
Shinzo Abe a very evil and wicked Jap rogue and scoundrel is assassinated: Good riddance.

I watched with disbelief when this monster Shinzo Abe was assassinated, many numbskull politicians in Southeast Asia and Singapore felt so sad with grief as if one of their love ones was gone. Don't they know every member of Abe's family and clan related  families from his grandfather Nobusuke Kishi downwards have stains of Chinese blood in their bloody hands. Even now PM Fumio Kishida and most of his cabinet members are clan related to Shinzo Abe's family through traditional clan marriage system and by which every member of the extended family is guilty of having Chinese blood in their hands.

Oh! what a pathetic sight seeing them showing respect and sympathy with  thoughts and prayers to a monster whose ancestors and whose grandfather the notorious Nobusuke Kishi had committed horrible crimes and atrocities which had killed and genocided  millions of Chinese and Koreans without mercy. To add insult to injury a book of condolence was on display and the public was asked to sign their condolences. I would have thought a book of condemnation and curse would have been more appropriate. Just let the world know my father was profiled, arrested and tortured in prison for many months.  I am sure many of the netizens grandfathers and  great grandfathers must have been similarly profiled, arrested and thrown in prison. Several tens of thousands of innocent Chinese in Singapore and Southeast Asia  had died a painful and agonizing death in this manner. Yet some of the  the present political leaders in  Southeast Asia shed tears in sympathy with the death of the Japanese monster. Have they no shame at all? Oh! Goodness , really numbskull.

Shinzo Abe a very evil and wicked rogue and scoundrel is assassinated: Good riddance. However, there are many thousands more of anti-China's  Shinzo Abe's type or replicas lurking in Japanese politics .  More of his ilk should be similarly despatched by divine design less they cause more turmoil and death in this world.

Shinzo Abe and his present pack of just as evil Japanese leaders in the LDP and Jap government are descendants from a line of ruthless killers and murderers forebears from the Meiji emperor era  in the 1860s to the 1940s. 

Like the white barbarians the Japs invaded China and Korea and massacred the Chinese by the millions. But ironically they arrogantly claimed the Chinese people are inferior people cheaper than trash and fit only ro serve them as slaves. 

Let the story be told and the people will judge who are the inferior people. Like the Western white savages the barbaric Japs had for centuries been trying to invade China since as early as the 14th and 15th Century during the time of the Yuan Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty. All their attempts to invade China ended in failure as China was able to repel their attacks and chased them back to Japan. 

However by the turn of the 19th Century China descended into decadence that caused many European countries and Japan to invade China again. In 1879 Japan took away Liu Chiu Islands  ( Jap renamed it as Okinawa ) and in 1895 it invaded and took away Taiwan from China. Also in 1885 Japan invaded and occupied the Chinese island of Sakhalin to the north of Hokkaido which is now under Russia.

In 1931 Japan invaded Chinese province of Manchuria then under warlord Zhang Tso-lin and later his son Zhang Xue-liang. In 1932 Japan established the puppet state of Manchukuo and installed Pu-yi as a nominal emperor though the actual power of the government was under Japan's control which ruled it as a Japanese colony.

In 1931 Shinzo Abe's grandfather Nobusuke Kishi was posted to Manchuria as a minister with full power to take charge of the new colony. In Manchuria Nobusuke Kishi"s rule was extremely exploitative and he committed endless unforgivable heinous crimes and atrocities against the Chinese people. He exploited Chinese cheap labour practically for free to expedite industrialization of Manchuria especially heavy industry like iron and steel mills to help the Japanese empire war industry. He used the Yakuza Japan's powerful gangsters or mafia to supervise the Chinese workers who were frequently beaten or killed with the most flimsy excuse. 

He founded Biolab Unit 731 in Harbin as a branch of the Japanese chemical biolab the Shinkuju in Tokyo. Fom 1930s to 1940s his Unit 731 conducted lethal life experiments on Chinese and Koreans to develop chemical and biological germ weapons against China. He dissected his Chinese and Korean victims alive without anaesthesia to test the reaction and effectiveness of his bioweapons. Nobusuke was really inhuman and cruel beyond description. No wonder he was known as the notorious Monster of Manchuria.

