
China Laughs at American Sanctions


10 min clip mentioned by Virgo49. See how arrogant and stupid the American gangster talked and behaved. The Americans would not allow anyone or country to be better than them. They would put everyone or country down by crook or by force.

Compromised leaders have to make way

 Many years back, Lee Kuan Yew was quoted in the main media to say that he did not expect his ministers to be celibate. But when their personal lives became a scandal, they would have to go. The rational is simple, a compromised leader would not be able to function to the best of his ability when there is a scandal hanging over his head. A national leader's conscience must be free from any encumbrance so as to give out his all to serve the nation.

Xi Jinping has to run a very tight ship in a period like this when China is in the midst of a major rejuvenation exercise and a critical mistake could over turn the whole apple cart. China also has to face external threats. The hostile West and American terrorists are everywhere, never miss a moment to bring down China. China not only need a very strong leader to steer the ship, it also needs a team of impeccable leaders to support Xi in his effort to create a strong and united China while warding off the challenges of the unscrupulous and warmongering Americans and their crony states. While China's main priority is national rejuvenation and a strong and rich China, the terrorist Americans' priority is world domination and hegemony of the evil American Empire. China must be taken down.

Xi cannot afford to have any of his top leaders being compromised. Their positions would be more dire given the Americans cloak and dagger tactics, to coerce them to turn against China and to bring down China. Qin Gang was investigated and removed from the Foreign Minister's post. Though the reasons for his removal was not made known to the world, there must be enough reasons to keep him away from the important Foreign Ministry. Xi would not risk having a minister that cannot give off his best when there are issues hanging over his head.

Li Shangfu is now rumoured to be under investigation. This is the way China cleans its own house to keep it in order and in shape. When a senior minister is compromised, an investigation must be conducted immediately to clear his name. Xi would not sweep everything under the carpet and pretend all is fine. Until the issue is clarified and the minister is cleared of all suspicions or scandals, it is best that he be sidelined till further notice.

A compromised leader is a compromised leader, and his being in the job carries a lot of risks and unnecessary and avoidable troubles. Xi is leading a team of leaders with heavy responsibilities and any mistakes or shortcomings can affect the fate of China seriously. Xi would not take chances. His team must be clean and the best, every member must pull his weight to carry the country and the hope of 1.4b people with them. Leaders that are compromised, if proven, would just have to make way for another better man to take over. Running a country is not running a family business. The interests of the nation demands every leader to be unquestionable and free from any scandals. The job is very demanding and a leader cannot be in a position to become easy target for coercion to act against the good of the nation. Period.

EVs - When is the West going to accuse China of stealing their technology?

 Now the West is finding fault with Chinese made EVs. They are investigating and probably coming up with claims that the Chinese EVs are spying on USA citizens. The seats, the tyres, the airconds, the steering wheels, the batteries are all full of spying apps installed. They lost the competition and this is their mode of operation.

History is full of such vile tactics employed by the USA. They did it to Toshiba of Japan. They did it to Alstom of France. They did it to Huawei of China. Where they cannot compete, they resort to fabricating lies in order to destroy. That will lead to stagnation. Hell, does that not indicate why they are reinventing the wheel of another moon landing, when they claimed they already have the expertise in the sixties?

There is a big market opening up in South America for Chinese EVs. Africa, once it gets its house in order, will be another big market, albeit years down the road. China knows that potential, invested decades earlier in Africa for long term gains, and is reaping some rewards already in terms of having access to essential resources in tie ups with some African Governments. With 1.4 billion population and growing, the potential is enormous. They will progress and grow, unlike the days of colonial rule, with exploitation and intentional depressing of growth and progress was the norm.

Then, there are the Middle East and Central Asia to consider. They will progress and grow as well. As Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, tells the EU, Africa is far larger than the EU in the eyes of China, and therefore more important for longer term engagement.


