The USA is conducting economic warfare against India now, giving India all the bad publicity which is causing investors to pull out investing in India. This is a terrible situation for India going forward. Which other big country is going to fill the void? Not China definitely!
The USA had conducted the same economic warfare against Hong Kong, Vietnam and I believe Bangladesh, all with huge Chinese investments, not to talk about Russia. However, the difference between India and the others is significant, but seldom talked about on MSM. China openly discourages Chinese investors to invest anymore in India but is not doing the same in Russia, Vietnam, Bangladesh or Mexico and Brazil.
USA investors pulled out of Vietnam, which already happened some time ago, but with Chinese investors moving in, the effect was not as bad as what the USA wanted. It is the same as in Russia, with Western companies moving out and Chinese investors filling the void. The harm was minimal. Likewise, Mexico is not succumbing to Trump's threat, knowing that China is waiting in the wings to move into the void that will be there when USA investors pull out.
India is in a different situation, with Western investors pulling out but without Chinese investors ready to fill the void. This is why antagonizing China is coming back to haunt the Indians in more ways than one.