
Will the Jews in the USA end up like Jews in Germany before WW2?

 Why Hitler and the Germans turned against the Jews in the 1930s and 1940s? The Jews were too successful then in controlling the economy of not only Germany but all of Europe. They were everywhere, dominating in finance, trade and business and any business that could make money. They became rich, arrogant and even messed around with the politics of Germany and the rest of Europe. They did not hide their intent and success, and presumably thought they were the chosen race and could rule Germany because of their wealth and connections in the govt.

The Germans were furious, became poorer and exploited by the Jews who treated them as nobody and with contempt. The Jews were flaunting their wealth and using them to control Germany and its economy. They were the de facto owners of Germany. Many European economies then were also dominated and controlled by the Jews. This led to the rise of Hitler and his Mein Kampf movement targeting the Jews for termination, concentration camps and holocaust. Hitler and his Nazis wanted to finish off the Jews completely by brutal persecution of the entire tribe all over German occupied Europe.

Anti Semitism was not just in Germany, but also across Europe, UK and continued in the USA throughout the 20th Century and still existing in many parts of the white countries. The Jews were the most hated tribe by the whites.

The Jews seem to have forgotten about this part of their history. They are now just as successful if not more successful than the Jews in pre WW2 Europe.  And they are intoxicated by their wealth and influence, their control of the American economy and govt, with many senators and congressmen and women in their pockets, paid and made to do their bidding. America is now under the control of the Jews, more than the Jews controlling Germany in the past. And their savage behaviour in the Gaza Genocide is a timely reminder that they are returning to their old self, cruel and wicked, not chosen by God but condemned by God to roam in the wilderness, without a country ... deserving of condemnation by Hitler and his Nazis and all in Europe.

America is not only led by the Jews under the lobby scheme, ie American legalised corruption practice, the Jews are holding many key positions in govt. Blinken and his Jewish colleagues are running Biden, running the White House, running American policies, dragging Americans into unending wars all over the world. And the hillbillies did not know what is happening. Those in the know are all paid to shut up and to take orders from the Jews.

All is well as long as the United States of Israel is winning the wars they created and no one would want to question the dominant roles of the Jews in American politics, or why the USA is now the de facto USI, and the de facto president is Blinken, a Jew. Things would not look too rosy should the Americans start to lose wars in Europe and the Middle East, particularly Ukraine. When that happens, the rednecks and hillbillies would be asking questions, the dominance of the Jews would be in the headlines even if the media were controlled by them. 

America is now like the Germany of pre Hitler's time, when the Jews called the shot and are everywhere. Would there be a revival of anti Semitism in America when America goes into recession, when the Empire is crumbling, when the average Americans become poor and hungry and jobless...like in Germany then while the Jews are the rich and powerful? Have the Jews bitten too much, more than they can chew, overstepped their roles in seizing America as a colony of Israel? And when would the hillbillies find it unacceptable and turn against the Jews, like the Germans did in the 1930s, hating the Jews?

Western greed and hegemonic motive is the root cause of all wars and turmoils in this world. PART TWO

    PART     TWO : USA /West draconic plans to take down Russia, Iran, China and North Korea.

 In the last few hundred years since the 1500s practically all Western or European countries have been able to go round the world with their guns and cannons to attack and invade every other non-white countries of the South with impunity. They were able to ravage, rob, kill and genocide the natives of every land they invaded. For  hundreds of years they exploited and robbed all these victimised countries of their wealth and rich resources. This enable them to live with great wealth and a life of riches and great grandioes pomposity while at the same time greatly impoverished the victimised countries which were reduced to extreme poverty and terrible misery. 

At this juncture in time the profligate Western countries headed by the Anglo-Saxons US and UK still think they can go on with their wicked imperial and colonial ways of invading, exploiting and plundering and robbing of other countries with impunity. They still think they are entitled to the wealth and riches of other countries of the South which they want to continue to take for free. But they cannot be more wrong as the exploited countries of the South have all awakened and are prepared to fight and throw out these parasitic miserable Western colonialists.

