
Russia flexing muscles in the East

 Russia military drills in the Chukchi and Bering Sea next to Alaska, involving nuclear powered submarines and firing cruise missiles, raising alarm bells in the West. Russia is showing the West, besides being engaged in Europe, it is still a force to be reckoned with in the Eastern region.

What is the significance of that? It is to show the USA and the Japanese that they are not the only capable alliance that can swagger around Taiwan with their parade of warships, the Russians can do it as well, insinuating how close the Russians can get to threaten them. After the summit between Xi and Putin in October, Russia together with China and North Korea may yet conduct their own military and naval drills near to USA and Japan.

Ironically, Russia no longer needs to resort to placing nuclear missiles in Cuba, as those nuclear submarines are enough to send a message to the USA. With their longer range and hypersonic, those missiles are going to be more threatening than those in the sixties that were stationed in Cuba. They now do not have to involve Cuba or Venezuela to strike at the USA when the need arises.

Russia is still no less capable than the USA in terms of missiles and nuclear firepower. China provides a good backup with its naval power, while North Korea provides the unknown factor that will keep the Japanese and South Koreans in their place should they try to get involve. 



US surrendering areas of influence and markets to China

 The rapid decline of the evil American Empire was caused primarily by self inflicted wounds due to aggressive gangsterism. In the hands of a bunch of clowns in Washington behaving like gangsters and terrorists, using might and fright to rule the world, and thinking that the victims would have no one to turn to, no where else to go to, they became very ruthless, aggressive and reckless. The weaponising of the dollar and weaponising of trade and international relations etc etc were all the dumb gangsters and terrorists could think of to rule the world like an evil Empire. They took out their fly swatters and hit at anyone for the slightest disobedience or disagreement.

The Americans did that in the past using very harsh sanctions against countries to impoverish their people by cutting them off from the international trading system. No country was allowed to trade with them or risked being sanctioned and isolated as well. And the victim countries really did not have anywhere to go to or anyone to turn to. For nearly a hundred years, the economies of Cuba and North Korea, Myanmar and a few others were under lockdowns and their people suffered immensely. 

Then came Ukraine and Russia was brutally sanctioned and locked down with the same objectives, to cripple the Russian economy and impoverish the Russian people. This has turned out to be a bridge too far. Russia fought back. And many countries closed ranks with Russia, including the American blue eyed boy India. This is a new century and another world is quietly evolving and extending its reach to countries around the world. China is there to fill in the void left by the marauding American businesses. China became the biggest winner, gaining market share for practically every product, consumer items, etc etc that the Russians needs, including the automobile industry, mobile phones, 5G communication systems....

For every country that the American sanctioned and isolated, it becomes a new market to be monopolised by China, excluding all the European businesses and businesses of American crony states. Many Latin American, African and Middle Eastern countries are now primarily markets for Chinese goods and services. The more countries the American sanctioned or made enemies of, the more markets China gained to the exclusion of not only American products, but also products of European and American crony states.

In a way, the Americans are slicing up pieces of the world markets and offering them to China without China having to work for it. The evil American Empire's zero sum game is working perfectly. Every market sanctioned by the Americans is a market gained by China. And there is nothing the Americans could do about it. They could try to threaten or coerce China from trading with the victim countries but to no avail. China is big and strong enough to hold its ground.

The Americans used to con the world about the friends it had in the world and that China had none. But the few so called friends of the evil American Empire were 'friends' under coercion, not real friends. At the rate the Americans are cutting away its economic pie and areas of influence, by the time the gangsters and terrorists realised their stupidity and hooliganism, and the dire consequences, it would be too late. The markets that were lost would not be easily returned to the American area of influence. China is offering a better alternative in everything, cheaper and better goods and services, better interstate relations, no threats, coercion or forcing anyone to take sides.

Over time, the countries that are dealing and trading with China would get to know the real China, not the China painted by the slimy American propaganda and hate media. They would come to know that China is a better and more reliable trading partner and friend, treating every country big and small with mutual respect and dignity. No interference in their internal affairs, no forcing them to adopt the fake and dysfunctional American democracy system. The American lies would disappear in the air. 

The little pieces left behind by the evil American Empire would be those that are being coerced by the Americans and unable to break free from the American grips, kept under chain in an American controlled order in the interest of the American Empire. How many countries would still be left within this vicious circle of American semi colonies existing just to serve the American Empire?

The Foxconn, Qualcomm, Intel, the European automobiles, etc etc, can all relocate out of China to India or perhaps Vietnam to manufacture their products. But who are they going to sell to? The Chinese market would be out of bound to them, and so would be the markets that have been sanctioned by the Americans. The fake free world of the evil American Empire would shrink to a small number of states trading among themselves, dictated by the Americans on who they can trade with and who they cannot trade with, what they can trade and what they cannot trade. The rest of world under a new world order would be trading happily among themselves under a new system modelled by BRICS+ countries.

China should thank the dumb gangsters and terrorists in Washington for carving away markets for the exclusive privilege of China, with the Americans voluntarily surrendering their rights and place in these markets. The rest of the world would benefit from China's industry and innovation, working with 5/6G communication systems, AIs, EVs, high speed trains, new infrastructure, free trade, freedom in choice of political system without external interference or coercion, and trading in their own currencies without having to use the dollar or be controlled and oppressed by the evil American Empire.There would be no fears of sanctions and threats of regime change. There will be peace, real freedom, freedom from the gangsters, terrorists and savages that only know one thing, unending wars and American hegemony.

