The barbaric so-called white European Christians headed by the savage Anglo-Saxons Americans set the world on fire killing millions and then shamelessly and hypocritically sing "Joy To The World" on every 25th of December and then meaninglessly and sarcastically utter "Merry Christmas" thus adding insult to injury.
What we cannot understand and puzzles us is the shameless thousands of non-Christian people in many parts of ASEAN mainly Chinese joining in the fun and cellebrating 25th December, not knowing this is the Day that has ever since been used by the Western European countries to justify their conquests and endless killings and genocide of hundreds of millions of non-Christians throughout out the world especially in the Americas, Africa, Asia, Middle East and Australia. It is really disgusting seeing them donning on something like dunce caps and appearing so proud and happy, a pathetic sight when it is widely known that the ancestors of many Asians especially the Indians and the Chinese were the main tragical victims of Western Christian countries viz England, France, Portugal and Holland. When can these imbeciles wake up to be proud of their own race and national tradition .
By the way not a single chapter or page in the bible ever mention that Jesus was born on 25th December. It seemed that analysis by historians based on historical facts during the rule of the Roman governor Herod of Palestine and most of the Middle East came to the conclusion that Jesus was most likely born in the months between late February and June. So December 25th was chosen arbitrarily just to suit the political agenda of Western countries.
By their senseless and endless merciless bombing they have killed and are continuing to kill hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and millions of Arab muslims in the Middle East. Further they are creating endless choas and hostilities all over the world causing destruction, pains and death to thousands of other non-white people in their countries.
Also in the United States the Anglo-Saxons white supremacist government has ill-treated the native Americans, the African and Mexican Americans causing millions of them to live in extrme poverty in homelessness and painful hunger. They had long ago exterminated over one hundred million native Americans through genocide and now they try to exterminate these non-caucasion Americans through ill treatment and starvation.
The white European and the Anglo-Saxon American Christians are very cruel and callous in nature and killings and tortures of non-white people till death is part and parcel of their DNA.
It is high time all countries of the South headed by BRICS must unite sordidly behind the Palestinians and the Arab muslims and put an immediate stop to Western and Zionist Jews intent to exterminate all the Palestinians and Arab muslim as their ultimate objective is to colonize these lands by white European and Jewish settlers.
Also the world must debunk the claim by the Zionist Jews and the white people especially the shameless Anglo-Saxons that they are the chosen people of God and a supreme race above all others. Their spurious claim will soon be demolished by Russia, China, Iran and DPRK with the strong backing by all the countries of the South in the not too distant future.
Saturday, 28th December, 2024.