
Debt trap - The white men's lie about Sri Lankan

However, loans from China accounted for only about 10 per cent of Sri Lanka’s total foreign debt in 2020. The largest portion – about 30 per cent – can be attributed to international sovereign bonds. Japan actually accounts for a higher proportion of their foreign debt, at 11 per cent.

Defaults over China’s infrastructure-related loans to Sri Lanka, especially the financing of the Hambantota port, are being cited as factors contributing to the crisis.

But these facts don’t add up. The construction of the Hambantota port was financed by the Chinese Exim Bank. The port was running losses, so Sri Lanka leased out the port for 99 years to the Chinese Merchant’s Group, which paid Sri Lanka US$1.12 billion.

So the Hambantota port fiasco did not lead to a balance of payments crisis (where more money or exports are going out than coming in), it actually bolstered Sri Lanka’s foreign exchange reserves by US$1.12 billion.

So, what are the real reasons for the crisis?

 The above is from an article in CNA by  R Ramakumar is a Professor of Economics at Tata Institute of Social Sciences. 


From the few numbers given it clearly showed that the debt trap which Sri Lanka is suffering is not from loans from China. China's loan accounts for only 10% of the total debt of Sri Lankan. Japan's loan to Sri Lanka is more than China at 11%, why no one calls it a debt trap? Mischievous agenda from the Americans is the reason. They lied and spread disinformation to smear China without telling the real numbers. 

If debt to China is only 10%, Japan 11%, then the bulk of the debt, the real debt trap of 79% came from where? It is the IMF, the biggest creditor of Sri Lanka, the organisation that is causing all the woes of the Sri Lankans.  This is another perfect example of the treacherous Americans pointing fingers, making wild allegations when they are the real culprits. Sri Lanka's debt trap is caused by loans from the IMF.

What about the infamous lie of debt trap caused by the Hambantota Port? Yes, Sri Lanka took a big loan from China's Exim Bank and unable to pay back the loan. But Sri Lanka turned it into a revenue by leasing the port to China and was paid US$1.12 billion for it. Where is the debt, where is the debt trap when it is a plus for Sri Lanka? Why the evil Americans still spreading this lie of debt trap because of the port? Why don't the Americans admit that the debt trap came from the IMF, an American controlled organisation?

Leasing the port to China is a profitable business like Djibouti leasing its land to the Americans, and a few other nations as military bases. It is pure business, earning rents. What is wrong with that? Djibouti is still an independent country and proud of it, unlike the semi colonies of the American Empire, the Japanese, South Koreans, and the Europeans, that have all lost their independence and being controlled by the Americans and have to host American bases in their own countries, cannot say No to the Americans, and have to pay for the Americans' military presence in their homeland.

When would the American and western media stop their fake news about this debt trap? When would all the hostile media and so called journalists, reporters, anal-lysts stop smearing China with this fake debt trap lie? If there is a real debt trap issue, no one would be joining the BRI, the whole of Africa would not be taking loans from China. 

Fortunately the leaders of these nations are not stupid and would not be led by the nose by the evil Americans and the West with their disgusting lies and disinformation.

There is no debt trap from China, only white men's lies.



All Empires must fall, China will not

 All Empires did all they could not to fall. But all Empires fell without exception. The American Empire is falling and the Americans are trying all they could to hold on to it, but for whatever they are doing and have done, they are actually helping their Empire to fall faster. They are dismantling all their dominance and control over systems, technology, trust, etc etc discrediting themselves and undoing themselves, giving up their monopolies and strategic advantages in everything. 

In just a few weeks, they have committed the gravest of all sins by discrediting the American designed international financial system and confidence in the US dollar as an international currency.  These two are the final nails to the coffin of the American Empire. 

Only a few years back they started on a technology and economic war against China only to lose control of the mobile phone technology and AI industry. Huawei has developed its own operating system and Android's share is dwindling and would soon become a minor operator. So is their control of the chip industry. China is launching its own chips and would be in parity very soon and would overtake the Americans to be the dominant player. China is also running away with 5G and 6G technology while the Americans are desperately hugging on to their obsolete 4G tech and pretending to have 5G with 4G plus tech.

