The blood debt owed by the Japanese to China and the Chinese people must be redeemed sooner or later. The ten years of Japanese war of aggression from 1931 to 1945 caused China to lose over 50 million Chinese patriots killed, slaughtered, massacred and genocided without mercy. Beside more than three million Chinese peasant soldiers mainly from the Chinese Communist Party headed by Comrade Mao Tse-Tung over fifty million innocent Chinese citizens were brutally killed, massacred and genocided. The Japanese wanton acts of aggression, atrocities and slaughter of the Chinese people was no different from that of the Westerners especially England, France,United States and imperial Russia. Might be they had learnt from each other on how to conquer and ill treat China and the Chinese people. Any way blood debt must be paid whether it is from the Japanese or from Western countries as represented mainly by Britain and France.
A million and one examples can be quoted on Japanese atrocities and brutalities against China and the Chinese people. However to describe these Japanese wanton killings, massacre, atrocities and destruction of Chinese lives and properties even a million sheets of fullscape papers will not be enough to fill up the descriptions. So below are just a few examples and if there are pictures of these Japanese senseless killings and massacres they can be gory to the eyes.
It was common for Japanese army to make use of Chinese babies for bayonet practice. They would toss the babies high above and other soldiers would pierce the babies with their bayonets as the babies descended down. Pregnant mothers were forced to march into rivers and would be shot if they turned back. Also Chinese soldiers who were defeated were chained together and forced into rivers to be drowned. Chinese villages would be cordoned off and searched and then the thousands of villagers would be forced to dig gigantic holes in the ground as big as fish ponds. After that Chinese in batches of 500 to a thousand were forced to go inside the ponds. Japanese soldiers surrounding the ponds then began to shoot and massacre the whole lot. After the massacre other Chinese villagers were forced to fill up the pond with earth . These horrible crimes would similarly be repeated all over China for as long as they were occupied by the Japanese.
It was a frequent occurrence for Japanese soldiers to set fire to farm villages and towns at night or early dawn. When villagers came out of their homes they would be immediately shot. Chinese prisoners would frequently be killed and their dead bodies hung on lamp posts or trees to frighten other Chinese into submission.
Whenever and wherever towns and villages occupied by Japanese army the Japs would search for Chinese girls and ladies. These Chinese girls and ladies would be abused and multi-raped the whole day and night. The bloody Japanese atrocities and brutalities knew no bounds. After the girls were raped their genitals and their breast teats were cut. Why did they do such horrible things? These type of heinous criminal acts are unpardonable and must be repaid someday.
The Japanese biological crime against the Chinese is well known. The Japanese biolab 731 in the city of Harbin created all kinds virulus germs and chemicals in the Japanese germ and chemical warfare against China. Germs and virus and chemicals were tested on Chinese people alive. Germs, virus and chemicals were injected into living Chinese victims to test the tension and reaction of the victims. The Chinese victims would suffer in tortuous pain and agony and that of a tortured living dead.