
Only in America where a President has to take drugs to stay alert

 Biden is not just half dead. He is already a 'walking dead'. Honestly, I think he is even on drugs. Trump probably knows that and is talking about Biden undertaking a drug test before their coming debate. Never in the history of mankind has this kind of request, verbally thrown up on the spur of the moment, ever been raised as a condition for a debate between aspiring politicians. Only in the USA, LOL!

The USA likes to brag about how high their President's IQ were, yet looking at the two candidates today, it baffles the mind about the USA's bragging rights compared to reality.

OK, we know that in the UK long time ago, Winston Churchill was not as bright and known to suffer mistreatment and criticism while in school for being slow in learning. But he did turn into a brilliant War Prime Minister later. That cannot be taken as a precedent anywhere else, right?

Indeed, Trump is comparing himself favorably to Abraham Lincoln, another assassinated USA President. They laughed at the comparison, which tells us the real mental quality of Trump. OK, if he is not smart, how could he be so rich, one can argue. Well, for a start, he inherited most of his wealth from his father, nothing more nothing less.

And that is why the inheritance tax he avoided paying is causing much consternation within the USA. Trump is well known for circumventing tax laws in the USA, thus his run up with the law over non-payment of tax. He even boasted about his cleverness in avoiding payment of tax, even as President. Only in the USA!


Biden/Blinken and Nethanyahu share same plan for the Palestinians...to be decimated like the Red Indians

 Biden does not even dare to antagonize Dictator Netanyahu, catering to his every whim and fancy. The only lame response he and Jewish Secretary Blinken did so far is asking irrelevant questions, like 'What is Israel's plan for Palestine'. Does Dictator Netanyahu need to tell Biden his plan, when he is acting like God Almighty - irresponsible, unresponsive to criticism and totally out of control. Sorry to say that, as God Almighty himself would not be so cruel and uncaring.

Netanyahu's plan is basically to annex Palestina and expand Israeli territory to build Israeli settler homes, needing to annihilate all the Palestinians using hunger, missile strikes, destroying hospitals, schools and even refugee centers. The Israelis airstrikes just killed 35 civilians, women and children, and shedding crocodile tears that it was a 'tragic mistake'. And the lame UN was just outraged over the killing of women and children. Did the Israeli Airforce also used an old map, LOL?

Egypt is now starting to get annoyed with what the Israelis are doing in Gaza. Their relationship is into troubled waters going forward. The Israelis are basically trying to force the Palestinian refugees into the hands of the Egyptian Authorities or face genocide. That ia a dilemma facing the Egyptian side. 



Marcos - Where is my money?

 Lord, lord, I have done everything in your name. I have demonise China. I have given you 5 more military bases. I have compromised Philippines independence to believe in you. I have cast out military and police officers in your name. I have drove innocent and naive fishermen to Chinese islands and risking their lives in case of typhoons or being hit by water cannons. 

Now, where is my money? You promised that if I just believe in you, do your will, your bidding, you will set my money free. And I can go to heaven in Hawaii when I my time is up.

Marcos is only interested in his money, oops, his father's money confiscated by the Americans, not the interest of the Philippines and the Pinoys. He would sacrifice the Philippines for his money.

Would the Americans return him the loot his father hid in the USA? Nay. At most would be a token sum. Returning him all the money would mean that this no principle man that would do anything for his own skin and could simply turn against the Americans. The only hold the Americans have on him is his father's money. Oops, I may be wrong. The Americans may have photos of him smoking or taking drugs, or misbehaving. Marcos can never slip out of the fingers of the Americans.

How can dangerous is the Philippines to have a president in the control of the Americans? Would the Pinoys still think they should support Marcos and not the Dutertes?

As long as Marcos is in power, the Philippines would be a colony of the Americans, controlled by the Americans and do the bidding of the Americans, even to become another Ukraine.

Where is my money? Where is my money?

Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett - America's two wise gem


11 minutes of wisdom and hard truths

Charlie Munger was an American investor, vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and right-hand man to Warren Buffett (considered the greatest investor of the 20th century). Munger was credited as being the architect of Berkshire Hathaway's business philosophy. 

Born in 1924, Munger started his investment career in 1962 (after stints in the military and law) and never looked back. Widely known for speaking his mind, investors flocked to his meetings to hear his best quotes and one-liners. He passed last year in November, just a month shy of his 100th birthday.

The Jewish state Israel in Palestine is illegal and should be abolished by the UNO

 The Jewish state of Israel in Palestine is illegal and should be abolished by the United Nations Organisation. Israel was planted in Palestine in 1948 to serve the Anglo-Saxon and Jewish colonial ambition of colonizing the whole of the Middle East by Europeans, Anglo-Saxons British and Americans and the troublesome Jews. If at all the Anglo-Saxons Americans and the British want to found a Jewish state of Israel it should rightfully be established in the United States or Canada or in Europe or Australia which have large expanse of territories.

So the planting of a Jewish state in Palestine Arab land is not the end of the story. It is a preamble to the Anglo-Saxons US and UK ambition of taking over the whole of the Middle East for white people. It is part of the US global geopolitical agenda for world hegemony. To achieve their objective the West headed by US and the Jews have no qualms in genociding the Arabs mercilesslly just as they had genocided  the native American Indians, the Australian and New Zealand natives before taking over their lands. The lands and the seas around all Arab countries like Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco are endowed with trillions of tons of oil and natural gas. The morbid white people and the Jews look at this vast endowment of wealth with evil protruding eyes of jealousy and are not hiding their diabolical plot of wanting to take over the whole region for themselves. No, the Arabs and all their socialist brothers and sisters in Asia, Africa, the Caribbeans of Central America and South America will never allow that to happen. They will fight in solidarity with the Arabs and the Palestinians to drive out the outrageous Jews and the demonic Anglo-Saxons Americans and British from the Middle East.

In the meantime the Palestinians and the Arabs must be steadfast and hold firm in their just struggle to liberate Palestine from the Jews and the Western imperialists. With the firm support of the free world and BRICs and all countries of the South the victory of the Palestinian Arabs is rest assured.

Taking and occupying the whole of the Middle East is not the end of their geopolitical plot. After successfully taking the whole of the Middle East they have every intention to colonize the whole of the African continent. Judging from the way they genocided almost all the natives in America, Australia and New Zealand before taking over all the natives' lands it is not too far fetched that they will do the same to the natives of Africa. In the 1880s to 1900s, Cecil Rhodes a British Jew of the worst imperialist type who ruled South Africa and conquered Northern and Southern Rhodesia now known as Zimbabwee openly clamoured for England and the white people to colonize Africa. He said the African natives are sub-human and are not fit to possess Africa which is endowed with very rich oil, mineral and agricultural resources. Soon after his insidious claim the whole of Africa was torn apart in the midst of wild savage scramble for the continent by European countries notably England, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, United States, Germany, Holland and Italy.

Fortunately many of the African states have awakened and are struggling to get rid of the diabolical Western colonialists headed by England, France, Portugal and the United States. With the help and guidance of Russia, China and BRICs it is hoped soon all Africa will be liberated from evil Western colonial rule.

Get rid and destroy the unlawful state of Israel in Arab Palestine land and restore the dignity and self- respect of the Arabs in the Middle East and the world.


Friday,31st May, 2024

Friday, 31st May,2024