IMF telling China to sanction the rest of the world, by not selling to them

 The IMF is trying to teach China how to suck eggs. Now telling China to concentrate on shifting its economy towards consumption and address it real estate problems. What advice has the IMF given to the USA with its deficit spending problem, soaring debts and banking problems?

Chinese people thrive on thrift, unlike the USA and its people spending what they have not earned to impress the world that it is filthy rich. It is reported that 37% of USA citizens do not have US$400 in their pocket to meet emergency needs and is rising. That is how broke they are. The world can see all that poverty translated openly into homelessness and the queue at soup kitchens.

The IMF is basically telling China not to concentrate on its successful export model, thus not try to overtake the USA in GDP just a couple of years further ahead. That must be the motive.

Just look at what the IMF did to Argentina, with a debt trap set to tie down Argentina, making it impossible for Argentina to get out of its debt trap with each devaluation of its currency vis a vis the US$. As the Argentina currency falls, paying its debts in US$ gets more difficult and the debt never gets paid down. Years of repaying finds the debt to the IMF still remaining stagnant. Argentina is in a mess. 


Anglo-Saxon America said Africa is a shithole beyond any rescue.

          Anglo-Saxon America label Africa ' a shithole '.

Though the European countries and Anglo-Saxon America treat the African countries with derision and great disrespect calling Afriica a shit hole they have nevertheless unashamely and ironically enriched themselves fabulously from "Shit hole" Africa for the last few hundred years while at the same time brutally impoverish Africa tremendously

 President Trump and the Anglo-Saxon Americans condemn Africa as a shithole beyond any rescue. Similarly the European countries like Anglo-Saxon England, France, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Italy and a few more others said that Africa is a basket case and not worth helping. By saying that all these shit white countries have revealed their hidden agenda that they will not and are not willing to help all the African countries. Their diabolical plot is to keep African countries forever poor for them to exploit. They know the continent of Africa is very richly endowed with plentiful of rich  resources both mineral and agricultural resources. Africa is very rich in oil, gold,copper, cobalt, iron, lithium, uranium, tin and gemstones like diamond, sapphires, emeralds and rubies. In the past few centuries evil white men had ruled African countries as their colonies and they took away all the African resources practically for free. Though African countries are free and independent now but hey are still subjected  to ex-colonial masters control by way of neo-colonialism in which the ex-colonialists and imperialists continue to excercise control over their economies, trade and finance, currency issues and somewhat military and political issues like foreign policies. However with the formation of BRICS under the leadership and guidance of China and Russia and through whose benevolent help hopefully all the African countriies will be able to completely get rid of all exploitative American and European countries and their last vestiges of evil colonialiism. 

As a first step to help with the  modernisation of Africa,  China has since the 1960s  been building vast network of  infrastructures for the African countries. China has built thousands of kilometers of  roads and railways, ports, cities, schools, hospitals, government administrative buildings and sports stadiums throughout Africa. Through the selfless and benevolent help of China it is hoped all Africa will soon be industrialized to enrich the continent and enable all Africans to escape the clutch of poverty and impoverishment which is what the Anglo-Saxon America and all the white European countries wish for Africa. 

China and the Chinese people have always treated African countries and people as equals  with great respect and dignity just the same as China treats all other developing countries in South America, Central America or the Caribbean countries and in Asia. However, the Anglo-Saxon United States and UK as well as other white European countries especially France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal annd Germany are not happy to lose their African colonies and are creating a lot of  problems and issues to ensnare these African countries again to come under their new doabolical neo-colonialism.In fact they are resorting to the use of hybrid warfare against the African countries in addition to their satanic hybric warfare against China, Russia, Iran and North Korea. Nevertheless the days of the moronic and satanic  bellicose Western countries headed by the neurotic Anglo-Saxon America are numbered and will soon be eradicated from the face of the earth. 

Long live Africa, China and all Latin American countries. To hell and good riddance to the vile and vicious Anglo-Saxon America and its hordes of lackeys in Europe and minions in Japan, South Korea, Philippines and Australia.


Saturday, 16th September, 2023.