
White men's greed for power and hegemony is the root cause of the world's troubles and wars.

    The white people especially the Anglo-Saxons toxic greed for power, insatiable greed to grab other countries'  territories and resources  and insidious savage ambition for  world hegemony is the root cause of this world's endless troubles and wars. Further their false assumption that they are a superior race and  are the chosen people of God and that their civilization outshines all other civilizations reinforce their fake ego of primacy above all others. 

For the last 500 years white men have brought bloody curse to all non-white countries in Africa, Asia, North and South America, Australia and New Zealand. Wherever they went they brought deaths and destructions, pains and suffering and genocide. They have never shown any remorse for their wanton acts of brutal cruelty and atrocities to people of victimized countries because they claimed they were supported by their 'Doctrine of Christian Discovery' in which their Lord Jesus empowered them to go abroad to seize lands and resources from non-Christians and to kill natives who refused to be converted to Christianity. This 'Doctrine of Christian Discovery' was later reinforced by other more evil doctrines like the 'Doctrine of Manifest Destiny of America' , the Darwin Doctrine of survival of the Fittest' , the Doctrine of Permanent and Perennial Warfare' and the  'Paul Wolfowitz Doctrine of  American Exceptionalism.' 

Armed with these toxic doctrines the white men cabal headed by the Anglo-Saxon United States intend to hold the world in servitude and bondage under Anglo-Saxon American dominance and permanent. hegemony. For as long as these evil doctrines are in place there will never have peace and harmony in this world. No selfrespecting countries and civilizations will ever allow the savage Anglo-Saxon Americans to hold the world in subjugation, servitude and hegemony.

Never trust the Anglo-Saxon Americans and their lackeys in Europe. They will always use peace talks as a stratagem to lull you into confidence while using the interim time as an advantage to plan steps ahead  to destroy you. There are endless examples in history where white men use this ruse to disadvantage the opponents and get them destroyed. That's the reason native Americans keep on reminding the world that 'White men speak with fork tongues and can never be trusted.'

Some latest examples are the end of 'Cold War'  in 1989 where NATO led by US promised Russia that NATO would not extend to Eastern Europe by even a centimeter. But it did and extended NATO's membership to all East European countries which formerly formed parts of Soviet Russia. And in  disregarding Russia's constant warnings not to extend NATO membership to Ukraine and in using the Treaty of Minsk  interim period to arm Ukraine for its secret agenda to attack Russia it triggered the Ukraine War.

Under a treaty signed in Beijing in 1972 the US under President Nixon recognized the 'Peoples Republic of China' as the sole government of China which includes Taiwan  and the treaty was reinforced and strengthened in the three communiques signed by President Jimmy Carter in 1980s. However, subsequent US presidents reneged on the Beijing treaty and carried out pervasive actions which undermined the treaty and cause serious problems in cross strait relations when separatists and secessionists in the Taiwan DPP party with  American support openly called for seceding from mainland China.  The subversive actions of America clearly shows that the US is playing with fire and that it intends to start a war in the Taiwan Strait as China's Ukraine war. 

