
Covid-19: Who/WHO Have Been Lying To Us?

Government officials, public health officials, media and a whole lot of speakers have repeatedly lied to us. And now they’re all starting to “admit” it by subtly changing the narrative.

As noted by comedian Jimmy Dore in the August 3, 2022, episode of “The Jimmy Dore Show”:

“This story is very close to my heart, because it exonerates me. They’ve been lying about COVID, they’ve been lying about the vaccines, they’ve been lying about herd immunity, they’ve been lying about natural immunity, they’ve been lying about masks.

They’ve been lying about children — they’ve been lying about everything! Who’d have thunk the government and Big Pharma would lie to us? For profit? I am flummoxed. I am beside myself with slack-jawedness.”

Now, They’re Eating Their Own Words

President Biden claimed that “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci said, “When they are vaccinated, they can feel safe they are not going to get infected.”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stated, “If you’ve done the right thing and gotten vaccinated, you deserve the freedom to be safe from COVID-19.” (Can you “deserve the freedom to be safe” from an infection?)

Vice President Kamala Harris said, “If you are vaccinated, you are protected.”

Daniel Andrews, premier in Victoria, Canada, claimed that with three doses, you would be “prevented not only from serious illness, but from getting this virus, this Omicron variant, and therefore giving it to others.”

Victoria Chief Health Officer, Professor Brett Sutton, who got the AstraZeneca jab, insisted it was a “very effective vaccine” that reduced “risk of transmission.”

Every one of these officials has now contracted COVID, some at least two or three times.

We Knew the Shots Were Leaky

A primary objection to vaccine mandates was that it is a leaky pseudo “vaccine”. One that doesn’t actually prevent infection and its spread. It cannot protect anyone, not even the one who gets the shot.

Therefore, the argument that COVID jab refusers were killing people was false.

The notion that getting the jab would protect people around you was rubbish.

These were lies. They were not making a mistake. They were outright lying to you.

What is the incentive for lying about an injection that clearly cannot do what they say it can? They were lying on behalf of their donors — Pfizer, Moderna, et. al.

Of course, the National Institutes of Health also owns patents related to these jabs, so they make money from them directly.

So, with the truth now being self-evident, why aren’t the media asking why Fauci, Biden, Harris, Trudeau and the rest were spreading misinformation?

Where is the follow-up? And where are the apologies?

We are still waiting......


'WHY Is Germany Committing Suicide?

Don't be so happy so soon; this might be coming to other US 'allies':

'WHY Is Germany Committing Suicide? The Same Reasons WHY the EU/UK is Being Deindustrialized!'

“What is the real reason for the complete deindustrialization of Germany? Besides the Green Energy or Great Reset bullshit.”:

It is not because politicians like Scholz or German Green Economy Minister Robert Habeck, nor EU Commission Green Energy Vice President Frans Timmermans are stupid or clueless. Corrupt and dishonest, maybe yes. They know exactly what they are doing. They are reading a script. It is all part of the EU plan to deindustrialize one of the most energy-efficient industrial concentrations on the planet. This is the UN Green Agenda 2030 otherwise known as Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset.

Is it to emasculate Europe completely so as to make Europe completely dependent on the US for both energy and technology? The rest of the world is moving towards BRI and BRICS. The only block left to harvest aka rape and pillage for the Americans is Europe (plus Japan and South Korea).

The purported plot involved goading Russia into attacking Ukraine, which would force the EU to impose sanctions on Russia and decouple their economies from Russian energy.

The RAND report is titled, “Executive Summary: Weakening Germany, strengthening the U.S.”

It is dated January 25, 2022 and is labelled “Confidential”. The distribution list include WHCS (White House Chief of Staff), ANSA (Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs), Dept. of State, CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), NSA (National Security Agency), and the DNC (Democratic National Committee).

Shall we take a little peek into this “fake” document?


Very soon now, the RAND people will call it a “forgery”.

The present state of the U.S. economy does not suggest that it can function without financial and material support from external sources [very definition of a parasitic empire!]. The quantitative easing policy, which the Fed has resorted to regularly in recent years,s as well as uncontrolled issue of cash during the 2020 and 2021 Covid lockdowns, have led to a sharp increase in the external debt and an increase in the dollar supply [the very definition of high inflation rates].

The current German economic model is based on two pillars. These are unlimited access to cheap Russian energy resources and to cheap French electric power, thanks to the operation of nuclear power plants. The importance of the first factor is considerably higher. Halting Russian supplies can well create a systemic crisis that would be devastating for the German economy and, indirectly, for the entire European Union.

