
Musk is auditing Fort Knox...is there gold in Fort Knox would soon be revealed

 The circus in the White House is coming to an end. The successive American Presidents were really clowning around thinking that they were the Presidents of the USA but actually were kept in the dark, ignorant of many things in the country. They could sign presidential decrees or orders, thump their chests, threaten countries with wars, sanctions etc etc, but did not know what is happening at home, like how the money are being spent or smuggled to fill someone's pocket, how effective are their weapons and military might, or how much gold is there in Fort Knox. They have no control over the American assassination arm, the CIA.

So far, Musk has done a great job in exposing the scale and widespread corruption in many state departments, including past presidents and top politicians. It is looking so ugly. After firing so many staff in USAID, FBI and CIA, the victims would dare not complain or resist as they know their guilt and corrupt practices have been exposed and would have been hung them high and dry. They simply slip away to avoid being charged and jailed.

Now comes the interesting part, is there any gold in Fort Knox. This has been the biggest mystery surrounding the gold, owned by America and foreign countries kept for safe keeping in the Fort. Have they been stolen, smuggled out and really nothing is left in the Fort? The behaviour of the guardians of the precious metal is suspicious and saying the gold is not there. Several countries have asked to have their gold back but rejected with flimsy excuses. Can you believe it, owners of the gold have no right to take them back. 

It has also been reported that Britain is quietly sending huge amount of gold to America recently. Why? To keep up the facade and pretence that the gold is still there, by topping up some for show?

Trump the gangster is not going to be fooled by the Deep State like the other presidents. He wants to know the truth and to hang the masterminds behind this deceit, lying to the presidents, making them look like a puppet on a string, and pulling the string from behind. When the lie about the gold is exposed, many heads will roll.

Caveat, Musk is able to walk into Fort Knox and do the necessary checks. One thing for sure, Musk and Trump are living dangerously.

Dictator Zelensky is going to meet with a friendly accident... and be history

 The whole USA Government is a massive lying machine or collection of lying robots on steroids, from one administration to the next.

What happened to all the gloating about 'iron-clad relationship' by Joe Biden that gets thrown out of the window under Trump when the shit hits the fan? Oh, never mind, Joe Biden does not remember a thing. Zelenskyy is now being thrown under the bus decisively. The EU is being thrown under the bus intentionally. Canada is being thrown under the bus unexpectedly. India, as a member of QUAD, is also being thrown under the bus reciprocally by asking for it.

All the above countries have been given the assurances by the previous administration, at one time or another, that their relationship with the USA is 'iron clad'. But when they are no longer useful, having served their purposes, they are all designated for the dustbin, together with the iron chains around their wrist and neck.

Zelenskyy had been to Washington multiple times, even given the platform to speak in Congress, being given all the aid and weapons to fight for the USA in Ukraine. What did the USA do to him now? He is not even allowed to participate in the peace talks between USA and Russia. Imagine a country fighting for its survival and not being allowed to participate in peace talks is indeed mind boggling to say the least. Zelenskyy is not calling the shots definitely and to add insult to injury, is now called a dictator. This clearly indicates that the Ukraine War was and is nothing less than the USA going against Russia.

The EU had even sacrificed themselves to support the USA in helping Ukraine. These are close allies of the USA since WW2, but it means nothing to the USA to throw them under the bus. The whole EU economy is on the edge of a cliff and the USA is pushing it over the cliff. It is no use crying over spilt milk now for the Germans, French and others, being economically decimated and getting insulted at the same time for being irrelevant. No, they are also not in the peace talks between USA and Russia, despite all the sacrifices, which the USA now just consider as collateral damage. Whatever happened to all the shouting on rooftops about 'iron clad defense' that amounts to nothing? For that the Europeans have to blame the pro-USA Trojan Horses in the EU leadership like Ursula von de Leyen and her entourage.

Having said that, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and Philippines have also been given assurances of having 'iron clad' chains around their wrists and necks. They are still useful when the USA is pivoting towards a war with China. Perhaps they should learn a lesson by looking at the EU and Ukraine in all their faded glory.


Modi bowed to Emperor Trump and will exit BRICS

 India cannot benefit being in BRICS because Indian rupees are shunned by the other members of BRICS, particularly Russia and, of course, China. The Indian rupee has fallen over the cliff lately and who in his right mind would want to keep rupees to trade with India.

