
Manny Pacquiao paying a price for telling the truth

Ok, I must clarify this bit. Pacquiao said this, ‘It’s common sense. Do you see animals mating with the same sex? Animals are better because they can distinguish male from female.” He added, “If men mate with men and women mate with women they are worse than animals.’ What kind of truth is Pacquiao saying, a natural truth and be punished by his sponsor Nike withdrawing its sponsorship?

Actually it was a biblical truth that Pacquiao was saying that was offensive to those people he offended. The Old Testament:  ‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.’

What is the moral of this incident? Don’t anyhow quote the bible? Or the bible is wrong, out of touch with time, outdated, outfashioned?
What do you think? This is my safest statement, I mean by asking, What do you think? The rest of the things I said above can be interpret in many ways by whoever and whatever. Peace.

Madonna is in trouble, Gaga is in trouble, Pacquiao is in trouble, all got to do with religion, not morality or simple decency. A timely warning to Veritas, not to play with religion and religious bigots.


Anonymous said...

"Look, Jeyaretnam can't win the infighting. I'll tell you why. WE are in charge. Every government ministry and department is under our control. And in the infighting, he will go down for the count every time... I will make him crawl on his bended knees, and beg for mercy."

Why won't you listen?
Why do you waste your time blogging here?

Why won't Amos Yee listen?
Why won't Roy Ngerng listen?

Why won't Workers' Party listen?
Why won't Aljunied GRC voters listen?

The said...

/// ‘It’s common sense. Do you see animals mating with the same sex? Animals are better because they can distinguish male from female.” ///

Just shows that this bugger has brain damage because of his boxing career. Commonsense will tell you that most animals exhibit homosexual behaviour.


Anonymous said...

I fainted when I saw Brezhnev kissing Arafat right in the mouth and caught on TV.

Anonymous said...

Pacquiao did not merely quote the Bible, there's nothing wrong with that. He did more than that, he embellished his own words - he said it's worse than animals. The Bible never said that, the Bible never tell believers to attack animals that exhibit homosexual behaviour. The Bible also never taught that such behaviour is not present in animals. Anyone who's not brain damaged would know that homosexual behaviour is also observed in animals, so Pacquiao said something that's plainly wrong in facts.

There are people who support Pacquiao by ignoring and obscuring this, we have to look at them with suspicion - they are deceitful and we need to be on guard what else are they deceiving us on.

Anonymous said...

Did the Bible say pedophiles are ok or not ok?

Hermit said...

If Madonna's mockery of the Christian faith in her performance is considered freedom of speech, then I think Manny's insult of LGBT should also be considered the same.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Manny Pac has every right to state his Biblical preferences regarding homosexual behaviour. However, his sponsors have to think about their BUSINESS first. If Manny Pac's "opinion" could threaten their sales, they have to drop his sponsorship.

No one has the right not to be "offended".

Fuck your "god"!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 1006

>> Anyone who's not brain damaged would know that homosexual behaviour is also observed in animals, so Pacquiao said something that's plainly wrong in facts. <<

Also quoting the nonsense bible as a "source" of science or wisdom....for fuck's sake. That book is at best a book of comedy, poorly written and full of repetition.

I've mentioned THIS BOOK before. for e.g.: Female bonobo monkeys (bonobo's are always horny, they love sex!) perform cunnilingus on each other to "elevate" their "social status".

A female interested in a male will perform cunnilingus on the male's mother to gain her "approval" to date her son. Now, I tell you, this is a great plot for a very hot porno video...and bonobos just do it because of their "culture".๐Ÿ˜‚

Manny Pac, just punch the shit out of people for our enjoyment lah. You're damn good at that. Best that you keep quiet and stop embarrassing yourself on stuff you know nothing about!

Anonymous said...

Likewise Madonna has right to mock Christianity. However the host country will have to think about their own citizens first. Yes, no one has the right not to be offended. Not the gays Manny referred to and not the LGBTs archbishop referred to.

Anonymous said...

Christianity was borne out of an offense. Being offended is their way of life. Their hero said...take me to your leader and spit on my coffin. That's their religion so...go and do that and return to your coffin.

Anonymous said...

Btw...if Christianity wants to go on an OFFENSIVE...tell them to wait for the man in the sky to return first then come talk god sing hymns

Anonymous said...

We should not encourage homosexuality as the act is against the order of nature and if practise widely, the end of humanity with shrinking population. We in Kuda club especially only encourage riding the right partner of opposite sex. I am sure angkokia and matilar would align with our view. God bless.

Vice President
Kuda Club

Anonymous said...

Usually if you know nuts and want to show others you are righteously right you will have to dwell on or bring everybody to focus bolts and nuts because conservative folks are the best suckers you take them on a piggy ride or for a merry go round

Anonymous said...

Christianity is one of a few variations of a religion that condemns all religions as false and it is the only right religion. When they sit beside you, they are cringing that they are sitting beside a worshiper of the devil or false God. Every non believer is condemned by this religion. It is their doctrine, their belief and in the bible..., for they are already condemned.

Anonymous said...

Yup...religion likes to talk about there... Where they come from

Anonymous said...

To bring an army of people against Madonna... You just need to focus on her cheebye

Anonymous said...

What do you think is holy water that they are so offended?

Anonymous said...

Matilah is very familiar with holy water hooor lol

Anonymous said...

Some claimed allah, is someone going to claim holy water as a right for their group of believers? Tangkee also use holy water, temples also got holy water.

Anonymous said...

Kiss it better, kiss it better (Don't it taste like holy water)
Make it wetter, make it wetter (Don't it taste like holy water)
Kiss it better, make it wetter (Don't it taste like holy water)
Kiss it better, kiss it better

Read more: Madonna - Holy Water Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Anonymous said...

Cheebye juice?

Anonymous said...

We in Kuda club however must make it clear that we do not, we repeat we do not support matilar incest activities.

Vice President
Kuda Club

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 918:

>> Cheebye juice? <<

First thing every morning. It's indeed a refreshing beverage and invigorating tonic!

Anonymous said...

refreshing beverage and invigorating tonic for the pious too

Anonymous said...

Based on research, u may get throat cancer from drinking too much cheebye juice more so from your young daughters and sisters

Anonymous said...

Wiser to leave the subjective alone until you are clear about the objective. Otberwise you will have to kill with grave consequences

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 911, doom and gloom:

>> Based on research, u may get throat cancer from drinking too much cheebye juice <<

Bring it on. Something is going to get you in the end anyway. Might as well be something based on lifetime fun.

Anonymous said...

Your life to live and you shall judge for yourself