers who are sons or daughters or their related kakis of the Old Papies Beneficiaries who are like Pedigree Dogs left in the Streets be killed by the Container Trucks.

They are unable to have work in the Open Society to compete with the Mongrels Peasants who easily out perform them.

Sigh, that's life.

Anonymous said...

Hi anon 1102am good morning

I also don't know why like that leh......

My guess is..,,.....

Can it be the salary is based on the no. of breakdowns.....

That is the more breakdowns the higher the salary.......

Or may be if the breakdowns hit a certain no. a bonu$ is attached,.....

Is it like that.....,.

If like that, really not bad leh........

Beautiful Sunday!

Anonymous said...

In Japan that minister will resign in shame. Here in Sinkieland, he is still sitting at the top, enjoying his millions. Now you may ask, how is that possible?
11:02 am

Possible simply because majority voters voted for him and PAP to win the election.

Understand? Simple, tio bo?

Anonymous said...

PAP Ministers are so free they have time to form a Ministerial Committee just to study how to attract more shoppers to Orchard Road.


"Say the word and I will have Orchard Road filled with shoppers in 18 months. For Singaporeans by Singaporeans"

Doesn't anybody find it strange that;
(a) our PAP Ministers are retail experts
(b) Filling up Orchard Road with shoppers is a PAP problem

Why doesn't PAP just tell the Orchard Road shops;
"What more do you want? Three shoppers from India, China or America?"

Anonymous said...

Doesn't anybody find it strange that;
(a) our PAP Ministers are retail experts
(b) Filling up Orchard Road with shoppers is a PAP problem
12:52 pm

Aiyo, u dunno meh? To show they cho kang (do work) mah. If not, how to justify their million dollar pay?

Cho kang include cho wu cho bo. (do useless or useful work)

Most important is cho (do), not idle OK?

Anonymous said...

Cho bo lan.

Anonymous said...

PAP Ministers are so free they have time to form a Ministerial Committee just to study how to attract more shoppers to Orchard Road.

Dear PAP Minsiters
Singaporeans do not have any money left to go shopping in Orchard Road.

You want Orchard Road to be full of shoppers?
- give us back our CPF money at age 55 years old
- stop collecting more money from Singaporeans

- If you do not have enough shoppers in Orchard Road now
- Do you think you will have enough shoppers at the proposed Jewel shopping mall at Changi Airport?

Anonymous said...

Dear PM Lee
You say you want a smart nation by making Singapore into a cashless society.

I've got news for you.
We are already a cashless society now.
We have no cash (cashless) in our bank account.

Don't believe me?
Then why Orchard Road got so few shoppers?

Anonymous said...

Today u go to Orchard loot lucky plata, u will see many shoppers refuse to go sitting around. Penysuda plata and opposite also filled with shoppers refuse to go.
Pap ministers are sleeping they dont know there are shoppers all created and brought in by them, guarantee in town on sundays.

Anonymous said...

More than 10 years ago.
Our PAP government let a retail expert-auntie to become CEO of SMRT.
Look at our MRT trains today.

Now our PAP government appoint 3 PAP Millionaire-Uncles to become retail expert on Orchard Road.
In 10 years time, what do you think will happen?

Anonymous said...

If they can see 20 to 30 years down the road, what is 10 years down the road?

Remember, we are good enough for 10 million people. There will be so many more people sitting around Orchard Road by then. Not buying, but making the place look busy with shoppers. It is good for shopowners and their rentals and therefore good for the government when land is sold for building more retail outlets.

Got the drift?

Anonymous said...

Not buying, but making the place look busy with shoppers.
2:05 pm

Aiyo, long long time already like that lah.

But PAP could still get 70% votes in GE 2015, so what's the problem with that, I mean for PAP lah?

Anonymous said...

But PAP could still get 70% votes in GE 2015, so what's the problem with that, I mean for PAP lah?
2:24 pm


With Sinkies giving 70% votes to PAP, every problem for Sinkies becomes no problem, I mean no problem for PAP lah.

Anonymous said...

Dear PM Lee.
The hurricane in Florida is expected to knock out all the electricity.
Cashless transactions like credit cards will no longer be possible.
Everybody is going back to using cash.

I'm telling you because your Ministers and civil servants will not tell you this.

Anonymous said...

@ September 10, 2017 2:38 pm

At the rate we are going.
Another 10 years, our electrical system will also start to break down.
Then it's back to cash ... assuming we are not yet bankrupt as a country.

