The desperadoes in Washington have slammed in the last nail to the coffins of American and western banks, including the banks of allies and lackey countries with their reckless and thoughtless freezing and confiscating of Russian assets and funds, including deposits of rich individual Russians. This callous and senseless breach of faith has destroyed all confidence in American and western banks and all their associates. Which country would still dare to put money into these banks? Which individuals would still think their monies would be safe in the hands of white men and their lackeys?
The Middle Eastern countries, African, Latin American and Asian countries, including those in Southeast Asia, are all potential targets to have their assets and monies supposedly kept in the safe hands of the white men would now be shivering in their pants. When would it be their turn to have their monies seized by the white men? They would all be panicking and thinking seriously where to park their money safely and when to move them out quickly from the American and western banks. And if they are to pull out their deposits, in what currency would they be converted to for their own protection.
If there is a bank run in American banks and western banks, the American dollar and Euro would likely be hit badly and their values would also take a nose dive. The daily barrage to discredit Chinese banks may now sound hollow and AIIB, Bric banks and major Chinese banks and the yuan may now look safer and more attractive a bet.
How much money would flow out of America and Europe and how many would be seeking new safe havens is still in the making but surely a big sum would flee America and Europe. Not only the American and western banks would lose customers and favours, the American SWIFT banking system would also be questionable. It's reliability is no longer a guarantee and could be weaponised anytime against any country, hijacked by the white gangsters to serve their political interests.
This rash and desperate act of the Americans have upset the whole international banking and finance system and the value of the US dollar. The Americans did not see the nuclear bomb they have set off in the financial world. Their exceptionalism to do as they pleased with no concern for the interests of the rest of the world means payback time. They are no longer trustworthy, their banks are hellholes of pirates, bandits and mafias.
It is the end of American hegemony, American dollar, American banks and banking system. It is the end of the American Empire, dismantled and destroyed by the Americans themselves. The rest of the world would be seeking a new system to replace everything American and western.
Thanks and no thanks to the idiots in Washington, a brave new world and a new world order would rise from the ashes of this Ukraine debacle. The world would not be the same again.
Good riddance to the evil American Empire.