To achieve their aim for world hegemony they use all kinds of deceptions and subterfuge and ultimately resort to use of violence in fostering, instigating and inciting choas and riots to topple victimised countries.

They found that Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are stumbling blocks to their world domination. Therefore they try to demonize these countries especially  Russia and China in endless continuous vile toxic propaganda to poison people's minds so as to seek approval for their intended wars against these targeted countries.

The people in US and the Western countries are generally kept in the dark by the warmongering elites and The Deep State about their draconic plans for wars of world domination. The mass media, the main newspapers, TV and Television Broadcasting Stations and well known Journals and magazines are tightly controlled by the US fascist government, The Deep State, The Pentagon, CIA and FBI.

Just can't imagine US a country with about forty trillion dollars debt can still afford non-stop wars of aggression during the last over seventy years and maintain about a thousand military bases around every country in the world. How is that possible? Well the Anglo-Saxons Americans have done it through deception and fraud. They have since early 1972-1973 conned the Saudi Arabian king and government to accept the US petro dollar for all sales and purchases of its oil in exchange for fake US protection. The Saudis have been hijacked as hostage for US fake protection. The US and its Western allies constantly stirred up misunderstandings, hostilities and wars among the Arab Middle East countries and bwtween Iran and the Saudis. The callous wicked Americans have for decades beem sowing and heighten the divide the divide between the Sunni Arab muslims and the Shite Arab muslims and between the Arabs in general and Iran. As if this is not enough the satanic Americans will help one Arab country to fight and bomb another Arab country. The unsuspecting Arabs do not realise that all these wicked American actions are done is to eventually hasten the colonization of whole of Middle East and the subsequent colonization. 

As the US find headwinds in its diabolical plans being blocked by Russia and China which have been helping all African countries to fight and get rid of all Western colonialism they turned their animosity against Russia and China. Ever since then the US has been trying very hard by all ways and means to destroy Russia and China. As it is the imbecile Americans have been long time in a dilemma whether to attack Russia or China first or to take on both Russia and China simultaneously. They weighed the pros and cons and finally decided to use thire party pawns the Ukranians to attack Russia in the Ukraine war. They decided to take down Russia through a proxy in Ukraine because they thought Russia was economically weak and could be weakened and worn down easily and finally toppled. They had calculated that after the fall of Russia, China would be cowed and easy meat for America to attack. All these are stupid American and Western hellucinations based on their moronic bellcosity to destroy others to achieve world hegemony. Bur the US forever being a coward always would push so-called allies to fight in the front line to die first and sacrifice for US aggression and hegemonic intent. US and its imbecile allies are creating troubles, turmoils and little wars and confrontations at Russia and China's periphery. They are pitching Ukarine, Georgia and Poland against Russia and the little Japanese, the morose Philippinos and the Chinese Taiwan traitors against China. The US tries very hard to arouse animosity by the ASEAN countries and India against China. So far they have not been very successful but they are adament and will never stop in trying until one day it itself will suffer demise either through selfdestruction or through destruction by Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.

the Deep State, The Pentagon and CIA.

USA is about fabricating lies and more lies

 For the USA, even if they cannot find loopholes, they will invent or fabricate them, just like in Iraq. Huge metal pipes being moved were tied to building of weapons of mass destruction, milk powder factories were tied to making chemical/biological weapons and the West even invented a 'Chemical Ali' to make their lies more believable. Colin Powell even held a vial of fake biological agent to show the UN. Had that been real, would he be holding it in his hands? The stupid people at the UN really are one of a kind to believe that.

Against Tik Tok, they keep insisting that it is connected to the CCP and keep insisting that its CEO is a CCP member. When they cannot invent or fabricate stories, they used over capacity accusations to support their lies.

