
Mohammed did not go to the mountain

Did the Mohammed go to the mountain or did the mountain go to Mohammed? The mountain did not need anything from Mohammed for sure. Mohammed needed to listen to God, and needed to go to the mountain for that. This cannot be too confusing right?

I heard Reach has set up many feedback platforms for the people to go and have their feedbacks heard. And the ministers would be waiting for them. Many will go to the platforms to do as told. Many will also not go to the platforms. Those who are going will fit into a certain mould, a certain kind of thinking and expectations. The feedback will be skewed towards this kind of thinking format. There will be an absence of another format of thinking which is what the feedback probably will want to hear. This kind of thinking is floating all over cyberspace, in many blogs and forum. But the mountain would not go to the forum to hear them. The mountain may just make do with whatever and whoever is willing to call at the mountain’s convenience and dictates.

Would the mountain be humble enough to go to the people, to listen to the people, to chat with the people? Would the need to listen to the people be compelling enough to move the mountain? At the moment it is unlikely. The people must go to the mountain. Fortunately there is no requirement to kneel and pray after every 3 steps on the way to the mountain.

I think the mountain would be very welcome in many blogs and forum if indeed it can move from its immovable position. It would be like calling on the people, knocking at the doors and be invited in for a chat.

It is difficult, very difficult, to think that the mountain will go to Mohammed even with the convenience of not having to move one step and at its own time, and not risk being assaulted. The sincerity of the mountain is being questioned if it did not think it necessary to go to Mohammed.


Anonymous said...

According to Alli, the mountain must be brought low and the valley filled. Another who came after Alli said, move the mountain and cast it into the sea.

They seem to be suggesting that the mountain is the cause of the problem.

After all, if you pile up shit high enough, it can become a mountain too. Now who wants to scale a pile of shit to listen to the gods talk?

Anonymous said...

When EDICTS are the solutions to solve all issues and problems, see no reason why the Power(Mountain) has to appraoch the people.
The right and proper way is for the people to beg and for those desperate for help, to kneel and kowtow. Authority cannot mean rulers having to ask their subjects for permissions to issue edicts, right?

Anonymous said...

We have too many dumb educated people sitting on their laurels and having difficulties to comprehend the cause of sufferings and injustices on the ground.

So long as they take shelter on their mountain, there is really no point in engaging them.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9.33, if you have any children or grandchildren working in the civil service, then they are one of them too.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Wasn't Mohammed a paedophile?

In my opinion, he indeed was. The most awesome thing is that some smart operators managed to build a religion around him, incorporating this ILLEGAL and HEINOUS fact as something "holy".

Anything religious, based on faith and not reason, coming from an "authority" is sooner or later bound to be POISON.

Got miracle?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

KNN Matilah, you got fever?

No one is talking religion here lah. You understand English, or you think we are writing in Singlish?

patriot said...

There has never been a conversation, it is a conversion course DISGUISED as Conversation.

Anonymous said...

You are right. Now don't talk...sing

Go tell it on the mountain,
Over the hills and everywhere,
Go tell it on the mountain,
Our Jesus Christ is born.

When I was a seeker
I sought both night and day,
I asked the Lord to help me,
And he showed me the way.

Go tell it on the mountain,
Over the hills and everywhere,
Go tell it on the mountain,
Our Jesus Christ is born.

He made me a watchman
Upon a city wall,
And if I am a Christian,
I am the least of all.

Go tell it on the mountain,
Over the hills and everywhere,
Go tell it on the mountain,
Our Jesus Christ is born.

Anonymous said...

It is admirable and laughable too to see the People In White moving around with the people with straight and smiling faces.

Oh! It is not easy boys and girls. They really got to have hides that are spur resistant and to act as though they are well loved by the masses. For a few millions, some are just capable of anything.

Anonymous said...

Some people don't give a fuck who you are up there and will tell it like it is.

If you are such a pussy and need people to lick your chow chee byes, go be a whore...or are you already working for pimps in garmen

Anonymous said...

Hey fucking chee bye servants, respect needs to be earned...just because you are being paid like prostitutes, don't expect us to lick your assholes

You show us your assholes, we shaft the fire hydrant into your back sides....under there stand or not

Anonymous said...

Is that what people really think of the government? :)

Anonymous said...

No, we think highly of our government like we think highly of our church fathers.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Alamak redbean, you just don't get the subtleties of my comments.

And in case you have forgotten, I never miss an opportunity to fuck someone's religion ;-)

anon 506:

Dun worry, I've been awarded many labels. "Pervert" is such a tame, lame label for me, I almost find it insulting.

So I don't really worry about it. Instead of those silly labels, I prefer to concentrate my FOCUS on labias...for scientific purposes and intellectual inquiry of course.

Anonymous said...

You did better, you fucked your own mum HAHAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

Mr Chua,

Yet another sarcastic posting from you, with graphic but negative imageries ! Providing yet anotheman umber for swarms of cynics to join in the chorus. What is the point ? How does it help to improve what you and many of your followers lament to be a hopeless place ?

Anonymous said...

It helps to cause for an early renewal or rebirth, that is if You understand.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Matilah, what subtleties? You are in my face and in the face of everyone. I am still trying to comb through to find your subtleties.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

redbean, don't try so hard lah. We don't want you to stroke out ;-)

I never write anything important anyway, and I definitely don't write for anyone other than myself.

I'm selfish that way.