
Covid19 - Western buffoonery and clowns


 A 10 minutes clip by Andy Boreham, a New Zealander reporting on China. In this clip Andy exposed the buffonery and clownish behaviour of anti China internet brigade and how silly they looked when reporting black is white and then white is black about China's zero covid policy and the recent opening up.

They way that these clowns switched their positions from condemning China for zero covid measures to condemning China for opening up is just sneaky and distasteful and totally lacked of substance and credence.

The Japanese with a Chinese American name, Gordon Chang, was also featured with his silly prediction and again proven silly. The face you in behind the Chinese flag here is that Japanese faking to be a Chinese and spending his whole life attacking and smearing China, but has discredited himself as a charlatan.


The American Empire is the authoritarian state of the world

 Dictatorship and authoritarian states are bad. The only political system that is good is the liberal democratic (or fake democratic) state of the USA and western democracy (or fake democracy). This is the only model acceptable to the Americans who believe in freedom and democracy caveat American style. Or rules based order, not international law of the UN. The American freedom, democracy, rules based orders are as good as fiction.

Monarchy, kingdom are also authoritarian states and must be bad, caveat, except those approved by the American Empire. So all authoritarian states must be bad and condemned, and must be forced to become democracies, American style, like the Americans. Authoritarian states do not respect freedom of choice. only American democracy is for freedom of choice. And the freedom of choice is to adopt American democracy. This is the only choice or face sanction, regime change or containment, or worse, invasion and war.

American's form of freedom is to have only one choice, American democracy. Americans support freedom of choice. But countries choosing to be communist or authoritarian must be forced to become democracies. That this their freedom to choose or be destroyed. Any contradictions?

American freedom and democracy also must lead to a unipolar world, with only the American Empire as the dominant and controlling super power. Contrary, communist states and states that have different political systems other than democracy are in favour of a multipolar world. What is the difference between a unipolar world and a multipolar world?

Answer, a multipolar world is one where there are many states sharing power, respecting every state as equals and freedom to choose their political system.

A unipolar world under the American Empire is anything but freedom and democracy. The American Empire is the authority, the power to rule the world. It is the one and only super power that sits on top of the all the countries of the world, dictating the rules and orders for the rest of the world to obey and live by. All states would be ordered and must accept the American political system and change their political system to the American system. Only when they become like the Americans, would they be free, have freedom of choice as decided by the American Empire, freedom within the boundaries drawn by the Americans. In other words, become the colonies of the American Empire. However, this may not be true. The Americans need an enemy. They will create one to justify the existence of their huge military power. Without an enemy, the military forces and weapons would be redundant.

The American Empire, American hegemony, is an authoritarian system ruled by the Americans, with American rules and orders. This is American's democracy and freedom, under an American authoritarian order, American dictatorship of the world. Democracy and freedom are only possible if the Americans say so, permit it. Any country opposing American hegemony and dictatorship would be quashed.


The New World Order:

'The most dramatic event after US defeat in the Ukraine will surely be the retreat of the USA, as it is expelled from Eurasia, a process which began in Vietnam and then continued in Iraq and Afghanistan. The nationalist Trump wanted to withdraw voluntarily, but he was not allowed to, therefore the humiliating US withdrawal will happen by force, as it did in Kabul. ‘Yanks, go home’, chants the whole world, including many in Western Europe, tired of US tyranny. In Eurasia the US now occupies only a few islands (Taiwan, Japan, Singapore), the tips of two peninsulas (Korea and Western Europe) and the seaboard edge Israel. It will have to leave all of these, except for the Non-Palestinian parts of Israel. Taiwan will naturally return to China, Japan will have to find its own way, reconciling itself to a reunited Korea and submitting itself to China economically. For Western Europe, see below.

Once home, the USA will have to lick its wounds and be deoligarchised by popular revolt. The dedollarisation of the world economy is already under way, with very serious consequences for the deindustrialised US economy. The American Empire will undergo deimperialisation, like the European Empires after 1945, and, if at all possible, have to find some sort of unity, identity and sovereignty in its highly polarised, highly indebted and highly fragilised situation. Outside the US, the world chants ‘Yanks, go home’, but inside the US, ordinary Americans chant: ‘Feds, go home’. It is the same thing. The swamp must be drained. The departure of the USA from Western Europe after its eighty-year long occupation will mean the end of the already much disarmed and futile NATO. The suicidal bankruptcy of the European countries will also lead to the end of NATO’s political and economic arm, the EU.

