
Blogging credence

Blogging and cyberspace have taken a big leap forward in Malaysia. The ruling UMNO is taking the challenge of internet right by the horns and running with it. Instead of the typical running down of cyberspace, clamping it down with more rules and regulations and threats of using police power, UMNO has embraced cyberspace as a partner in connecting with the public. The latest development that demands an UMNO youth candidate to have a blog as a prerequisite to stand for election is revolutionary, and progressive. I must admit that I am startled by the move. But I must congratulate UMNO for facing the challenge head on and not behave like some wimps or spoilt brats and resort to the abuse of power to control cyberspace. Some Malaysian top bloggers were invited to share their experience in Singapore. They were defensive and played down on the impact of cyberspace on the Malaysian GE. There were many other factors involved that led to the big swing in votes. Cyberspace was only one of them. The reaction from the Singapore corner is quite expected. Oh, cyberspace is a rubbish dumb of misinformation or inaccurate information. The readers or public must be protected and only the msm could provide factual and accurate information. I wanted to laugh. There are misinformation and rubbish in cyberspace, no doubt about it. But not everything is rubbish. On the contrary, not everything in msm are accurate or factually correct. No misinformation in msm? Come off it. At this point in time, cyberspace is perceived as the enemy or potential enemy, the anti establishment rebels. The only cyberspace/blogs that are credible are those set up by the establishment. Why must a little criticism or disagreement in views be anti establishment? Why should it be when it is openly admitted that the best brains are so so and could make mistakes as well? The recent events and developments and back peddling stand as proof and vindication that opposition to unfavourable or badly thought out policies is a good thing and very necessary. _________________


Where are the political elite?

I grumbled a few times about the silence of our local elite on political and social matters except for the presence of Catherine Lim and Ngiam Tong Dow. Not much or nothing was heard from all those who could lend weight to an issue. Now, after reading what Conrad Raj had written in Today this morning, I found my answer. They are all hiding in local clubs, plotting and politiking against one another. 'They(clubs) also seem to be places where aspiring or frustrated politicians and lawyers try to exhibit their craft, much to the chagrin of other members. Litigation to assert their perceived rights is a common recourse.' Said Conrad Raj. How true. And being pragmatic people, raised in a culture of pragmatism, where else is a better and safer place to show how good they are? The opposition parties should make an attempt to infiltrate into these clubs and do their recruitments there. But then again, knowing the pragmatic mentality, these elite are unlikely to venture into anything riskier than the comfort zones provided by clubs. Nice hiding places.

Looking and planning ahead

Now that most of the major issues have been taken care off, Singaporeans should start looking ahead and plan for the future. And stop being complacent just because the govt has been doing all the thinking and planning. Old age problem has been solved, high medical fees also solved. Now the next one is high education cost. It is estimated, on the low side for the hard landers, that a 4 year university course will set a family back by $150k. This is for a local course. Go overseas is easily double that amount. So how are Singaporeans going to prepare for such a day? Are they doing anything? If they are not, if they are going to be complacent, then the govt will start to do the thinking again. And with so many pro active ministers thinking and caring for the citizens, some are already suggesting that some kind of annuity schemes may be coming out to make sure that the people will have money to provide for their children's education. It is another good thing coming our way. Anyway, whether the Singaporeans are going to think or plan for themselves it is immaterial. Any scheme that the govt conceived of will override whatever plans the Singaporeans have made for themselves. Just look ahead for a better day and more great schemes.


Obama and human rights violations

"ABC News: April 09, 2008 7:02 PM Obama Says Bush Should Boycott Olympics In his strongest language to date about the Olympics, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., said that President Bush should boycott the opening ceremonies of if the Chinese do not take steps to stop the genocide in Darfur and respect the human rights of Tibetan people. "As I have communicated in public and to the President, it is past time for China to respect the human rights of the Tibetan people, to allow foreign journalists and diplomats access to the region, and to engage the Dalai Lama in meaningful talks about the future of Tibet," Obama said in a statement." When Obama speaks about human rights violation, the world must stand up to listen. He is a living tragedy of the worst human rights violations in human history. His forebears were hunted and caught, put under chains and sold in America as slaves. He knows what he is saying. It is written all over him.

More competition for Cashcards

It was reported in the ST that EZlink issued 8 mil cards while Nets issued 6 million cards. Both charged $5 per card while EZlink added a $3 deposit. So is EZlink card more expensive than Nets' Cashcard? The credit card issuers are planning to intrude into the cashcard biz. That may give consumers a wider option on whose card to use. Incidentally, credit card companies issued their cards free to their users. If they can do it, why can't the cashcard companies do likewise? Next time buy chicken rice, got to buy own plates and forks and spoons as well. But with 6/8 million cards each at $5 a piece that is $30 mil and $40 mil to each company. Too attractive to resist. Don't forget the $3 deposit or $24 mil collected and can be used for investment or collect more interest.