
Ukraine - Exposing the white men's international community lie

 The Americans and the western countries like to use the term international community to denounce and threaten Russia, China or countries that they opposed and called enemies. The international community were against so and so, the international community opposed so and so, the international community condemned so and so. In Ukraine, they would said the international community condemned and opposed Russia. Unfortunately the silence from the international community, other than the AngloSaxon and European stocks, have made them look ridiculous, a laughing stock if they ever dare to use the term international community this time round. The only countries that are behind them are the white men countries. No other country is supporting the American and the West in this war.  Yes, no one else is supporting them and they know. 

Japan is not a country and so is South Korea, both are semi colonies, not independent countries and have no say in their foreign policies. They just have to go along with the Empire. Australia and  New Zealand are not real countries like other nation states. They are stolen lands and living in them on borrowed time. They would be evicted one day and sent back to where they come from. There were some small islands in the Pacific that have voted against the Russians but they did it not because of principles or out of their own choice, but being pressured, threatened or bribed into doing so.

For the rest of the world, the real international community, they are happily sitting on the sideline or openly supporting Russia. At worse, they would be neutral. No sensible govt in its right mind would be supporting the warmongering evil American Empire. The international community are eagerly waiting and praying for the demise of the oppressive and warmongering evil American Empire. The destruction of the evil American Empire will set them free to live the life they choose, without fearing for sanctions, regime change or assassinations.

The international community have spoken, loud and clear, let the warmongering white men kill themselves in their savage ways. No one in the international community would want to die for them or be dragged into the fray against their national interests, to die for the cause of the white men so that the white men can continue to rule them and bully them and exploit them would be foolhardy.

Many in the international community are quietly supporting the Russian effort to keep the white savages engaged in Europe, die fighting among themselves.

Solomon Islands - Australian and American duplicity in the Solomon Islands


U.S. to ‘Respond Accordingly’ If China Sets Up Base in Solomons - Bloomberg headline April 23
- U.S. will have “significant concerns” over Chinese base, Solomons PM says there will be no long-term Chinese presence

Tiny island nation proves that the West only believes in its own ‘spheres of influence’

Australia and the US believe the Solomon Islands must not be allowed to partner up with China, showing a selective respect for self-determination

Russia is bad. There is no excuse for attacking Ukraine, and the argument that it was a strategic imperative to stop NATO’s encroachment is just propaganda, right? That’s what every source in the mainstream media will tell you. But oddly enough, that logic never seems to apply when western countries perceive rival states to be encroaching on their own peripheries, and there’s been no bigger example of that than as to how American and Australian political classes have reacted to the now signed “Bilateral security agreement” between China and the Solomon Islands, a small archipelago which exists not far from Papua New Guinea.

The deal was confirmed this week, despite Australia and the US having piled on scores of official visits in a bid to try and halt it. This has been combined with a media narrative of extreme paranoia claiming, without due evidence, that China is set to build a naval base on the islands and poses a direct military threat to Australia in turn. This has produced some hysterical commentaries, with a founder of The Diplomat Magazine even literally calling for bombing and regime change in the island nation.

It seems strange that the same countries who said that Ukraine has a right to “choose” its allies, or in other words self-determination, do not seem to apply that logic to countries who choose to tilt towards perceived rival states, and there’s plenty of historical examples to back it up with.

The consensus is, whether expressed in moderate or explicit terms, that more must be done to “remove” the influence of China from the Solomon Islands, with the assumption that only the US and its allies act in the true interests of the state and its people. It’s as if there is no comprehension whatsoever as to why the Solomon Islands may not consent to be under the hegemony of Australia and the United States, and why it is obviously going to prefer a strategy of “hedging” to maximize political space and opportunity for itself, rather than being forced to exclusively pick one side. This is demonstrative of the elitist mindset which dominates these countries.

The Western powers’ insincere concern for Ukraine and their hypocrisy in believing that only they themselves are entitled to “spheres of influence” and they must have an infinite right to encircle rival countries without any right of reply. Russia’s narrative about the threat emanating from Ukraine is simply “propaganda,” we are told, yet China making an ambiguous deal with a tiny island nation of just 700,000 or so is somehow deemed an imminent and escalatory threat to Australia itself. Is it not time we started to question this narrative?