More money for Zelensky, no money for Maui

 Zelenskyy is on his second wartime begging trip to Washington, perhaps with a better show in Congress, and more money will flow to Ukraine, with kickbacks to those Congressmen who voted to support his call. With more money for Ukraine, which is why Zelenskyy is there for, wonder what those fire victims in Maui will feel. Congressmen will care less for Maui victims, because after all, what is in it for their pockets.

While the rest of the world have been saying that Ukraine is the most corrupt country in Europe, the USA congressmen are not listening to all of this, as it is a win win situation for them to keep pushing taxpayer's money to Zelenskyy. FTX was the conduit for such ripping off before its fall from grace.

The most stupifying thing that just happened is Zelenskyy sacking six Defence Ministers for corruption, but would anyone honestly believe Zelenskyy himself is not corrupt? This action is probably under coercion by the USA and Nato, discreetly from behind, when they realised what is happening and people are asking. Of course Zelenskyy remains uncorruptible in the eyes of the USA and Nato because of his usefulness to them, that is why they keep pouring money into his black hole.

How many Defence Minister does a country like Ukraine really need? Why would Zelenskyy be stupid enough to share his ill gotten gains with more people, like sharing the spoils with so many Defence Ministers? It boggles the mind. The fact that all six are deemed corrupt shows the extent of how deeply rooted and serious the corruption environment is and where most of the US$ billions ended up.

And not just money into the black hole. The other more dangerous disclosure was that some weapons supposedly given to Ukraine to fight the Russians, ended up elsewhere eg Africa, and presumably some might also have ended up in the hands of terrorists, and crime syndicates. Little wonder that all the game changing weapons sent to Ukraine has not been translated into the game having been changed. The only change is probably the accumulated wealth of the biggest clown in the world.

And the fact that the USA and Nato does not have any idea where those weapons ended up once they enter Ukraine, tells us how help is used and how the war is being managed. It seems that all this matters little, since it is beneficial for the USA and Nato to clear out obsolete and rusty weapons meant for the scrapyard as fast as they can, but still touted as game changing arsenals.


America is finished. China stole all its technology, past, present and future

 Right, why has the USA not yet started the narratives to accuse China of stealing its technology?

China stole the space station technology, which is why the USA has no space station to boast about. Time to fabricate the narrative that China stole from them.

China stole the moon landing technology, which is why the USA lost the moon landing blueprints and is struggling. Time also to fabricate the narrative that China stole that too.

China stole the high speed rail technology, which is why the USA has no HSR to show. Not only that, the USA slow speed trains are coming apart at the seams. No, that low speed train technology has not been stolen by China, as China is way beyond needing that kind of technology. Time also ripe for the USA to fabricate the narrative that China stole the HSR blueprints too.

Never say never when it comes to the 'Empire of Lies'.


PS. This is what the empire of Lies is lying to the world whole and to themselves.

Human nature to crave for power, thinking self is the best bet

 In human creatures there's bound to have many even in their own kind that are in their own ways are been jealous, NOT on good terms and ambitous in their minds thinking that they are better leaders than their current leaders.

So, they harboured strong ambitions and even had their own clique to take over the Leaderships.

Some does it for the sake of replacing the incompetent and corrupted ones for the sake of the Peoples and that's are good for the country

As what's happening in some of the African Nations

Whereas some are powers crazies that they must be the Leaders even though they are incompetent and corrupted.Thinking that it's grandiose to have these powers and from there had enormous WEALTH to go with it.

Many alreday wealthy and needed more to have powers so as to satisfy their narricstic and egostic nature.

Many thought that just because they made it as successful Enterupuers, they must be fit to be the Leaders of the Ruling Government.

Examples of Dotard Trump and that Foxconn Guy, Terry Guo aka Dog who had thought too highly of himself NOT been selected as a candidate for the KMT's camp.

Now as an Independent to spite and bone to pick against the KMT camp.

They do NOT care whether they be spoiling the chance of his ex Party Candidate been not voted in and only had his self interests to be the next President.

Do NOT be surprised that the DPP will win another term due to the internal and forever squabblings of this many power crazies insane members.

If this is indeed so, then Xi would have really no choice but to retake Taiwan by Force instead of trying to woo them peacefully.

Cannot afford any more waiting and have the White Barbarians kept provoking them as a thorn in their necks and arse.

Next, we have those that had enjoyed powers in their past and still wanted to have influence in the current stock of leaders.

They wanted their own clique of their own ex thick inner circle to be still in having some powers to safeguard their interests.

They may also had dark secrets to protect and kept shut.

That's what's happened to that ex President Hu who was not happy when Xi put his trusted own and sidelined the old members.

This is a common occurence amongst those who are been replaced.

So in any Government,these happenings are common.

See also the Thai and Mats Governments, all the same with Scoundrols and Weasels and Charlatans fighting for powers.

The West and their cronies are all awaiting for China to mistep and fall.

All had EVIL Agendas in their EVIL Minds.

That's also included their doggies vassals and bananas Republics.
