
All the hillbillies still believe in their own lies that Chinamen are stupid

 Too arrogant, too complacent, too afraid of competition, too much dependence on sanctioning instead of taking up challenges, losing foreign talents due to racial bias, too fixated on an education system just churning out lawyers, accountants and doctors and forgetting about the hard sciences and engineering, and most of all looking down on Chinamen, which was its greatest mistake.

How did cooks and laundrymen become so strong in engineering and science is something the USA did not foresee, despite its top-of-the line spy network and intelligence. And everything today depends on scientists and engineers in the age of technology. The USA is talking about changing its education system now, by going back to basics and starting from the bottom.

China had and is already training kindergarten kids in skills the USA would never expect. In the USA, parents would be up in arms about their kids going through the system in such a manner. No, other people will have to continue to produce the things that the USA wants, and the USA only wants to print toilet papers in exchange. That is going to end soon. The USA dream is under siege.


USA space program is another clown show between NASA and SpaceX

 USA space program is another clown show between NASA and SpaceX. This saga over the rescue of the two stranded astronauts clearly shows the readiness of both when problems arise. They were unprepared and probably are regretting not having the Russians involved. Oh, I forgot that the Russians were sanctioned by them. Anyway, let us just enjoy the spin with one party blaming the other.

The USA had been so pre-occupied with sanctioning Russia and antagonizing China that they forgot about preparing themselves for trouble at home. Their unpreparedness during the Los Angeles wildfires clearly exposed their failings. Lack of water must be the most surprising excuse in a country touted to have the best water system in the world. And they even had to recruit firefighters from convicts to do the job. Just left me wondering whether these recruits were contributing to the spread and looting or fighting the fires.

Going back further, during the COVID19 epidemic, the USA was massively caught unprepared in terms of stockpiles of medical equipment and even masks, resulting in more than 1.2 million deaths. Even India, with a population more than four times that of the USA had only slightly more than half a million deaths. That is from a country where healthcare system is well below the USA standard or even non-existent.

Lest I forget to mention, Boeing is the partner of NASA in the USA space program, building rockets for NASA, so who could really be surprised that NASA is having rocket problems. Even in aircraft manufacturing, Boeing is losing its repute in building safe and reliable planes without landing gears falling off, doors dislodging and fires in cabins.

While China's space program is innovating and its Tiangong Space Station expanding, the International Space Station that the USA inherited from Russia is about to fall apart without Russian input. If the USA were to depend on Boeing to build another space station, I wonder whether it will even get off the ground fast enough to challenge China, LOL.


USA challenging China and lost

 The USA isolated China from participating in research on the International Space Station. China went ahead to build its own space station.

The USA is isolating China from having a foothold in building high-end chips and China is into building its own high-end chips and even the equipment.

What else is the USA going to ban China from? EVs are already lost and over. Solar Panels are already lost and over. Wind turbines are already lost and over. Raw materials and logistics are already cornered by China and over. Shipbuilding has already been overtaken by China and is over. Steel and aluminum production is also over and yet the USA is trying to dominate this sector by raising tariffs against allies. Agriculture strangulation is over with China widening its sources of supply away from the USA.

Now divide and rule is again coming into focus. But it looks more like the USA is isolating itself from its allies more than dividing others from trading or their moving towards trading with China. Are the USA strategic advisors still sleeping and not doing their work properly?


Authoritarian regime in Washington calls Zelensky a dictator

 It is so clearly exposed by all the sudden change of narrative about the situation in Ukraine, the criticism of the Europeans in NATO, the total humiliation of Zelenskyy and the shifting of relations with Moscow, all to soften Putin to lure him away from supporting China and his overseeing the development of BRICS. I believe Putin is smart enough to see what the USA is trying to do and does not fall into a trap that will backfire against Putin.

After spouting all the narrative for the last two years that Russia started the Ukraine War, Trump just turn the narrative on its head by accusing Zelenskyy of being the one igniting the war in Ukraine. It was a 180-degree turn, not 360-degree turn asked of Putin by Annalena Baerbock, the ignoramus German foreign minister who lost her direction, making her the laughingstock of the whole world. I guess in the West, Ignorance is always seen as bliss.

