For all we know, the Imperialist Colonizers may be
behind the creation of terrorism so that they can have a reason to
station troops in the land they want to occupy. Russia would not have
taken their present stand had NATO not been expanding its reach Eastward
to the Russian border, and the intention of Ukraine joining NATO was
the final straw that broke the camel's back. The USA had all along been
playing up the Russian threat against NATO in order for them to exert
unending control over NATO and keep their troops on the pretext of
protecting NATO countries, even after the Cold War. The clear expansion
of NATO towards Russia, agreed not to with Gorbachev after the breakup
up of the former Soviet Union, was brushed aside and unmitigated
expansion was all the while on the cards and mindset of the USA. Nothing
more, nothing less.
Terrorism creates instability in countries
and weak Governments fall for the ploy of the Angel of Death coming to
their aid. And for all we know, this is still happening in many African
States as well as in South America and the Carribean states like Haiti.
What can we say about the Israel/Hamas war and the USA playing both
sides? Does that ring a bell?
The USA had been breeding terrorism
using radicalized Muslims in Xinjiang for quite a while, until China
put a damper on it. After putting in so much effort and resources by the
USA and its allies via the CIA in Xinjiang, failing to succeed in their
objective to destabilize Xinjiang and later China, in tandem with the
CIA instigated unrest in Hongkong then (also in conjunction with their
plan) was a hard pill to swallow for the Anglo-Saxon clique.
the USA, if I gathered correctly, is said to be thinking of putting
into play their plan to ban their citizens from visiting Xinjiang and
preventing their citizens from finding out that they had been lied to
big time by the Western Media, painting a totally fake and misleading
face of Xinjiang. The proliferation of such videos on Youtube recently
by both USA and citizens from other countries during their actual visit
to Xinjiang is making the Anglo-Saxon clique really nervous about
letting the cat out of the bag. Their lies about mistreatment of the
Muslim Uyghurs will fall flat on their faces. The USA is totally
desperate trying to take this step.
Let me also touch on the
death of Navalny whom the USA and the West had also spent a fortune
investing in and building up their Russian opposition asset to create
unrest against Putin. Navalny's death dealt a severe blow to their
intentions. Just listen to all the crying and howling in the Western
Media regarding his death. Navalny is not even a credible touted leader
of a country, so why is he being praised to high heaven in the West?
What has he done for the people of Russia, other than being a traitor to
the motherland and trying to create instability over there. And just
look at the song and dance being made to raise the stature of his wife
to be the next opposition leader in Russia.