
Giving up on your own people

‘When you import sporting talent just to win, you have given up on your own people and it represents the “cannot do” spirit …a confirmation that you don't believe in your own people and their talents. No surprise to me that the sports association that is most active in importing sporting talent to win is led by a PAP [ruling party] MP….it reflects the faith and confidence they have in our own people.’ Lucky Tan.

The dependency on bought foreign talents to represent Sinkieland and to win medals has drawn many furious comments from concerned Sinkies. The above quote from Lucky Tan is one of the many comments made by Sinkies and has wider implications. Spending some money, since we have so much money, on something of fancy like the fantasies of an adolescent is nothing serious. It is a phase of growing up and once the dust has settled, the fantasy in the hands, it may lead to a realisation that all the farce wasn’t worth it.

What is more serious is the mentality of taking short cuts like instant trees. What is even more serious is to give up on our own people in other more important fields of enterprise. Many foreigners have been recruited to fill up very senior positions in govt and in the private sector, particularly in GLCs. Such acts are more detrimental to the well beings of the citizens, unless our own citizens are not able to fill the positions. In many instances it is not really the case but more like having more faith in foreigners than our very own. The Americans have paid a very heavy price for recruiting banking and finance talents from a little town called Mumbai when New York is the financial centre of the world. And when the most advanced financial centre could not find the talents it needed in NY and had to look at the wilderness for its talents, it deserved to have its financial institutions and industry crippled and ruined.

The importing of foreign talents to replace locals is very insulting when locals are left out in the cold, as incompetents by its own rulers. Giving foreigners a pink IC does not really change anything. It is still giving up on your own people.

There have been some policy shifts lately like priorities for allocation of schools, and differential subsidies for Sinkies. The sad part still is that many good jobs were given to foreigners instead of Sinkies. In some industries it has become a big joke. No wonder foreigners are despising and looking down on the locals. When your own do not look up to Sinkies and always look around the world to fill top jobs, it gives an impression that our own are simply useless or inept. And it is our own doing.

Give the locals a chance, put them on the job, just like politicians. There is no need to have any experience or special qualifications to be turned into an expert and advisor in many things. One can be minister this and minister that without having any prior knowledge of the business as long as the boss man has faith in him. We have eye surgeons solving flood and irrigation problems, soldiers becoming experts in trains and social services overnight, including making babies, finance man becoming education experts or housing experts etc etc. Why can’t this mentality be extended to all institutions and industries? Soon our own academics would only be found in dustbins or as taxi drivers, replaced by ‘more talented’ foreigners in the academies. And it raised the rankings of our universities to have more foreigners running it. Bloody good!

In sports, Sinkie parents are unlikely to want to put their children through the tough training regimes. They all want their children to go to the best schools and have straight As. There are no more Chan Ah Kows to spend his own time and money to put his own children through the mills.

Would the fetish hang-ups to employ foreigners be reviewed? Would there be a local’s first policy or always foreigners are deemed betterer and be the favoured choice? How would the Sinkies take it when the country gives up on them?

How would the national conversation change such a mindset of inferiority complex, that the govt has more confidence in foreigners than its own people?


Veritas said...

A very negative impact of FT policy is the destruction of apprentice system in our industry. Before, all fresh graduate engineers are supposed to be trained and get bring up. With FT policies, our young children got jobless while those FT(not as smart as our graduate) with 3-4 years experience got the job.

Today in certain high pay jobs, it is almost 100% filled by FT. This is not because locals are stupid, but because all the junior positions are virtually gone. There is no way a person could start in SG.

Anonymous said...

How did we get to such a deplorable state in belittling our own people?

Anonymous said...

"Many foreigners have been recruited to fill up very senior positions in govt and in the private sector, particularly in GLCs."

If this is true in TH & GIC , it does not bode well for SINKIES , as these FTs will ASK NOT & SPEAK NOT for SINKIES! In no time , when the numbers tip in their favour , all sinkies will be slaugthered!

