
USA - The warring state

 There is no way of knowing what lengths the 'unspeakable' war hawks in Washington will go to to start WW3. It is now clearly apparent that John F. Kennedy was assassinated after he prevented war between USA and Russia over the Cuban missile crisis. That they even assassinated a sitting President just to fulfill their insatiable hunger for war is really atrocious and frightening.

And that assassination also involved the FBI, CIA and organised crime. It is quite suspicious that Lee Oswald, the accused assassin, had to be assassinated by another assassin said to belong to an Organised Crime outfit, in order to kill off the trail leading to the FBI and CIA.

It is good that the world keeps talking about such events and continue to harp on the 911, which most people could not depart from the thinking that it was nothing more than a 'false flag' meticulously planned to kickstart the war in Iraq. The co-incidence were too extreme - the war games and terror exercise, allowing air defences to be circumvented. Here again many people suspected the FBI and CIA were involved, by knowingly not taking action when they obviously knew of the plot. Whether such allegations were meant to tell us the FBI and CIA were up to standard with their intelligence is subject to debate.

How good intelligence may be, the communication to the right person up the heirarchy is just as important. In the case of Pearl Harbour it was reported that intelligence report failed to be communicated to those at the top. True or not, no one can verify and is up to them to claim.


US using Trudeau to take down Modi

The CIA and USA backed and funded NGOs are very busy in Indonesia, Pakistan and India with elections months away. Pakistan is already gone to the dogs with Imran Khan out of contention. Color Revolution in Pakistan succeeded beyond expectation and bloodshed, thanks to the corruption rampant in the Military, Administrative and Executive arm of the Pakistani Government.

That leaves Indonesia and India for the USA to concentrate on. What the USA wants from India is not that clear cut, but prying away the layers, it is no shame to say that destroying its good relations with Russia is at the top of the agenda. Modi is not following the USA by being dictated to in this regard. So you see, even India, the largest democracy in the world, needs a regime change.

India is staring at many issues being targeted by the West. The situation in Manipur is still unresolved and festering, the Sikh assasination issue brought up by Canada and now the whole collective West is barking loudly against Modi. Analysts are comparing Trudeau's accusation of India as comparatively similar to the fiasco against China's Huawei, all under the instigation of the USA. The sacrificial lap dog is out of favour in Canada itself and may not last. Why not let it bear the burden of shame.

Trudeau is the proxy dog that the USA wants to unleash against India, knowing the assassination happened in Canada, which the USA is refusing to get directly involved, as that entails sacrificing its Indian support in countering China. The USA still needs India to counter China, thus using the juvenile deliquent Trudeau to start the ball rolling, with any consequences falling largely on the fall guy. And who else is jumping on the demonising wagon? The perennial echo-chambers, ie UK and Australia, together with the USA are straight away passengers on the wagon. Expect more of the White countries to follow.  


Ukraine War - Russian winter offensive coming

 Russia is going for a second winter offensive and its target is destroying the energy facilities of Ukraine, the Achilles heel of the enemy. Russia is going to bring Zelenskyy on his knees with its assault on Ukraine's energy sector during the Winter, which if it is harsh, will be detrimental. The assault by Russia on Ukraine's energy sector in 2022 was not that damaging in view of the mild winter that year. This may be different this time around.

With oil trading at more than US$90 a barrel, Russian oil is still flowing to the EU despite the sanctions, albeit under different cover after mixing eg with names such as Nigerian crude, of which the EU countries are paying through their noses. China, India, Saudi Arabia are laughing all the way to the bank, getting discounted Russian oil to sell at huge profits. The fact that this is really going on is making Zelenskyy raving mad that the sanctions on Russia is not working. What can he do, but just howl like a rabid dog.

And Zelenskyy is still high on drugs, demanding that Russia must withdraw from every inch of Ukraine before he will negotiate. He does not understand the meaning of 'Beggars can't be choosers'. Russia is not going to give up Crimea. Not even if there is a gun pointed at Putin's head.