This will mean the reconfiguration of the tip of the European peninsula and its resovereignisation, a process which has already begun in Hungary. In the Western Balkans, Camp Bondsteel, the second largest US base in the world, will be abandoned, and Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Bosnia will rearrange themselves in the post-American world, the world of long-awaited justice.

The future of Europe is not thousands of miles across the Atlantic, but eastwards, next door, in its natural sources of energy, food, fertiliser and manufactures. Europe as a separate Continent is after all a pure fiction, an artificial construct which was created from and cut off from the Eurasian landmass for purely political reasons. Europe is about to learn this, as it returns to its roots, which Russia alone has kept. A Russian-led Europe provides the prospect of a unity of sovereign but confederal Northern Eurasia ‘from sea to shining sea’, in fact, from Reykjavik to Tokyo. It is the future, in which the USA is utterly irrelevant. Its ‘lies-based order’ of genocidal chaos is over.'

Link to article;

Standing ovation and applause for Nazi leader/murderer in US Congress

 In the second world war, the butchers in Europe were the Nazis. The pogroms, holocausts and atrocities were all committed by the Nazis. The agenda of the Nazis was a white superior race, blue eyes and blond hair, to rule Europe and the whole world. The war was fought by the Allies and Russians against the Nazis. The Russians did the major part in defeating Nazi Germany. 

Today there is a revival of the Nazi movement in Europe with Ukraine as the capital of Nazism. The Europeans were disheveled when they saw blue eyes and blonds becoming refugees and killed in the war. With the support of the USA, UK and Canada, military training and equipment were given to the Nazis in Ukraine. For 8 long years, the Ukrainian Nazis conducted a series of massacres of Russian speaking Ukrainians, Slavs, in eastern Ukraine. The Americans and the West turned a blind eye and kept quiet while the slaughter continued against the complaints and protests by Russia. Tens of thousands of Russian speaking Ukrainian Slavs were killed systematically by the Nazis, quite like the days of Nazi Germany, of Nazi concentration camps like Auschwitzs. This was in a way the Nazis revenge against the Russians for defeating them in WW2.

This genocide ended when Russia conducted a Special Military Operation to save the Russian speaking Ukrainians in eastern Ukraine. Ironically, and wickedly, the West, led by the Anglo Saxon tribes, the US, UK and Canada, jumped in to support the Nazis in Ukraine openly. There is now an open war between the Russians and the Nazis backed by America and Europe.

The top Nazi had just been invited to Washington and gave a speech in Congress, and became a celebrity. He was given a standing ovation and warm applause by the American leaders. Is this reception and adolation of a Nazi leader, Zelensky, what the American public want? Are the Americans also supporters and worshippers of Nazism?

Have the Americans forgotten that they were fighting the Nazis in WW2? Have the Jews forgotten that pogroms and holocaust, when they were the main victims, were the acts of the Nazis? Strangely, many of the American leaders are of Jewish origins.

What is America becoming? Is America embracing Nazism and turning into a Nazi state? Or is America just returning to its original self, a nation of mass murderers, a tribe that thrived on slavery, cruelties and genocides of the original people of North America, the Red Indians? The Americans have unmasked themselves and openly embracing Nazism and becoming Nazis. 

Where do the Americans of Jewish origin fit into this bizarre scheme of things?

Would this be a happy New Year when America becomes the biggest Nazi state, to add to its title as the evil Empire, the Empire of Lies and the world's number one Terrorist state?


Covid19 - Guinea pigs one more time

TRE Tech:
December 27, 2022 at 3:15 pm 

The lastest news is that China has downgraded and renamed the C19 to the level of flu, no longer a pandemic.

And to think that BBCs and the western media thought that they have succeeded in pressurizing China to “open up” is so laughable and childish.

The fact is China has long been studying the effects the “living with the virus” and had allowed most countries in the world to test the water so that they can observe the damages should they go down the same route. In fact, China had plans to relax most of its policies after the CNY (and was in the midst of doing so) but unexpectedly the white-paper movement forced the timeline forward.

