
When China becomes like the USA - Americans' professed wish


 The evil Americans repeatedly tried to tell the world and the hillbillies that they want China to change to be like the Americans. And they accused China for not wanting to listen and be a good doggy, to be like the Americans, behave and act like the Americans, embracing all the 'goodness' and behaviours of the Americans. So this is a good reason to condemn China, and to put down China and to go to war with China for not accepting American form of democracy and a 'free society'.

Are the lying Americans for real? Take a look at the American history and what they did to become the Empire today. Let's say China would to emulate the Americans, to be like the Americans, act and behave like the Americans, what do you think China should do? Become a peaceful democracy?

The Americans did not become a democracy in the first place. They started to invade and genocide the native Americans and stole their land and called it the land of the free, by freely massacring 100m of the Red Indians. China should then embark on an expedition to hunt for slaves to provide free labour to work in their cotton fields and to serve them in a master slave relationship. And, when China is finally rich and successful, then pass laws to free the slaves, but continues to discriminate against the so called free slaves for another hundred years. Then introduce democracy, the right to vote, but only for the ruling majority, not for the former slaves. Let this white men superiority democracy gestates for another hundred years or so.

China should then called itself an Empire and arrogate itself as the policemen of the world. Build military bases all over the world in the name of keeping peace but in reality supports and funds terrorist groups to destabilise countries. Set up an equivalent of the CIA with a mission to destabilise and control countries and their leaders. If these leaders cannot be controlled to do the will of the Americans, oops, China, then they should be assassinated, removed, or called it regime change. It sounds nicer. And if they failed to assassinate the uncooperative leaders, supports and agitates for rioting in the streets and called it Colour Revolution.

With all the military bases around the world, and the CIA/NED/NGOs, China can become a world hegemon, to rule the world by military might. China can then demand all countries to practise democracy like the Americans. If not, isolate them, sanction them, invade them, keep them out of the international trading system, all designed to favour China, like the IMF, World Bank, Asian Bank. And create international institutions and world bodies, but with rules written by the Americans, called it rules based order. Oops, rules written by China. All countries must abide by these international rules, except China. China should live by the principle of Exceptionalism. China is above the law, above the rule of law, like the Americans today. No need to follow any rules of any international institutions or world bodies. If there is any rules to follow, follow the rules China writes for itself to serve its national interests.

Next, form military alliances, aka mafia gangs, to threaten non compliant states. Conduct war games on their borders or near seas to simulate an invasion of these countries to provoke and threaten them. Conduct so called freedom of navigation in the waters of unfriendly or enemy countries. Go around naming countries as threats and use it to attack them. Fabricate lies to invade countries and steal their oil or money in their banks. Can also steal the funds and assets of countries or private individuals placed in American banks. Oops, I mean Chinese banks.

Oh, China must have a military budget that is bigger than the next 10 countries combined, and a propaganda budget solely to write and spread smears and lies to demonise enemy states. The funds would also be useful to fund terrorists to conduct terror attacks in unyielding or enemy countries, like the Moscow attack or similar attacks in Xinjiang. And threaten to annihilate countries that want to have nuclear weapons. Only China and China's allies can have nuclear weapons.

What else must China do to be like the nice and peaceful like the Americans? Oh, make it a known policy that no country can be richer, better and technologically more advanced than China....My fingers are sore for typing so many things that the Americans want China to be like them, and there are still so many things to type. I take a rest.

China please take note of the above. You need to do all these things, behave like the Americans, to be liked by the Americans, to be called friends of the American free world system that protects human rights and democracy.

EU changing position on Gaza civilians?


 Affirming the EU’s commitment to “a lasting and sustainable peace based on the two-state solution through reinvigorated efforts in the Middle East Peace Process,” the statement called for continued engagement with “legitimate Palestinian authorities” and their regional and international partners.

The Council members described humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza as critical for preventing further escalation of hostilities, while reiterating that there was “no justification for terror.” All civilians must be protected “at all times in line with International Humanitarian Law,” the statement read. The EU was “ready to continue supporting those civilians most in need in Gaza in coordination with partners,” so long as it could be ensured that such support was not “abused by terrorist organizations,” it said.