Space and space station would be history to the Americans in a couple of years. There will be only one space station in the sky and one, the ISS, floating and limping along with dead astronauts inside for overstaying its useful life and run out date. Because of the distrust and fear of American deceit and treachery, no American astronauts would even be allowed into the China Space Station for whatever reason. China has learnt that any cooperation with the Americans is their undoing as the slimy, untrustworthy and scheming Americans' intent is to undermine and destroy China in everyway they could.

The Americans silly trick of embedding a software in the Boeing fleets of aircraft and abusing it to cause the aircraft to crash at will have destroyed faith in the countries of the world to buy and operate Boeing aircraft. Like the international banking system, international currency, the world is looking for safer alternatives to replace operating American made aircraft, weapons systems, the banking system and the US dollar, and no more petrol dollar. 

The American can kiss their Empire goodbye. Its end is nearer than the Americans think or believe or want it to be.

Why China would not fall in the same way as the American Empire? The Chinese have spent many hours studying the rise and fall of Empires and have learnt many valuable lessons. They would not be stupid enough to want to face the same fate as a fallen Empire. The Chinese historically has never been an Empire like the West, invasion, colonisation and conquest. Now, armed with more knowledge and wisdom, the last thing that the Chinese want is to conquer the world by military force and to build an Empire.

China would be rich and powerful, but only wants to be respected as a big power, not to control the world as an Empire. There will be no Chinese Empire to talk about. Only the West are talking about empires, wanting to hold on to the evil American Empire but accusing China of empire building. China is building a new world order of common destiny and shared prosperity. Without becoming an Empire, there is no Chinese Empire to fall on the wayside like the last American Empire. The new reality is that no one would subscribe or succumb to be ruled or to want to be ruled by another Empire.

The Chinese are not stupid to want to build such an Empire to be the enemy of the world, to be hated, to be opposed, and to never live in peace. It would be too costly for the Chinese or any country to have an Empire Dream. It would be a nasty dream to start with and to end with.

The West is screwed - China won't drain food supplies to accomodate West

 Beijing is focused on securing sufficient food supply for China's 1.4 billion population. Some Western critics are accusing China of contributing to global inflation, food price hikes and regional shortages of foodstuffs as the nation keeps importing record levels of grain year after year.

China’s government is not planning to release the country’s massive reserves of grain to provide much-needed relief to Western nations that are bracing for historically high food prices, Chinese local media outlet Xinjiang Daily reported on Friday.

“Some foreign media have recently claimed that the build-up of Chinese grain reserves supposedly 'portended' the [Russian-Ukrainian] conflict by causing a rise in prices in the global grain markets, they even called on China to free up 20% of its grain stocks to save the European market.” the newspaper reported, adding that the demands are “absurd and inadequate.” 
PS. The evil white savages started this war in Ukraine thinking that they could destroy Russia and China and rule the world forever. Now they are writing the narratives and using western media and the media of their stooges to put the blame on China.
They started a fire and demanded China to put out the fire. They think they could still push China and the rest of the world to do their bidding. They are still living in their own delusion. The rest of the world have had enough of the bullying and oppression by the white savages and are standing together to take down the evil American Empire together with all the white savages in Europe.


Reckless and empty head Trump versus cool and intense Putin

 The pride of the USA was and still is Donald Trump, the reckless, unpredictable cowboy with nothing in between his ears but brawn and gore. This is why the Americans love him. He is the paragon of American virtues and pride. And he could behave so with all the nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction available to him. He does not care a dime about anything or rule of law. He just behave like a brute and would knock the daylight out of anyone in his American way.

The Americans have been behaving in this way, the international gangster way, to say it politely, or the world's number one terrorist way. To the Americans, might is always right. And they could get away with it when there is no one with the same might and backing to fight back. The Americans would slam their way into any country as and when they like, using their so called rule of law or breaking all rules of law, democratic way, respecting human rights, the right to live for the innocent women and children in the Middle East, in countries called Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan. All the rights of these people were respected and NEVER violated by the Americans...that is if you believe in their lies. Many unthinking believe so.

