The world's richest comedian, Zelensky, is expected to speak at the Shangri La Dialogue, an event where defence ministers and top military brass are meeting to discuss serious international issues and a chance to meet each other in person. In such a serious environment it is good to have a comic in attendance to loosen up the tense emotion. Never mind if after the performance the comic would be begging for alms.
Zelensky is not the only comic invited to entertain the dignified audience. His counter part, or double in Asean, had already been given the honour to deliver a piece written by a sophomore on International Relations 101. And some in the audience were awed by the 'great and powerful' speech. Good work and credit goes to the comic.
In a more serious note, the spokesman for the American Empire laid down the rules for an Indo Pacific region under America's rules of law, not UN or International Rules of Law. Austin made it clear that the American Empire is here to stay as the top dog, ruling the region under American terms, and backed up by America's military power. On this, he said the Americans would build more military bases, stock up more weapons, including sending in soldiers and the military industrial complex to produce more weapons of war in this otherwise peaceful region.
Austin also sang praises to its colonies and assured them that America would reinforce its military presence in the colonies to ensure that they would always be safe as colonies of the American Empire. He also welcomed two new colonies in the Philippines and Papua New Guinea for inviting the Americans to set up military bases in their lands. Austin proudly boasted about how big the American colonies have expanded and how America would turn them into another NATO in the region. Oops, so far, the many colonies actually added up to Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, PNG and Australia in a region with more than 20 countries. What happened to the rest of the countries in the region? What happened to the rest of Asean countries? If you are not with us you are against us?
The American Empire is here to stay as the sole hegemon. Convergence of interest and countries? Only if they come under the American Empire, as colonies of the Empire. They would then be free and safe from terrorists, gangsters, NGOs and the CIA tasked to conduct assassination, regime change, destabilise and incite civil unrest in their countries. The colonies are safe, as all political opposition would be assassinated or removed.
Americans are renewing and re erecting themselves in a new Pax Americana, with willing colonies sharing the same values, and happily living ever after under the American masters. What a nice formula! What a sweet dream!