In 1939 Nobusuke Kishi was appointed as Minister of Commerce and Industry as well as Vice- Minister of munitions. Under his full control coal, iron ore and grains were plundered from China while oil, tin, copper, rubber, timber and other strategic resources were plundered from Southeast Asia countries and transported to Japan to become the driving force of Japan's crazy war machines. 

At this time Japan imperial military government also appointed Nobusuke as Manchukuo's Deputy Minister of Industrial Development with full control of Manchukuo's economy. Nobusuke Kishi crash program on Manchukuo's Industrial Development was completely focused on the production of steel for the purpose of arms manufacture to meet the military's demand of building a strong National Defense State. Indeed he was the mastermind behind the industrial development of Manchuria to support the Japanese imperial empire. He was also one of the warhawks in the Jap's fascist regime to demand the launching of The Pacific War. Thus he was simultaneously known as the "Monster of the Showa Era."

In Manchuria Nobusuke cultivated opium on a large scale. He monopolized the opium trade. Opium became the largest source of revenue for the Japanese imperial government. He and his Japanese army stationed in Shanghai made huge profits from opium business.

In Manchuria and Mongolia he forcefully  evicted the Chinese villagers from their lands and promoted the Manchurian and Mongolian pioneering group to get Japanese immigrants to immigrate to Northeast China and Mongolia in large numbers. 

One of Nobusuke Kishi's diabolical sins was the  organizing of comfort stations in Manchuria, China, Japan and in Southeast Asia and the forceful capture or induction of innocent Chinese and Korean girls or women into the comfort stations to serve the savage sexual instinct of the Japanese soldiers. Kishi was really a devil incarnate.

After Japan's defeat in the Second World War, both Emperor Hirohito and Nobosuke Kishi were listed as Class A war criminals chargeable for death sentence. Nobusuke Kishi and Hirohito's stance changed immediately from being self-proclaimed superior people that overlords the Chinese and Korean people to that of a very low class cur with no dignity and self-respect at all when like accursed dogs they knelt down before General MacArthur and licked MacArthur's asshole.

Their shameful low class slavish demeanour was well rewarded later when both Kishi and Hirohito were shamelessly acquitted by the US government after some dirty illicit shadowy deals and trade off. Under the immoral shady deal Japan had to surrender to US all the blue prints, records and documents of the  Biolab Unit 731. Also all Japanese scientists involved with the work of 731 must serve the US government and be deployed in biolabs in both US or US military bases overseas. Further Japan had to surrender to the US the over 3,000 tons of gold plus all the diamonds, rubies and jewelleries which Japan had plundered from the people of China and Southeast Asia countries. 

Nobusuke in his wildest dreams had never thought he would be acquitted and thus to escape the death sentence. So after his acquittal he was so grateful to the US that when he came out of his cell he just wanted to lick MacArthur's ass again to show his loyalty all the time. 

When MacArthur observed his pathetic slavish attitude he assured Kishi that the United States would hand over the Japanese government to him and Japan in the future.

Indeed it was through CIA financial support that helped Kishi to establish the Liberal Democratic Party and to win the elections in 1955 after the official termination of US rule in Japan.

Thus with strong CIA support Kishi became the Prime Minister of Japan in 1957. As the prime minister of Japan Kishi pledged his infinite allegiance to MacArthur and his oath of allegiance to the United States. 

In 1959 he pushed vigorously for a new treaty with the US. In January, 1959 he went to US to sign the "Treaty of Mutual cooperation and Security" which stipulated that the US must defend Japan and that Japan must be defended by the US which clearly makes Japan a vassal state of the United States. There was very strong opposition to Japan becoming a colony of the US. But inspite of tremendous opposition Kishi signed the US / Japan Security Treaty. In signing the treaty Kishi swore allegiance to the US that clearly denied Japan as an independent country but a colony of the US

Later he wanted to revise the Japanese Pacifist Constitution to amend Clause 9 that forbids Japan to rearm the military and to involve Japan in overseas wars again. 

Shinzo Abe takes after his grandfather Kishi and openly shown his intention to delete Clause 9 so that he could rearm the military and restore Japan to resemble the Meiji Era's bellicose military regime of the 1860s to 1940s. Abe had clearly shown his diabolical intention of starting another war with China when he had Japan planned and prepared for the day. Abe may be dead but his evil intention is alive with the LDP leaders . In truth Abe had already planned ahead with a conspiracy with the United States to take down China in future. The present LDP leaders and PM Fumio Kashida will surely try to fulfill Abe's wild dream and evil intention. That dream hopefully  is just a pipe dream and in any case China is capable of kneading it in the bud.

