
Apple launches iPhone 15 with the message - 'I am tired'

Apple unveils iPhone 15 Pro with titanium case, holds line on prices The new iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max are displayed during an Apple event on Sep 12, 2023 in Cupertino, California. (Photo: AFP/Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Apple launches 4 new iPhones on 12 Sep, iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max. The prices are kept the same. And all Apple could brag about were titanium casing, USB-C cable, 48MB camera and a satellite connectivity for emergency on the roads. That is about all there is in the iPhone 15 series.

In terms of specs, features and new innovative functions, design and look, all seems dated. The message coming from Apple is like, 'I am tired'. This is the best Apple can offer for the moment. It is like more of the same. So cannot increase prices.

How is Apple going to compete with Huawei with its new stable of Mate 60 Pros with features that are far far more advanced and creative than the iPhone 15s? For Apple to compete with the Mate 60 series, Apple would have to wait for iPhone 16, provided its features are better and more advanced than the Mate 60 Pros and Mate X5s.

Take a break Apple. Or shall I say, goodbye Apple? The Apple camp must be in panic mood now. All resigned to see Huawei regaining all the market share and become number one again.

PS. Russia has banned iPhones and Apple, China starting to ban Apple products and iPhones, Saudi Arabia bans iPhones, France banned iPhone12, many African and Latin American countries also banned Apple products and iPhones.

Using iPhones and Apple products is voluntarily letting the Americans to spy on you and your conversation. Most political leaders, even those in EU are not using iPhones, with many using Huawei phones for their own safety and privacy.

Why buy and use iPhones for the Americans to monitor and spy on you?

Sino India border claims What is the truth?

 What was the basis for India to claim lands at the Sino India border, ie Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh? There was no India until the British gave independence to the land they stole from China and the whole of the sub Indian continent in 1947. Before 1947, for more than 300 years, the land in the Indian sub continent were loose states of various maharajahs and remnants of ancient empires. There was no border between China and a non existing India. There was no India to talk about. 

The Brits came, grabbed all the land and clobbered them together as part of the British colony. The land included those at the present disputed Sino Indian borders that belonged to Qing Dynasty/Republic of China, now called the PRC. The Qing Dynasty and the subsequent Chinese Republic did not accept the British seizure of Chinese territories, including the Southern Tibetan region. The present Arunachal Pradesh was South Tibet. The inhabitants are Sino and Tibetan stocks, not Indians.

When the Brits handed over the land they stole in the region to India in 1947, the British map included two lines, the Johnson Line and the McMahon Line drawn arbitrarily by two Brits as part of the British colony. These were stolen land, like all the colonies all over the world, not legitimate and illegal. No one recognise the rights of the colonial masters to these lands acquired by force, by conquest, by the rule of might is right. The USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and many others are stolen lands. Period.

However, the newly created state called India, conveniently accepted the British map and all the lands as their rightful territories, including Aksai Chin, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Nagaland, Ladakh, Khalistan and Kashmir. Is the position of India and its claim to these lands rightful and legal? Even Sikkim was not part of India but now annexed by India.

The West and the AngloSaxon gangsters also conveniently kept quiet about the illegal and illegitimate claims of the Indians. The AngloSaxons were the rogues that seized these lands when China under the Qing Dynasty was very weak, followed by several decades of civil wars in China. The Chinese were then not in a position to reclaim their lands stolen by the Brits, and now claimed by the Indians.

So, how legal and legitimate are the claims of India on Chinese lands stolen during the era of western colonisation? The Indians took back their land stolen by the Brits, and so did Pakistan and Bangladesh. But the Indians conveniently sat on Chinese lands and making themselves the rightful owners, including Kashmir and Khalistan, as the inheritance of the British Empire. Now the Indians are shouting daily that the Chinese are expansionist and aggressors when they are the real expansionist and aggressors, claiming lands that are not rightfully theirs.

Who were the Brits to draw lines on the map to say which part belong to India and which part belong to China? Who gave the Brits such authority? It is so arrogant for India to want to inherit the British lands taken by force from China and the neighbouring regions?