And these idiots still think that it was their “pressure” that made it happen. lol

Above is quoted from TRE

When the experimental mRNA vaccine was first approved for emergency used, rushed out before the mandatory trial period, the Americans announced to the world that this was the panacea for treating Covid19. They hung it up so high, like so hard to get, and only favoured allies and stooges would be given a small portion of it, as a reward for being good boys and girls. And because it was so good and so exclusive, it was packaged like a life giving potion, take it or leave it, no complaints, at your own risk, at the pharma's terms and price, the daft believers were so grateful for the small portion granted to them. The rest of the world were left in the lurch, nothing for them for not being good to the American Empire. Serve them right for not becoming the allies and stooges of the Americans and thus not privileged to be given the 'holy water' of life by the Americans.

Today, as many critics in the professions were warning earlier, the truth is out. The pharma companies were treating the users of their mRNA vaccines as guinea pigs. You die your business. You signed your death warrant, so not the pharma companies' responsibility.

Worldometer statistics

Country, OtherTotal CasesTotal Deaths

As at 29 Dec 2022, total infection in the world is 663m cases, and 6.7m deaths. The USA alone has 100m infected cases and 1m death. A guesstimate, out of the 663m infected cases, at least half would have been injected with the mRNA vaccines ie 332m cases, and 3.35m deaths. Many could have been boostered and boostered several times.

A vaccine is to prevent infection. With at least 332m cases infected after using mRNA vaccines, can anyone say that the mRNA vaccine is effective in preventing infection? With 3.35m deaths, can anyone claim that the mRNA vaccine is effective in preventing serious injury or death?

There are many vaccines available for many diseases being given to babies and children or adults. Many would have got one or two shots, and are then free from being infected with the disease the vaccines are supposed to prevent and protect, for life. There is hardly any calls for more booster shots or at most one or two shots. End of story.

In this mRNA vaccine, with hundreds of millions being infected after being boostered and boostered, there are still calls for more booster shots, claiming that it would be effective. How many believe in this narrative and still going for more booster shots...and still want to believe that it is effective?

In the above quote from TRE, China is opening up now when the virus is less virulent after two years of mutation. And China was waiting and observing the effects on countries that have been living with the virus and the consequential results. Yes, China was watching the world being part of the experiment of opening up and living with the virus. The world was again turned into a massive pool of guinea pigs, knowingly or unknowingly.

Half of the world were willing or unwilling guinea pigs of the experimental mRNA vaccines. And they repeated the whole process as guinea pigs again, in the living with the virus experiment. China now finds it safe to gradually open up, tipping its toe gently on the water, not throwing itself wholly into the water. It is still testing water at a control pace. Thanks to the guinea pigs of the world.

And some silly corners are screaming that hell is breaking lose, because the uninfected people of China are going to infect the world one more time. What? The uninfected infecting the infected? The infected afraid of the uninfected? Just like the days when those vaccinated with the mRNA vaccines are afraid of the unvaccinated.

Can you believe that? The uninfected are more dangerous than the infected? Must put up more control measures on the uninfected Chinese visitors?

The latest narrative against China is that China now has more than double the infection of the USA, more than 250m in just a month. If this is true, can China be so peaceful and so orderly? Yes, the initial relaxing of policies would lead to a surge in infection cases and more deaths. Many of the elderly Chinese were not vaccinated and are vulnerable, and when infected, coupled with existing conditions and old age, many would die. The numbers are relatively high from the lockdown period, but manageable. No panic. But the western media are spreading the vicious lie that the health system is breaking down, going to collapse, hospital overloaded, medical staff unable to cope, like the dreadful days of America when the morgues were full and they had to hire aircon containers to store the dead. In China, no need for containers. People are dying but no panic, no madness, no desperation and no despair.

There is no protest or mass demonstration on the streets. Everything is within expectation. The dead were mostly the aged. Can you imagine what would happen if 250m infection happened in a month? What craps. By over exaggerating to this level is foolish and self defeating. The Americans and the West are politicising the whole issue again, forcing their allies and stooges to implement stringent measures against Chinese visitors to smear and discriminate against the Chinese, like they were all lepers. Not many allies and stooges are following this order. Only the semi colonies of Japan and South Korea are doing it with no choice. And Taiwan of course. 

Countries imposing stringent measures against Chinese visitors are like the Europeans, undermining their economies when the Chinese tourists are bringing in the tourist dollars they need badly. They would suffer the same fate as Europe.

The other truth, infections are spreading like wildfire in Japan, South Korea, Australia and the US. Japan is having more than 200,000 daily cases, Australia having more than 100,000 daily cases. No hype or hysteria about them. No increase in stringent measures against Japanese, Australian and Americans. Why?