But Japan's psyche is not just invading China. Japan wants to conquer the whole of Asia and eventually the whole world like what the white men did.

Japan now is a pathetic US colony and the Japanese still think they are a superior people. The Japs really stink. What do you think and what does the world think of the Japanese.


Sunday, 17th July, 2022

 Shinzo Abe's grandfather  Nobusuke Kishi was guilty of the murder and massacre of millions of innocent Chinese people during Japanese war of aggression against China from as early as late 1920s to 1940s or end of Second World War. This war criminal Nobusuke Kishi's daughter Yoko Kishi married Shintaro Abe another war criminal and through which marriage Shinzo Abe a monster was born.

Peaceful rise of China...in trade and business


Container vessels berth at the Port of Yangshan to clear cargo around the clock in Shanghai on January 2, 2022. In 2021, the Port of Shanghai handled over 47 million standard containers, ranking first among the world's ports for the 12th consecutive year. Photo: VCG  Global Times

The above photo speaks volumes about what China is doing daily and its peaceful rise through trade and trade and trade, not wars and wars that the Americans are engaged in. The Port of Yangshan is the biggest and biggest port in the world, a position Singapore and Rotterdam used to claim.

1. Shanghai, China.
2. Singapore.
3. Ningbo-Zhoushan, China.
4. Shenzhen, China.
5. Guangzhou, China.
6. Qingdao, China.
7. Busan, South Korea.
8. Hong Kong, China.
9. Tianjin, China
10. Rotterdam

China now has 7 ports ranked among the top 10 busiest ports in the world as reported in Feb 2022 by marineinsight.com. Not a single American port in the top 10. Only European port Rotterdam came in 10. Port Klang, Malaysia was in position 10 in 2020.

The Americans are trying to start wars everywhere to disrupt the growth of China's trade and business. And they mischievously accused China of being aggressive and wanting to start wars that would be detrimental to China's rise as the biggest economic power in the world. Peace is good for China, not war. Why would China want to go to war that would bring an end to its peaceful rise?

The Americans are the warmongers, everyday, everywhere, agitating and instigating for wars. They are the world's number one terrorist country, the world's number one trouble maker.


Americans using antique tin can to provoke and threaten China in the South China Sea


USS Benfold image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Chinese warships from Global Times

This American warship entered Chinese territorial waters in the Paracel Islands claiming innocent passage under UNCLOS, a UN sanctioned law but the US refused to sign to abide by its provisions. The slimy and mischievous Americans then claimed to be protected by this law and using this law that it refused to comply to attack China.

The American ship looks menacing enough alone, especially when encroaching a nation's territorial water and the latter has no means to defend against its weapons and firepower. But look carefully and one could hardly mistaken it for a museum piece. The Chinese naval ships are new, far bigger, modern and better equipped with superior weapon system and fire power. This American WW2 ship no longer strikes fear to the PLA Navy. It looks like an antique tin can, aged and tired and about to be sent to the museum. 

The Americans are still strutting this piece of 50 year old scrap iron and called it a warship. They could only frighten small and medium powers but not China anymore. A little miscalculation and China will sink it. Give the PLA Navy a good reason and this tin can would find its grave at the bottom of the South China Sea. It should count itself lucky that it did not sink half way across the Pacific Ocean due to leakages or metal fatigue.

Incidentally the Americans did not know that the missiles of Chinese submarine, fighter aircraft and warship are zeroing on it, tracking and tailing its every move. All it needs is for a Chinese soldier to pull the trigger and called it an accident, to avenge the bombing of Chinese Embassy in Belgrade. 

The Americans can continue to provoke China with their warships in the South China Sea. It is only a matter of when would China decide to sink one of them by 'accident', like the super sub USS Connecticut. When the warmongering Americans think it is ok to send their warships to the court yard of China to threaten China, they are just asking for it.


Peace or war depends on warmongering whites racist and supremacist behaviour.

    Whether there will be peace or war depends on the warmongering whites racist and supremacist attitude and behaviour. Judging from history since ancient times from the Roman Empire through the Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, German-Austria-Hungary and the British Empire to the present most evil and warlike Anglo-Saxon American Empire there is hardly any hope for peace in this world. 