People do not understand the diabolical agenda of the United States in starting the Ukraine War and the coming Taiwan Straits war. It has to do with the declining status of the West in general and the United States in particular. The United States is a very chaotic state in a tremendous upheaval with no stoppage or possible remedy in sight. The horrible debacles in US are self-inflicted. It is due to the practise of Darwin's extreme one sided capitalism where the nation's wealth is not distributed equitably among the broadbased citizens but where the one to ten percent elites own over 95 percent of the country's wealth and riches and where the rest of the 90 percent population own less than 5 percent and wallow in extreme poverty and sufferance. Wherefore we now see tens of millions of impoverished American citizens who are homeless and and forced to live in horrible squalour of decrepit tents made of cupboards and plastic sheets along major roadsides, in the frontage of shops and shopping malls where they scavenge for food and do their daily routine of urinating and discharging of their faeces. The scenes are really pathetic. How come these types of inhuman scenarios are occurring as per normal in the US which is being touted as the richest country in the world. It has to do with an incompetent irresponsible US type of government which does not take care of its citizens. It has to do with the horrible poor governance of the US government which constantly shouts to high heavens to other countries about human rights and democracy but completely ignores the welfare of its people which indeed is the greatest perversion of human rights and democracy. This pathetic situation is greatly enhanced by US doctrine and policy of creating endless perennial and permanent wars to maintain US supremacy and sustaining US Pentagon Military Industrial Complex so as to keep US economy afloat causing trillions of dollars diverted from civilians welfare to the lawless military. The diversion of funds to the Pentagon has due to corruption enable most American politicians from the president downward to senators, congressmen and House of representatives as well as senior and top military officers like generals, admirals and airforce commanders to grow extremely rich to become millionaires or billionaires. In fact many top generals and admirals on retirement went on to become directors and CEOs of military industrial companies like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrob Grumman, General Dynamics, General Electric and Halliburton just to quote a few more prominent ones. In addition to the problem of millions of poor with homelessness the US is awashed with extreme inter racial strives mainly cause by white supremacists daily killing of other American racial groups like native Americans, African Americans, Mexican Americans and other diverse racial groups from Asia. In these racial issues the white supremacist police and the military do not offer any help for they would not take any action against racial riots whereby the provocateurs and culprits are insane white men going wild on a spree of killing of non-white Americans. In some cases the white police may perfunctorily arrest some white killers and murderers but the white judges in the courts will just release them after a lapse of a few days or a few hours. With such social injustice how can the non-white world believe in the West version of human rights and democracy and in their savage propaganda to demonize China,, Russia, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, and North Korea. Non-white countries must be so blind and naive to believe in US toxic propaganda and expose themselve to danger in welcoming US and Western hubris propaganda that China, Russia, Iran and North Korea are aggressive and expansionists and therefore they must ally themselves with America and the West to confront Russia and China. 

The truth and the fact is China has never invaded or conquered any other country in its 5,000 years of history. On the contrary China was invaded by a cohort of Western countries , US and Japan in the last over 100 years and when her lands and territories were torn apart like cutting the watermelon to become parts of Western and Japanese colonies. 

How can the US politicians think of ruling the world when they don't even have basic care provisions for its citizens. So do not trust in US politicians propaganda about human rights and democracy. They will export their miseries to the world if allowed to do so.

Why did NATO led by US engineered the Ukraine War. Even before the end of the Second World in 1945, the US had laid broad plans to bring the whole world under its singular hegemony. But it had to contend with Soviet Russia which was a stumbling block to its ambition. With the fall of Soviet Russia in 1989 America proclaimed to the world the end of history, meaning the road ahead for America's unitary rule and world hegemony is at last at hand. But it was not to be when Putin assumed power in Moscow and China rises with god speed as an economic, technological and military power in which US has to contend with.

America is dead against Russia and China for being stumbling blocks to US ambition for world hegemony in establishing a world unitary government under US control and domination. America's rogue politicians at first decided to take down both Russia and China at the same timme. However, Russsia and China realise they are facing a common danger from the United States and so they unite to put up a common front against US and its allies . The United States finally decided to take down Russia first with the ultimate target China after destroying Russia.  

The United States calculates that Russia has a very weak economy and so it engineered the Ukraine war thinking it would quickly weaken Russia and bring it down to its knees. America thinks that after it has gain control of the rich Russian hinterland it will make good use of its resources to attack and conquer China. America has already made plans to start a war across the Taiwan Strait. The United States is so intoxicated with wild ambition to control the whole world that it throws caution to the winds ignoring the danger that it is confronting two highly and well armed nuclear superpowers.

 America is desperate in wanting to start a war with Russia and China due to several reasons.  It has an astronomical national debt of over 35 trillion dollars and other  commercial debt of  hundreds of trillions of dollars. US is unable to service these debts it owes to foreign countries especially to China, Japan, South Korea and Singapore. So it  is using wars to divert its citizens attention from the national debt. Also in creating wars US hope to abscond with the trilllions of dollars in debt and would not have to pay somehow. Also it hopes wars will keep the Pentagon Military Industrial Complex industries churning and will jump start the whole of US economy which has been in the doldrums for a long time. 



After decoupling and derisking from China, where are they going to sell?

