Ukraine is a perfect model of stupidity of a people following the leadership of a Mickey Mouse. Soon Ukraine would be no more. The fate of Zelensky could be very tragic, for single handedly causing the death and suffering of millions of Ukrainians and the destruction of a country.
All the silly believers of the evil American Empire must be in shock. This cannot be true. The Americans are going to support clown Zelensky and his Nazi armies with everything they got. Clown Zelensky only needs to open his mouth and ask and will be given. The painful truth that all this is a big American lie is sinking in. Zelensky may be panicking and working out his escape plan to live with all the ill gotten wealth paid by the blood of Ukrainians to live a life of plenty in a little corner of the earth, not to be found or recognised.
Is there a lesson to be learnt from this bloody fiasco? There are still many Mickey Mouse in Asia, in South East Asia that covet the role of clown Zelensky, believing that the evil Americans would fight and save them to the last Americans. From their silly behaviours, wanting to buy more small arms to fight China is a joke that is not amusing at all.
Ukraine with all the weapons and fundings from America and Europe could not stand a chance against Russia and is being sold by the Americans. The Americans are wiping their hands as if they were innocent party, not involved in the Ukraine War. And better still, demanding payback for every cent they sent to Ukraine, not for free. Ukraine will be bankrupt paying what the Americans and the Europeans sent or did not send to them. It is up to the Americans and Europeans to write their bills and charge whatever they like as a form of war reparation. Ukraine has no say. Clown Zelensky would have scooted if he is not killed by the Ukrainians.
This is the fate of silly Mickey Mouse. And they are plenty in Asia and South East Asia, still deluding themselves that their fate would be different. They wound not end up like Ukraine and clown Zelensky. They are going to scrap the bottom of their empty treasuries to find a few more dollars to buy more weapons to start a war with China. See how they thump their chests in bravado! Brave soldiers without brains!
Trump is also abandoning Europe as a whole, after encouraging them to attack Russia and make Russia their enemy. Trump said, you fools now have to deal with Russia alone. Why are you so stupid to listen and believe in America?