Anonymous said...

'Cashless transactions will no longer be possible' unquote

When electricity gets knocked out, not only will that not work, trains, elevators, lifts, airconds, lights etc will also not work.

But not to worry. It will not happen in Sinkieland. Even if it happens, I need to say the usual mantra first before tio bo and that is that the PAP will still get 70% of the votes. Because stupidity has no cure!

Stupidity is a worse disease than cancer or aids.

Anonymous said...

hello all

who say this pee sai is short of talents

from the many many comments and opinions here, all of you are indeed very talented

very very good, keep it up

Anonymous said...

who say this pee sai is short of talents
September 10, 2017 2:58 pm

There are many talented Singaporeans.
But very few talented Singaporeans can achieve the ivory tower standard demanded by the emperor.

But what about LHY, LSF and LSW?
What about Dr LWL?
Do you think they also fail the ivory tower standard?

Anonymous said...

Hi 329pm about ivory tower

Must be careful while standing around the ivory tower.

Make sure standing beside or close to the chief.

And don't get too close to the edge of the tower.

If not careful or being pushed from the tower, very sorry, ITE!

Hope you understand.

b said...

Sg should be a state of usa, groom a usa president, unite the world, eradicate poverty and the world will be in peace.

Anonymous said...

Just look at videos of MBFC & Raffles Place & Shenton Way .... all Sinkies have at least $10 Million cash in their bank accounts & staying in fully paid-up $20M penthouses or $50M GCB bungalows.

Huh?!?!?! What you mean you don't have?!?!?!?

You must be an illegal immigrant loser trying to steal Sinkies jobs!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Today, where did the Dragonfly flew to?

Nothing from him.

Australia? Macau? Vietnam? Shanghai?

Anonymous said...

@ September 10, 2017 12:52 pm

Meeting Minutes from the Retail Committee to Revive Orchard Road


Anonymous said...

Do good?
Do together.


Anonymous said...

China: "We Will Back North Korea If The US Strikes First" - Part 1/2

Saturday, South Korea braced for a possible new missile test by North Korea to mark its Founding Anniversary, just days after its sixth and largest nuclear test. Throughout the week, South Korean officials warned the North could launch another intercontinental ballistic missile, in defiance of UN sanctions and to further provoke the US. Pyongyang routinely marks its founding anniversary each year with a big display of pageantry and military hardware. Last year, North Korea conducted its fifth nuclear test on the 9 Sept Anniversary.

September 9 came and went, and North Korea did nothing, perhaps signalling its eagerness to de-escalate. Or perhaps not. Experts have said NK is close to its goal of developing a powerful nuclear weapon capable of reaching the US, something Trump has vowed to prevent.

Celebrating its Founding Anniversary, a front-page editorial of North Korea’s official Rodong Sinmun said the country should make "more high-tech Juche weapons to continuously bring about big historical events such as a miraculous victory of July 28". The July date refers to the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile test (Juche is North Korea’s homegrown ideology of self-reliance that is a mix of Marxism and Extreme Nationalism preached by the Founder Kim Il Sung, grandfather of Kim Jung-Un).

Meanwhile, South Korean nuclear experts said they had found minute traces of radioactive xenon gas but that it was too early to link it to Sunday’s explosion. The Nuclear Safety and Security Commission said it had been conducting tests on land, air and water samples since shortly after the North Korean nuclear test on Sunday. There was no chance the xenon "will have an impact on South Korea", the agency said.

What is more concerning, however, is a Friday report on NBC, according to which Trump is readying a package of diplomatic and military moves against North Korea, including cyberattacks and increased surveillance and intelligence operations, after the nation's sixth and largest nuclear test.

Trump's top national security advisers briefed him of various options over lunch in the White House on Sunday, just hours after North Korea's latest test.

Trump is also seriously considering adopting diplomatically risky sanctions on Chinese banks doing business with Pyongyang and upgrading missile defense systems in the region, administration officials said. In addition, the administration is not ruling out moving tactical nuclear weapons to South Korea should Seoul request them, a White House official said, though many consider such a move a nonstarter. It would break with nearly three decades of U.S. policy of denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.

US officials have also made the case to China that if Beijing doesn't take stronger steps against North Korea, such as cutting off oil exports, South Korea and Japan are likely to pursue their own nuclear weapons programs and the US won't stop them, the official said. "It's more a message for China than North Korea," the official said.