 Companies of the USA and its allies can move out of their main market in China, but the market will not collapse, and who can they sell to in the end, conducting their businesses outside of the main market. This is like a fishmonger moving his stall out of a fish market to set up shop far away from the fish market, and hoping that customers will continue to patronise it. No such thing. Customers will still patronise the main fishmarket, where variety and choice is all theirs to choose.

Chinese companies are having a busy time filling the void left by those USA and Western companies moving out of China. Even in Russia, Chinese carmakers are now making headway by taking over the void left by Western car companies. And will those companies that left China or Russia be able to return later to retake their share of the market? Even if they do, the market is already engulfed by Chinese or other friendly foreign companies. This is the same scenario in any open market competition, where if you move out, you cannot regain the edge again, once customers found a better choice.

But as de-coupling or de-listing are so grand an idea that the USA and EU are so deeply embroiled with, let it be. Who gets punished is still left to be seen. Chinese domestic companies never had so much impetus to expand or rise from the ground. This is their opportunity to make hay while the sun shines. Even just producing for the 1.4 billion population is good enough. I used to say that a shoe factory in China producing shoes for the domestic market is enough to survive already, selling a pair to each family in a normal family of three.

Even as I am saying this, Apple is facing serious problems in France and Canada, among other countries over the older iphone 12 model that was reported to emit unacceptable electromagnetic waves aka radiation levels. Released in October 2020, what consequence will result after three years of use is only talked about today. Think about it!

Meanwhile in China, the ban on iphones in Government circles and expanding to employees of Government linked entities, of which there are more than 150,000, employing tens of millions, the damage to iphone sales in China is going to be instrumental. Added to that, Huawei's Mate 60 is reported to be selling like hot cakes, with Huawei said to be unable to cope with demand over the short term.

China, even well before the IMF recent advice, had already been promoting domestic consumption, knowing that moving forward, more sanctions and heavy handed actions are on the line to hype up the demonisation of Chinese companies, operating and competing too well, with Western competitors.

The investigation of subsidies being raised against Chinese EVs is one good example, to put down the Chinese competition, knowing Chinese EVs are competing too well against USA and European car makers. These non Chinese carmakers are doing catch up in EV sales, having taken their eyes off while concentrating on internal combustion engine vehicles, with Japan hedging its bet on hydrogen fuel cell vehicles that is obviously not taking off. China has already been phasing out ICEV, which will add another nail in the coffin of USA, Japanese, South Korean and European carmakers.

Suffice to ask, what about the USA's US$52 billion subsidies thrown at the Chips Alliance congregating in Arizona? Isn't that also a subsidy and needs to be investigated as well? Even the EU is against that move, knowing it is nothing more than unfair trade practices to subsidise USA chip manufacturers to provide an unfair advantage when competing overseas. But the USA clearly plugged their ears, refusing to acknowledge what the EU is complaining against.

Going forward, not only is the USA surrendering areas of influence and markets in China, but is moving into an era of competing with China in markets outside of China itself. Can they compete in markets in Africa, Latin America, Central Asia or even ASEAN that still sees China as their main market for trade.



Covid 19 - WHO skunk still acting for the Americans to implicate China

The chief of the World Health Organization (WHO) urged Beijing to offer more information on the origins of COVID-19 and is ready to send a second team to probe the matter, the Financial Times reported on Sunday (Sep 17).

"We're pressing China to give full access, and we are asking countries to raise it during their bilateral meetings - to urge Beijing to cooperate," WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told the newspaper.  CNA

The call to investigate China as the origin of Covid 19 is a lame ploy by the Americans to imply that China was the origin of the virus and at the same time deflect all attention on the Americans as the real origin of this virus. The Americans have been using this tactic in all areas, plainly accusing another party of a crime and using all American controlled organisations and western media to echo the accusations. And in practically every single charge, the Americans were the one that did it but pointing the fingers at others. Genocide, discrimination against the minorities, violation of human rights, war crimes, acts of aggression, terrorist activities etc etc, were all committed by the Americans over the centuries and everyday today all over the world.