Trump wants to pivot his conflict towards China and needs to pry Russia away from supporting China, which is the motive for all the willingness to go to the extent of punishing the EU and criminalizing Zelenskyy. Putin must not forget the expansion of NATO despite the agreement with Gorbachev, the kicking out of Russia from the G7, the sanctions on Russia, the bombing of the Nord Stream pipelines and the seizure of Russia assets.

Let us say if Putin does fall into the trap and China is defeated, what do we think will the USA do? Its playbook says, the USA will go for Russia next, just like going for the EU after having served its purpose of fighting the Russians in Ukraine on behalf of the USA. Now the EU is destroyed economically and about to be pushed over the edge of the cliff, just to lure Putin to join the USA camp. Is it going to happen? Remember, Putin is playing chess, the Chinese playing Go, while Trump can only play checkers. Agreements with Trump may hold for four years, but what happens when a new USA President takes over? He will still have to play according to what is in the USA playbook, which is to maintain its sole superpower status and still using the US$ hegemony to control the world. Where will Russia be by then?



Western 'DEI' university ranking system versus real hard science ranking system

 The much hyped western university ranking systems, apart from being very subjective and western biased, are in many ways similar to the 'DEI' distribution system, based on feel good factors and not meritocracy. DEI stands for Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity.  DEI is a spin off from Wokism in practice. And the forces behind this movement are so powerful that American culture and life, embracing every entity, every aspect of life, the economy, administration, the military, universities etc etc are invaded and compromised, with rainbow warriors everywhere, with people of colours, women, LGBTQ given priority and special considerations for employment and advancement. 

This DEI stuff maybe why America is in rapid decline, when people are hired, promoted, placed in high positions, not on merits but to meet the quota of DEI and to be politically correct. Theoretically it is a feel good phenomenon for equality of colour, sexes, age and whatever. It is meant to be a happy combination, a happy formula for all. The western university ranking system has a lot in common with the DEI thinking. Universities must have this and that to be ranked highly, academic excellence is only one of many factors.

Trump and Musk are on a crusade to dismantle this DEI thing and many top dogs in the administration, in the military perceived to be where they are because of DEI are being chopped, sacked on the spot. Top on the list are the black and women generals. 

Under the DEI western university system, and coupled with the huge western biased, practically all the top universities are American or western universities. The top Chinese or Asian universities barely qualified ot be in the elite list. And all the top universities either were living on their past glories, with little academic excellence to prove, or those that knew how to game the system, by adding all the 'DEI' factors to score and to stay in the top of the ladder.

There are now alternative university ranking that used hard data, like academic excellence, top quality research papers in science and engineering, not masak masak field of studies, and Chinese universities are now ranked in the top ten, sweeping away all the American or British Ivy League universities.  The Chinese universities are now the top producers of high quality academic and scientific papers, not degree mill toilet papers. When real substance counts, when STEM disciplines are what that matters, the Chinese universities ranked right at the top. 

Trump and Musk are doing the right thing if they want America to be great again by removing the not so great but looking pretty people, picked under DEI criteria and put the real talents in the jobs. If this trend holds, the feel good 'DEI' university ranking system would also go the way of the dodo birds.

Below is a table from Wikipedia on the ranking of universities in Engineering alone. The world in the future depends on hard sciences, engineering, maths and high tech. To be good in AI, quantum physics, rocket science, being good in talking cock, in smooth talkings, twist and turns with words, hair splitting, would only win an argument in Congress or in the Senate as a pyrrhic victory at most. No amount of lies, misinformation, fake information can make a country great. High ranking universities based on DEI criteria are as good as Hollywood stuff, fiction with little substance.


01Tsinghua UniversityChina
02Zhejiang UniversityChina
03Harbin Institute of TechnologyChina
04Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityChina
05Nanyang Technological UniversitySingapore
06Xi'an Jiaotong UniversityChina
07Huazhong University of Science and TechnologyChina
08University of Science and Technology of ChinaChina
09Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyUS
10Tianjin UniversityChina
11Southeast UniversityChina
12Central South UniversityChina
13South China University of TechnologyChina
14Northwestern Polytechnical UniversityChina
15Chongqing UniversityChina
16Tongji UniversityChina
17Georgia Institute of TechnologyUS
18Beijing Institute of TechnologyChina
19Stanford UniversityUS
20Beijing Institute of TechnologyChina
Source Wikipedia