Will the other 60% wake up from their slumber when there is still a window of HOPE!

Anonymous said...

You voted in the Pro Alien Party.
Q. What did you expect?
A. What do you think?

Gintai_昇泰 said...

Soon our Tiger beer - one of remaining local icons will also be overtaken by foreigners. Everything also taken by govt. Everything also outsourced. Once it's outsourced, we lose our jobs or our pay much reduced even though doing the same job. Everything taken over by the FTs. Yup, he is right to say that we will be folded up! That is the hard truth!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

redbean's philosophical conclusion:

>> Giving foreigners a pink IC does not really change anything. It is still giving up on your own people.

What cock is he talking now? The government is derived FROM the people.

The People Get The Government They Deserve...

...therefore, the people have given up ON THEMSELVES!

Anonymous said...

If I am the Emperor and Clown Pince, i will surely replace my own people if

1) People become rebellious by questiong order and verdict instead of obediently accept the Emperor's brutal truth even though the emperor has outlive his usefulness and getting seriously senile and retarded.

2) People getting too smart for their own good by reading smart blogs rather than propaganda ShittyTimes, so that PAP cannot easily continue to milk and raid public's money in blatant ways.

3) People start calling his utterly useless and incompetent son Clown Prince , Pinky, stupid,

4) People understand that legalized corruption is the worst form of corruption known to human mankind because you can't catch them easily, and if you do, the culprit will already raid extraordinary millions and still go scot-free due to kangaroo system. Better still, the musical chair ensure that they will still collecting millions by sitting on different chair.

5) People understands that Monarchy and nepotism disguise as democracy is the foundation of ruling party.

What do you think ?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

What do I think? I am thinking that one day Matilah's father brings home a few kids and tell Matilah, 'They are your brothers. Treat them well, share your room with them.'

But yes, agree with him, the people deserve the govt they get.

patriot said...

You can be very sure that M_S is wishing 7/24 that his father will bring him a lot of step mothers and step sisters. Then he need not go to HV or Geyland anymore.

Veritas said...

I believe we may be close to tipping point. Why clever shit FT want to come to SG? The reason is they screw up themselves and their brothers big time in their home ground. On comparison, we honest Singaporeans, have built a warmth and lovely home despite every attempts of PAP to sabotage it.

But taking so many of them in, especially the post-cult-revo PRC, the virus high caste Indian, things has started to turn ugly. Also our physical environment degrades from garden city to concrete jungle. Today, if not of crazy PRC colleagues, I would rather be posted in places like Shenzhen or Beijing. They have wide Boulevards, big parks...etc. Their public infra-structure of 30 years ago pig stable Shenzhen is now better than SG.

The last time I look at NEA press release, our sea water sewage bateria level, is at least 30 times exceed safety standards of Hawaii. We have pack to much people to shit in this small Island.

LHL instead of repenting, still want to bring in more. Prepare to migrate boys. Soon we will become a hell hole.

Yogiurtt said...

I believe we may be close to tipping point. Why clever shit FT want to come to SG? The reason is they screw up themselves and their brothers big time in their home ground. On comparison, we honest Singaporeans, have built a warmth and lovely home despite every attempts of PAP to sabotage it. But taking so many of them in, especially the post-cult-revo PRC, the virus high caste Indian, things has started to turn ugly. Also our physical environment degrades from garden city to concrete jungle. Today, if not of crazy PRC colleagues, I would rather be posted in places like Shenzhen or Beijing. They have wide Boulevards, big parks...etc. Their public infra-structure of 30 years ago pig stable Shenzhen is now better than SG. The last time I look at NEA press release, our sea water sewage bateria level, is at least 30 times exceed safety standards of Hawaii. We have pack to much people to shit in this small Island. LHL instead of repenting, still want to bring in more. Prepare to migrate boys. Soon we will become a hell hole.