Why Hitler and the Germans turned against the Jews in the 1930s and 1940s? The Jews were too successful then in controlling the economy of not only Germany but all of Europe. They were everywhere, dominating in finance, trade and business and any business that could make money. They became rich, arrogant and even messed around with the politics of Germany and the rest of Europe. They did not hide their intent and success, and presumably thought they were the chosen race and could rule Germany because of their wealth and connections in the govt.
The Germans were furious, became poorer and exploited by the Jews who treated them as nobody and with contempt. The Jews were flaunting their wealth and using them to control Germany and its economy. They were the de facto owners of Germany. Many European economies then were also dominated and controlled by the Jews. This led to the rise of Hitler and his Mein Kampf movement targeting the Jews for termination, concentration camps and holocaust. Hitler and his Nazis wanted to finish off the Jews completely by brutal persecution of the entire tribe all over German occupied Europe.
Anti Semitism was not just in Germany, but also across Europe, UK and continued in the USA throughout the 20th Century and still existing in many parts of the white countries. The Jews were the most hated tribe by the whites.
The Jews seem to have forgotten about this part of their history. They are now just as successful if not more successful than the Jews in pre WW2 Europe. And they are intoxicated by their wealth and influence, their control of the American economy and govt, with many senators and congressmen and women in their pockets, paid and made to do their bidding. America is now under the control of the Jews, more than the Jews controlling Germany in the past. And their savage behaviour in the Gaza Genocide is a timely reminder that they are returning to their old self, cruel and wicked, not chosen by God but condemned by God to roam in the wilderness, without a country ... deserving of condemnation by Hitler and his Nazis and all in Europe.
America is not only led by the Jews under the lobby scheme, ie American legalised corruption practice, the Jews are holding many key positions in govt. Blinken and his Jewish colleagues are running Biden, running the White House, running American policies, dragging Americans into unending wars all over the world. And the hillbillies did not know what is happening. Those in the know are all paid to shut up and to take orders from the Jews.
All is well as long as the United States of Israel is winning the wars they created and no one would want to question the dominant roles of the Jews in American politics, or why the USA is now the de facto USI, and the de facto president is Blinken, a Jew. Things would not look too rosy should the Americans start to lose wars in Europe and the Middle East, particularly Ukraine. When that happens, the rednecks and hillbillies would be asking questions, the dominance of the Jews would be in the headlines even if the media were controlled by them.
America is now like the Germany of pre Hitler's time, when the Jews called the shot and are everywhere. Would there be a revival of anti Semitism in America when America goes into recession, when the Empire is crumbling, when the average Americans become poor and hungry and jobless...like in Germany then while the Jews are the rich and powerful? Have the Jews bitten too much, more than they can chew, overstepped their roles in seizing America as a colony of Israel? And when would the hillbillies find it unacceptable and turn against the Jews, like the Germans did in the 1930s, hating the Jews?