The European Commission on Monday pledged to “urgently review” development aid to the Palestinian territories to make sure none of the funds were being misused, walking back a statement issued less than six hours earlier by EU Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi that all aid to Palestine would “immediately” be suspended. RT

After being caught with its pants down in siding with Israel to massacre the Palestinians, and with overwhelming international condemnation for the holocaust the Nazi Israelis are going to launch against the Palestinians, the EU is trying to correct its reckless and irresponsible position. Instead of its earlier position to suspend all aids to the Palestinians immediately. It's position is now more aligned to the international position of a two state solution and that the Palestinians also have rights to live.

But as for aids, the position is really the same. No aids. The aid would only be given with conditions and the conditions are likely not to be satisfied and used as an excuse not to give aid to the Palestinian. So basically, let the Palestinians die in the siege. Cannot expect the Europeans to not support the Israelis to terminate the Palestinians even if it is against human rights, a crime against humanity. This is just like the white Australians pretending to hold a referendum to protect the rights of the aborigines, to be determined by the white Australians. And they put up a scarecrow to shoot it down themselves.

The Palestinians cannot hope for the white men to save them. Their only hope is from the Global South and the Arab and Muslim states. And don't ever be so silly to think that the Americans are running around to save them. See the tail with an arrow head behind Blinken?


USA can only compete in the world market by coercion and lies

 The danger that she is talking about is that China's industrial overcapacity is a threat to the USA itself, because the USA is not in a position to monopolize sectors like solar energy, EVs, and sooner or later semiconductors. These are sectors, (besides semiconductors), that China has already left the USA behind. And the next big global growth sector is going to be solar energy, which China is way ahead, with 95% hold on solar panel sales.

The USA already had a hold on oil and gas sales to Europe (which is what the blowing up of Nord Stream pipelines was all about) and is looking haplessly at China's lead in solar panels that will be in demand in Europe and the Global South going forward. The USA's intention is to eventually take a bigger share and monopolize the renewable energy market besides fossil fuel, which the USA has in abundance and is making a killing in Europe today besides killing Europe as well. That is their intention in demonizing China on every front and Yellen is in reality insisting openly that China must stop its industrial manufacturing advance to let the USA catch up. She is planning to visit China again to warn China about the industrial overcapacity. Warn China? Xi must be shivering in his pants.

The argument and fallacious claim that China has been subsidizing its industries holds no water and a no brainer if true, when the USA is the biggest culprit by any yard (meter if you like) of measurement. A finger pointed at China has three other fingers pointing at the USA itself. The USA is the biggest culprit in the world when it comes to subsidies given to industries like semiconductors and oil exploration entities and everyone knows that. It is just like the biggest and blackest pot calling the kettle black for subsidies given to industries. Those subsidies given to chip manufacturers in Arizona recently is a perfect example, besides propping up banks, financial institutions using taxpayer's money, which is a form of subsidy as well.

The next trade war between USA and China will be over EVs and solar panels, which is coming up and the USA is preparing the ground by hyping it up. The USA will erect sanctions against China for sure. But the main market for such renewable energy items is not just the USA and Europe. China is looking at the bigger picture, the Global South and the vast population in Africa. This is where the demand is going to be sooner or later, and USA solar panel manufacturers trying to compete with China in those countries will end belly up.

Africa is done with the USA and the West and will support China. Africa will care little about USA's sanction against Chinese solar panels. After all it is going to be cheaper when China is banned from selling in Europe and will sell to Africa instead. Just like China and India getting cheaper oil and gas when Russia is banned from selling to Europe. Europe can ban Chinese solar panels and pay a heavy price by buying from the USA, just like oil and gas. But let them be. Yellen is now mad with China, having been shot down over her oil cap madness against Russia, which is a failure of sorts. 


America working on India against China

 Modi's mind is so hijacked by jealousy over China's progress, and poisoned by Western propaganda that he still sees it advantages to follow the dictates of the USA and UK, despite all the signs that India is nothing more than a big pawn, cultivated by the USA and UK to counter China. That the USA is also poisoning Modi's mind towards Russia slowly and perceptively can be seen in the oil trade and prodding.

The USA and the West have not yet taken a hard stand over the racial issues in India, and their motive is all about keeping India on their side, because of the threat from China which the USA and the West have blown up out of proportion over the border issue. We can understand all this if we look at the Muslim issue in Xinjiang and compare the Muslim issue in India, and we get the whole picture of why the USA and the West condemned so aggressively the Chinese side while leaving the Indian side's mistreatment of Muslims relatively ignored. Trump even claimed that in India's case it is an internal matter. What about China? Isn't Xinjiang an internal matter for China to sort out?

