
America working on India against China

 Modi's mind is so hijacked by jealousy over China's progress, and poisoned by Western propaganda that he still sees it advantages to follow the dictates of the USA and UK, despite all the signs that India is nothing more than a big pawn, cultivated by the USA and UK to counter China. That the USA is also poisoning Modi's mind towards Russia slowly and perceptively can be seen in the oil trade and prodding.

The USA and the West have not yet taken a hard stand over the racial issues in India, and their motive is all about keeping India on their side, because of the threat from China which the USA and the West have blown up out of proportion over the border issue. We can understand all this if we look at the Muslim issue in Xinjiang and compare the Muslim issue in India, and we get the whole picture of why the USA and the West condemned so aggressively the Chinese side while leaving the Indian side's mistreatment of Muslims relatively ignored. Trump even claimed that in India's case it is an internal matter. What about China? Isn't Xinjiang an internal matter for China to sort out?

This is also exactly why they USA is instigating all the issues in the South China Sea, hyping up the threat from China. Divide and rule is their doctrine. They tried to divide up China into different concessions, run by different European Imperialistic States. It failed, many times before, but they are now trying it again with trade wars, technology wars, sanctions and demonization. And dragging the same old Imperialist powers into their confrontation with China. And these former Imperialist states followed like obedient dogs.

We in fact should not condemn Mao for all the ills of his legacy in later years, and credit him for throwing out all the evil Imperialist dogs. We should of course thank Deng Xiaoping for opening up China to the world. And we must thank Xi Jinping for developing China to what it is today, strong, steadfast, well developed, militarily strong enough to stand its ground and forward looking, and above all helping the Global South to progress and improve people's life, not destroying them by using wars to control them.



The fate of Zelensky and Ukraine is the starkest and rudeness reminder to the Mickey Mouse


 Zelensky may not be too bright to think that he could get away with poking the eyes of the Russian bear. We can forgive him for he did not have the privilege of seeing his fate then. He may be drugged or deluded on his own ability, greatness or ineptness. Or he was stupid enough to believe the Americans would fight and would triumph over Russia? There were small Mickey Mouse that commit similar crimes against their people and country under the coercion or influence of the American terrorists. There are many Mickey Mouse out there that have Zelensky to thank for to pull back from the brink of disaster, if only they are not as dumb as Zelensky.

God has been very kind and merciful to create the tragedy of Zelensky and Ukraine in slow motion for all the Mickey Mouse to have a preview of their final fate...should they want to be another Zelensky, and turning their country into another Ukraine. Ukraine is a tragedy that needed not happen. But Ukraine is a state, a country that cannot think for itself. And the Ukrainians are just a mob being led or misled by a clown. The Ukrainians are the silent majority that did not act to defend themselves when their lives and their country were seized by a megalomaniac.

Zelensky had a choice. No matter how much pressure, coercion, or how big was the bribe, he could say no. By accepting the lure of the mastermind instigator to commit genocide against the Russian speaking Ukrainians and turning his guns at the Russians, he made a conscious decision to bury himself and Ukraine...should his stupidity be vindicated. From the beginning, and for now, he still thinks he can live to enjoy his bloody loot offered to him by his handlers, in the millions and billions. The harsh reality is that he might not live another day longer when his masters give up on him, when the proxy war ended in defeat.

The Russians might not get their hands on him as he would likely be whisked away by his handlers before danger caught up with him. But then he is not safe either. Many Ukrainians that have lost their country and loved ones would be queuing up to hang him. Hope they will spare his family.

All the Mickey Mouse that are monkeying around to be another Zelensky, to risk destroying their country and people, must take this Ukraine lesson seriously. Think very, very hard. It is not rocket science to see the consequences and the chances of not becoming another Ukraine, another Zelensky. For their own sake and their own people, stop the stupidity to turn themselves into traitors of their people and country. Mickey Mouse does not stand a chance against super powers.

God is so generous and kind to have this Ukrainian melodrama screened live for the sake of the Mickey Mouse. There will be no exceptions. Stop while you still can. Making your own tragedy is a personal and private matter. But turning your country and your people into an unnecessary tragedy must be avoided at all cost. The Mickey Mouse owes it to their people not to turn their country into a grave yard for his people.