The only feasible way to guarantee Germany’s rejection of Russian energy supplies is to involve both sides in the military conflict in Ukraine. Our further actions in this country will inevitably lead to a military response from Russia. Russians will obviously not be able to leave unanswered the massive Ukrainian army pressure on the unrecognized Donbas republics. That would make possible to declare Russia an aggressor and apply to it the entire package of sanctions prepared beforehand. . . .[Bolded emphasis is mine.]

The RAND Executive Summary then goes on to detail the “Expected Consequences” with projections of financial and economic loses for Germany.

The rest as they say is . . . (almost) Mission Accomplished!

Link to article:




Biden fumes

 The most frightening moment that the Americans did not want to see, the 3 Asian leaders together to plan against the American hegemony. The SCO's main agenda is how to replace the American dollar.

How can Modi be so closed to America's two top enemies, Putin and Xi? Biden is probably going to visit India or going to summon Modi to the White House to demand an explanation why he was so closed to Putin and Xi and what was the plan.

Ukraine - War crimes? Who were the real perpetrators of war crimes?

450 individual graves marked with crosses were discovered by the Ukrainian soldiers in the northeastern city of Izium, and these were used as evidence of war crimes? How silly! Would the Russians marked the sites where they committed war crimes to be so easily seen and identified? The Ukrainians are saying that the Russians were advertising their war crime sites to the world, we committed war crimes and the victims were buried here? Would the Americans or any army do the same, carefully marked out the sites of burials of their war crimes to be discovered and to be accused of war crimes? Historically and commonsense would say savages that committed mass murder would wipe away all traces and evidence of their crimes, and neither would they be compassionate enough to want to bury them properly.

The 450 graves were decent burial for the death of unknown civilians, each given a plot and carefully buried, and even with a cross erected for every one of them, by the Russians. The effort alone would tell the observers that the Russians gave respect to the dead and gave them a dignified place to RIP.  Evil perpetrators of war crimes would not do that. Ask the Americans, the Japanese, the Nazi Germans, the colonialist Brits etc etc. How come cannot find any site of their war crimes? The answer is obvious. They would not let anyone to find them. What is outrageous here is the act of the Ukrainian Nazis to exhume these graves to fabricate accusation of war crimes against the dead and did not give the dead a chance to rest in peace. Now their bodies were dug up to be mutilated, may even be cut to pieces or have more bullets pumped into them to simulate atrocities or have bones broken to fake tortures against the dead. These are the real crimes committed by the Ukrainians on the dead. Only the Nazis could think of doing such evil things to the dead.

The real perpetrators of war crimes would not give any respect to their victims. There were many video clips circulating showing Ukrainian Nazi soldiers shooting and dumping civilians and soldiers into mass graves, yes hundreds of victims dumped into an open pit. Mass murderers have no time for individual graves. These were the real war crimes committed by the Ukrainian Nazis but no one in the West would want to report them.Similarly the untold millions of dead Arabs and Muslims massacred by the Americans and NATO butchers.

And there were many many more massacred by the Ukrainians from 2014 till today in the eastern Russian speaking part of Ukraine. Where were the crocodile tears when tens of thousands of innocent Russian speaking Ukrainians were massacred by the Ukrainian Nazis?

And in the global scale, the millions massacred by the Americans and NATO invading forces in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, etc etc, the 500,000 Iraqi children that Madeline Albright and Hillary Clinton were so proud of, as war collateral and worth it, in their fake WMD invasion of Iraq to steal their oil and to murder Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi in Libya? Where were the western media in the massacre of innocent herdsmen in Afghanistan by the hundreds of thousands, without any grave to tell the world the victims were buried there? Not a single American or European soldiers were charged for war crimes, not even the Australians. Bush and Blair are still walking around as free men, and one knighted, Bush treated a like hero instead of a war criminal.

The hypocrisy of the Americans and the West and their western media is the horror story of the 21st Century when all they reported were fabricated lies to serve their political agenda. And the other horrific thing is that many western stooges and their media also shamelessly published such lies as truth to con and insult their readers. Where is the morality, where is justice, where is the so called human rights for the victims of American, Ukrainian and western war crimes?

Still believing in biased and sinister western media and the media of their stooges? Still paying for fake news to be made to look stupid and think stupidly? Just because the lying western media and perpetrators of war crimes alleged others of war crimes then it must be true? Use your commonsense to look at the facts and ask yourself if they make any sense. Use your head to protect yourself from the lies of western media and their stooges.


Covid19 - More confirmation that the US is the origin of the virus

US impeded independent research into Covid origins – Lancet
Washington barred scientists from its laboratories manipulating SARS-CoV-like viruses, the British medical journal claimed.
The above report is posted in RT. Below are the comments on the article confirming the suspicion that the US is the source of the Covid19 virus. The more the Americans lied and refused to cooperate and the more they tried to accuse others as the source only helped to confirm that the Americans were the real culprits to this evil crime against humanity.

