
Big medias tell big lies


Big medias tell big, black lies, just like the evil fabricated fake evidence to start the war in Iraq. And the irony is that their lies are all suspected to have come from one particular source, specifically set up to churn out such purposefully manufactured lies, to be dispersed to Big Medias to be broadcasted. These Big Medias are told to sing, or bark as loudly as they can, and repeatedly, and singing the same tune day in and day out, like a broken record.

More often than not, the fabrication targets on issues like Ukraine winning the War, Russian losing and running out of weapons and Russian troops running away, China collapsing because of population problems, water problems, chip problems and coups against Xi, Chinese tech giants posing security threats and all manner of fear mongering. Have they found out or produced any evidence about Huawei 5G actually posing security threats after years of accusation. What threats were they talking about when they had not even used Huawei's 5G yet? They did not even have 5G at that stage, and now still groping around trying to install 5G infrastructures and gloating about moving into 6G.

Does the USA not realised how much security threat people already knew about Microsoft, Google, Apple, Meta (Facebook) or Twitter? Or that the USA had been caught red-handed using 4G to spy on allies in Europe, and just conveniently forgotten by both perpetrators and victims. Why should China, therefore, allow such spying apps into the country? It will be a no brainer to do so. The Chinese Government is therefore phasing out, or have phased out all computers in Government offices running Windows software.

I would rather turn to social media, where not all information are lies. Some social media sites, in fact, provided all the truth to be known, that the Governments via MSM wants to cover up. Any attempt to cover up will not work. People should wise up and cast aside the MSM and look for the truth on alternative platforms on the internet. MSM is now largely regarded as the sole dispenser of propaganda to fool the masses.



American stooge media - How to assess if a media is an American mouth piece

 In today's world of mass media, main media and social media, no one can claim honesty and telling the truth when telling lies and passing off fake news and fabricated news are the order of the day. Any main media claiming to be telling the truth can easily be exposed by the lies and fake news printed in their pages.

Big names like Washington Post, New York Times, Times, Telegraph, BBC, Reuters, AFP etc etc no longer deny or defend their reputation of being accurate and truthful. The number of American lies and fabricated news, without a care to even hide the lies or making any effort to patch up the holes to make them at least sound like real, were pushed up daily to the disdain of the readers that paid good money for the news.

The criteria to determine if the media is an American stooge can easily be understood by the intent and agenda of the articles posted and the catchphrases used. When a media is spending most of its time and space putting up articles to badmouth Russia, China and all the countries that are called enemies by the Americans, they are exposing themselves as an American propaganda machine. When they used American or western produced articles to tell lies and biased views or distorted truths, you know who they are. Some were so embarrassed to put a name on the article, author unknown.

The standard catchphrases used by the American propaganda machine are human rights, democracy, war crimes, debt traps, no transparency, stealing secrets or trade secrets, dictators, communist or communism, CCP, simply labelling a country as a threat to the American Empire, even building roads and high speed trains are threats to the American Empire, etc etc. The Americans simply use the word threat and violation of human rights to smear and demonise other countries. Oh, terrorists or terrorism are also American catchphrases while the truth is that the Americans and its operators like CIA and NGOs are the worst terrorists operating everywhere to destabilise countries and create unrest and wars.

Another giveaway of these American stooge media are the slant on threats and security. They are not interested in peace and economic development. Every article is about security issues, about threats and threats of war, about selling weapons and wars. These lead to the need to build military alliances against another country branded as a threat, a strawman to be taken down.

Read the media and identify what is their main focus, the catchphrases, the topics of threats, security and wars, Russian war crimes, Chinese aggression. The overall picture is to put China and Russia and enemies of the American Empire in the bad light and giving the impression that the Americans are the good guys. Look at all the reports about the Ukraine War, Russia being depicted as the aggressor, committing war crimes etc etc. The news were so biased, never say anything bad about the Americans nothing about the genocides against Russian speaking Ukrainians by the Ukrainian Nazis.  The Nazis were like nice boy scouts.

These are the tell tale signs that a media is an American stooge, no longer believing in telling and reporting the truths, no longer proud to be an independent media of truths, when truths become a bad word. They are very proud of telling lies, telling American lies, fake news and fabricated lies to insult the intelligence of their readers.