PS. The latest Chinese map is a message by China to India that China would reclaim all the lands stolen by the Brits. China would not allow an inch of its soil to be taken by India. China has lost its patience in negotiating with India with the intent for some trade offs. But arrogant and cocky Indians act defiantly, refusing to negotiate. China's position is now harden. No more compromises, no more give and take. China will strengthen its borders and will strike back if the Indians become adventurous.

India knows that it has no legal basis to claim Chinese lands. So it is going back in history thinking that the loose and scattered regional empires could strengthen its claims and is changing its name to Bharat.  The delusional Indians and their super power dream is getting more ludicrous by the day.

The Empire of Lies would continue to rule over the daft

 The Anglo Saxon White gang are dictating the direction of the G20, with all the G7 weasels supporting each other. BRICS members must find the guts to withdraw from the G20, and not be blindsided by Modi's call to grant the African Union membership in the G20 to become G21.

China and Russia are setting the tone of slowly downgrading the Anglo Saxon White's control and repute of the G20, and they should be able to read between the lines. Instead of rooting for BRICS, the traitor Modi is doing no favour to the BRICS grouping and undoubtedly sabotaging its agenda, trying to favour the membership surge in the G20. Does that tell us why he refused to expand the BRICS grouping earlier? Think about it!

The whole world has been brainwashed so thoroughly that it is difficult to understand why some countries still do not see the whole picture.

When the USA openly uses threats and sanctions to deal with countries that do not follow their dictates, it is perceived as assuming leadership. And they gamely followed, afraid to be branded as against them if they do not root openly for them. When China does something like that, it is displaying assertiveness, and is a bad behavior and a grave threat to others.

When China closes deals to run one or two ports and lease naval bases, it is demonised to high heaven and touted as threatening others and must be countered. The USA operates more than 800 military bases worldwide and what their motive is is clearly evident. But some countries choose to see that as harmless and just quietly swallow their own vomit, knowing they have no more guts to resist with those bases already entrenched. Invite the devil into the house and suffer for it.

When the USA forms alliances to contain China, ostensibly and outwardly to prevent China from rising and narrated as a threat to the rest of the world for whatever logical reasons you can find, some countries also choose to believe in the hubris. When China does the same to form alliances with friendly countries it is demonised to no end, as setting debt traps, bullying, building influences (what is wrong with that asked former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varousakis) and using coercion to force countries to follow China. Did China forced countries to take its loans for infrastructure?

Just look at the scorn thrown at Putin with Kim Jong Un's visit to Moscow. They are spinning all the rhetorics that Putin is desperate and is short of weapons, cannot last much longer in Ukraine and all the while now talking about sending Ukraine longer range weapons using cluster bombs. The USA and the West are definitely nervous, paranoid and fearful of Kim selling weapons to Putin. What is wrong with that?

Winter is coming to Ukraine and Europe, while Russia is preparing for a huge winter offensive, a situation for fighting that the Russians are tactically best prepared for. History is littered with defeats of those who have tangled with the Russians in deep winter. Even Hitler found his waterloo trying to take on Russia over Moscow in winter and paid the ultimate price.


Ban NGOs and NED

 Warning USA officials to stay put is not going to work. Indonesia must push to put in place laws to force NGOs to disclose their funding, like what Thailand tried to do, which was strongly opposed by Western countries as against freedom of expression and human rights. Glaringly, the Thai Move Forward and Pheu Thai parties were also strongly pushing against the law, which clearly underscores the extent of their support by the NED.

If countries were to pass laws to force NGOs to disclose funding sources, most likely they will all lead to the NED and affiliates, said to be non-USA Government entities on the surface, but are the de facto open secret arm of the USA's color revolution setups. LKY long ago knew the dangers of foreign funds supporting political parties and put paid to its designs against Singapore decades ago.

Brian Beletic of The New Atlas site had been exposing the role of the NGOs in Thai politics, with all the links to the NED and its affiliates, and even naming who within the ranks of some of the Thai political parties, as being stooges planted inside the parties themselves.

