The Anglo-Saxons United States was on the threshold of
its objective for world hegemony when Soviet Russia disintegrated in
1989 and its economy ravished and gobbled by American capitalists who
ganged up with Russian elite traitors to take over almost all the
Russian state's big business corporations. From 1989 to around the year
2005 Russians were reduced to penury and during that over a decade with
Russian economy collapsing millions of Russians were starving from
hunger as they lost their jobs and business. Luckily Vladimir Putin soon
came to power as President of Russia and he quickly took strong actions
to turn the table on the traitors and the American plunderers. With
great foresight Putin turned to China for help and cooperation. China
under President Hu Jintao and later President Xi Jin Ping strongly
supported Putin and helped to prop up the Russian economy and alleviated
the Russians from starvation.
Had Russia failed both
politically and economically it would have been brought down under US
control. Should that have happened China would have been the next target
for US subversion. Then if China should also go down because of
internal traitors then it was possible US could gain control over China
too. Thus if both Russia and China happened to fail and went went under
US control then the whole world would definitely be succumbed to US
hegemony. If that happened it would have been a world tragedy.
Fortunately for Russia Putin came into the scene just in time to reverse
the spectacle of doom and salvage the situation and China was lucky all
the time to have wise and highly intlligent patriotic dedicated leaders
and presidents since 1949 to run and guide the country from success to
success most of the time.
So with a strong and powerful Russia
and China and with great support and cooperation from BRIC's countries
except turncoat India and most countries of the South and Africa it
would be a pipe dream for US and its vermin allies to think of world
hegemony again.
Yang Rong Nan
Wednesday, 20th March 2024
Putin and Xi were two pillars that stood against American hegemony
White men's objective for World Hegemony' since 1492 and its ramifications. PART I
White men's Charles Darwin theory of 'The Law of the Jungle' has been adopted as Whitemen's Doctrine of the survival of the fittest. White men state that the human race are basically similar to the animals which struggled constantly for existence and that only the fittest could survive. White racist and supremacist expansionists and warmongers therefore asserted that it was perfectly alright for the strong to destroy the weak and for strong countries to invade weak countries as it was in accordance with the laws of nature. As it is they have always applied this application to world affairs in a distorted insidious strained reinterpretations of Darwinism that industralists, capitalists and others had been applying to international and domestic economic affairs in the form of Social Darwinism. Cecil Rhodes a British white supremacist and psychopath who ruled South Africa as a brutal dictator asserted that the British Anglo-Saxons is the finest race on earth and all African natives are the worst human specimens. Cecil Rhodes had lay out plans to bring the whole world under British Anglo-Saxon rule. Next there were the Anglo-Saxons Americans AdmiralAlfred Thayer Mahan who together with Senator Theodore Roosevelt in 1890 asserted that the United States must acquire islands in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans as naval stations for US to advnce her interests. Both Alfred Mahan and Theodore Roosevelt were ardent imperialists and they together with many other US warmongering imperialists asserted for the acquisition of an empire as a way to reinvigorate the United States. They intended to acquire new territories for th e United States through wars. Theodore Roosevelt became a US president for two terms from 1902 to 1910. However the United States world hegemony interest was first officially promoted in 1823 by President Monroe whose intent to hold sway over all the South American countries under US control and hegemony was documented under his treatise known as the Monroe Doctrine.
The 500 Years Curse
The white men's quest for world hegemony has been going on for the last 500 years since 1492 when Christopher Columbus with a stolen map from Admiral Zheng He's ship in Middle East sailed to America with the full support of the Spanish government. Columbus was a thief, a robber and plunderer and on top he was a white supremacist killer and genocider of natives in the Americas. In the Americas he went on to grab and rob off the native American lands without limits. His criminal traits were soon picked up by other European countries like Portugal, England, France, Holland, Italy, Belgium and Germany. These European countries then expanded their criminal activities like land robbers, plunderers and native killers to practically all parts of the world. They were all fully financially supported by their governments. Their criminal lust and diabolical greed for all other non-white countries land, wealth and resources are known as the 500 years curse on the non-white countries. The last 500 years from 1492 to the present saw the maddening rush of the European powers competing to bring the whole world under their hegemony.
In the beginning the European plunderers, land robbers and native killers and genociders based their criminal activities on justification of their Christian religious doctrine such as 'The Doctrine of Christian Discovery'. Many articles have already been written on this evil doctrine so it will not be discussed here.
The article here is to expose the unforgivable criminal activities of the white men in general and the Anglo-Saxons UK and the Anglo-Saxons US in particular.
England's plan for World Hegemony under the British Anglo-Saxons .
From around 1600s to 1930s the European countries strived fiercely among themselves in their aggression and invasion of other countries in the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, England turned out to be the most ruthless and most successful in her quest for world domination.
England and France fought for many years to possess North America. With the defeat of France the sole foreign European occupier of the whole continent of North America fell under British domination. To avoid fighting among themselves Spain and Portugal had earlier settled on their spheres of influence in South America except for the smaller territories of occupied British and Dutch Guiana.. In the meanwhile the whole of the Caribbean Archipelagos fell to British pirates and buccaneers and thus they were all brought under British rule.