In case the Mickey Mouse is so sick and incorrigible, the people must save themselves by taking out the Mickey Mouse. They must not be like the silent majority in Ukraine, or they will suffer the same fate as the Ukrainians. Should that happen, they have only themselves to be blamed.

They have been warned. Do not dismiss the kind warning of God to keep yourself, your loved ones and country safe from the stupidity and selfishness of the Mickey Mouse.

Who are the Zelensky wannabes in Asia and SE Asia?

Which country in Asia and SE Asia is yearning to be the next Ukraine?

Asean is keeping mum and allowing Mickey Mouse to turn SE Asia into a war zone, provoking China and raising tension. Are the Asean countries sleeping, consenting, or just behaving like the silent majority and letting SE Asia turning into another war zone?

US, UK and Canada using Muslim handle to control Modi


 India is effectively a Hindu State governed by Hindus, with Muslims a minority. Most Muslims are settled in Pakistan after the seperation. Again, I believe this is the British creation, a time bomb to be exact, suitable for instigating conflicts, a Hindu state versus a Muslim state knowing they would never get along.

Modi is still intent on discriminating against Muslims as second class citizens in India, which is an issue that the USA and the West were harping on, but not yet capitalising, as India is still needed to counter China. That BBC documentary about Modi responsible for the Gujurat riots in 2002 when he was then the Chief Minister, that killed more than a thousand mostly Muslims, was in essence about this issue, which the Hindus are unhappy with the stance of the USA and UK. And CNN's warp take on the issue was that this documentary was a Chinese propaganda. Chinese propaganda piece being taken up by the BBC to stigmatise Modi? Would the BBC even be expected to help China to demonise India? Those BBC people must be mentally sick and dementia tainted.

Canada is now even trying to instigate the Sikhs, hoping to destablise India, knowing the history of the Sikh assassination of Indira Gandhi, the architect responsible for the Hinduisation of India, a point touched on by LKY in his speech about religious tolerance. Canada's stance is supported by the USA and UK. Does that surprise anyone? It certainly does not surprise me.

If Muslims are claimed to be disturbers of peace, how about Christians, the religion of the Whites like the USA and Europeans? They are angels of peace bringing Pilgrims to America to steal the lands of the Native American Indians and commit genocide against them as well?

Muslim fundamentalist rose to prominence because of the wars created by the USA, and it has been claimed that ISIS was the result of the USA's invasion of Iraq, which is tantamount to a USA creation. So what is the truth and the reality?

When people are displaced due to wars, they suffer greatly and are easily radicalised. That is what Europe is now contending with, with migrants creating trouble due to the wars in Yemen, Ukraine, Afghanistan and perennial conflict in Palestine. Israel may want to take Gaza for themselves, but they have to face conseqences for a long long time. Now Israel is antagonising Egypt by destroying their border post. Lebanon is also being slowly dragged into the conflict, with Israeli bombardment killing a couple of Hezbollah members. 


Unable to compete with China turning Washington into a bunch of lunatics

 Janet Yellen is yelling loudly about China's industrial over capacity threatening everybody and is a danger to the whole world. Everything that China does is now a danger to the USA and the Anglo-Saxon clique. For those in the Global South, China's industrial overcapacity can be seen as bringing prosperity to them, not a threat, and is a blessing in disguise for them, as they can buy consumer needs cheaper by the dozen, while building infrastructures cheaply that the West look on in envy. This is competing too well with the Western countries like the USA and this is what the danger that she is trying to impress upon the world all about.

Let me ask those countries that are facing USA sanctions about what the USA's Military Industrial overcapacity is doing to them and others. The USA spending on its military is larger than the military spending of the next 10 countries combined and makes up 40% of total global military spending globally. Is that not a danger to the world? What are military spending for? For spreading love of Muslims?

The USA is also trying to corner the world semiconductor business by building up its chip monopoly, even giving incentives to chipmakers to build factories in USA, all to decouple or de-risk from and to suppress China's chip industry. Is this not threatening China and Russia, Iran and others as well? Can we not see the hypocrisy in all the mickey mouse propaganda?

China is not going to stand still and let the USA succeed in monopolizing the chip making business and is putting top priority into research and development in the chip sector. The USA is nervous, knowing China can overcome its shortcomings given time and short circuit the USA plan. Overcapacity is turning into China's trump card, as it will not be at the mercy of the USA and the West and be in a position to kill all competition by lowering prices with its upper hand position. Moreover, its huge domestic market is a great advantage to absorb whatever overcapacity there is.