- RT (You can share this story on social media) 


Ukraine War is cheap compares to the Afghan war...and very profitable

“U.S. has sent $2.6 billion in military aid to Ukraine since Russia’s Feb. 24 invasion, with DoD weapons reaching the battlefield within 48 to 72 hours: senior U.S. defense official”

What’s interesting about that is, the U.S. spent 3 billions on funding the Taliban in the 80’s, over the course of an entire decade.

So this was the “longest and most expensive” CIA operation in history, and ended up at $3 billion in 10 years. But the Ukraine has already gotten $3 billion in a single month. Imagine how much they’re going to pump into it by the end of this year? This goes to show what I’ve said before that this is likely now the single costliest program of this sort in history. And that’s only counting the U.S. aid, NATO/EU are pouring in billions more.    Anonymous said

The 20 year Afghan War costs the Americans nearly US$3 trillion and is looking like the most expensive war that the Americans had fought. It is more costly than the US$1 trillion Iraq War and US$890 billion Vietnam War. Actually the Iraq War is cheap as the cost had all been paid back by robbing Iraq's treasury and banks and oil. Vietnam War is also expensive as the loser South Vietnamese had nothing to pay back.

The Afghan War is unchallenged as the most costly war as the US was defeated and could not impose painful compensation on the Afghan govt. The saving grace, to recover some losses, is to seize the US$7 billion deposits in American banks. This is the most despicable act of the Americans, robbing a very poor country that they invaded under false charges of being involved in the 911 attack, destroyed their country and now stealing the little money they had.

But then war has been and is still a very profitable business to the Americans especially to the MIC.  The above numbers thrown at the Ukrainians are peanuts. The Americans would throw in more, and in double quick time, and very happily to do so. And no, it is not a cost to the Americans. They are expecting the Ukrainian govt to pay back every cent, plus whatever mark ups as the Ukrainians would just have to accept the bill sent to them by the Americans and also by the Europeans. Everyone of them, the Americans and Europeans are happily and furiously sending in all their obsolete and expired weapons to Ukraine, as good as selling to Ukraine and at a price they determined, not to be objected by the Ukrainian govt. And comedian Zelensky is asking for more, he is not paying but the Ukrianians would have to pay.

The Ukraine war is looking to be highly profitable as Russia is not looking to conquer and take over Ukraine.  So the Ukrainian govt would still be there and to pay for these so called, 'military aids' sent to them by the Americans and Europeans. The Americans would be laughing all the way to the banks, and so would be the Europeans.

Let's forget about the daft and willing Ukrainians that are willing to die for the Americans to exert their hegemony and to pay for it. Let's see whether there are any stupid govts that would follow the path of the Ukrainians, to start another war for the American Empire, let their country be destroyed, their people killed, and ended up with a mountain of debt from receiving American military aid.

The South Koreans are looking like an eager beaver. Taiwan is also a possible candidate. We shall watch to see who would be the first to jump in.

Solomon Islands - Racism behind how Australia views South Pacific and China

Its 25.7 million population is even less than Shanghai's 28.5 million

Australia is aghast at the news that China has signed a bilateral security agreement with Solomon Islands. Despite both Canberra and Washington having sent scores of officials to the archipelago nation in a bid to try and coerce them to change course, the agreement was confirmed several days ago.

The pact provoked a tidal wave of vitriol in the Australian press, with several commentaries and articles going as far as demanding outright regime change, or even invasion against the country.

Canberra makes it abundantly clear that it deems Solomon Islands to be its own "backyard" and connects its new tilt toward China with the repulsive "Yellow Peril" paranoia that has become endemic in recent years.

But this only illustrates the hypocrisy, vulgarity and thinly veiled elitism which dominates the Aussie mind, even as it calls for Russia to have no such "rights" regarding Ukraine.

Australia is an Anglophone colonial nation that has unwelcomely based itself in the proximity of Asia, placing itself on the boundaries of cultures and civilizations.

Built on the genocide of Australasia indigenous population, such circumstances have historically conditioned a highly elitist identity in the country that has been prone to sporadic racism in relationship to its northern neighbors.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Australia grew to perceive the influx of Asian peoples into its territory as a threat to its English-speaking identity, espousing the politics of "Yellow Peril" and soon the "White Australia policy" which actively sought to prohibit the migration of non-whites into the country.

That now defunct policy still shapes the current underlying of the country's prejudiced discourse toward China, masking fears of racially led "infiltration" and "subversion" under the guise of anti-communism.

