The Jewish state of Israel in Palestine is illegal and should be abolished by the United Nations Organisation. Israel was planted in Palestine in 1948 to serve the Anglo-Saxon and Jewish colonial ambition of colonizing the whole of the Middle East by Europeans, Anglo-Saxons British and Americans and the troublesome Jews. If at all the Anglo-Saxons Americans and the British want to found a Jewish state of Israel it should rightfully be established in the United States or Canada or in Europe or Australia which have large expanse of territories.
So the planting of a Jewish state in Palestine Arab land is not the end of the story. It is a preamble to the Anglo-Saxons US and UK ambition of taking over the whole of the Middle East for white people. It is part of the US global geopolitical agenda for world hegemony. To achieve their objective the West headed by US and the Jews have no qualms in genociding the Arabs mercilesslly just as they had genocided the native American Indians, the Australian and New Zealand natives before taking over their lands. The lands and the seas around all Arab countries like Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco are endowed with trillions of tons of oil and natural gas. The morbid white people and the Jews look at this vast endowment of wealth with evil protruding eyes of jealousy and are not hiding their diabolical plot of wanting to take over the whole region for themselves. No, the Arabs and all their socialist brothers and sisters in Asia, Africa, the Caribbeans of Central America and South America will never allow that to happen. They will fight in solidarity with the Arabs and the Palestinians to drive out the outrageous Jews and the demonic Anglo-Saxons Americans and British from the Middle East.
In the meantime the Palestinians and the Arabs must be steadfast and hold firm in their just struggle to liberate Palestine from the Jews and the Western imperialists. With the firm support of the free world and BRICs and all countries of the South the victory of the Palestinian Arabs is rest assured.
Taking and occupying the whole of the Middle East is not the end of their geopolitical plot. After successfully taking the whole of the Middle East they have every intention to colonize the whole of the African continent. Judging from the way they genocided almost all the natives in America, Australia and New Zealand before taking over all the natives' lands it is not too far fetched that they will do the same to the natives of Africa. In the 1880s to 1900s, Cecil Rhodes a British Jew of the worst imperialist type who ruled South Africa and conquered Northern and Southern Rhodesia now known as Zimbabwee openly clamoured for England and the white people to colonize Africa. He said the African natives are sub-human and are not fit to possess Africa which is endowed with very rich oil, mineral and agricultural resources. Soon after his insidious claim the whole of Africa was torn apart in the midst of wild savage scramble for the continent by European countries notably England, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, United States, Germany, Holland and Italy.
Fortunately many of the African states have awakened and are struggling to get rid of the diabolical Western colonialists headed by England, France, Portugal and the United States. With the help and guidance of Russia, China and BRICs it is hoped soon all Africa will be liberated from evil Western colonial rule.
Get rid and destroy the unlawful state of Israel in Arab Palestine land and restore the dignity and self- respect of the Arabs in the Middle East and the world.
Friday,31st May, 2024
Friday, 31st May,2024