Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid have resigned from Boris Johnson's cabinet, saying that they have lost confidence in his clownish leadership. Both are ministers of Indian origin and the best of all the ministers in Johnson's cabinet. Their resignations are a big blow to whatever is left of a political circus. Many junior ministers have joined the rush to get out from the sinking ship. Priti Pratel, the other senior Indian minister is still with Johnson but could be expected to jump ship soon.
The move by Sunak, potential PM of UK, and Javid, is a classic strategy of retreat before staging an assault at the leadership of the Conservative Party and to eventually gaining control and to run as the PM of UK. Sunak has proven his worth and everyone knows he is a PM material.
Sunak and Javid, together with other Indian origin MPs should rally the rest of the MPs in a sinking ship and stage a comeback, to dethrone Johnson and his bunch of bozos in Parliament. The days of AngloSaxon leadership is over, not even in the UK. The writing in on the wall. None of the AngloSaxon leaders in the Cabinet and in the opposition is of a caliber to lead UK away from slipping further into the shit hole. It was an empire but long gone, and the daft AngloSaxon still could not see it, wanting to fight Russia and China when they have nothing left to fight.
If Sunak and Javid can achieve this feat, it would be the greatest irony of history, for the Indians to rule UK as just compensation for the Brits that ruled India for 400 years. The Brits set out to find India and India has returned, to England to rule them.
This would become a fairy tale story of the 21st Century.
PS. If Indians can takeover the UK, it would be easy to take over smaller states and to establish an Indian Empire. The US could be in the cross hair of another Indian takeover.