Europeans were also fiercely and actively scouring the oceans and high seas to look for more native lands to conquer. England invaded Australia in 1788 and used it first as a penal colony where thousands of British convicts were sent there to occupy the land. In 1840 England invaded New Zealand after overcoming native resistance. Other Pacific islands were mopped up and occupied by France, Germany, the United States, Holland and England. The United States took possession of Hawaii Islands through deception, subterfuge and military might. It also occupied the islands of Guam, Samoa, Marshall Islands and Midway Islands. France and Germany also took possession of some of the Pacific islands. The German colony of Papua New Guinea was later took over by British Australia after the First World War 1914 - 1918. The Dutch or Holland had earlier invaded the East Indies Archipelagos of Indonesia in the 1600s and 1700s and after defeating and driving the British contestants out from Batavia in Java now known as Jakarta. At the same time England was quick to take possession of Malaya, Sarawak and Sabah formerly known as British North Borneo after driving out the Portuguese and the Dutch from Malacca. Similarly the whole continent of Africa was ripped apart to be occupied by England, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Holland and Belgium.
In their invasions and occupation of native lands all the European powers with no exceptions were very savage and brutal in exercising their control over the natives. Their criminal deeds against the natives were atrocious and cruel beyond descriptions. They tried to suppress native resistance to their invasions and control with wanton cruelties. Whether it is in North America, South America, The Caribbeans, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia or Africa similar criminal acts of killings, genocide and torture were widely used.
Just to describe some examples of what the Anglo-Saxons British and Americans did to the native Americans. The Anglo-Saxons were not just satisfied in killing the natives. They were psychopaths who enjoyed torturing them before putting them to death. Many innocent native Indians and Indian resistant fighters were captured and tortured with their ears,nose, fingers or toes cut off, their heads scalped and their bodies impaled to tree trunks while they were still alive. Many captured natives were hung upside down on poles or trees. Many native villagers irrespective of whether they were men, women or children were shot while they were going out to the fields to tend their crops in the early dawn of the morning by white snipers hiding in hidden positions. Same thing happened at dusk when they were returning to their houses after working in the fields the whole day. Shooting natives was also used as a sport by Anglo-Saxon soldiers to determine who could take down the most natives.
The Anglo-Saxons British and Americans would arrange for peace talks with the native Indian leaders to settle some problems. Very often half way through the talks the Anglo-Saxon British and American officers would suddenly leave the talks. This was a signal for the Anglo-Saxon guards and soldiers who were already placed in strategic positions to storm in and kill all the native Indian leaders.
The British also set fire to native villagers' houses. Survivors who rushed out of their houses were quickly shot and killed. The British also burnt the natives' crops and steal their cattles. Water from streams and rivers used by the natives were sometimes purposely poisoned resulting in many painful deaths.
The Anglo-Saxons US and UK had been so used to bullying and killing native American Indians with impunity. They think they can do the same to third world countries and countries of the south in this modern times with impunity. They cannot be more wrong for now the third world countries and other countries of the south are also well armed with modern weapons. There is no doubt they will face their debacle and their pipe dream .
The BRIC's countries together with other countries of the South under the leadership of Russia, China and Iran must now take action to put to an end the Anglo-Saxons US, UK and their European allies bullies and diabolical senseless attacks and wars on the non-white countries.
PART TWO : The West dismemberment of Africa and China and its ramifications will be published soon in another article.
Wednesday, 20th March, 2024
China's economy collapsing - as reported by Channel News America
American media and pro American crony media are having a field day cheering the collapse of the Chinese economy. Only 5.1% GDP growth, so terrible, China's growth is not only coming to an end, it is collapsing. Gordon Chang and the likes must be readying to pop their champagne. Compare to the rock solid growth of 1% of the American economy, China is in trouble. It would never overtake the American economy anymore.
to add to the tragedy, the Chinese suffered a 1% inflation whereas the 7% American inflation is so healthy. The American economy is doing
extremely fine, by printing more money and can afford a national debt of
US$34 trillion and still growing. Poor China has a national reserve of US$3.3 trillion.
The Americans do not need any reserves. What keeps the American economy
in good health is an ever increasing national debt. Definitely no debt trap. This is the best
indicator of a healthy American economy. Only the US can afford to have a
US$34 trillion national debt and still smiling everyday and moaning, poor China.
In terms of interest to be paid, at 3%, the Americans only have to pay US$1 trillion anually. This is small change. And now with interest rate going higher, to 5 or 6%, the interest to be paid would only double to US$2 trillion. How many countries in the world has a trillion dollar economy to boot? The Indian economy is US$4 trillion and is ranked 5th largest in the world.
And Italy, Canada and Brazil's GDP are just
above US$2 trillion. Can you imagine what US$2 trillion interest payment
means to the US? It is the size of Italy, Canada and Brazil's GDP. US$1 trillion is 3 or 4 times the GDP of Singapore. Any problem?