The US has adopted sanctions aimed at Chinese entities that conduct business with North Korea, but has so far held back on broadly targeting China's banking system. China has told U.S. officials it would protest such a move diplomatically and retaliate, according to the senior administration official.

So what happened on Sunday? According to NBC, Trump's national security advisers presented him with US military options, including pre-emptive strikes, and nuclear capabilities should America be called on to abide by its treaty obligations in the region, White House and defense officials said.

However, Trump's advisers have warned him that military strikes on North Korea could have serious repercussions, and the most glaring among these is that China has told Trump Administration officials that if the US strikes North Korea first, Beijing would back Pyongyang.

Anonymous said...

China: "We Will Back North Korea If The US Strikes First" - Part 2/2

This is not the first time China has warned the US not to escalate the tension. On 11 Aug, Beijing cautioned Trump that it would intervene (militarily) on North Korea’s behalf if the US and South Korea launch a preemptive strike to “overthrow the North Korean regime,” according to a statement in the Global Times.

"If the US and South Korea carry out strikes and try to overthrow the North Korean regime and change the political pattern of the Korean Peninsula, China will prevent them from doing so," it said.

At the same time, China makes it clear that its preferred outcome would be a continuation of the status quo, warning Trump that China would "remain neutral if North Korea were to strike first."

Not surprisingly, analysts have compared the standoff between the two nuclear powers (the North is a recent, if untested, member of this club) to a modern day Cuban Missile crisis. "This situation is beginning to develop into this generation's Cuban Missile crisis moment," ING's chief Asia economist Robert Carnell said in a research note. "While the U.S. president insists on ramping up the war of words, there is a decreasing chance of any diplomatic solution."

Since then, the potential risks, mutual threats and near-hostilities have grown exponentially. China - which is by far North Korea’s biggest trading partner, accounting for 92% of two-way trade last year, and also provides hundreds of thousands of tonnes of oil and fuel to the impoverished regime - has only dug in deeper, explaining repeatedly that it wants a peaceful de-escalation and that it would not side with the US in case of a military conflict.

What happens next? Well, on one hand, after today's lack of launch, there is hope that things will indeed de-escalate.

On the other hand, what the US does next may be a sufficient provocation to force Kim to lob another ICBM. Earlier today, Reuters reported that the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier left its home port in Japan for a "routine" autumn patrol of the Western Pacific, a Navy spokeswoman said. That area included "waters between Japan and the Korean peninsula." North Korea vehemently objects to military exercises on or near the peninsula, and China and Russia have suggested the United States and South Korea halt their exercises to lower tension.

Another imminent escalation is due on Monday.

That's when the United States told the U.N. Security Council that it intends to call a meeting to vote on a draft resolution establishing additional sanctions. U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said last Monday that she intended to call for a vote on Sept. 11 and then the United States circulated a draft resolution to the 15-member council on Wednesday.

The United States wants the Security Council to impose an oil embargo on North Korea, ban its exports of textiles and the hiring of North Korean laborers abroad, and to subject Kim Jong Un to an asset freeze and travel ban, according to a draft resolution seen by Reuters on Wednesday.

It was not immediately clear how North Korean allies China and Russia would vote, but a senior U.S. official on Friday night expressed scepticism that either nation would accept anything more stringent than a ban on imports of North Korean textiles. Chinese officials have privately expressed fears that imposing an oil embargo could risk triggering massive instability in its neighbor.

Meanwhile, tensions are growing between China and South Korea. The two countries have been at loggerheads over South Korea’s decision to deploy the US THAAD anti-missile system, which has a powerful radar that can probe deep into China. Recently Hyundai auto sales in China have crashed as local suppliers and potential customers have shied away from the company due to nationalistic prerogatives. The military section of China’s Global Times newspaper on Thursday referred to THAAD as “a malignant tumor”.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Why should China be on the defensive and allowing Trump to threaten to take all kinds of punitive actions against China and Chinese banks?

China must tell the Americans that any such actions will meet with retaliation against American companies and banks operating in China and Hong Kong.

Both can play the game. It is no longer one sided.

b said...

All elites are the same, all about self interest. After one caocao, still comes another caocao.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

>> "A reminder of the Evil Ones and their evil works" <<

A reminder to the sore losers and "conquered peoples":

Yo Bitchez, Deal with it!