The Thai army knows very well what those NGOs and political parties are planning. They want to get rid of the Thai Monarchy to make it easier to manipulate the Thai voters without the Thai Monarchy playing a passive but dominant reconciling role. That is why support for Move Forward to put their leader into power fell far short of expectation, without the pro-army factions supporting its move. The pro-army faction later gave its support to the Pheu Thai Party instead, probably realising it being a lesser evil, after sabotaging the Move Forward plans to install a stooge PM, under USA control.

Thailand still has a strong military backbone to deal with any foreign inspired chaos. Hope Indonesia follows the same, with the military just as enlightened.


End days for Apple iPhones and American chips - Backdoor surveillance not welcome

 Why is Joe Biden saying, not a day earlier, that he is not out to 'contain' China? To put it more succinctly, realistically and transparently, it is not that Biden does not want to contain China. The real reason is that Biden now knows for a fact that he failed to contain China using the chip sanctions, after Huawei released the Huawei Mate 60 phone using the Kirin 9000s 7 nm chipset, taking them unaware. That means the Kirin 9000s 7 nm chip is now commercially available to the Chinese equipment makers.

The beauty of this is that the USA and its allies-in-arms were all the time harping on China concentrating its priority on the 14 nm and 28 nm mature chips used in EVs, low end phones and consumer electronics, thinking that China is just stuck in the mud. What they did not expect was that behind the scene, Huawei and SMIC were quietly blindsiding them. How could their highly touted intelligence gathering and spying expertise failed them? Must be Huawei's 5G preventing all that ironically.

Tech geeks who took apart the Mate 60 phone agreed that the Kirin 9000s 7 nm chipset was made wholly by Huawei in collaboration with SMIC. Not only that, the chip was found to be faster in test carried out than anticipated. The USA is trying to find out how Huawei succeeded. Did the USA also tried to find out how China managed to put up their own space station? The USA itself does not even have a space station to boast about. Did the USA tried to find out how China managed to go to the moon and sent a probe to Mars, all by themselves, without the the USA's help? Oops, sorry once again, the USA already lost the moon landing blueprints, so forget about that possibility. What is therefore so surprising that Huawei is able to come out with a 7nm chipset, that the USA, Japan, South Korea and even the Netherlands were touting that China needed half a decade to achieve it and are still generations behind.

The gap between China and the USA Chips4 alliance in high end chips is narrowing. This means that China will soon be able to depart from its total dependence on foreign high end chip makers, who are still boycotting the sale of high end chips to Chinese companies. They can now prepare to stay away forever from the Chinese market. Ironically, China is helping them to de-couple or de-list faster, whichever way they want to put it.

Joe Biden is talking about not 'containing' China, contrary to Republican lawmaker, Mike Gallagher, who is now pushing the USA to ban all tech sales to Huawei and SMIC. Is Gallagher insinuating that Huawei's 7 nm chip development came about due to the USA's help? Huawei had been banned from adopting and using any equipment having USA tech components for more than four long years, and please quit thinking that all that progress chalked up by Huawei and SMIC are due to USA's tech sales to them. Suffice to say, Biden will talk about one thing, while the Republicans will counter with another, so take them as mere 'echo chambers' for the Deep State on different wavelengths.

On another issue, the Chinese Government is going to mandate that all employees of state owned entities are not to make use of iphones or other foreign made equipment, a move in waiting, pending the ban of further tech sales to China. This is important news. China has more than 150,000 state owned entities, employing tens of millions. The effect on Apple iphone sales alone is tremendous. China makes up more than 20% of Apple's revenue in sales of the iphone, or about US$60+ billion, if I got it correctly.

If the Chinese government's mandate comes about, Apple is in for a rough ride. But already some Western media are claiming that the effect will be minimal for Apple. Really? The Western media is trying to muddy the waters by saying that not all the iphones made in China are sold in China. What does that got to do with the loss of the more than 20% revenue derived from iphone sales in China alone? Does that mean the China market for iphone sales is no longer that important? Keep hallucinating!


PS. Why buy Apple iPhones to allow the Americans to monitor your conversation and spy on you?