Actually no problem at all to the Americans. They can print more toilet
papers to pay for them. And Biden can go around offering billions of
aids to African and Pacific Island states, and many more hundreds of
billions to Ukraine to war with Russia. No wonder Channel News America
is so happy gloating about how rock solid is the American economy.
The Chinese economy would collapse ahead of the Americans. That is what Channel News America is saying everyday. That is what American crony states' media are also saying. All very factual. Channel News America never tell lies. They have a US$1 trillion budget just to smear China in state sponsored propaganda machinery. And the Americans and their cronies are all starting to celebrate the collapse of China, believing in their own malicious rumour mongering.
What do you think? It's the end of China? Really?
PS. Can you believe the inflation figure of the lying Americans at 4%, and not to question Biden's 3.2% GDP growth?
Just a distraction, the title of an article in CNA
'Just let me die here': Why locals on Indonesia's Rempang oppose eviction for China-backed project
The Indonesian government wants to develop Rempang into an eco-city that will pull in some US$26.6 billion in investment, but some 7,500 villagers oppose having to leave their ancestral land. CNA Kiki Siregar
Why is there a need to mention China backed project when it is a national project of the Indonesian govt, and China was just a contractor to build the city? China to be blamed for the unhappiness and the cause of the problem? Who is the mastermind of the project?
Who wrote this title, the author or the editor?
Beware of the evil Anglo Saxons
Bill Gates already gave a date for the next pandemic,
which is supposed to happen in 2025 and will start in Brazil. How did he
know that? Is he God? Something is wrong if some people can predict the
next calamity befalling mankind. You cannot predict without being
deeply involved and that begs the question of how deeply he is in it.
is Asia's century and China's century in particular. Next will be the
African century. Africa is a huge continent and hungry to progress after
centuries of theft and destruction by the Anglo-Saxon colonizers. I
think it was Wang Yi who commented that Africa is bigger than Europe and
more important for China.
China is providing a helping hand in
Africa's rise, already evident decades earlier, by helping with the
building of infrastructures like roads, railways, ports, airports and
helping in the development of expertise in the field of extraction of
essential minerals and precious metals. Projects of this nature are
based on a win-win mindset, given that China also benefits, but is not
about the wholesale extraction and theft as in the case of the
Anglo-Saxon robbers. Let me add that theft by the Anglo-Saxon clique
includes kidnapping by the USA of young blacks to work as slaves in USA.
It makes a mockery of democracy and human rights and yet with that
baggage behind them, the USA and the West still had the decency and
moral authority to talk about human rights and democracy.
other salient fact is that Central Asian countries like Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are thankfully still
relatively free from Anglo-Saxon control and thus able to chart their
own destiny. But they have to be very wary of the White's evil designs.
Kazakhstan was the victim of an orchestrated regime change by the USA a
year ago, but Russia provided the help to contain the situation. China
is also providing the means for them to develop, with their Belt and
Road membership. Their century to take their place in importance on the
global stage will also rise in tandem with Africa.
Anglo-Saxon Imperialist are paranoid about the changes coming and are
closing ranks to preserve their dominance, but all will be in vain.
Instead of growing stronger with such moves, they are destroying each
other, and none more evident than the destruction of Europe right before
our eyes. Thanks to Ukraine, the whole world is seeing the weakness of
their underbelly, trying to test their unity against Russia. Putin's
re-election is making them crazy. Demon-crazy!
How did China rise to dominate in so many areas?
How did China rise to dominate in so many areas
especially in providing essential commodities, like rare earth, lithium
batteries and the raw materials needed to make them? Not only that, it
also holds the refining edge in most of the essential raw material
processing expertise, which it started to build up even before the West
realized it too late. This supports the oft repeated narrative that
Chinese leaders always think a decade or two ahead. They secure all the
resources before embarking on their intended initiative like EVs.
Likewise, retaliation against USA and European sanctions will be finely
calibrated to inflect maximum damage and not taken on the spur of the
moment and failing badly.
While the USA and the West were
leveraging on their war mongering initiative and how to carry out regime
changes, China focuses its mindset on conquering the economic benefits
of looking after its future. What is happening now with the trade and
chips war is exactly what China feared most over the decades. China
knows the USA and the West will sabotage its rise, by erecting hurdles,
sanctioning and preventing its foray into areas that the USA and the
West dominates.
The next big sanction coming against China,
after chips and TikTok, will be the supply of jet engines for China's
own planes, the C919. The C919 is selling well in China, with domestic
airlines providing a reported more than 800 planes on order. China
totally did not place a single order for Boeing lately and the USA is
retaliating with the engine sales ban on the horizon. But China is not
waiting for it to happen and is already making efforts to manufacture
its own jet engines. In fact, China already made their own domestic jet
engines for the C919 and is waiting for its airworthiness certification.
You can bet the USA and the West will erect hurdles to delay the
certification. Meanwhile the C919 passenger jet is already serving the
Chinese domestic market since mid 2023.
I also realize that
Russia is also well versed in jet engine manufacturing, and should China
want to have a more diverse supply of such engines, the Russians will
benefit greatly, while the company manufacturing such engines in USA
will suffer the long-term consequences. The jet engine sales ban will
backfire for sure.