What human rights, what democracy, what shame and disgrace when 2.4 million Palestinians are marked for termination, and the whole world looks away, hapless, unable to do a thing to stop the genocide, only pretending to be talking about peace, about saving a few hostages. The morality of the people of the world, especially the evil leaders of the West led by the Americans and the Israelis, are deep down in the drain. The whole European community are behind them, standing solidly behind this massacre of innocent human lives, going on everyday, without uttering a word, without wanting to do anything.
The hypocritical western media, the main media of American colonies and cronies are busy reporting about dogs and cats, about pets dying, but afraid to say a word about the massacre staring right before their eyes. What principles, what news reporting for justice, fairness, a better world, speaking up for the downtrodden, the oppressed, and the Palestinians dying everyday, every minute, every second, in the hands of the Israelis and the Americans, backed by the Europeans, the outrageous and pretentious supporters and champions of human rights, defending the fake genocide in Xinjiang but committing the greatest genocide in Gaza in broad daylight.
And what about the Arabs and Muslims, are they going to do anything to protect and save their brothers and sisters? NO, NO, NO. They are not only talking craps, many are sleeping and in bed with the Israelis and the Americans, partying with them, while their brothers and sisters are being massacred. Do they care? Do they know or did not know who are killing their brothers and sisters? This is the tragedy of the Palestinians, of the 1 billion Arab and Muslim population, selfish, afraid to act, hoping that the tragedy would not visit them and would stop in Gaza, Palestine, that after all the Palestinians were decimated by the Israelis and the Americans, like the native Americans, all will be fine. The massacre and genocide stops there, and they will be safe, and can party and sleep with the Israelis and the Americans, pop champagne and have their burgers.
The UN is just as hapless. Words, words and nothing but words. Would the murderers care? The butchering is happening everyday, every moment. Well, what can the UN do? The murderers have all the guns and weapons and no one dares to breathe a word of condemnation or be attacked. The murderers even threatened to use nuclear weapons on anyone. Iran is about to be nuked.
What can the rest of the world do? NOTHING, absolutely nothing. What is right, what is moral, what is good, what is bad, it is a Rules Based Order. The Americans/Israelis set the rules and order, and the rest of the world just have to accept it or be the next to be massacred.
Prepare for more coffins, 2.4 million pieces, for the Palestinians, adult, children, mother and children, no exception. Everyone of them shall die. The world, the UN, by their inaction, are sanctioning the massacre of 2.4 million Palestinians in cold blood.
What a wonderful world, what a peaceful world, what a loving world, what human rights? The Americans and the West are there to protect the Muslims!!!!