The evidence as to the origin of the Covid 19 virus are out there, all pointing to the Americans as the culprit. But since day one, WHO has not attempted to investigate the USA as the origin, conveniently turning a blind eye, pretending that the Americans are innocent when they are guilty in the eyes of the whole world. China should slap this skunk real hard to wake him up and stop his nonsensical behaviour unbecoming of the top dog in WHO. He not only discredit himself but the whole organisation and everyone in WHO.

WHO and the skunks in the organisation should stop behaving like idiotic political animals taking orders and instructions from the Americans and doing the bidding of the Americans to turn black into white and white into black. Have some decency and guts and go and investing the USA as the origin of the virus. Failing to do so only show how silly and useless the WHO has become, a lame organisation like many American controlled organisations, perpetuating injustice around the world. It is a shame for a supposedly international organisation to behave so deceitfully and unable to do what it is tasked to do. It has no right to exist with such glaring failure to act on behalf of the people of the world and to not investigate the real criminals in this pandemic.

How long would the USA be led by insane savages?

 The irony is the USA and the West are lead by mad savages and we can never discount the war happening. After all, the mad savages are not the one's doing the fighting or dying. And the fact is the more anti-China the leaders are, the more they can win the votes. So, in the run up to 2024, even war is not a distant possibility to gain the upper hand domestically. That is how successful the brainwashing has done to USA voters, who are now incapable of thinking rationally.

Two constants are always at play in USA domestic politics. It is either Russiagate or Chinagate that will most invariably sway the votes. For the Democrats, Russiagate is the favourite cuisine. For the Republicans, Chinagate is the preferred delicacy. Russia and China are the perennial punching bags. Indiagate's turn will come.

Russiagate has already been debunked - lock stock and barrel, but the Democrats are reviving it. You see, there is nothing else to provide a war cry as detrimental as Russiagate or Chinagate. Internally, nothing is worthwhile being used to rally for votes. The homelessness, the drug problems, the debt crisis, the political polarisation, the Ukraine war siphoning off taxpayer's hard earned money, the fiasco in Maui are all going to haunt them if talked about. So, the less they are talked about, the better. Avoiding those issues are preferable.

And with Trump's non participation already a foregone conclusion and more credible younger leaders being decimated, and prevented from providing a credible choice, and are being destroyed from springing even a bud, who else is rising or can be allowed to rise? Even the incapacitation of Joe Biden changes nothing, with Hyena Harris ready to step up. That sends a shudder for me.


Americans are plotting and inciting war in SE Asia to destabilise and control Asean

 Where and when it involves wars beyond the borders of China, the West can assume that China will not get involved. Thus in the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria among others, China kept its distance, as its National Security is not threatened.

However, the Korean War was an existential threat to Northern China, as the fall of North Korea will give the USA and its allies the ability to place nuclear weapons in North Korea to threaten China. That is why China had to intervene in the Korean War, which made a difference to deny the effort of the USA and South Koreans, a conflict that has not been resolved since.

Similarly, the Vietnam War was important to China, as the fall of North Vietnam also gives the USA the ability to place its military closer to China near the wide enough border, a threat that the Chinese would not allow. All that talk about a domino effect was just a cover to support the USA agenda, which was to encircle China. Towards the later stages of the war, unclassified documents revealed that the USA was on the verge of using nuclear weapons, after desperately facing protest at home and being unable to forge any headway, but refrained from doing so for fear of retaliation by China and Russia, both of whom were by then nuclear powers themselves.

We can now now start to understand why Myanmar is so geopolitically important for the USA to have a hold, as the border of Myanmar with China is so wide, the ability of using Myanmar to threaten China is so titillating for the USA. Thankfully, that regime change under Aung San Suu Kyi was not successful, and the Military in Myanmar is still on good relations with China. Any major war breaking out in Myanmar against outside forces is bound to involve China, as in Korea and Vietnam. But the USA will continue to stir up shit, using ASEAN internally to demonise Myanmar, sticking its dirty hands deviously into the affair.

Those eyeing of countries with wide borders with China were and are the same scenario now being played out in Ukraine. Russia is never going to allow Nato to expand its grip on Ukraine, following which by extension, the USA by estention, will be given a foothold in Ukraine, next door to Russia that Russia knows will inevitably be used by the USA to place nuclear weapons to threaten Moscow. 