If I may venture to say, had China not spent so much of its resources to improve its military, China would have ended up like Iraq and Libya. China would now have been at the mercy of the USA and the West. China learnt good lessons during the Opium War and the century of humiliation at the hands of the Western powers. Most of all, China cannot afford not to upgrade its military in all areas to counter the USA's provocation. Had it not done so, China would in a very weak position like it was during the Opium War period and suffer another century of humiliation.

Thinking ahead is the best policy for China and I have to stress again that China must keep upgrading its army, air force and naval fleet particularly its nuclear submarine fleet. A nuclear submarine fleet of substance is a imminent need to ensure a second-strike capability in case land based retaliatory assets are destroyed.

And had China not been upgrading its technology, there would not be a Tiangong Space Station, ability to embark on a mission to the moon, landing a probe on Mars, constructing a high-speed train system, These are Chinese technology developed through hard work in research and curved out of adversity by being prevented from acquiring by the West. Huawei, BYD, TikTok etc, are all Chinese enterprises competing so well and on par with the USA and the West that they have to put obstacles to prevent their rise with fallacious claims bordering on fiction. Had China not got its hands on all the important resources like rare earth, lithium, graphite, it would have been crippled by the West in all its industrial endeavours.



America is the land of the free, free in many ways


Everything in this mall is for free. Walk in and take whatever you want.

The Americans proudly wave the flag of being the land of the free. Free in every sense of the word. In the past, it was free land taken from the native Red Indians. The Americans cleverly used Hollywood to call the Red Indians savages and genocided 100m of them till they are almost extinct today. Then they grabbed all their lands. Americans also benefited from free labour provided by the slaves from Africa, and free entertainment and pleasure from the female slaves. Actually can add freedom to hunt down Red Indians for fun.

And America became very rich from all the free land and free labour and very happy with free entertainment and pleasure. Next they got free money from petrol dollar. When the Arabs sell oil, they must give oil in return for real money from the buyers. But because of petrol dollar, the buyer must use their own currency to buy American fiat dollars to pay the Arabs. So Americans get free money without having to produce a single drop of oil. The free money turned into a big international scam when dollar becomes the most use currency for trade as the international currency. And the Americans got the privilege of printing as much free money as they could.

Today, the land of the free has many other free things added to them. Internationally, they can assassinate and overthrow govts freely until the leaders of every small and big country are afraid of being taken out for free. The Americans could do this with impunity, like the genocide of the Red Indians and African slavery. No accountability. Even when they conducted war crimes, crimes against humanity, no one dares to take them to court. This is American freedom to kill. They even bragged about free to cheat, to steal, to lie and to kill.

The Americans are free to incite, instigate, provoke wars, and start wars everywhere like a game, a past time. And the silly world has got so used to it that they called the Americans protector of peace and inviting the Americans to be their policemen. And countries that are not engaged in any wars are called aggressive and warmongers.

The Americans are free to conduct all kinds of sanctions by deceit and lies, trade wars, isolating countries to impoverish their people. This is American freedom. And when the Americans are not happy, they conduct revolution, street unrest and anarchy in countries of their own choosing.

And the Americans practise freedom of expression, freedom of western media to spread lies, fabricate lies and smears freely. Caveat, anyone who dares to spread lies, or to tell the ugly truth of the Americans and their evil behaviours and acts would be prosecuted like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange.

They have resorted to taking free money from private individuals and nation states. Stealing monies parked in western banks by Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Iraq etc etc. Oops, they never steal, they just take, free money. Many assets and money of Russian millionaires and billionaires are also up for grabs.

In the home front, America is truly the land of the free. People can walk into departmental stores and take whatever they want, for free. They can beat up anyone on the streets for free, shoot at anyone for free. Cars, properties are all for free. And the politicians are exercising their freedom of speech in their govt institutions spreading lies, demonising anyone or state, any leaders, all in the name of freedom of speech. No need to provide any evidence or proof.

Be warned, America is the land of the free. They can take anything from anyone, including their lives. There is freedom to own guns to shoot freely and kill freely. Caveat, no freedom to use apps like TikTok. This app is deemed too dangerous and must be banned.