This attitude in Australia has long conditioned its foreign policy toward perceiving itself as being a vanguard force of civilization and moral exceptionalism to its surroundings, particularly in reference to the Pacific Island nations, of which it seeks to maintain hegemony over under the assumption that they and their Anglosphere allies are the only countries acting in their "true interests."

This is especially the case with the Solomon Islands, which is a former British colonial state and still comes under the British Crown.

As is the same in Britain, countries in the Anglosphere exhibit a distorted rendering of history toward their former colonies. Having never been held to account for their crimes over them, they continue to exhibit an "ownership" mentality over these countries, perceiving their rule as having not been brutal or unwanted, but benevolent and supportive.

Therefore, the choice of these countries to opt for deeper ties with China is seen as an assault on their own identity and an act of aggression.

Canberra continues to assume it has the right to dominate the Solomon Islands as a "benevolent protector" which constitutes its "backyard," presenting its efforts to form relationships with other countries (in this case China) as a political and military threat.

The Aussies cannot detach itself from their exceptionalistic and blinkered view of the world that they cannot do anything but act in the "best interests" of the Islands, and delude themselves their hegemony is only an act of benevolence despite obvious acts to the contrary.

This inability to conceive themselves for who they really are has led their press to brand the Solomon Islands' decision as a huge "diplomatic failure." But if it is a failure, it is a failure of them to be reasonable or realistic regarding the rise of China, and that the world does not revolve around English speaking countries anymore, let alone one with less people than Shanghai.

- Beijing


The American war against the world for ultimate control and hegemony - A do or die effort to dominate the world


Desperate US abusing global dominance of dollar to restore its hegemony in world order

A fundamental aspect of modern property rights is that they must be protected against any irregular expropriation by government. Since World War II, modern economies depend hugely on having reliable access to a reserve currency that offers a stable trading regime. There is deep and growing concern that Washington has now begun an assault aimed at the very foundations of this hallowed regime.

There are two primary facets of this ambush: the way in which the US dollar is being openly exploited, and the more direct attack on the core security expectations associated with property rights. In both cases, this recklessness is aimed at securing certain fervently framed political ends.

Over the last several years, Washington has increasingly misused the immense economic power that comes from running the world's established international currency.

After the Russia-Ukraine conflict began, Jim Rogers said the dollar is now being used as an instrument of war, and it is set to die.

As the conflict in Ukraine developed, an intense rash of property confiscations related to very wealthy Russians living in the West have unfolded.

The role of money, as a primary store of wealth, is now consciously being undermined. Consider two recent examples of rash, currency-based political leveraging that shows what Washington thinks is acceptable today, once it "unfriends" certain governments.

In February, Washington commandeered $3.5 billion, or about half of all Afghanistan public reserves held in the US, to help the families of victims of the Sept 11,2001, terror attacks. This astonishing confiscation was legalized by using a White House executive order. The Taliban government in Kabul, meanwhile, is still denied access to the other $3.5 billion, while wretched, mass misery in Afghanistan has reduced families to selling their children in order to secure food.

A large portion of Russia's foreign exchange reserves of over $600 billion were recently largely rendered useless following the imposition of currency-related sanctions by the US and others.

The world's reserve currency is no longer what we thought it was-that is, a neutral store of value-but has been put to work as a weapon of war. The core aspects of property rights, security and transferability-no longer apply without reservation to all owners of US dollars. Certain owners may now abruptly discover that their rights have been gravely compromised because they fall into a denounced category, solely determined by Washington.

Yet the US assumes that the rest of the world will go along with its own currency-based imperial behavior, and will tolerate whatever may follow. Other states have been threatened that similar high-handed sanctions may be applied if they, too, are precipitously downgraded by the White House. Meanwhile, discussion is already underway about draining those Russian reserves to repair Ukraine.

The US, a borrower already burdened by eye-watering, increasing levels of debt, has used the status of the US dollar not just to borrow cheaply but also to borrow massively increased amounts.

The US is progressively confirming that it's an untrustworthy steward of the world's reserve currency. For now, though, there's no choice but to live with the dominant international standing of the US dollar. The incentive to work on substitutes has, however, been hugely amplified. Various experiments are already afoot, including: potential direct currency swaps, and the further development of sovereign-backed digital currencies. People are also studying the creation of new ratings agencies.

The renminbi, as the currency of the world's largest trading economy, is almost certain to play some role in this coming transition, especially once it becomes fully convertible. One primary lesson to be learned from this alarming, politicized use of the US dollar is that any future replacement needs to be robustly managed as a neutral global currency.