De-dollarization means conducting trade outside of the US$, in other country's currency, which India is unable to do so. Otherwise, what is BRICS being created for? India will only be able to deal with trade in US$ and it has to bow to the USA, even if it means being thrown under the bus. India has no leverage dealing with the USA but have to continue to use the US$, a stance that is diametrically opposed to the agenda of BRICS. India is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Modi thought that being early, uninvited at that, to pay respect to the emperor will give him an advantage and possible exemption over tariffs. He was blindsided, as Trump had already complained earlier that India was the 'Tariff King', which gives him the early opportunity to retaliate.

Many in India are criticizing the slight and shame that Modi failed to gain anything by meeting with Trump and instead got clobbered with reciprocal tariffs and being forced to buy more from the USA to reduce the USA's trade deficit with India. The USA is forcing India to buy weapons like the F35 and other weapons, which if it goes ahead, is going to hold India hostage by being tied to USA expertise needed to service those weapons like the trouble-prone F35 and split the India/Russia alliance that had been forged for decades.

In the face of this, Putin is not going to sit by and watch twiddling his thumb. Energy flow to India is not going to remain cheap as before and India would also be forced to buy highly expensive energy as well from the USA to reduce its deficit. What then will be India's future in BRICS? India leaving BRICS is also one of the items on the USA's playbook to weaken the bloc.


Putin is not Gorbachev. The USA is never to be trusted

 Having severed the relatively good relations between China and the EU, the USA under Trump now wants to split the Russia and China close relationship as well.

Putin ought to look seriously at the problems of the EU and how the Europeans have been made used of and discarded like a soiled plastic bag by the USA. Is he going to be next? The USA is never to be trusted - as in the past, at present and in future. Trump will even sell his grandmother to fulfil his desire to control the world.

Putin also has to look back at how the breakup of the Soviet Union and its treatment at the hands of NATO, with Gorbachev having an agreement with NATO that the latter will not expand an inch Eastward, which had been ignored and brushed aside, resulting in the present situation in Ukraine. NATO had plans to expand into Russia's front yard to enable the USA to place weapons in Ukraine to threaten Moscow. Trump may be saying that Ukraine's desire to join NATO is not on the table now, to soften Putin, but what about the next USA administration? The USA playbook is always making use of such tactics to gain advantage and let the next administration walk back on the agreement.

Putin must also consider to what extent the USA would use measures to garner any advantage by hook or by crook. The USA had unilaterally pulled out of nuclear treaties with the Russians to discreetly expand its nuclear weapons program. The USA had forced the Germans to discard the completion of the Nord Stream 2 project threatening sanctions, and when the Russians completed the pipelines itself, the USA even went ahead to bomb the pipelines.

Putin must also not forget about the US$300 billion seized by the EU and USA and how to unravel the reciprocal seizure of Western assets in Russia that are now in Russian and Chinese hands. Putin must also remember that in this world, there are no permanent friends, only permanent enemies. Russia must not forget the indignity of being thrown out of the G7 and all the sanctions being imposed by the USA and the West. Now Trump wants Russia to rejoin the G7, which makes Russia look beholden in the eyes of the world and its destiny under the thumb of the USA.

So, will Putin take the bait and rejoin the G7? What does he expect to gain? Isn't de-dollarization and creation of BRICS his brainchild? Would he totally discard it after all the effort put in by others and all the standing and goodwill that he has gained among BRICS member countries and others aspiring to join the bloc? If he does so, he is going to be really isolated and branded an untrustworthy global leader to follow, his credibility totally destroyed.


Trump wants to con the hillbillies and the world

 Trump and Elon Musk are desperately cutting Federal spending, cutting spending on healthcare, even cutting military spending by a touted 50% and trying to drag Russia and China into the scam to justify such a drastic move, imposing reciprocal tariffs on friends and foe, all to fund Trump's tax cuts for the rich which is reported to be as much as US$4.5 trillion according to one Senator. Trillions with a 'T' mind you, and everyone in the lower and middle class in the USA are expected to help foot the bill, not just friends and foe worldwide. Actually, not all friends and foe are affected by those tariffs which are paid basically by USA citizens themselves, though they are not accepting the reality.

Trump had fooled a lot of people in the past. His six bankruptcies are testament to his conman abilities. That one victim after another fell under his conman tactics, and his ability to rise up again and again is mind-boggling. Elsewhere in the world, people run for cover knowing someone has gone through bankruptcy or would deal with him using a long pole. Not in the USA and Trump knows that.

I am honestly going to believe that Trump may yet pull off this massive con job once again, knowing the Hillbillies are as dumb as a statue. That they can still cheer and clap and allow Trump to run wild at their expense is indeed sad to see.