5th Eye
Kettle calling pot black. The same Lancet that impeded MMR linked Autism research by Dr. Andrew Wakefield.

Sir Alfred Humperdinkel
The US/CIA has sponsored 46 bio-weapon labs in Ukraine alone. The US sponsored the lab in Wuhan and the CIA has always had unground laboratories. Why does the US and Bill Gates have patents on these Coronaviruses? Why was Bill Gates putting out movies about pandemic before they released and spread the COVID19 virus? Why did the US prevent American doctors from using the extremely effective and cheap Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquin from treating their patients with it? And why did the US embark on a misinformation campaign against the doctors who reporting success with these cheap drugs?

US is hinting the known but unspoken 'origin' bats that hint satellite terrorists and Israel intentionally denies it to hint Covid is one of Stranger Things. The world is exposing cannibals who show off how Upside Down they are in a magic mirror.

What else is new really ? Is there anything implicating the US and that hasn't been impeded by the it. Like the war crimes investigation of US forces in Iraq where the US the US clearly threatened Hague with invasion.

If you had participated in one of the greatest genocides in history wouldn't you lie about it too? The problem is who's doing the lying

The Zionist USA has been creating and using biological weapons for a long time. They have infected crops and livestock of nations they want to hurt and to make sure US product can sell worldwide at high prices with little or no competition. Not satisfied with just the economic side of the equation they have also released biological weapons on the human populations, but they did not do their homework when they released COVID at the World Army Games near Wuhan. It backfired and bit them and the whole world on the arse. The cover up has been a continuing saga. And what will happen if and when the proof is finally too clear for them to deny? Nothing. Zionism is an evil political cult that seeks to dominate the world using any method it can.

Yanks created COVID and more ...but like Hollywood peddle lies across the World to blame others a bunch of Loony tunes

"The lack of the needed data on the virus origins still prevents the researchers from determining the origin of the virus" Now, why would the US want to impede the research into the origins of Covid 19? That's a tricky question; or is the answer obvious?

Zak Isaacson
It is fair to say they are guilty since they are so obstructive. Simply protecting privacy, sovereignty, and confidentiality i sufficient cause to deny information about one's private residence but not the entire world's public health information.

The US behavior only strengthens my suspicion that the virus got out from an US lab while searching for viruses that impact certain ethnic groups more than others. One reason why they do such research in nations dumb enough to allow their labs into their country where test subjects are nearby.

One positive in the USA is that people are turning to independent news outlets with declining trust in establishment sources. CNN, FOX, and CNN have declining viewerships, and more people question the New York Times and Washington Post, the two supposed trusted sources of news, since they know that they go to the State Department and Pentagon before printing anything critical of the establishment.

This is because the Covid virus was created in one of the US-owned biolabs in Ukraine.

LindaWong, Yea, remember a few months ago China wanting to investigate Ukraine biolabs as a source of it. Good post

Zeb Heru
SARS-CoV-2 is a fictitious virus and the "covid19 pandemic" was, and still is, a psychological operation designed to usher in the World Economic Forum's great reset global tyranny. Biggest hoax in human history!

This is absolutely no surprise. US has many bio labels around the world in stupid nations like Ukraine and others. I have zero doubt that Covid was started by a US lab. These idiots will destroy humanity ultimately.

Corro Camino
Sleep well, America! Your government is working...on horrible things you never imagined.

It means only one thing - GUILTY. The Executive branch of the US Government must ALL be arrested and tried. And sentenced to life imprisonment for such a genocidal crime, far exceeding and surpassing Hitler's and General Tojo's. The US with its bio or germ warefare and nuclear weapons IS the BIGGEST THREAT to this World.

Hanari, Good thinking but is not gonna happen. The enlightened in Washington believe they are above all laws.

Again, the 'damaged lung' outbreak that occurred around the Fort Detrick bioweapons lab in Maryland in 2019, just before COVID became recognized, and its almost simultaneous six month SHUTDOWN has never, to my knowledge, been adequately explained and press related to it VERY quiet. Given the general 'honesty' of the U.S. government, it is almost a dereliction of reason not to suspect that the U.S. is lying in some profound way here. The 1918 H1N1 pandemic almost certainly came from hogs near U.S. Army training camps in the Midwestern U.S. and was transmitted across the world by U.S. 'doughboys' but was first recognized in Spain and became known as the 'Spanish Flu'. Knowing what might very well happen after a Fort Detrick release, it would be very consistent with what we know of CIA policies to deliberately release it in China for political propaganda reasons and then call it the "Wuhan Flu" and obfuscate in every way possible its actual origin.

Parkerjoe River
The US flew 200 people from Wuhan to March AFB Ca. and put them in quarantine for 2 weeks just prior to the Covid outbreak was announced. Anybody else find this odd?