After many long years of accusing Huawei of having connections to the Chinese Government and its telecommunication equipment have backdoors for spying, I do not seem to read about the investigation coming to any positive conclusion to support their claims. And yet the Europeans choose to believe the USA. The irony is that even after being caught red-handed spying on EU leaders, the stupid Europeans still trust the compulsive liars, the USA.


Nobel Peace Prize or Nobel War Prize and American fake superiority in technology

 If I am bold enough to predict, the 'Nobel Peace Prize' is already reserved for either Trump or Blinken, with Zelenskyy a possibility. To be honest, the 'Nobel Peace Prize' ought to be renamed the 'Nobel War Prize', after war monger Barrack Obama was given the award. Many have thrown criticism over his winning the prize.

Now what about Wang Yi brokering the peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia? Is that not worthy of consideration? No Mainland Chinese have ever been considered for any Nobel Prizes because they are Socialists, right? Everything in geopolitics is based on political interpretation of good and bad, which is dictated by the Anglo-Saxon Whites and not on merits.

Now, the USA and the West are realizing that there is a hidden treasure trove of Chinese cutting edge innovations from Chinese universities and researchers, that were ignored in the past, all written in Chinese that were never given any serious review by Western academics and just thought to be run-of-the mill irrelevant materials. That mistake was only fully realized with the Chinese domination in infrastructure, computing, space exploration, EV innovations, shipbuilding and now aviation.

The same strategic mistakes that they USA and West have always been making was their arrogance in looking down on Chinese capabilities, always thinking that Chinese are inferior in mental capacity compared to the Whites.

In a comparison of average IQs of Asians and Anglo-Saxon Whites, Asians topped the list with Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and China at the pinnacle.

Lee Kuan Yew said a long time ago that Asians should never be 'whitewashed' by propaganda gloating about the superiority of the Whites and blindly adopting their values at the expense of alienating their own culture.


PS. American lies on their superiority are falling flat or being exposed daily. Their claim that F22 is world best fighter but now retiring prematurely. Now claiming F35, the sick fighter jet, as world best. Any of the Russian or Chinese fighter jets could take it down quite easily. And now boasting about a new hypersonic missile flying at Mach 20 when none of their missiles can fly faster than Mach 3. Just make all the wild claims for their believers to feel good, especially the daft hillbillies.

And their pride, NASA, a dysfunctional agency that produced nothing in the last 50 years, now relegated to post photoshop pictures of space daily just to tell the world of its existence. Soon all their astronauts would be all dressed up and no where to go, except the studio in Arizona desert. Be prepared for the first tragedy in the ISS.

And still using 4.5G tech faking as 5G and running around on legacy automobiles.

Trump breaking India's pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

 Trump has been reported to be deporting 18,000 undocumented Indians. We can see the noose tightening against India. With the Indian economy unravelling, this is another whammy for India to work out. What is Modi going to do? Pay another visit to Washington to hug Trump, as he did with Biden and hope for some relief? And the Republican supporters will clap and cheer, while the Indians will make a song and dance about it.

The clowns in Washington are compulsive liars. They lie about everything under the sun, even with the truth before their eyes. How the lies have now unraveled about China, about Xinjiang, about Russia collapsing. Oh, not to forget that China collapsed twenty years ago. I just am waiting for the biggest lie to fall apart when the real USA state of the economy is exposed.

All the job figures gloated about are impossible with retail giants closing stores, food and beverage outlets shuttering, agricultural sectors cutting workers and manufacturing hardly moving into strong enough position to absorb the unemployed. Hard to believe the rosiness.

Now another lie has been revealed by the USA itself, admitting that the USA has more troops in Syria than reported. Russia is withdrawing most of its military logistics from Syria, but not totally abandoning its base. The USA can now face a Syria descending into anarchy, and a population not yet tasting the likes of the Iraqis and celebrating Assad's fall. Now the West is giving Assad a bad name and then slowly going to skin him about the existence of torture chambers set up by him. Does that ring a bell in Iraq as well?
