The circus in the White House is coming to an end. The successive American Presidents were really clowning around thinking that they were the Presidents of the USA but actually were kept in the dark, ignorant of many things in the country. They could sign presidential decrees or orders, thump their chests, threaten countries with wars, sanctions etc etc, but did not know what is happening at home, like how the money are being spent or smuggled to fill someone's pocket, how effective are their weapons and military might, or how much gold is there in Fort Knox. They have no control over the American assassination arm, the CIA.
So far, Musk has done a great job in exposing the scale and widespread corruption in many state departments, including past presidents and top politicians. It is looking so ugly. After firing so many staff in USAID, FBI and CIA, the victims would dare not complain or resist as they know their guilt and corrupt practices have been exposed and would have been hung them high and dry. They simply slip away to avoid being charged and jailed.
Now comes the interesting part, is there any gold in Fort Knox. This has been the biggest mystery surrounding the gold, owned by America and foreign countries kept for safe keeping in the Fort. Have they been stolen, smuggled out and really nothing is left in the Fort? The behaviour of the guardians of the precious metal is suspicious and saying the gold is not there. Several countries have asked to have their gold back but rejected with flimsy excuses. Can you believe it, owners of the gold have no right to take them back.
It has also been reported that Britain is quietly sending huge amount of gold to America recently. Why? To keep up the facade and pretence that the gold is still there, by topping up some for show?
Trump the gangster is not going to be fooled by the Deep State like the other presidents. He wants to know the truth and to hang the masterminds behind this deceit, lying to the presidents, making them look like a puppet on a string, and pulling the string from behind. When the lie about the gold is exposed, many heads will roll.
Caveat, Musk is able to walk into Fort Knox and do the necessary checks. One thing for sure, Musk and Trump are living dangerously.