Sure the MSM may be right about Russia loosing lots of weapons in Ukraine, but so does the USA, Nato and Ukraine themselves. It is reported that their weapons stockpile are in jeopardy. Destroying those Uranium tainted shells in Ukraine is going to be a long term health hazard, more for ordinary Ukrainians than the Russians. And the use of cluster bombs is going to cause long term issues just like the mines in Vietnam and the legacy of Agent Orange. The USA is not going to suffer those consequences, but Ukraine will.



IME Corridor - Hollow concept and frivolousless economic assumptions

 The big hypes about this supposedly great Biden Modi infrastructure plan to counter the BRI have faded the moment the G20 Meeting ended. It was all noise and meaningless chest thumping and all for nothing. When a plan is build with no tangible objectives and clear economic benefits but just to counter another widely received and carefully conceived plan, who is going to buy it?

The plan has totally no benefit to the Americans, and to the Americans it is just like a fiction movie in Hollywood, good to have, good to see, good for propaganda and entertainment but no practical or substantive benefits, at best some political influence and publicity. In the case of BRI, there is a lot of trades going on between China and Europe and the countries in between that made economic sense to all the participants. What would India be selling to Europe and vice versa? As for Saudi Arabia, it would just be a transit role, allowing a railroad through the Arabian desert. The economic purpose to Saudi Arabia is minimum as all its trades could still be served by the existing trade routes with no significant advantages from the IME Corridor.

Given these considerations, the big question is the cost. Who is going to pay for it for minimal or virtual gains? The Americans have no direct benefits and are unlikely to pay anything unless it is treating the IMEC as an extention of war against Russia and China, like Ukraine. Then pouring in their toilet paper money into this project would make the some sense against using their fiat money to help Maui.

The bulk of the money spent would be on the railroad through the Arabian desert. Would the Saudis be willing to pay for it when their only benefit is to collect toll? Or would the Europeans and Indians be willing to pay for a railway track and train system in Saudi Arabia? The cost benefit equation does not make sense to any party in this IMEC, especially nothing much to be gained for the Saudis. The Saudis would not mind if the Americans, Europeans or the Indians food the bill and they offer the desert land to the project. 

This frivolous plan is looking more frivolous as day goes by. No one would want to food the bill to build a railroad and train system across the Arabian desert for the Saudis. And the Saudis would not find it economical to build it and pay for it if no one else is willing to be the main paymaster.

There will be more meetings and more meetings on this project for the next few years before it dies a natural death. By the way, who is capable to build this railroad across the Arabian desert? Would they be asking China to build it? Would China want to build it when no one can build it?

Corrupt organisations beholden to the Americans must be disbanded

 Those sitting at the top of the world bodies are obviously nothing more than corrupted beings, so much so that non of those world bodies are credible, moral or worthy of existence.

When BRICS increases its quorum of members over the years, it is time to form new world bodies to undertake the functions of those present beholden world bodies. It is not impossible. Just look at the countries taking part in the BRI and those countries eyeing for membership of BRICS, but denied because of some selfish idiot.

Just as countries can put their hearts and minds into de-dollarisation and migrating their trade settlement in currencies other than the US$ in their bilateral trade and prepare to adopt a new settlement system, it is just a question of time that the world can get together too to get rid of the White clique's control of those beholden world bodies that does more harm than good.

The most sinister of all is that bodies like the ICC thinks it is doing the morally right thing to issue a warrant of arrest against Putin, while closing their eyes, plugging their ears and stuffing their mouths with shit, not looking at what happened in Iraq, not even daring to raise a fart to talk about the roles of George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Donald Rumsfeld and the already dead Dick Cheney and Collin Powell.

And fabricating evidence to start the Iraq war killing millions makes them war criminals millions of times over. But not one of them, in the warp minds of the ICC, deserves to be issued an arrest warrant. That is how ridiculous world bodies have become.

If de-dollarisation is important, so does changing the system of running world bodies, necessitating the formation of new ones that are truly independent and beholden to no one, and certainly not existing to serve the interest of just one country.