On the other corner of the ring is Putin, a cool cucumber, calculative and firm, very firm when he needs to be. Don't mess around with him. According to the western media and the gangsters in Washington and European capitals, Putin is a rogue, did not believe in human rights and violated all the rights of the innocent people of Ukraine when he invaded that country that was guilty of bombing and killing Russians in Donbass and Lugansk. Putin is guilty of war crimes when he held back from blasting and blowing up everything in Kiev and other Ukrainian cities, all because he did not want to harm the civilians in them. He could have done what the Americans and the Brits did in Iraq, in Syria and in Afghanistan. Sent in the bombs, neutralised and disarmed the cities before sending in the soldiers to clean up the cities after everyone has been killed, war collaterals. 

By not doing so, the Americans and western media are sneering at him, laughing at him, that his invasion is stalled, going on very slowly, and suffering huge casualties. If only he had blasted the Ukrainians to Stone Age like the Americans and the Brits did. If Putin had done so, the Ukrainians or their American and European allies would not even have the chance to cry out Daddy and the war would be over.

The Twains did not meet. I mean Trump and Putin has yet to meet. But this may not be long. Trump is making a strong comeback and seeing what Biden is doing, the red neck Americans are gritting in anger and would want to replace Biden with Trump tomorrow if they could do it.

The world may not have to wait for too long to see how terrorist Trump would measure up when he meets Putin sitting at the other corner of the ring. It would be a good fight when Trump throws everything at Putin and Putin throws everything back at him. 

And the whole world can sing, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!


USA facing unstoppable runaway inflations as sanctions and wars continue


Inflation in the USA has gone up to 8.5% in March, the highest in 40 years. And Biden is blaming Putin for all the ills of the USA. China will be next. They never blame themselves.

Inflation in USA was relatively low when Biden came into the White House. It started rising even before the Ukraine War started, so Republicans are not buying into Biden's take on the issue, by trying to push all the blame on inflation to Putin and the Ukraine War.

Earlier in his term, Biden had been talking about adding trillions to the USA debt to fund the fight against COVID and his Build Back Better plan, printing banana money by the trillions, which as anyone knows, will eventually cause massive inflation. This is the exact consequence if any other country does the same. But the USA thinks it is exceptional and can just export the surplus banana notes printed, and together with it, it's inflation, all over the world as they always did.

It works very well over the decades when demand for US$ around the world was instrumental in absorbing their inflation caused by their unrestrained printing of US$. But then the trade war came, and the USA cuts trade with China, so how much lesser US$ would the Chinese side be absorbing out of the surplus fiat money the USA have been printing? That is why now there appears to have been a roll back and more trade seems to have taken place between the USA and China. This also applies to other countries caught by Trump's trade war. Moreover, the higher tariffs imposed on Chinese goods are contributing to inflation as well. China is not paying for the tariffs, but USA consumers are paying for more expensive stuff from China.

On top of that there was the massive trade deals of hundreds of billions done between China, Iran and Russia among others, bypassing the use of the US$. What does all this mean? They are not inconsequential issues for the US$.

If all those US$ fiat money printed year after year, and the bulk remains in the USA, what do you think it will do? Whatever exceptionalism they have cannot defeat the inflation it will create. That is what is happening now. The Russian sanctions and the demand by the Russians to do oil in Rubles is adding one more nail in the US$ coffin by trimming world demand for US$ and boosting demand for Rubles instead. Inflation will get worse in the USA going forward.

In fact the unrestrained printing of more US$ has given the impression that there is only a small fall in the percentage share of the usage of the US$ in world trade. The reality is more severe. The last I know was the US$ had a 59% share of usage among all the major currencies, like the Euro and Yen in world trade.

Of course other countries are facing the same problem as they still need US$ for trade with the USA and is sharing the inflation trap exported by the USA.


PS. Trillions to fight Covid, trillions to build infrastructure, trillions to fight wars, plus pay more for imports because of higher tariffs, higher oil prices, reduction in petrol dollar trades.....