This is also exactly why they USA is instigating all the issues in the South China Sea, hyping up the threat from China. Divide and rule is their doctrine. They tried to divide up China into different concessions, run by different European Imperialistic States. It failed, many times before, but they are now trying it again with trade wars, technology wars, sanctions and demonization. And dragging the same old Imperialist powers into their confrontation with China. And these former Imperialist states followed like obedient dogs.

We in fact should not condemn Mao for all the ills of his legacy in later years, and credit him for throwing out all the evil Imperialist dogs. We should of course thank Deng Xiaoping for opening up China to the world. And we must thank Xi Jinping for developing China to what it is today, strong, steadfast, well developed, militarily strong enough to stand its ground and forward looking, and above all helping the Global South to progress and improve people's life, not destroying them by using wars to control them.



The fate of Zelensky and Ukraine is the starkest and rudeness reminder to the Mickey Mouse


 Zelensky may not be too bright to think that he could get away with poking the eyes of the Russian bear. We can forgive him for he did not have the privilege of seeing his fate then. He may be drugged or deluded on his own ability, greatness or ineptness. Or he was stupid enough to believe the Americans would fight and would triumph over Russia? There were small Mickey Mouse that commit similar crimes against their people and country under the coercion or influence of the American terrorists. There are many Mickey Mouse out there that have Zelensky to thank for to pull back from the brink of disaster, if only they are not as dumb as Zelensky.

God has been very kind and merciful to create the tragedy of Zelensky and Ukraine in slow motion for all the Mickey Mouse to have a preview of their final fate...should they want to be another Zelensky, and turning their country into another Ukraine. Ukraine is a tragedy that needed not happen. But Ukraine is a state, a country that cannot think for itself. And the Ukrainians are just a mob being led or misled by a clown. The Ukrainians are the silent majority that did not act to defend themselves when their lives and their country were seized by a megalomaniac.

Zelensky had a choice. No matter how much pressure, coercion, or how big was the bribe, he could say no. By accepting the lure of the mastermind instigator to commit genocide against the Russian speaking Ukrainians and turning his guns at the Russians, he made a conscious decision to bury himself and Ukraine...should his stupidity be vindicated. From the beginning, and for now, he still thinks he can live to enjoy his bloody loot offered to him by his handlers, in the millions and billions. The harsh reality is that he might not live another day longer when his masters give up on him, when the proxy war ended in defeat.

The Russians might not get their hands on him as he would likely be whisked away by his handlers before danger caught up with him. But then he is not safe either. Many Ukrainians that have lost their country and loved ones would be queuing up to hang him. Hope they will spare his family.

All the Mickey Mouse that are monkeying around to be another Zelensky, to risk destroying their country and people, must take this Ukraine lesson seriously. Think very, very hard. It is not rocket science to see the consequences and the chances of not becoming another Ukraine, another Zelensky. For their own sake and their own people, stop the stupidity to turn themselves into traitors of their people and country. Mickey Mouse does not stand a chance against super powers.

God is so generous and kind to have this Ukrainian melodrama screened live for the sake of the Mickey Mouse. There will be no exceptions. Stop while you still can. Making your own tragedy is a personal and private matter. But turning your country and your people into an unnecessary tragedy must be avoided at all cost. The Mickey Mouse owes it to their people not to turn their country into a grave yard for his people.

In case the Mickey Mouse is so sick and incorrigible, the people must save themselves by taking out the Mickey Mouse. They must not be like the silent majority in Ukraine, or they will suffer the same fate as the Ukrainians. Should that happen, they have only themselves to be blamed.

They have been warned. Do not dismiss the kind warning of God to keep yourself, your loved ones and country safe from the stupidity and selfishness of the Mickey Mouse.

Who are the Zelensky wannabes in Asia and SE Asia?

Which country in Asia and SE Asia is yearning to be the next Ukraine?

Asean is keeping mum and allowing Mickey Mouse to turn SE Asia into a war zone, provoking China and raising tension. Are the Asean countries sleeping, consenting, or just behaving like the silent majority and letting SE Asia turning into another war zone?