The white people historically have a savage culture of aggression and conquest unlike the Asians like the Chinese who teach tolerance, mutual understanding and non-aggression. The white people's warlike culture is reflected in their religious books and in their literature. Read their bible:  Psalms  Ch 2, Verse 8, Romans Ch 13, Verse 2, literature like Homer, the Iliad, The Punic Wars, Herodotus and Thucydides on Persia, Athens and Sparta,  Julius Caesar,  Henry V and Taras Bulba and you will know how aggressive and warlike they are. On the other hand the Chinese teach tolerance and non-aggression and believe that throughout the four corners of the earth all men are brothers.

Throughout history the white people have never stopped to show the bellicose genes in their DNA. In the Punic Wars between Carthage [ present day Tunisia ] and ancient Rome in 264 -146 BC the Romans were relentless in their aggressive wars on Carthage. The Romans were just not satisfied with their victory over Carthage for after their victory they slaughtered the Carthaginians and then burnt down and destroyed  Carthage completely thus leaving no possibility of any trace of the ancient Carthage historical sites.

After their complete victory over Carthage the Romans appetite for further aggression and conquest were further enhanced. They continued their march of agressive wars against Greece, Egyppt and thereafter the Middle East in Syria, Jordan, Palestine and Lebanon in which they eventually had complete control over areas covered by what is now Palestine and Israel. 

From then on Roman Empire conquests had no limits. It went on to conquer Europe including England, France, Spain, Portugal and Germany. Rome ruled England from 43AD to 410AD. To maintain its grip and rule of its vast empire the Romans built forts in strategic positions garrisioned by a few hundred or a thousand or more of Roman legionaries and auxiliaries. 

The building of fortified forts were later copied extensively by all later Western and Russian invaders of foreign lands and countries. Then to intimidate the victimized countries Spain, Portugal,  England, France, Russia, Germany, Holland, Italy and the United States built sprawling military bases in all the occupied lands.  The most evil and threatening is the intimidation of the over 1,000 US military bases that dotted in all the continents  and seas of the earth.

From 1492 onwards Spain and Portugal began their marauding conquest of Latin America and Africa. Soon England, France, Netherlands or Holland, Belgium, Germany and Italy follow suit and conducted voyages of overseas conquests of non-Christian and non-white countries throughout Africa, Asia, North and South America, Australia and New Zealand. All these illegal conquests were attended with looting of resources, killings, massacres, murders and mass genocide of natives in which many natives were genocided to almost extinction as happened in North America and Australia where as many as 98 percent of the natives were wiped off.

All these barbaric conquests, looting, killings, massacres, brutal atrocities and genocide were conducted and justified  under their militant religious doctrine, 'The Doctrine of Christian Discovery' in which they claimed their Christian god had empowered them to go out and conquer non-Christian lands and to take and rob all their rich resources for the European Christians and to kill them if they cannot be converted to their Christian faith.

Fast forward the white savages have already conquered more than half the world's land or almost 65 percent of the world's territories. What more do they want from non-white people and their countries. Now, let's look at their deceits and hubris.

The white people especially the Anglo-Saxon Americans and the British like to hype a lot of hubris about democracy, human rights and  the rules of law. This humbug about democracy, human rights and rules of law is just a disguise to exert white men's evil plan to continue to hold non-white countries under their total dominance and hegemony.

The whites , the  Anglo-Saxons and the Teutonics or Caucasians better be serious in walking the talk  about democracy and human rights. Didn't you whites travel ten thousand miles from Europe  since 500 years ago in the 1500s AD to steal the lands from the natives of the Americas,  Hawaii, Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand. You white land thieves and robbers and invaders should now return all the stolen lands to the natives and go back to Europe to show you are sincere in talking about democracy, failing which you will still have the label on your face as land thieves and robbers and also confirm that you white people are all cheats, charlatans, rogues and scoundrels and unrepentant marauders and brutal invaders as well as great liars as the natives of America like to warn us that 'White men speak with fork tongues and cannot be trusted.' 

Also the Western countries led by the Anglo-Saxon Americans like to  falsely accuse other countries of being aggressive. No Asian countries are aggressive except Japan which shamelessly and without dignity and self-respect claim that they are also white and who had indeed brutally invaded many other Asian countries in the Second World War. 

