What a clever comment by Penny Wong, Australian Foreign Minister. For decades after the defeat of Japan in WW2, the Pacific region was dominated by one super power, the American Empire. Penny Wong did not say anything about this American domination of the region. Perhaps she was too young to know about such a concept. Or perhaps she was not a politician then. Now that she is the Foreign Minister, it is good that she raised this issue to remind everyone that the Pacific Ocean must not be dominated by one super power.
The Americans must take note. No one is going to accept one super power to dominate the region. The Americans must be told to withdraw all their military bases in the region and stop behaving like a big bully and lording over the countries in the region. The Pacific Islanders have a right to determine their own lives and foreign policies. The Japanese and South Koreans should be free from being the colonies of the American Empire.
With the rise of China, it is good that China is standing right in the face of the Americans and telling the Americans that no super power should be allowed to dominate the Pacific region. China would be here to challenge and balance the dominance of the American Empire. The Americans would now not be able to shaft it down the throats of all the small nations in the region, not even with AUKUS or with the QUAD.
The rise of China would help the smaller nations to be free from American bullying and domination. China can also help the Philippines to be independent and not be bullied, not to have American soldiers in their soil, as semi colonies of the American Empire. But it would be different if the Philippines choose to be become a colony of the Americans. It is freedom of choice. The Pinoys are free to decide for themselves.
As for the Pacific Islands, Japan and South Korea, they should also be free to decide if they want to have American bases in their soil, to be ruled by the Americans and controlled by the Americans.
With China as another super power in the Pacific region, the smaller countries would breathe easier and need not be bullied and controlled by the American Empire. Definitely not to be bullied by little countries like Australia or New Zealand. The smaller countries can always turn to China when bullied by the Americans or white countries. The Americans can no longer take them for granted, just like the Pacific Islands, totally neglected and used to test American nuclear weapons and exposing the islanders to radioactive radiation injuries.
Thank you Penny Wong, for saying something right, for saying something that should be spoken many decades ago. Americans, did you get it? How many American bases are here and when are the Americans going to withdraw them from the region? Are you going to compensate the Pacific Islanders for contaminating their environment and destroying their lives and marine lives? Time to own up to your crimes against the islanders and pay up. You cannot dominate the region as the only super power anymore.