The Democracy triumphing Socialism mantra has been
consigned to the dust bin, with Socialist China able to rise so fast and
furious in overtaking so many democratic countries like Germany and
Japan and now on the verge of overwhelming the USA. That fear by the USA
of losing to China next is making its leaders lose plenty of sleep and
making desperate moves.
Human rights are another area losing
relevance in the West. In the USA, the rise of poverty, the rise of
homelessness, the loss of cheap medical care are all rights that the
civilian population should be enjoying, but are being deprived off by
the top 1%, which the Government only cares about.
Freedom of
this and that is a farce. Trump had been gagged and punished for saying
things that the Bidden administration cannot stomach. Entities like
TikTok have been demonized for being outside the control of the USA
Government for criticizing the Israeli genocide in Gaza. In Germany, one
could be arrested for speaking against the Government.
about the pro-Palestinian student protest in universities across the
USA? There is a perception that the USA Government is complicit in
creating a pro-Israel front to counter those peacefully protesting
students, at UCLA particularly, with those pro-Israeli terrorist
resorting to violence to justify the USA Government to take down those
peaceful pro-Palestinian protestors, which the USA Government could not
do so earlier without a valid excuse.
Had this been the case in
China, the USA and the West would be howling like rabid dogs, demonizing
the Chinese Government for cruelty and human rights abuses. And they
would call for sanctions and the rabid dogs will say yeh, yeh, yeh.