The white Americans claim China is aggressive and expansionist. In her over 5,000 years of civilization China has never invaded even a single foreign country. On the contrary every of the western European imperial  country had invaded and colonized  practically all the non-white countries in Asia, Africa, North America, Latin America, Australia, NewZealand, Hawaii and Tasmania. China is the only ancient country in the world that has lost more than 3 million square miles or  one third of her lands to foreign invaders like England, France, Russia, Germany and Japan. China has yet to settle this score with the West and yet under the leadership of the bellicose Anglo-Saxon United States they keep on pressiing their aggression against China.

Western aggressions against non-white countries have not abated. The United States with its white allies is forming little blocks of mafias like Quad and Aukus to confront and contain China's rise. In the Middle East it has not given up its intention to destroy Iran, Iraq, Syria, Algeria, Libya and Yemen. The US is stirring up trouble and turmoils in Central Asia and it is still working hard to destroy North Korea. In Central America and South America it is carrying out disastrous illegal trade and financial sanctions as well as blockades against Cuba, Nicaragua, Salvador, Venezuela, Bolivia and Chile.

The non-white countries must be on guard against the diabolical plots of the West led by the US which has every intention to subject all non-white countries under total white control and hegemony.

There will be no peace in this world as the West headed by the Anglo-Saxon United States and UK do not intend to have one.  The Deep State of the American Oligarchy of the Anglo-Saxon Jewish Rothschild Illuminati Cabal  that has full control of  the American politics and governance and the  Military Industrial Complex and NATO has vouched to carry out perennial  warfare as raw power to grab the wealth and riches of the world and to bring the whole world under the total dominance and hegemony of the one world government under  white rule. 

Nevertheless Russia, China and the SCO and BRIC countries will never allow that to happen and will fight relentlessly to destroy  these diabolical satanic US and its Western allies of warmongers.


Friday. 15th July, 2022 

Stylo milo Malaysia banned export of fresh chicken to Singapore. Yaya papaya.

 The recent episode of Malaysia banning fresh chicken to Singapore is looking like a misfire, a bad joke. Malaysia did not have an explosion of population but found itself short of fresh chicken all because of some hike in the price of chicken feed, I supposed. And it was like panic station, not enough fresh chicken for domestic consumption, price hike, and to the point of banning export to Singapore. Really stylo milo, sorry Singapore, we don't have enough, can't sell to you.  It was like giving notice to Singapore that it was at the mercy of Malaysia, like water, not happy, turn off the tap or in this case, cut off export of chicken. Next time may stop export of durians, fruits, vegetables to Singapore. Abang besar.

The lesson on using water supply as a trump card to squeeze Singapore leading to Singapore outwitting Malaysia by finding alternative sources of water did not sink in. Singapore wang besar. Got money can buy from anywhere. There are so many willing suppliers. Now Indonesia would be most eager to fill in the void. After negotiation and quality checks on Indonesian chicken farms, the deal was inked. Indonesia would be supplying up to 1,000 tonnes of chicken meat to Singapore till the end of the year. 50 tonnes has arrived. How many chickens is that? If the supply chain and quality are up to mark, this could become a permanent feature, regular supplier, and with possibility of more tonnages and fresh chicken as well.

What this means is that whatever the Indonesians are supplying, it would be deducted from the amount coming in from Malaysia. Malaysian farmers would now have spare chickens to sell, not to Singapore. Either they find new buyers or would have to produce less chickens. In other words, if they could not sell the 1,000 tonnes, which would be carried forward into the future, the revenue would go down accordingly. No need to produce so many chickens anymore, no need to expand the chicken farms.

Abang besar syndrome may end up not too attractive to the poor farmers trying to grow their pie and productivity in the chicken farms. Wang besar is still the king. Have money, no fear of no supply of anything. Indonesia would end up the happy partner with a willing buyer come knocking at the door, and could increase production in their chicken farms without having to go hunting for buyers, no need to sweat the small stuff.  This is like money falling down from the sky.

What is the moral of the story? Jangan yaya papaya. Suka, suka sell or don't sell. This is like Australia not wanting to sell wine, lobsters or seafood to China. China buy from other sources, including iron ore and coal. Live lobsters become dead lobsters. Iron ore and coal become dirt from the ground when there is no buyer.