The treachery of the Anglo-Saxon Americans. They promised the Filippinos independence if they were to help the US to fight and drive out the Spanish imperialist. However, after defeating Spain in December 1898, the Americans reneged on their promise and refused to grant independence to the Filippinos. Their spurious excuse was that the Filippinos were uncivilise and were unfit for self-government for they would have anarchy and misrule.
The Filippinos then rose up in revolt under the great leadership of Emilio Aguinaldo. However, the rebellion was crushed with great brutality by 80,000 American troops. After crushing the rebellion the Americans carried out horrible atrocities against the Filippino civilians who also continued to resist American imperialism.It took about four years for the American imperialist to crush the rebellion resulting in the brutal killings of over three hundred thousand Filippino resistant fighters and over three million deaths of Filippino civilians both from US genocide and from disease and famine.The Filippinos will never forget the violent and brutal occupation of the Philippines by the evil American imperialist. The diabolical and abominable American occupation lasted from 1898 to December, 1946 after the end of the Second World War.
The American imperial occupation of the Philippines faced fierce violent resistance from patriotic and heroic Filippinos. But no matter what the American imperialist had to suppress this rebellion because it had intended to make use of the Philippines as a base for its imperial venture further into China and other east Asia countries. Its blood thirsty desire for empire and for further imperial ventures had yet to be quenched. Thus it had to suppress the local Filippino rebellion with the utmost brutality, atrocity and violence to secure the Philippines base. Further more the Philippines is endowed with very rich abundant mineral and agriculture resources like gold, copper, nickle, rice, sugar, coffee, coconuts and tobacco which would go a long way to enrich the United States.
Below are some of the descriptions of the utmost brutalities and atrocities carried out by the invading Americans against the Filippinos in its determination to secure its diabolical imperial hold on the Philippines.
The white American invaders - their senators and generals and army officers claimed that the war against the Philippines had to be cruel and fought with the fierceness and brutalities as demanded because they were not dealing with Anglo-Saxon Americans or Europeans but with unsavoury Orientals.
The war started when the American army fired indiscriminately on the peaceful demonstrations in Manila against the American invaders. Soon the Philippine insurgents spread throughout the whole country. In the town of Caloocan the US army set fire to all the houses. Those who tried to escape from the fire were quickly mauled down by bullets. Hardly more than a few hundred of the original 20,000 inhabitants survived the genocide. The few survivors mostly women and children were badly burnt and left to die untreated. The American soldiers boasted that their fighting blood was boiling as they all wanted to kill the little brownies and that shooting brownies was more thrilling than hunting and shooting rabbits.
In addition to the indiscriminate brutality of war on the Filippinos there was an added element of racial hostility, of white superiority and hatred of the brownies as they disrespectfully referred to the Filippinos. The war was bloody and the Americans were relentless to kill and exterminate men, women, children, prisoners and captives. Also insurgents and suspects from the age of ten were rounded up and summarily killed as the American prevailing idea was that the Filippino brownies were only a little bit better than a dog.
American soldiers pumped salt water into Filippino prisoners to make them talk and after which they were shot and killed. Even Filippinos who held up their hands and peacefully surrendered were brought up to a bridge where they were shot down one by one to drop into the river below and float down as warning to other Filippinos of the fate they would face if they opposed the Americans.
An American general boasted that at least about 40 percent of the population of Luzon had been killed by the Americans the death of which went on to justify and serve the legitimate purpose of American invasion. Yet the Secretary of War Elihu Root arrogantly and falsely claimed that the war in the Philippines was conducted by the American army "with scrupulous regard for the rules of civilized warfare and that it was conducted with self-restraint and with humanity never surpassed."
In Manila , a marine named Littletown Waller, a major, was accused of shooting more than ten defenseless Filippinos without trial on the island of Samar. In his testimony of defense he claimed that he was ordered by General Smith to kill and burn and that General Smith told him that the more he killed and burnt the better he would be pleased and that there was no time to take prisoners for he would like to make Samar a howling wilderness. And when Waller asked General Smith to define the age limit for killing he was told " Everyone over ten."
In the province of Batangas about 120,000 inhabitants of the total population of 300, 000 were butchered by the US army while many others died of famine and disease. The Americans deprived the Filipinos of food and medicine to weaken them and deter them from further resistance.
All over the Philippines the Americans claimed to have pacified thousands of Filippinos by killing them and burying them, by destroying their crops, burnt their villages and forced their women and children out of their houses and exiled others to inhospitable terrains. Millions of other Filipinos were rounded up and incarcerated with many mercilessly tortured before they were killed.
The American war on the Philippinos was undoubtedly to the advantage of the invaders as the Americans had overwhelming superior firepower against the meager obsolete arms that the Filippinos could muster. Around the Pasig River the American guns and cannons pounded on the Filippinos killling thousands that the dead Philippino bodies piled up like mole-hills. The scene was just plain massacre and murderous butchery.
However, inspite of overwhelming odds the insurgents persisted in their fight as they had the full support of the population who were just as determined to drive out the abominable savage Americans. They had to resort to fight a protracted guerilla warfare against the Americans. The fight against the American invaders lasted for over four years. But unfortunately American overwhelming superior firepower prevailed and the Philippines succumbed to the invaders and became a servile colony of the United States.
The Philippinos had fought the Americans with undaunted bravery and great fighting spirit and heroism as against the cowardly Americans who relied on their superior arms to achieve unbridled killings and murderous massacre.
Southernglory1 Aka Yang Rong Nan
Saturday, May 14th, 2022
NB: Please spare a few precious minutes and forward this article to every Philipino in Singapore and in the Philippines as well as to every friend and relative so that they can be kept aware of the evil and wicked Americans and their diabolical deeds of terrorism and never ending abominable aggressive wars of conquest and destruction around the world for the last over 200 years.