Please be wary, recognise them and their lies and not be cheated and conned by the American stooge media.

Interference in internal affairs - Both sides can play the same game

 China is luring the rats out as it did in Hong Kong. China knows who is fermenting the protest and has already mentioned 'hostile forces'. Instintively, the rats know that China will come down hard on 'hostile forces' agitating protestors and the protest seems to be dying down and they are lying low.

Talking about allowing the protest to continue, who the hell are they to try to teach China how to rule the country? If China were to talk about allowing the Black Lives Matter protestors or Capitol Hill protestors to be allowed to continue their protest in the USA, what do you think the USA will say? The USA will run amok like rabid dogs.

Without being able to have concrete proof that Russiangate is in fact real, after years of investigation, they still keep up the narrative that Russia is interfering in USA internal affairs. How hypocritical are the Anglo Saxon nuts? Much of the world has already seen through the USA and Western hypocritical behavior and it no longer works. The Africans already told them off straight in the face.


Ukraine - A new sheriff in town. Definitely not an American


Meanwhile, on the Western Front:

'Putin is going to create a vast, uninhabitable no-man’s-land in the center of Ukraine that will separate east from west and end Ukraine’s existence as a viable, contiguous state. This is what a military-imposed settlement looks like. It’s not ideal and it doesn’t necessarily stop all the fighting, but it does address Russia’s basic security requirements which Washington chose to ignore.

Rest assured, that Washington will not like this settlement and will never agree to the new borders. But the United States will not have the final say-so in this matter and that is extremely important, because Washington’s role as the “guarantor of global security” is now a thing of the past.

Russia is going to decide Ukraine’s borders and that’s just the way it’s going to be. So, yes, we can expect to hear the gnashing of teeth at NATO Headquarters and the UN and at the White House, but to little effect. The matter is settled unless, of course, the US and NATO want to commit ground forces to the conflict which, we think, will precipitate a split in NATO that will inevitably lead to its collapse.

Either way, Ukraine’s fate is going to be decided in Moscow not Washington, and that reality is going to have a significant impact of the distribution of global power. There’s a new sheriff in town and he is definitely not an American.'

Link to full article:



Christmas festivities in Chinatown, Singapore: Is it a joke or is it for real?

      Our government has always been wise and full of wisdom to cater for the special and unique festive spirit of the three main ethnic groups of the Malays, Indians and the Chinese as well as the cosmopolitan group of Western religion followers in Christmas festivities in Orchard Road. Thus so the government has for decades encourage and support the Hari Raya celebrations in Geylang Serai, the Deepavali celebrations in Little India, the Chinese Lunar New Year or Spring Festival and the Mid-Autumn Moon Cake Festival in Chinatown and Christmas celebrations in Orchard Road. During these ethnic festivals there is always full of vibrancy with huge crowds of various races mingling to shop, dine and celebrate in Geylang Serai, Little India, China Town and Orchard Road.

Now some smart Alex try to steal some business away from Orchard Road during the Christmas festivities by organizing and decking up Christmas festivities and celebrations in Chinatown. Christmas festivities and celebrations in Chinatown is  inappropriate as it hasn't got the natural spirit of the occasion. What if  this same smart Alex tries to organize similar Hari Raya  activities or Deepavali activities in Chinatown in future so as to lure away some business from Geylang Serai or Little India will it not inadvertently offend the sensitive feelings of the other ethnic groups. Similarly by organizing Christmas activities in Chinatown may it not also inadvertently hurt the sensitive cultural feelings of the Chinese ethnic group. It is a sort of trying to deculturalize the Chinese and their culture.

Hope the government will look into the matter and wisely advise whoever is the organizer of this unseeming event to stop this kind of inappropriate festivity at the wrong venue. Is it worthwhile to just earn a few dollars more at the expense of unforseen potential sensitive problems. The organizer should think proactively before undertaking such an event.

The above is written with good intention to forestall unforseen potential problems  which the organizer may have foolishly overlooked. 


Thursday, 1st December, 2022.